Bouquet throwbacks - it’s funny how fast trends move these days, when I was training to be a florist in 2016 it was all the rage to have a lot of foliage in your bouquet and quite a neat shape, being natural and wild was truly cutting edge in terms of design back then, which doesn’t really even seem that long ago. Then there was the dried flower craze during lockdown, and now things have gone back to being more flower heavy, local, sustainable, fresh and minimal foliage, or just having one flower type is also popular, we are here for all of it!!
Our advice however is this…….:whatever the current trend might be try not to follow it too closely - go with what you love and makes you happy - if you want colour have it, if you love roses have them everywhere, if you like eclectic mixes have them, if you want something totally minimal and sleek then do that. The way to keep your flowers and your entire wedding timeless is to do what you want. Be inspired, not influenced by others 🤍