Happy World Book Day!
Although we can all agree it’s become a bit of an inconvenience, extra expense and general headache for most parents to come up with a costume for their child on World Book Day there’s no denying the joy it brings to most children.
Aside from the excitement of going to school, normally a place of rules and uniform, dressed as your favourite character, fancy dress has other huge benefits for children.
• It allows their imaginations to soar – they can create a whole world alongside their character and dressing up enables them to immerse in this imaginary world.
• It opens their mind to different ideas and behaviours and encourages empathy by thinking and acting like a different person or creature.
• It encourages them to enjoy the freedom of play and interaction with others, either as themselves or the character they’ve become.
• It allows them to express to others their interests and personality whether that be an obsession with Matilda or a desire to become Paddington Bear for the day.
• It helps them to use their large motor skills in jumping like a superhero, crawling like a caterpillar or stomping like a BFG.
• It extends their vocabulary by encouraging them to use phrases from stories or characters which they wouldn’t use in everday life.
• It’s stimulating and fun!
And beyond World Book Day where better to enjoy dressing up and having fun than at a party.
By hiring the costumes you end up with fun for everyone at a fraction of the cost.
All our party boxes include themed dressing up for the children so that everyone can join in and immerse themselves in the party.
Visit the website to see our themes and start planning the fun!
Yep, we have Chocolate Frogs hopping out of our ears!
A grand total of 120 children chomped on a Chocolate Frog last week. And that doesn’t even include the ones that were included in our eco party bags.
And then there were the Every Flavour Beans, Fizzing Whizzbees, Jelly Slugs, Spindle’s Spiders, Acid Pops, Liquorice Wands, Sherbet Balls and Wizard Whirls all included in the Honeydukes sweet shops which went to parties around the country last week.
That’s a lot of sweets….. and a lot of happy children!
To find out more about our sweet shops get in touch.
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