Beautiful outlook.
We don't talk about this enough, but we must. Loved ones have enough to deal with when you pass but they would rather know your chosen music, readings, words, flowers etc etc.
Now when I'm out with friends and the subject comes up ( cause I allow it to 😜 ), it gets people thinking and telling me their wishes!
Great craic'.... problem is, I can't remember - so they need to write it down and pass it my way, or record their wishes and send to me.
I need to out live them all. 🤞😝
I don't want anyone else but me choosing the music, 😭.
Think about it...share it. Then put it to bed. X
One time I met a man
Who only had a month to live
And I asked him if he had
Any advice that he could give
He said “I wake each morning
Knowing I am going to die
So each day must remind me
I am blessed to be alive
You see, my life’s on countdown
As each hour is unfurled
I know the clock is ticking
On my time here in this world
But what you’re overlooking
Is that it’s the same for you -
You know that I am dying
But forget that you are too
So make the most of sunshine
And go dancing in the rain
And sing a little louder
When your favourite music plays
Notice nature’s colours,
Savour everything you taste
Stop waiting for tomorrow
‘Cause you’ve got no time to waste
And could you say convincingly
That you’d have no regrets?
If just the next few days or weeks
Were all that you had left?”
And then my breath caught quickly
When he turned to me and asked
“Could you say that you died happy
If this day had been your last?”
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by Caspar David Friedrich
(I discovered this artwork on a recent visit to London).