The yoga tent in all its glory!! Sun beaming down producing a natural wallpaper of trees… 😍🏕🧘♀️
…with some yogis gently stretching on retreat a few weeks back.
We still have some limited places available on retreats this year, which will finish for the season in September.
Various ‘mini retreats’ as well as day retreats up for grabs to grab that last bit of calm to close the summer. 🙏
You can DM us for more info or to book!
Love Rose
#figandmoonretreats #cornwall #yoga #retreatday #retreatsdays #dayretreat #selfcare #timeforyourself #hiddencornwall #kernow #takethetime #breathe #relax #relaxation #stretch
Rise and shine 💛
Nothing quite like letting in fresh air 💛
5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT FIG & MOON RETREATS! It’s here, the first of our videos recorded together whilst apart. If you have any questions you’d like us to answer in future videos please do let us know!
#figandmoonretreats #retreat #loveyourbody #loveyourmind #treatyourself
Little add-on from the last ‘60sec Feel Good’ vid :) #figandmoonretreats #taketimeforyou #dance #contemporarydance #retreats #danceretreats #devonretreats #cornwallretreats #retreatsincornwall #retreatsindevon #staycation #cornishholidays
Just as the water flows and goes....’THIS TOO SHALL PASS’. Can’t wait until the #pandemic is PROPERLY behind us and we can have a tent FULL of #retreaters...but in the meantime we are thankful to still offer people respite within restrictions, hopefully again soon! #figandmoonretreats #covid19 #covidsafe #stufftodo #stufftodoincovid #2021 #2021goals #2021positiveattitude #seethelight #yogaretreatcornwall #yogaretreatdevon #walkingretreatcornwall #walkingretreatdevon #danceretreatcornwall #danceretreatdevon #singingretreatdevon #singingretreatcornwall #songwritingretreatdevon #songwritingretreatcornwall #songwritingretreat #walkingretreat #singingretreat #yogaretreat #bespokeretreat #danceretreat