Gaelic Hebrides

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Gaelic Hebrides Gaelic Hebrides shares the richness of Scottish Gaelic, it is only a culture if it grows.

The very successful Trad Ceilidh for Visitors 2023 (at An Taigh Ceilidh, Church St. this year). Cant believe it is Augus...

The very successful Trad Ceilidh for Visitors 2023 (at An Taigh Ceilidh, Church St. this year). Cant believe it is August already, only two events to come 12th and 19th August.

The Traditional Hebridean Ceilidh for visitors will continue into July and August. Fortnightly dates are on the poster b...

The Traditional Hebridean Ceilidh for visitors will continue into July and August. Fortnightly dates are on the poster below. Locals are required to come and provide the welcome, chat and tunes. Lets share the cultural love and language before it evaporates.

For January 2022 and by request, Amhran 's Inneas is a four week, hour long, online event, for Gaelic Heritage Learners....

For January 2022 and by request, Amhran 's Inneas is a four week, hour long, online event, for Gaelic Heritage Learners. We will be exploring the dualchas through simple work songs. It will be a Tuesday early evening slot. More details at [email protected]

Rotal a boat's wake, accounts by Isle of Lewis and Isle of Harris fishermen. This new publication is available from Nov ...

Rotal a boat's wake, accounts by Isle of Lewis and Isle of Harris fishermen. This new publication is available from Nov 20th at the Stornoway Fishermans Coop and online. A huge thank you to all those fishermen and their families, who contributed information and the local photographers who gave their images for the book.

Guth Nan Siarach air campaigning for support for the Vernacular Gaelic Community in the Hebrides.

Guth Nan Siarach air campaigning for support for the Vernacular Gaelic Community in the Hebrides.

A cur air dòigh blas de na tha dol aig Gàidheal Alba airson a’ Chòmhdhail Cheilteach 2021. We are lining up the Gàidhlig...

A cur air dòigh blas de na tha dol aig Gàidheal Alba airson a’ Chòmhdhail Cheilteach 2021.

We are lining up the Gàidhlig contribution to the International Celtic Congress online.

Bidh òraidiche ann, agus cuid de luchd ciùil òga na
Gàidhealtachd. Cumaimh air siùil a mach airson a cheangal airson na Chòmhdhail 2-4 Iuchair 2021.

Gaelic will be represented by a speaker, musicians and several people using Gàidhlig as part of their business. Also an ecumenical service including all 6 Celtic languages. The International event will be online 2-4th July. Links coming soon.

The Isle of Harris in the Hebrides is a popular destination for visitors. Still reverberating in the Bays and glens are ...

The Isle of Harris in the Hebrides is a popular destination for visitors. Still reverberating in the Bays and glens are the praise poems of native Hearachs.

Harris Development Ltd have collated and published a wealth of Gaelic Poetry in three collections: Bàrd Chliùthair Alasdair Ferguson of Cluer, Bàrdachd Sgalpaigh a collection of Gaelic poetry from Scalpay (Cd of songs included), Bàrdachd Na Hearadh poetry which was gathered throughout the rest of Harris.

Withinn this compendium of poetry there are previously unpublished bardic compositions with themes of landscape, love and loss, clearance also portrayal of the crofting, fishing and community activities.

Bardachd Scalpaigh -collated by Morag Nicleoid £15 (includes cd)
Bardachd na Hearadh - collated by Magaidh Nic A Ghobhainn £12
Bard Chliuthair - A Bheatha agus A Bhardachd - collated by Lachlainn Macamhlaidh £10
Taghadh de Bhardachd Scalpaigh - £5 (CD of songs in the Scalpay book)

Ceilidh Na Gaidhlig Thursdays 7.30-9.00. Failte oirbh uile. Gaidhlig online Ceilidhs in March Amhrain Gaidhlig, ceol Gai...

Ceilidh Na Gaidhlig Thursdays 7.30-9.00. Failte oirbh uile.
Gaidhlig online Ceilidhs in March
Amhrain Gaidhlig, ceol Gaidhealach agus comhradh sa Ghaidhlig.
Diardaoin 4mh,11mh,18mh, 25mh den Mhart.
All welcome link [email protected]

The traditional Gaelic singer Donald Angus Matheson from Barvas, Isle of Lewis. Domhnall Angaidh is very popular with vi...

The traditional Gaelic singer Donald Angus Matheson from Barvas, Isle of Lewis. Domhnall Angaidh is very popular with visitors to the Gearrananan Blackhouse Villages where he shares Gaelic songs and Gaelic psalms. Donald's Traditional Songs of the Islands and Traditional Gold Medalist CDS are available from Gaelic Hebrides

Gaelic ceilidh events and exercise sessions in Gaelic for February.  Tachartasan sa Ghàidhlig air loidhne-saor an asgaid...

Gaelic ceilidh events and exercise sessions in Gaelic for February.
Tachartasan sa Ghàidhlig air loidhne-saor an asgaidh airson mìos An Gearran /Feb 2021

Diardaoin 11mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ’s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f
(Ceangal [email protected])

Diardaoin 18mh Pi-Yo eacarsaich sa Ghàidhlig 5.30-6.30f.
(Ceangal Animisha’s virtual fitness)
Diardaoin 18mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ’s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f
(Ceangal [email protected])

Diluain 22mh Sgeulachdan Uige 7-8.30f.
(Ceangal bho [email protected])

Diardaoin 25mh Pi-Yo eacarsaich sa Ghàidhlig 5.30-6.30f
(Ceangal Animisha’s virtual fitness)
Diardaoin 25mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ‘s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f
(Ceangal [email protected])


Gaelic events in January
Tachartasan sa Ghàidhlig air loidhne-saor an asgaidh airson mios An Fhaoilleach /Jan 2021
Diardaoin 14mh Pi-Yo eacarsaich sa Ghàidhlig 5.30-6.30f.
(Ceangal Animisha’s virtual fitness)
Diardaoin 14mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ’s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f
(Ceangal [email protected])
Diluain 18mh Sgeulachdan Uige 7-8.30f.
(Ceangal bho [email protected])
Diciadain 20mh Buidhean Comhradh 7.30-8.30
(Ceangal [email protected])
Diardaoin 21mh Pi-Yo eacarsaich sa Ghàidhlig 5.30-6.30f
(Ceangal Animisha’s virtual fitness)
Diardaoin 21mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ‘s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f
(Ceangal [email protected])
Diciadain 27mh Buidhean Comhradh 7.30-8.30
(Ceangal [email protected])
Diardaoin 28mh Pi-Yo eacarsaich sa Ghàidhlig 5.30-6.30f
(Ceangal Animisha’s virtual fitness)
Diardaoin 28mh Cèilidh Amhrain Ghàidhlig ‘s ceòl duthchail. 7.30-9f(Ceangal [email protected])

This is the eve of the Old New Year on 12th January, celebrated in parts of the Isle of Lewis until the 1970s. The young...

This is the eve of the Old New Year on 12th January, celebrated in parts of the Isle of Lewis until the 1970s. The young men of the village would recite an ancient rhyme outside each home and on entering would circle the fire three times in a sun wise direction. On leaving each house the blessing rhyme was as follows:
Beannaich an taigh s na th'ann.
Eadar choin 's cheit 's chlann.
Pailteas bi 's pailteas aodaich.
Slainte dhaoine gun robh ann.

Tachartas sa Ghaidhlig. I love to meet Gaelic song enthusiasts and there have been many of them, at our weekly online ce...

Tachartas sa Ghaidhlig.
I love to meet Gaelic song enthusiasts and there have been many of them, at our weekly online ceilidhs over the last 6 weeks.
Ceilidh with Gaidhlig songs and traditional music each Thursday 7.30-9pm, till end of January.
Join us for Gaelic chat and meet musicians from Lewis and Gaelic learners and Gaelic singers of all ages, from mainland Scotland and Canada. Your are also welcome to come to watch and listen as well.
Contact [email protected] for the link
Supported by Scottish Community Alliance


Traditional recipes from the Outer Hebrides. mussels fresh from the shore and making black pudding at home.

Sgrìob na fiasgain gu math agus cuir iomadh bùrn dhiubh. Bruich iad gus a fosgail iad. Ach na dòirt an suth gu leir a mach, thoir am biadh às na sligean. Geàrr aon uinnean agus thoir beagan bruich dha ann an ìm air a leaghadh. Cuir flùr air agus dean sàbhs anns an dòigh àbhaisteach, le bainne, salainn, piopar agus beagan de stuth na feasgain. Nuair a bhios an sabhs bruich cuir na feasgain ann.

Marag Dhubh
Punnd Geir
Aon cupa min-chorc
Aon cupa gu leth flùr
Dà uinnean mòr
Salainn agus piopar
Fuil ùr
Measg flùr, min-chorc còmhla le geir geàrrte, measg seo le na h-uinnean, salainn, piopar agus fuil. Cuir h-uile càil dhan chraiceann agus bruich I ann an bùirn saillte airson trì uairean a thìde.


Original 1970s Oatcakes and Barley Bread recipes from the Isle of Lewis. The women baked daily, continuing a tradition from the days before bread, was commercially available.

Aran Corc
Dà chupan min-chorc
Leth spàin soda arain
Leth spàin salainn
Siùcar ma tha tu ’g iarraidh
Làn spàin mhòr margarine no ìm
Beagan bùirn blàth
Cuir iad gu leir ann am bola. Dòirt bùirn blàth na mheasg gus a fuirich e na bhalla.
Tionndaidh e mach air bord arain agus fuinn e na bhonnach. Deasaich e air greideal no as an àmhainn air son còig mionaidean deug.

Aran Eòrna
Tri cupan min-eòrna
Tri gu ceithir unnsa margarine
Cairteal spàin teatha soda arain agus cream-a-tartar
Beagan salann agus siùcar
Beagan bùirn goileach

Measgaich margarine tron mhin, soda, cream-a-tartar, salann, siùcar leis a bhùirn.
Cuir a mach e na bhonnach agus bruich e ann an àmhainn gu math teth.

Cha bhiodh na feannagan comhnard uair sam bith, bha cromag aig a cheann aca.The rigs, the growing strips were never stra...

Cha bhiodh na feannagan comhnard uair sam bith, bha cromag aig a cheann aca.
The rigs, the growing strips were never straight, the slight twist at the end meant:

Air sgath gun tuiteadh na sithichean dhan a chlais mus toireadh iad a' mhath as an arbhair.
The fairies would fall off the rig, into the ditch, before they affected the quality of the crops.

Hi I am Maggie from the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Scottish Gaelic my first language is slowly ebbing away. I set up Ga...

Hi I am Maggie from the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
Scottish Gaelic my first language is slowly ebbing away.
I set up Gaelic Hebrides to share its richness and my heritage.
There will only be Hebridean 'culture' if it continues to grow.

Gaelic Hebrides offers learner led sessions online, to improve your Gaelic conversation, with stories and songs to extend your vocabulary, while you delve into the language of the Gael.

Also for those who want to see the Hebrides, one to one tuition and accommodation, available at my home Westend Achmore, in the breathtaking Isle of Lewis, from October to April.

Hi I am Maggie from the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
Scottish Gaelic my first language is slowly ebbing away.

I set up Gaelic Hebrides to share its richness and my heritage.
There will only be Hebridean 'culture' if it continues to grow.

Gaelic Hebrides offers learner led sessions online, to improve your Gaelic conversation, with stories and songs to extend your vocabulary, while you delve into the language of the Gael.

Also for those who want to see the Hebrides, one to one tuition and accommodation, available at my home in Achmore, in the breathtaking Isle of Lewis, from October to April.


More useful Gaidhlig phrases:

Duda?/What? For confusion in a conversation
Aisling caillich mar a dùrachd- that’s what you wanted to hear
Buadham an duine bodhar- for an off topic comment
Tha mi dol tuathal –I am not on the right track.
Cha tig an aois leatha fhèin – old age
Feuch an ist’ thu-Oh be quiet!

Càit an robh tu?Och, thuit an oidhche orm –It got darkChaill mi m' iùil-I got lost D’ fhàg mi lorgan cois a siud san seo...

Càit an robh tu?

Och, thuit an oidhche orm –It got dark
Chaill mi m' iùil-I got lost
D’ fhàg mi lorgan cois a siud san seo –vague
Cuairt an dèidh mo shròin –never you mind
Cha b’ e do gnothaich e –none of your business

Cyclists on the Hebridean Way pick up a Gaelic Matters for Visitors leaflet, when they stop at Westend B&B. See for more cultural products from our Gaelic community.

Dè mar a tha sibh an-diugh?Cho lag ri cuileag. -weakAg èirigh is a’ gearain. -the usualThànaig mi mach taobh ceàrr na le...

Dè mar a tha sibh an-diugh?

Cho lag ri cuileag. -weak
Ag èirigh is a’ gearain. -the usual
Thànaig mi mach taobh ceàrr na leap-nothing has gone right
Chan eil guth ri ràdh.-mustn’t grumble
Chan eil smiach agam leis a cnatan. –hoarse



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