We were asked on behalf of @naturescot to graze some of our highland cows within a forest to eat down unwanted vegetation and allow the protected oak trees to flourish and clear the ground for more to appear.
The lady I spoke with was a wealth of knowledge and I forgot the name of the butterfly however this sight of special scientific interest is preserved so well that the it's home to a species of butterfly which is rarely to never seen these days.
Whether you're an avid nature lover with a wealth of knowledge or someone unfamiliar, I'm sure we can all agree that it is beautiful and we cannot wait to see the results of this project, along with monitoring how much the cows are enjoying being within such a beautiful Forest.
Location won't be posted at the moment and we would appreciate anyone familiar to keep that private and try to stay away from the site for the time being as we want to avoid poaching and gatherings around fence lines or gateways will lead to that.
Please excuse the dirty trailer, we chose to move them at the time of the heaviest rainfall we've seen all year.
And finally, calf number 2 is here!
Heather done a grand job as always calfing this one herself - surprising as this one is bigger than the size of Delilah who is over a week old already!
As you can probably guess with the calf taking so long to come and the gigantic size, it's a boy!
Drop your name suggestions below ⬇️⬇️
How is your Friday going?