In all what is going on we wanted to share some happy news, and tell you about what has been going on in the background.
At the start of the year we were provided with some funding from the Gateway Trust, to buy equipment for our events. As you may remember we also had a Gofundme page which was live for a short time. Using what we had we were able to purchase the following:
Full Sound System including stands from PMT.
Full Lighting Rig including spots and lasers.
The remaining money was put towards a Pioneer Controller that will be used for future events, so pretty much nailed the whole setup. As you can imagine this wasn't cheap, so all the donations were massively appreciated.
We also used the part of the money raised from our christmas event to put towards the new set of Decks that will be used.
Any remaining money was used to cover expenses that were taken out for our Spring Event which obviously had to be cancelled. There were a small amount of people who hadn't requested a refund, and especially Caroline Harvey, who opted to donate her ticket money, which we were very grateful for so thank you Caroline. We were initially going to have to cover expenses from the funding we had, however due to kind people donating their money , we were able to use this to cover any costs. This meant that in the long run we had more money for equipment so in essence their money has gone towards equipment for Abstinent Events. The knock on effect is that now we have our own equipment, more money can be used to help services in nottingham ( i hope that makes sense i feel like i have to explain myself best as i can aha )
This will be a hugeeee help in all areas of what we do. These items were costing us a fair whack every time we put on an event, so having these now permanently means that the more money made from events, the more that can go back into the services which support people in Nottingham.
Thankyou all so much for your continued support... I felt like i just wanted to keep you guys in the loop of what is happening