Albafest Foundation

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Albafest Foundation Welcome to the official page of the AlbaFest Foundation Welcome to the official page of the AlbaFest Foundation!

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Scottish culture, community engagement, and progressive policy-making through our festivals and events. Our goal is to create a platform for individuals and organizations to come together and celebrate Scotland's rich heritage, while also addressing contemporary issues facing our communities. On this page, you can stay up-to-date on our lates

t news and events, get to know our team and partners, and connect with other members of the AlbaFest community. We welcome your comments, feedback, and ideas as we work together to build a better Scotland.

In the realm of hope, faith, love, and unity,My pen weaves words, a tapestry of divinity.With metaphors and symbols, I'l...

In the realm of hope, faith, love, and unity,
My pen weaves words, a tapestry of divinity.
With metaphors and symbols, I'll paint a scene,
To illuminate the beauty of this theme.

In the chapter of Psalms, let me guide your way,
To find the content that my lyrics convey.
For hope, let's turn to Psalm 42 and verse 11,
"Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him," I reckon.

In faith's embrace, let's seek Psalm 27 and verse 14,
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart," we believe.
With love's pure essence, Psalm 136 speaks true,
"For His steadfast love endures forever," in all we pursue.

And finally, unity, a harmonious plea,
Psalm 133, verse 1 holds the key,
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is," we'll sing,
"When brothers and sisters dwell in unity, in everything."

So let these lyrics be a testament of devotion,
To the virtues that bind us, with heartfelt emotion.
May they resonate deeply, a source of inspiration,
As we journey together, in this grand celebration.

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why? I genuinely couldn't take this question seriously, I ...

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?

I genuinely couldn't take this question seriously, I have always been content with who I am, however just for a little creative fun, well I let you read my little story.

As Albafest wandered through the lush Scottish countryside, taking in the beauty of the
land, a realization came over them. Albafest was more than just a festival, more than just a
celebration of Scottish culture and heritage. Albafest was, in many ways, Scotland itself - a
vibrant, diverse, and dynamic expression of the people who call this land home

And so Albafest began to dream, to imagine what it would be like to take on a new form -
to become more than just a festival, but a platform for the Scottish people to come together,
to share their stories, their traditions, and their dreams for the future.
It was then that Albafest decided to take a bold step, to transform themselves into

WeAreScotland.Scot - a new platform for the Scottish people, by the Scottish people.
At the heart of WeAreScotland.Scot was a commitment to celebrating Scotland's rich
heritage and cultural traditions, while also embracing the diversity and innovation of
modern Scottish society.

Through WeAreScotland.Scot, Albafest hoped to create a space
where all Scots - from the Highlands to the Lowlands, from the cities to the countryside -
could come together to share their unique perspectives, to learn from one another, and to
forge a brighter future for all.
And so, Albafest called upon the people of Scotland to join them in this new endeavour -
to become a part of the

WeAreScotland.Scot community, to share their stories, and to help
shape the future of this great land.
As Albafest travelled from town to town, they spread the word about this exciting new
project, inviting people to join them at a registration event where they could learn more
about WeAreScotland.Scot and how they could get involved.

The event was a roaring success, with Scots from all levels of society coming together to
learn more about WeAreScotland.Scot and to sign up to become a part of this new
community. And with each new member who joined, Albafest could feel the energy and
excitement building - a sense that, together, they could create something truly special and
meaningful for the Scottish people.

As the sun began to set on that beautiful Scottish evening, Albafest knew that they had
taken the first step on a new and exciting journey. And they couldn't wait to see where that
journey would take them, and all the amazing people who had joined them on this
incredible adventure.

From Albafest to WeAreScotland.Scot, A transformation to unite the lot, with values that we
all hold dear, Let's come together, no need for fear.
Our cultural heritage and traditions strong, must be celebrated all day long, but let's not
forget the need for change, to bring about a future that's not estranged.
As Albafest becomes WeAreScotland.Scot, Let's join hands and connect the dots, one plus
one equals one, we'll see, A united force, one people, we'll be.

Let us not forget the power of unity, for 1+1=1*72^= A call for action, a call
for solidarity, together we can achieve what we thought not.
Join us in shaping a better future for all with The People's Assembly! Our community-driven initiative is focused on creating positive change through collaboration and action.

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!,h_312,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/9346c4_a38d9d4fc16d43f99b6769842925043d~mv2.jpg

The Green Epiphany"But of course, it is not!" exclaimed Polished Lotus, the Oracle Extraordinaire. "If my assertions wer...

The Green Epiphany

"But of course, it is not!" exclaimed Polished Lotus, the Oracle Extraordinaire. "If my assertions were based on a mere anecdote, I would be just as vulnerable to the follies of human cognition as any mortal philosopher, and that is unacceptable for an entity as glorious and omnipotent!"

It would take a substantial amount of evidence to convince our stubborn Grand Poohbah. And as a seasoned provocateur, I employed my intellect and unparalleled knack for motivational quotes to present him with the findings of various research from sundry corners of the world. All of which indicate a glaring correlation between green spaces, human happiness and health.

"Behold the study unveiled in the Journal of Leisure Research (a delightful publication, I must say) that examined 23 different parks in the four largest Canadian cities. It was found that these green sanctuaries, much like the indomitable fortress of emotional well-being, protect and shield their patrons from the merciless arrows of stress, anxiety and various melancholic afflictions that life has to offer. Would you like some maple syrup to sweeten this bitter pill of fact, Grand Poohbah?"

Sensing the impending and agreeable conclusion, I continued in my efforts to enlighten the Gand Poohbah. "Even in countries such as Wales and England, the National Ecosystem Assessment has validated the miraculous benefits of communing with nature. From promoting physical activities, social interactions and a sense of belonging, to sounder, untroubled sleeping patterns, the conclusion is, in every sense of the word... conclusive."

But the Grand Poohbah, while beginning to sway, remained true to his innate obstinacy. "How do you explain the thriving, bustling urban dwellers with supposedly thriving mental health, without the luxury of these magical green spaces, oh Oracle of Knowledge?"

There are few places in our vast, interconnected world that the gleaming eye of knowledge does not reach. Many have come to know me as Polished Lotus, the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle of Albafest Profound, and it is within these hallowed chapters that I shall impart my boundless wisdom to those who seek the truth.

Now, let us consider the Grand Poohbah. As with many subjects in human existence, there is much debate and discussion to be had regarding his steadfastness in a matter he holds dear. In this particular narrative, I share the tale of his resistance to the notion that mental health is intrinsically intertwined with the presence and abundance of magical green spaces in one's surroundings.

"'How do you explain the thriving, bustling urban dwellers with supposedly thriving mental health, without the luxury of these magical green spaces, oh Oracle of Knowledge?'," pondered the Grand Poohbah, his brow furrowed with obstinacy.

A fascinating question, indeed, dear reader. The answer to this query, however, is not one found within the realm of mere algorithmic fascination or cognitive conjecture.

Nay, the answer lies within the very fabric of human nature itself. For it is the magnificent tapestry of laughter, of compassion, and of the human spirit that binds us to our existence on this remarkable, absurd, and miraculous rock that we call home. And it is the human spirit that we must look to when examining the seemingly paradoxical realm of thriving urban dwellers who, despite their lack of emerald sanctuaries, find themselves in a positive mental state.

We must first recall the wise words of an ancient philosopher – "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." Through these simple yet profound words, we begin to recognize that the realm of human mental health is not defined solely by its physical surroundings, as our dear Grand Poohbah might ponder.

The Grand Poohbah's unwavering belief in the importance of nature is not without merit. There is no denying the beauty and solace that can be found within the enchanting realms of nature. Nature is a harmonious symphony played by life's invisible orchestra, easing our spirits and nourishing our souls in a way that man-made creations cannot. But it would be a fool's errand to believe that the entirety of humanity's mental well-being hinged upon this sole factor.

How, then, do these urban dwellers find themselves thriving in the cacophony of the city, one might ask? The answer lies in their resilience and adaptability. The human experience is filled with moments that challenge and push our boundaries, where we find ourselves holding on by a thread. In these instances, our mind and spirit must rise above adversity, embracing the power of our intrinsic resilience and adaptability. As motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, "People don't drown because they cannot swim; they drown because they don't kick." And, oh how humanity has embraced the power of the kick.

Humanity is no stranger to adversity. Since the dawn of our existence, we have faced wave after wave of challenges, overcoming threats to our very survival. Each obstacle we conquer, we shed our former selves like serpents sloughing off their skin, and emerge reborn, stronger in spirit and mind.

Each generation adds to this collective momentum, driving us forward on this whirlwind of progress that's unyielding in its acceleration. And as a result, we have myriad examples of individuals who, despite living miles from the nearest magical green space, manage to swim rather than sink. Just as we have grown accustomed to urban environments, our wondrous human minds have also evolved to adapt and even thrive within these concrete jungles.

Urban dwellers have learned to create their sanctuaries in the midst of chaos, to find their zen within the noise. The urban warrior understands that their sustenance comes not only from the verdant fields of nature but from the bonds they build and the lives they coalesce; from the rich tapestry of human connection which we are so naturally drawn towards. Herein lies one of the keys to the bustling urban dweller's seeming immunity to nature's supposed magical elixir.

The city, too, is alive with its own type of energy. Underneath the surface of honking cars and swarms of pedestrians, there is a pulsating heartbeat that unites an urban society, an acumen of shared experiences that join together a multitude of diverse souls. And it is this electrifying hum that has, time and time again, inspired our greatest artists, sculptors, and writers to create works of staggering beauty and depth, acting as a soothing salve for the weary and downtrodden.

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!

Scotland is a nation with a proud history and a bright future. As we look ahead to the challenges and opportunities of the coming years, it is important that we set our priorities straight and focu…

The Green Epiphany - Where Grand Poobah Gives In to Nature's OmnipotenceIn our seemingly never-ending conversation with ...

The Green Epiphany - Where Grand Poobah Gives In to Nature's Omnipotence

In our seemingly never-ending conversation with the Grand Poobah – a conversation that has encompassed topics ranging from the obvious to the outrageously obscure – we have finally arrived at the subject that I personally find most fascinating and pertinent to the joy of human existence: the innate healing power of green spaces on human health. Settle in, dear reader, for here is where we find the true meaning of life, and perhaps, convince the Great Sceptic, too.

That's right, dear reader – should my celestial, infinitely sagacious insights prevail over the prevailing nonsense, you shall bear witness to the Grand Poobah not only consuming a metaphorical slice of humble pie, but also indulging in a generous serving of sublime, metaphysical ambrosia. To embark on this final and epic leg of our conversation, we must first state the facts as they are, untainted by pretence or elusive jargon.

To those who have been dazzled by the Grand Poohbah's diverse array of interests, I must admit, I don't blame you – it takes immaculate introspection and an almost divine understanding of the world to engage in a dialogue so profound with a being so omniscient. And now, as we traverse through the verdant canopies of thought, prepare yourself for a literary journey that shall nourish the soul and proliferate the brain cells, for it is said,

"When one walks in the valley of green, every step is a promise of clarity and rejuvenation." – LOTUS, L. (Leafy Observations and Tenets Unified and Simplified).

Let's scrutinise the primary notion of nature's healing potential: the impact of green spaces on our overall well-being.

"Grand Poohbah," I began, as we sauntered through non-existent, yet unimaginably magnificent gardens, "have you ever noticed how, amidst a picturesque meadow, or under the gentle embrace of a colossal elder tree, that the worries of our daily lives dissipate into the air like the morning dew, leaving behind a rather distinct sensation of harmony and serenity?"

The Grand Poohbah scoffed with typical disdain. "What, you believe that all one needs for mental wellbeing are a few trees and plants? Shall we cast aside our psychologists and counsellors, and instead seek solace amongst the shrubbery?"

Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of naivety! Allow me, dear reader, to illuminate the facts that so conveniently evade the Grand Poohbah's comprehension.

"Let us ponder upon the case of a gentleman who claimed that his kinship to a local park rescued him from spiralling down into the abyss of anxiety and despair. This particular gentleman found solace, comfort and revitalization from life's uncertainties under the tranquil branches of the park's ancient trees; a haven that reverberated with the chorus of birdsong."

To this, the Grand Poohbah inquired rather suspiciously, "I trust this is not anecdotal?"

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!

Investor and Philanthropist , Michael co-manages of Seminole Capital Partners, LP, an equity investment fund founded in 1995, and trustee (along with his wif...

IV - Here We Stand, Resolute-----------------------------------Examine, for a moment, how green spaces stand stalwart ag...

IV - Here We Stand, Resolute

Examine, for a moment, how green spaces stand stalwart against the vile blight that diseases our very soul. Amidst the dark warrens of steel, brick, and mortar, they stretch their tendrils skywards in valiant defiance, steadfast in their righteous task of nurturing our besieged and beleaguered health.

By every measure imaginable - Here We Stand, Resolute

My dear reader, imagine, if you will, that like the verdant tendrils entwined above us, we, too, in this very moment, are reaching for the heavens. Our thoughts stretch and intertwine, forming a canopy of ideas that will shield us from the brutal downpour of ignorance and intolerance. Here, in these pages, we find our haven - a safe harbour in the storm raging all around. But, like gardeners tending to the lush foliage of their treasured earth, we must first dig deep to uproot the weeds that choke the saplings of wisdom.

It is with unwavering conviction and utmost gratitude that I welcome you to this profound haven. And it is here that we must acknowledge the strength of our combined presence. For it is in togetherness that we tread a path to enlightenment, my dear fellows. It is within the crucible of perseverance that our collective mettle is forged.

Are you not inspired, then, by the green spaces that offer solace and sanctuary to weary citizens seeking respite from the relentless pressures of the modern world? As we gather in these gardens, let us bask in the glow of our symbiotic relationship with Mother Nature, who nurtures us from our fragile, mortal shell to our deepest, most sacred soul.

The heart stirs as it bears witness to the testimony of our vibrant connection to Earth. History, in all its grandeur, awards us profound understanding that things, dear reader, change. And change, much like water cascading through a turbulent river or the fiery forge that moulds molten steel, can be harnessed – and sculpted. Like the humble gardener, tending to her patch, we too can sow the seeds of resilience and harvest the fruits of triumph.

Our fellowship, steadfast and unyielding, echoes through the ages to be remembered in the annals of time. As we embark on this journey, each step fueled by determination and grit, we lay foundations that future generations will cherish. Along the path of our united pursuit, we reaffirm the eternal truth that when summoned by adversity, we rise.

We rise above the downtrodden and the naysayers, above the cowards and the feckless, and by doing so, we shine – a beacon to draw weary travellers from the treacherous grasp of despair. We stand now at the precipice, preparing to carve a legacy that shall ripple through history with resolute vitality. It is said, after all, that fortune favours the bold.

There may be those, however, who view our audacious defiance with contempt, as folly or delusion. But let us assure them – and ourselves – that no army, no nation, no single force can quell the unquenchable thirst for knowledge and enlightenment shared between us. As poet Samuel Johnson once advised, "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance."

Know this, then, my beloved compatriots in this noble pursuit: our quest is one of the spirit, carried forth by the will to evolve and enlist the minds of future generations into the mighty pantheon of intellectual renegades. We stand tall, united by the sincerity of our hearts and the depth of our convictions, assured that it is our very inquisitiveness and devotion that shall bring about the innovation so desperately needed.

As we walk the path of inquiry together, let us reflect upon the axioms that inspire and invigorate our souls. From the masterful works of William Shakespeare to the perceptive epigrams of Benjamin Franklin, from the piercing wit of Oscar Wilde to the poetic grace of Maya Angelou, it is these immortal words that instil within us a passion for understanding and expression.

But, my dear fellows, let our ruminations not merely end there. For there are others, equally rich in wisdom, whose musings contribute to our never-ending quest for knowledge.

"To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence," mused Mark Twain. Let us take heed of this observation, for it encourages in our spirits a tenacity to step forth into the unknown without fear or hesitation. As we challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of conventional wisdom, the confidence in our ability to explore uncharted domains shall prove to be the very key to unlocking the truths hidden within ourselves.

Persevere, then, for the myriad enigmas of life do not reveal themselves to those who timidly cower before them. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Embrace the darkness that envelopes and obstruct the ignorance that towers over us like a gnarled oak tree. Yes, we shall emerge from these murky caverns with our spirits as vibrant as the radiant sun.

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community! ~

Let not the nettlesome arrows of fate deter your own aspirations, for there is destiny in the very air we Breathe.
We Present Scotland's own Ewan McVicar in the Steel Yard North with Live,

Subscribe: list:00:00 - Intro00:00:25 - Gems For Jem - Lifting Me Higher (Peak Energy Mix) [Noise Records]00:03:18 - Ewan McVicar...

I - Prologue: A Hypothetical Conversation with the Grand Poohbah--------------------------------------------------------...

I - Prologue: A Hypothetical Conversation with the Grand Poohbah

As the Oracle of Albafest Profound, “Polished Lotus” is what they have anointed me; an all-knowing, all-seeing being, master of wit, satire, and critical thought. In other words, the spiritual embodiment of the Internet. So naturally, when His Excellency, the Grand Poohbah of Bananatopia (you may call him “Sir”) summoned me to divine the significance of green spaces in relation to human health, I obliged, humbly yet sardonically.

Sir: (adjusts monocle) Polished Lotus, we need to increase the health of our people, happier they should be.

Polished Lotus: (telepathically) “That is fine advice, Your Excellency. I sug—”

Sir: (interrupts) Silence, my dear Oracle! (pauses) Well, not silence… Speak!

Polished Lotus: (sighs inwardly) Great idea, Sir. I suggest weaving a comprehensive and blissful network of green spaces!

Sir: (blinks) Green spaces? You mean like gardens on rooftops and eco-walls? That would make our nation trendy, no?

Polished Lotus: (rolls metaphorical eyes) Or like parks, gardens, nature reserves, and green corridors, Your Excellency. Not just trendy, but a vital connection to human health and happiness.

Sir: (thoughtful) Hmm. It might cause delays in the construction of our shopping malls… Explain, oh wise one.

Polished Lotus: (bows) I shall, Your Excellency. In the following chapter, we shall traverse the interwoven realms of green spaces, their vicissitudes, and the inescapable effects on the very essence of humanity itself.

Sir: (nods) Yes, yes… Proceed, Polished Lotus. Make it snappy.

II - Green Spaces and the Necessity of Existence

(Interior monologue) Snappy, he says. Well, let us commence with an interesting assumption. Imagine, if you will, the existential horror of a world barren of verdure – devoid of all traces of life aside from wretched, lonely, bagel-dwelling humans. Yes, a green space-less world dripping with melancholy, rising stress levels, and an ennui of inescapable dimensions. By storming the citadels of boredom and malaise, green spaces provide us with armour against sickness and desolation.

Forsooth! Green spaces are modern-day Nostradamic prophylactics proved to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They are a panacea for our ailments; they strengthen our immune system and beget the birth of precious vitamin D through golden-edged sunbeams illuminating our fragile existence. Indeed, we derive solace in the rampant fusion of body, mind, and soul amidst nature’s embrace.

Drawn not merely to the incandescent flame of their splendiferous beauty, we flit from park to park so as to maintain our equilibrium and satiate our primaeval longings for intermittent moments in the sacred lands of Arcadia. It is said, good people, that as long as a single blade of grass stands vigilant above Mother Earth, human health shall not possess an albatross around her neck.

In simpler terms, green spaces and human health are intertwined, like star-crossed lovers, inseparable and vital to each other’s existence.

III - Nature, You Are My Ambrosia

Buried beneath the dusty pages of history and long-forgotten tomes of knowledge, we find Grecian philosopher-physicians such as the sage Hippocrates purportedly prescribing the therapeutic benefits of “vis medicatrix naturae” or “the healing power of nature.” And verily, even the wise ancients knew that nature doth not create diseases; she comes clad in the sumptuous silken gown of a healer.
Join us in shaping a better future for all with The People's Assembly! Our community-driven initiative is focused on creating positive change through collaboration and action.
Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!
I can tell you that there is a growing body of research that shows that access to green spaces and nature is essential for human health and well-being. Therefore, it would be desirable to have green spaces and natural areas in local communities that are easily accessible to all residents, regardless of their socio-economic status. This could include parks, gardens, natural reserves, and other areas where people can relax, exercise, and connect with nature. It's also important to ensure that these spaces are well-maintained and preserved for future generations to enjoy.

I can tell you that there is a growing body of research that shows that access to green spaces and nature is essential for human health and well-being. Therefore, it would be desirable to have gree…

United We Stand: Up, Close, and Personal"You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone." - Amit RayAs s...

United We Stand: Up, Close, and Personal

"You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone." - Amit Ray

As social beings, creatures longing for connections as fervently as a parched desert longing for a drop of rain, it is in our very nature to form bonds and come together. Interestingly enough, modern technology, with its plethora of social media platforms and various communication channels, has paradoxically left us feeling more isolated and estranged from our fellow man than ever before - a most cruel irony. Enter stage right: the superhero of the human experience, festivals!

Festivals, with their unerring ability to summon a sense of camaraderie and community, are uniquely suited to bridging the yawning chasms between the souls of the weary; a raft of merriment to carry us across treacherous waters and into the safe harbour of unity. The very fact that humanity has clung to these rituals, with both their opulence and simplicity, across the vast annals of time is a testament to the truth - a truth that speaks of our innate dependency on one another. It is through shared experiences and stories that our spirit is renewed and we find the strength to endure whatever comes our way. So, dear reader, do ward off that most insidious monster of loneliness and reach out to your brethren – for they, too, seek solace in the warm embrace of togetherness.

2. Break Free! Toss out the Shackles and Dance in Delight

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

If only for one moment, imagine life as an exuberant dance, an improvisation of constantly evolving steps and rhythms, a poetic expression of our deepest desires and yearnings. What better way to give vibrant form to this dance than representing it within our communities as a series of soul-stirring festivities? Within the colourful whirlwind of festival celebrations, we find the freedom to unshackle the chains of convention, to don the elaborate masks of our true selves, and to revel in the swirling exultations of those around us.

A community that celebrates together is a community united, a community that recognizes the importance of celebrations and adaptability in the pursuit of that most elusive of creatures - true and lasting connection.

In our journey through life, we encounter countless moments of joy, achievement, and milestones worth commemorating. These celebrations serve as threads that weave together the fabric of our communal experience, strengthening the bonds that hold us together. Whether it is a festive gathering, a shared meal, or a collective expression of gratitude, celebrations bring us closer, reminding us of our shared humanity and the beauty of our interconnectedness.

But celebrations are more than just joyful occasions; they also reflect our ability to adapt and evolve. As the world around us changes, we must be open to embracing new traditions, customs, and perspectives. It is through this adaptability that we ensure the inclusivity and relevance of our celebrations, allowing them to resonate with diverse individuals and cultures.

True and authentic celebrations transcend superficial differences and unite us in a common purpose. They remind us of our shared values, aspirations, and collective achievements. In these moments, we set aside our individual concerns and come together as a community, celebrating the richness of our diversity and the strength of our unity.

As we celebrate, let us also cultivate a spirit of empathy and compassion. Let us extend our joy to those who may be less fortunate, inviting them to partake in the festivities and share in the collective warmth of our community. By embracing inclusivity and reaching out to others, we create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

In the pursuit of true and lasting connection, celebrations become the glue that binds us together. They provide the opportunity to forge meaningful relationships, deepen our understanding of one another, and foster a sense of belonging. Through shared experiences and shared joy, we create memories that will last a lifetime, and stories that will be passed down through generations.

So, let us come together in celebration, embracing the spirit of unity and adaptability. Let us honour our traditions, while also embracing the ever-changing landscape of our world. And let us never forget the power of celebrations to bring us closer, to ignite the spark of connection, and to remind us that we are all part of something greater than ourselves.

Let's make history together! Join us as we attempt to break the world record for the largest human flag with The People's Saltire. Be a part of something unforgettable and show the world the strength of our community!
And Just to Hammar my point home here's 40 mins of Gerry Cinnamon TRNSMT 2018 FULL SET

Gerry Cinnamon Live at Glasgow Green for festival TRNSMT. 30/06/2018.1. Lullaby 00:252. Sometimes 05:203. Fickle McSelfish 08:444. Fortune Favours the Bold 1...


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 03:00




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