Todays the day!! Heat 4!! South Wales we are ready for you 🌟🌟 we can’t wait to see everyone on stage today! #dance #competition #compete_perform_excel #southwales #exceldanceevents #judges #exciting #danceevents
Swindon Heat 3! We have just a few spaces remaining for our Swindon Heat! Sunday 1st December 2024! Drop us a message for an info pack ⭐️⭐️ #dance #competition #swindon #danceevents #england #wales
How exciting! Our 2nd heat is sold out!! Bristol we can’t wait to see your talent!! More dates and locations coming very soon … keep yours eyes peeled!! If you want to be the first to know, get in touch!! #dance #competition #southwest #excelyourself #2024 #october