The importance of pollinator-friendly garden.
Last night’s pickings are this morning’s diner for this flush ball. She positively gorging herself on the nectar-filled Antirrhinum White Admiral.
No working outside today but watching the magic from a warm inside.
Hope you can stay in and enjoy the delights of a cosy home.
The sun is out, the sky a shade off baby blue and the scent of freshly cut eucalyptus.
My kinda heaven.
Lots of Christmas decor coming up and I love to have everything super fresh.
I’ll be taking wreath etc. orders for @hedgerow_lane till the 25th
anc if any of you are coming to the Christmas fair @christmasatthecastlefair you’ll be able to get a preview of the finished product and order then.
Right. Off to do battle with the to-do list.
Happy Thursday my lovelies.
Hope you’re bathed in sunshine too.