On 1 February 2024, Tom Millington privately declared his intent to resign from Stuck Up Films. This has led to the dissolution of the partnership which was signed today.
It has been a tough decision to move on from Stuck Up Films to form something new, but we are confident that the spirit of Stuck Up Films will live on in our solo work.
Thank you to all the clients and partners we have worked with during our tenure. We hope that you continue to find value in the videos that we helped to create. If there are any questions or concerns about the status of current projects, feel free to reach out to us privately and we hope to be of help.
Another thank you to all who have supported us the past two years. We hope that you continue to follow us on this exciting next step in our careers.
You can keep up to date with our current and future video work and commissions here:
Mitchell Abercrombie: Tree Bark Films
Tom Millington: White Walrus Media