I was going to write something really interesting here but instead I thought I’d introduce myself!
👋🏻 hiya! I’m Alissa, proud owner of my small business, Wilde Flower
🕰️ I’m two years in and learning so much every day
📍 I’m a northerner, now living in Bedfordshire (ayup me duckies!!)
📕 I’m 35 and worked in secondary education for a long time before starting this journey
📣 I’m passionate, a bit loud and a little bit silly
💗 I’m empathetic and much to my detriment sometimes, I’m very much a perfectionist
🍕 I could live on pizza, Caesar salads and margaritas
🚗 I once hit a kerb so hard that I beeped my horn with my chest and it haunts me to this day 🫠