Just loving the Vintage vibe at the Vintage Nostalgia Festival in Warminster yesterday! 😍 Sooo much fun and got my swing dance (Lindy Hop) fix! 😁🎶💃🕺
Midweek Afternoon Teas to brighten up a gloomy Wednesday! 😊
Please contact us for further information or menus and price list.
💐MOTHER'S DAY AFTERNOON TEA orders now being taken. Take a look at www.giddyflamingo.co.uk/cake-boxes for further information 💐
#afternoonteainabox #afternoontea #afternoonteadelivery #afternoonteaBath #deliveredtoyourdoor #homedeliveryBath #victoriasandwich #victoriasponge #quiche #sconesjamandcream #carrotcake #salmonsandwiches #mothersdaytreatbox #mothersday #mothersdaytreats #mothersdaytreatbox #sayitwithcake #cakesofinstagram #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocalbath #bathindependent #bathfood #bathfoodies #batheats
Introducing Sarah - the other half of the Giddy Flamingo partnership! Sarah is chief 'sandwich maker', artist and web designer, as well as the social media, admin and finance 'guru'. When running events, she is usually to be found front of house! Always on the go, she has many different hobbies, one of which is her love of dancing (particularly swing dancing and Lindy Hop which ties in nicely with our love of all things Vintage!). Here she's dancing on a very windy day, with her good friend Nigel to The Big R Band at Bristol Harbour Festival in 2019. She can't wait for the day when social dancing begins once more!
(one off social media takeover by Jo)
#hobbies #swingdancing #lindyhop #joyofdance #havingfun #lovewhatyoudo #lovinglife #happy #lovethelifeyoulive #beyourself #beauthentic #giddyflamingo #lovebath #bathuk
At Giddy Flamingo, we love all things Vintage, so Sarah was absolutely thrilled to drive her Dad's 1950 Riley Roadster for the first time at the weekend!! Sooo much fun!! 🎉😎☀️
#vintagecars #classiccars #riley #sportscars #opentop #windinyourhair #redcar #giddyflamingo #giddyflamingoteaparties #soexcited #somuchfun #livelife #couldntgetanybetter #cantwaittodoitagain #bathuk