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Cadenza Ceremonies Bespoke - Wedding, Naming and Funeral Celebrancy. Eulogy Writing Independent Civil Celebrant - Diploma and Accredited Celebrant. Will travel anywhere.


Embrace Your Inherent Worth copyright Aindre Reece-sheerin 26th July 2024

In a universe that may very well hold only us, each individual’s existence is nothing short of profound. You don’t need to seek validation for your place in this vast cosmos. Simply being here, in this moment, is an extraordinary thing. Your life, with its unique journey, joys and challenges, holds immense significance.

When you next take a break from the relentless demands of work, give yourself the gift of disconnection. Leave behind your devices, inform only those who need to know for emergencies and then turn your attention inward. Embrace the rare opportunity to be fully present with yourself.

Dive into moments of pure, unfiltered joy. Whether alone or with a partner who shares your affection and playfulness, make time for lightheartedness. Engage in silly games, share stories that make you laugh and savor the simple pleasures that renew your spirit.

Work is important, but it should never overshadow the fundamental need for joy and connection. Your happiness, your moments of playfulness, and your relationships are not secondary—they are essential. Don’t sacrifice these for the sake of productivity. In fact, these moments of joy and connection are what truly nourish and inspire us.

Cherish these breaks as affirmations of your worth in this seemingly solitary universe. They remind you that, in the grand scheme of things, your existence matters profoundly. Life is as much about experiencing joy as it is about achieving goals.



I am moved to write this following not one but several, notices on the passing of a parent recently. It has taken me several days to finish. Copyright aindre reece-sheerin 25th July 2024

‘Losing’* a parent or parents can be one of the most profound and challenging experiences and offering comfort and understanding can make a significant difference.
The ‘loss”* of a parent marks a profound shift in the tapestry of our existence.
The words "loss" or "passing" often soften the harsh reality of death. We tend to avoid using the words "dead" or "death" because they confront us directly with the finality of someone’s absence. Here’s another piece that addresses this directly, yet sensitively:

** When we speak of death, we often cloak it in softer terms - "loss" or "passing" - as if to shield ourselves from the stark reality of its permanence. Yet, in the face of the death of a parent, the euphemisms fall away and we are left to grapple with the raw truth. Our parents have died. They are no longer here in thee physical realm, to hold us, to guide us, to love us in the tangible ways we have always known.

Death forces us to confront the fragility of life and the undeniable truth that everything and everyone, is temporary. It is a profound reminder of our own mortality and the finite nature of our existence. In acknowledging death openly, we do not diminish the gravity of our grief but rather honour the deep impact that our parents' lives and deaths have (had) on us.

It is natural to recoil from the harshness of these words but embracing them can also be a path to healing. By speaking honestly about death, we allow ourselves to experience fully, our grief, to mourn without pretence and to begin the process of healing authentically. It is in this unfiltered reality that we find the strength to continue living, carrying forward the legacy and love of those who have died.

Our parents' death does not sever the bond we share with them. Their influence, their lessons and their love remain integral parts of who we are. In our hearts and minds, they live on, shaping our actions and our understanding of the world. As we navigate life without their physical presence, we honour them by embracing the truth of their death and the fullness of the life they lived.
Death is a part of the human experience, a chapter that we all must face. By acknowledging it with honesty and courage, we give ourselves the permission to feel, to remember and of equal import, to cherish the indelible impact our parents have had on us. Their death marks an end; moreover, it deepens our appreciation for the life they lived and the life we continue to live in their memory.

In this journey through grief, may we find solace in the truth, strength in our memorie and peace in the enduring connection that transcends even death itself.
As children and often even as adults, we are enveloped in the warmth of our parents' love - a sanctuary of hugs, kisses and words of encouragement. This protective love shields us from the harsh winds of life's challenges, creating a haven where we can remain, if only fleetingly, untouched by the world's troubles.
When our parents pass away, the world seems to shift on its axis. We are thrust into a realm where the comforting embrace of parental love is no longer a refuge we can seek. No matter our age, the orphaning loss carves a void in our hearts, a chasm where once there was an unshakeable sense of security. We are compelled to step out from the shadows of their protection and confront the world with a newfound vulnerability.

Yet, within this painful transition lies a profound truth: the essence of our parents' love is not lost with their passing. It remains etched into the core of our being, a guiding light in our darkest moments. The face of our parents, their teachings, their values, their unwavering belief in us - they are ingrained in us for eternity. In fact, wee serve their memory better by continuing to share that love and philosophy, with those whom we meet – not just our family...

We carry forward the legacy of their love, transforming it into our own strength. The living child within us, who yearns for the safety and reassurance that only parents can provide, finds solace in the memories and lessons imparted by those who have shaped us. We learn to embrace the resilience they instilled in us, to find comfort in the echoes of their encouragement, and to feel their presence in the fabric of our lives, even when they are physically absent.
Life does indeed become harder without their immediate protective love. However, we are not left entirely alone. In moments of doubt and difficulty, we can turn inward and discover that their love has not abandoned us; it has merely taken a different form. For, now, it resides within us, empowering us to navigate the complexities of life with a strength and grace that our parents would be proud of.

In acknowledging our inner child and the enduring influence of our parents, we find a path forward. Their love becomes the bedrock upon which we build our lives, enabling us to face the world with a sense of courage and purpose. The transition from the sheltered embrace of childhood to the independence of adulthood is softened by the eternal bond we share with our parents - a bond that time and mortality cannot sever.

Thus, even in their absence, we remain cradled in their love, our spirits fortified by the indelible mark they have left upon our hearts. We continue to grow, to thrive and to honour their memory by living our lives fully and with the same depth of love they bestowed upon us.


There are indeed some very very sad/sick individuals out there on FaceAche - people now sending out friend requests under the guise for Funeral Service of .....


I wrote this some ten years ago and only just rediscovered it this evening
It Started With A Kiss copyright aindre reece-sheerin Good Friday 2014
The song says, it started with a kiss
but I would be remiss not to tell you
of how humble His birth was; rejected from the off;
hated and feared even, by the King himself.

A woodworker’s son who preached Good NEWS.
A young man who judged no-one.
A man full grown and tempted.
A man unique, as He resisted.

He demanded nothing but asked for everything.
He moved always in humility
and did but once, we know, show his anger,
wrecking tables and throwing people out of the Temple.

He loved all who believed and those who knew not.
Yet He, laughed at mocked, spurned and scourged
in His final hours, healed a wounded soldier come to arrest Him. He had knelt and prayed so intensely,

that He Bled and Sweat tears of blood.
‘Rabbi’ to betrayer, called and kissed Him.
So the deed was done, the motion set.
Dragged from one to other, where no crime could be found.

Today when I wash my hands and look the other way,
do I betray Him too?
Scourged and dragged thru streets of fickle humanity.
Whereas, lower animals would have remembered His kindnesses. We spat at Him and cast lots for His clothes,

then went to the spectacle that Golgotha off times shows.
Clump, Clump, Clump. As the hammer drives in large,
holding nails. The thieves by His side, one mocking, one pleading. He calls out to His Father, 'Why have You forsaken me'?

A drink from a sponge, filled with the bitterness of Humanity
as he gives up His last.
All that’s left now, is the darkness and the splintered wood.
The holes that once held Him;

He who wanted to save the world.
The blood soaked wood,
sticky with seared flesh and, even if not a God, one who gave all He had for me and for you, like it or not, for He believed.


I needed an ending for this piece and having read a recent post by the lovely Louise Martin, I managed to finish this piece. Thank you for the push. Hope you like it.
Reverent Silence copyright aindre reece-sheerin 21st June 2024

It is not incredibly sad that in life, one can be loved more than we may ever get to know! Someone in our life might find just being near to us, inviting and warm, even if we’ve only but exchanged a few words , 'en passant' with them or none at all.

Life is a tapestry woven with the threads of countless interactions, both fleeting and profound. Within this intricate design, lies the truth that we may never fully comprehend the depth of the love or feeling others have for us. It is a testament to the mysterious and boundless nature of human connection.

Every encounter, no matter how brief, leaves an imprint; some on our hear and some to the depths of our Soul. In the silent exchanges of glances, in the briefest conversations, there resides an invisible bond that can bloom into an unspoken yet profound affection. The warmth we exude, often unconsciously, can resonate deeply with someone, offering them comfort, solace and even love. This ‘love’, unannounced and unreciprocated, can be the silent strength that someone carries within their heart.

Often, we ‘perceive’ love in tangible forms, like words, actions, gifts and yet, the most profound love can exist in the spaces between these expressions. It is in the quiet admiration, in the reverent silence, in the thought of us that brings a smile to someone’s face. Such love is not measured by declarations but by its enduring presence, often remaining unvoiced.

This ‘reality’, invites us to recognize the inherent value of our being. Our presence alone can be a source of joy and comfort to others. It teaches us to live with an awareness of the unseen connections we forge simply by being ourselves. We must cherish the possibility that our existence, in its most genuine form, is a gift to others in ways that we may never fully grasp.

In understanding, even accepting this, we find a gentle humility. We learn to appreciate the silent love that surrounds us, even if it is never articulated. We become aware that our lives are intertwined in a grand, invisible network of affection and warmth. This awareness can inspire us to live more kindly, to approach each day with gratitude for the unseen impact we have on others.

Ultimately, the profound ‘wisdom’ in this realization is that love, in its truest form, is often hidden. It thrives in the quiet corners of our lives, offering us strength and connection without demanding recognition. It is a reminder that we are never truly alone, for within the hearts of others, we reside, cherished and loved more deeply than we will ever know.


As Guernsey's longest established funeral directors, we are proud of our local roots and our experie

The Laughter (that is a Child’s and a Child's alone) copyright aindre reece-sheerin May 2024

The Laughter (that is a Child’s and a Child's alone) copyright aindre reece-sheerin May 2024

In the warm velveteen glow of the nursery, a gentle symphony of coos and gurgles fills the air, a prelude to one of life's most heartwarming sounds: the laughter of an infant baby. This laugh, a spontaneous burst of joy, is a testament to the intricate dance of nature and nurture, a profound display of life's simplest pleasures.
From the moment they enter the world, infants are equipped with an array of innate reflexes, nature's toolkit if you will, for survival and interaction. Among these, laughter emerges not just as a reflex but as an early indicator of joy and connection. It begins as a soft chuckle, often coaxed out by the loving tickles and playful expressions of their parents – something as simple as a gentle, ‘boo’ can set a child rattling with infectious laughter. Each giggle is a tiny milestone, a marker of growth in the rich tapestry of early development.
As the infant's brain blossoms, so too does their ability to experience and express complex emotions. The limbic system, nestled deep within the brain, awakens to the nuances of joy, while the prefrontal cortex begins its long journey of mastering social cues and responses. In this intricate neural ballet, laughter is a graceful pirouette, a clear sign that the brain is making strides in understanding and engaging with the world.
Yet, it is not solely biology at play here. Social interaction weaves its magic into the fabric of an infant’s life. From the first days, babies are astute observers, absorbing the smiles and laughter of those around them like sponges. They mimic, they respond and in this delightful exchange, laughter becomes a shared language. It is a tool for bonding, an affirmation of affection, and a beacon of mutual joy.
Environmental stimuli further enrich this experience. A game of peek-a-boo, the tickle of a soft blanket, or the exaggerated surprise in a Mother’s/Father’s eyes can send an infant into fits of laughter. These moments, repeated and familiar, become cherished routines that elicit pure, unadulterated joy. In these interactions, babies learn the simple yet profound pleasure of positive stimuli, reinforcing their emotional and cognitive development.
Laughter marks a significant milestone in the timeline of an infant's growth. Around the age of three to four months, this joyful sound emerges, first in response to physical sensations and soon expanding to include visual and auditory delights. It's a sign that the infant is beginning to grasp the concept of cause and effect, finding humour in the predictability of playful scenarios.
Ultimately, an infant’s laughter is more than just a delightful sound. It is a complex interplay of biology, social learning, and emotional development. It signifies the burgeoning understanding of the world, the deepening of social bonds, and the blossoming of a personality. In each peal of laughter, there lies a profound expression of joy and a testament to the wonder of early human development.

8-month-old Micah (a boy) laughing hysterically while at-home daddy rips up a job rejection letter. Check out the other "Baby Laughing Hysterically" videos ...

Happy Liberation Day all you lovely Guerns I had the honour of playing for the 70th anniversary of the Deportees liberat...

Happy Liberation Day all you lovely Guerns
I had the honour of playing for the 70th anniversary of the Deportees liberation from the Death Camps and asked if I would write something. Here's what I came up with.

Deportee Prison Blues Sarnia Cherie


Victimhood -copyright aindre reece-sheerin 1st May 2024

You know how the saying goes,
'... one can be a victim of one's success'
but in this, the 21st ~Century, some people seem to make a career out of being a victim.

"Life presents us with countless challenges, some of which may seem insurmountable. It's natural (at times), to feel overwhelmed or even victimized by circumstances. However, it's how we respond to these challenges that defines us.
Rather than allowing ourselves to sink into the mire of self-pity and victimhood, we can ‘choose’ resilience and self-empowerment. Every setback is an opportunity for growth, every obstacle a chance to prove our strength.

Instead of dwelling on what we perceive as unfair or unjust, try to focus on what we can control: our attitude, our actions and our perseverance. In victimhood’s stead, channel that otherwise, wasted energy into finding solutions, seeking support and embracing the lessons that adversity offers. Think Laterally….
Remember, true strength lies not in being a victim of circumstances but in rising above them. So, let us dare to be the heroes without capes of our own stories, refusing to let adversity define us. Together, we can transform challenges into triumphs and setbacks into stepping stones toward a brighter future."
A wise man (Philip Ó ), once told me that one should not be afraid to look back - but in that looking back use those memories and experiences as stepping stones towards the future.

This remains, a profoundly wise insight. Reflecting on the past can offer valuable lessons and perspectives that can guide us as we navigate along life's hills, roads and lanes. Each new (or even, revisited) experience, whether positive or negative, can serve as a stepping stone towards personal growth and development.

By acknowledging and learning from our past, we can gain clarity on what has shaped us, recognize patterns or behaviours that no longer serve us and identify strengths that we can leverage in pursuit of our goals. Instead of being held back by regrets or mistakes, we can use them as building blocks for a better future.
Therefore, just as paving stones provide stability and direction on a path, our past experiences can provide the foundation for our journey ahead. Embracing this aspect allows us to navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence and purpose.

I believe fundamentally, that each human being has the power to rise above the negative and shape our own destinies and in so doing, change the world, positively, forever.

il est ressuscité

il est ressuscité


Good evening, It's Maundy Thursday and I am reminded of the Man Jesus and the poignancy of His time and betrayal, as well as perspiring blood, in the garden at Gethsemane. Then His humiliation and final Crucification on Good Friday.
In the quietude of Gethsemane, beneath the ancient, watchful boughs, a solitary figure knelt, His silhouette carved against the moon's soft glow. This garden, a sanctuary of olives, became the stage for a moment of profound anguish and celestial weight, a prelude to the morrow's sorrow. Here, in the cool embrace of the night, Jesus, the embodiment of boundless love and divine incarnation, faced the shadow of human frailty and cosmic sacrifice.
As He prayed, the weight of the world's sins - a future, present, and past tapestry of human frailty - pressed upon His shoulders with a force more crushing than the mightiest of earthly powers. It was here, amid the silent witnesses of nature, that He experienced a solitude so profound, a burden so immense, that His sweat fell like drops of blood upon the hallowed earth. This moment, transcendent in its agony, was a testament not only to His humanity but to His unfathomable love for humankind.
Betrayal, a theme as ancient as humanity itself, found its most poignant expression in Judas's kiss. A gesture, typically reserved for greeting or affection, became the mark of ultimate treachery. It was not the act itself but the rupture of trust and friendship that imbued this betrayal with its deep, cutting edge. Jesus, fully aware of the forthcoming betrayal, faced it with a dignity and grace that underscored His teachings of forgiveness and love, even in the face of utmost betrayal.

The journey from Gethsemane to Golgotha was marked by humiliations of the flesh and spirit, a path laden with the weight of a cross that bore not just the physical embodiment of punishment but the sins of all. Upon that hill, where skies darkened and the earth itself trembled, the Crucifixion unfolded - a spectacle of suffering, of divine sacrifice, that bridged the chasm between the divine and the human, between eternal justice and boundless mercy.
In His final moments, Jesus's words, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do," echoed as a profound testament to His everlasting compassion and understanding. His Crucifixion, thus, becomes not just a moment of death but a profound act of love, a culmination of a life lived in service to others, a beacon of hope and redemption.
The narrative of Jesus’s agony, betrayal, and Crucifixion transcends the bounds of history and theology, touching the core of our human experience - our struggles with betrayal, our confrontations with mortality, and our longing for redemption. It reminds us of the profound capacity for love, sacrifice and forgiveness inherent in the human spirit, a call to emulate such unconditional love in our own lives.
As we reflect on these moments, let them move us not to despair but to a deeper understanding of the depth of compassion, the strength in forgiveness and the boundless love that can transform suffering into a source of hope, redemption and light for the world.


It's business as usual, just in a different location. Thank you to our clients for your patience during our move.

It's Show Day. If you haven't bought a ticket yet and you can, do please come along and support this lovely local Artist...

It's Show Day. If you haven't bought a ticket yet and you can, do please come along and support this lovely local Artiste Kim Reece-Sheerin Performing her Favourite Carpenters songs. Tickets will be available at the box office this evening. Loads of free Car Parking and the Bar will be open before and during the Intermission. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped bring this show about, especially you for coming along.

I know a lot of people who grieve still today, many years following a passing of a much loved pet companion, life partne...

I know a lot of people who grieve still today, many years following a passing of a much loved pet companion, life partner or family member.
So, this is for you.


So, It's international Women's day.
Well, locally there is a big push for Females in the Musical World and as such, I'd like to mention a few. You may already have heard of the great work Eloise and Kiya are doing in this area - so I'd like to shout out some others, the lovely Katherine and that of her predecessor Fran at the Eisteddfod but also the likes of Lydia, Dominique, Amy, Rachel and many many more locally but a special mention goes the the incredible Woman and Lady with whom I have the honour to be called husband Kim Reece-Sheerin - Who incidentally made history here in the Bailiwick as the first female to put on a One Woman Show at St James Concert Hall and she sold it out too. So, love and light to all the women in the field of music and a final mention to the late jenean c gilstrap who was the catalyst for some of my song writing.
While I'm on a roll, do please try and come along to Kim's show two weeks tomorrow at the Performing Arts Centre


Masculinity Under Siege copyright aindre reece-sheerin MARS 2024
A young boy, in today's troubled world, where youngsters are afraid of their very natural born DNA is in a park. He is in early puberty and has had really strong, properly masculine role models (he adores his mother) but is afraid, 'to be a man' given the vilification in recent times and the massive rise in misandry (not that at 13 he understands this completely). He is in an old park where the trees seem to whisper as anyone walks or ambles by. He is alone with his thoughts but trying to connect with what he calls God as he has chosen to practise as a Roman Catholic (even this, he hides for fear of ridicule), when suddenly in his peripheral vision, he spots a little sparrow, which jumps and hops to nestle almost beside him. He becomes aware of a presence other than the little friendly chirruping bird - nothing malevolent, it is a very old Lady.
Thirteen-year-old Aindreas has found solace beneath the sheltering branches of a weathered oak tree, its gnarled trunk a sturdy refuge amidst the turmoil of his thoughts. In a world where masculinity feels like a target, where even the essence of being a boy seems under attack, he struggles to reconcile his own identity with the narratives swirling around him.
With a heavy heart (yes, even at thirteen), he tries desperatley and reverenly to connect with the divine, his whispered prayers floating like delicate Flutterbys or a fragile lifeline in a sea of uncertainty. "God, if You're truly there, help me, please" he murmurs, his voice a quiet plea carried away by the rustling leaves. "I don't want to be seen as a monster but being a man… I don't know anymore."
In the gentle hush of the park, a tiny visitor rejoins him, its presence a silent comfort as it perches nearby, its song a melody of friendship and hope. The boy feels a glimmer of warmth stir within him, a sense of connection amidst the vastness of his loneliness.
Then, as if summoned by his longing, a presence materializes beside him – an old woman, her age-worn features softened by a kind smile. She listens with patience and understanding as Aindreas pours out his fears and doubts, her eyes reflecting the wisdom of a thousand lifetimes and the smile of a thousand summers.
In the stillness of their exchange, the old woman offers her gentle guidance, her words a beacon of light in the darkness of his uncertainty. She gestures towards the sparrow, its simple presence a testament to courage and resilience. "True strength," she explains, "lies not in dominance but in kindness, compassion, and the courage to stand for what is right."
He feels a weight lift from his shoulders as her words sink in, a newfound sense of purpose stirring within him. The old woman's touch, though fleeting, leaves an indelible mark on his heart, a reminder of the goodness that lies within him, within everyone.
As she fades from view, leaving only the echo of her presence behind, Aindreas watches the sparrow take flight, its wings carrying it into the boundless expanse of the sky. In that moment, he understands – he is not alone and his journey is just beginning.
With a sense of gratitude and determination, the boy rises to his feet, his spirit buoyed by the knowledge that he has the power to shape his own destiny. Though the road ahead may be uncertain, he knows that he carries within him the strength to choose kindness, to be a beacon of light in a world that sometimes feels lost in shadow.
As he watches the sparrow disappear into the distance, he knows that he can soar too, his heart filled with the song of hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


Time Whispers Softly inspired by Peter G Davidson – copyright aindre reece-sheerin MARS 2024
In the quiet solitude of winter's embrace, when the frost clings to the edges of the world and the chill seeps into the bones, Time whispers softly, weaving its gentle cadence through the stillness. It's in these moments that contemplation takes hold and I find myself reflecting on the passage of days, of years and the fleeting nature of existence.
As I stand amidst the barren landscape, surrounded by the hushed symphony of falling snow, I am reminded of the fragility of life. Each snowflake, a delicate masterpiece born from the heavens above, mirrors the transient beauty of our own journey. Time, like the winter wind, carries with it echoes of memories past, whispers of dreams yet to unfold.
In the midst of this wintry reverie, I find myself pondering the enigma of age. Have I truly lived long enough to "grow old"? The question lingers in the air, lingering like a ghost haunting the corridors of my mind. In the dance between past and present, between youth and age, I search for meaning, for purpose, for the essence of what it means to live.
As Time continues its silent vigil, I realize that the answer lies not in the ticking of the clock or the turning of the seasons but in the moments we choose to embrace. For it is in the laughter shared with loved ones, in the tears shed in moments of sorrow, in the dreams pursued with unwavering determination, that truly, we find the measure of our existence.
So, as Time whispers to me in the cold embrace of winter, I choose to clasp each passing moment with gratitude and grace. For in the end, it is not the years we accumulate but the depth of our experiences, the richness of our connections, that define the legacy we leave behind. In the quiet stillness of this wintry landscape, I find solace in the knowledge that Time may march ever forward but the memories we hold dear will endure, eternal and unyielding, against the ravages of time.

In the quiet solitude of winter's embrace, when the frost clings to the edges of the world and the chill seeps into the bones, Time whispers softly, weaving its gentle cadence through the stillness. It's in these moments that contemplation takes hold and I find myself enveloped in the silent melody of existence.

As I stand (granted, a relative term as a Wheelchair-User) amidst the barren landscape, surrounded by the hushed symphony of falling snow, each flake a delicate note in nature's orchestration, I am reminded of the fragility of life. Each snowflake, a delicate masterpiece born from the heavens above, mirrors the transient beauty of our own journey. Time, like the winter wind, carries with it echoes of memories past, intimations of dreams yet to unfold.
In the midst of this wintry reverie, I find myself pondering the enigma of age. Have I truly lived long enough to "grow old"? The question lingers in the air, like a ghost haunting the corridors of my mind. In the dance between past and present, between youth and age, I search for meaning, for purpose, for the essence of what it means, truly, to live.
As Time continues its silent vigil, I realize that the answer lies not in the ticking of the clock or the movement and switching of the seasons but in the moments we choose to embrace. For it is in the laughter shared with loved ones, in the tears shed in moments of sorrow, in the dreams pursued with unwavering determination, that we truly find the measure of our existence.
So, as Time whispers to me in the cold embrace of winter, I choose to embrace each passing moment with gratitude and grace. For in the end, it is not the years we accumulate but the depth of our experiences, the richness of our connections, that define the legacy we leave behind. Moreover, in the quiet stillness of this wintry landscape, I find solace in the knowledge that Time may march ever forward but the memories we hold dear will endure, eternal and unyielding, against the ravages of time.



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