Copy of Step 1
When creating an Incident Response Plan it is important to have a clear understanding of what constitutes as a threat. Using a bespoke crisis scenario game with your team can broaden the perspecive of how potential threats could impact your business; this in turn can lead to constructive management of how to respond to any given situation.
Step 1
At Evocatus we offer a teamwork and problem solving service. Each bespoke game we design will follow a process to maximise the results for out clients. Find out more >>>
Evocatus% June (4)
Don't assume that everyone on your team will know what to do in the event of a fire or emergency situation. Continual planning, assessing, training & rehearsals should all be part of your fire safety compliance. Speak with us to find out more
Evocatus% June (5)
If you are an employer, the owner of a business, a landlord, an occupier or have control of a premises (such as a facilities manager, a building manager or a managing agent) then you are responsible for the fire safety in the business or the non-domestic premises.🔥🔥🔥🔥
⏱️Do you know how long it would take to evacuate your premesis? Find out how Evocatus can help here >>>
Evocatus% June (3)
We love a bit of #teambuilding at Evocatus - Read our latest article and find out how you can overcome the challenges of working on a #teamproject
Evocatus% June (2)
One of the more innovative uses of gaming in business is in the area of explaining ideas, a crucial aspect of meaningful innovation and change, particularly when the ideas which need explaining are complex and challenge preconceptions.
Read more >>>
Evocatus% June (1)
Decision making and effective strategies go hand in hand. At Evocatus we can help you work through and understand the consequences of your plans with #decisionsupport.
#riskmanagement #problemsolving #businessstrategy #redteaming
Evocatus% June
There are so many benefits of using War Gaming for your business. Strategic planning, risk management, leadership skills and team building are just a few of the benefits of creating a bespoke game to match your needs. Get in touch to find out more >>>