Emilia Capper

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Emilia Capper 🙋🏼‍♀️The go-to event planning + strategy agency for ambitious women

This isn’t for everyone.I get there will be many who read this and for one reason or another swipe on by.But if you conn...

This isn’t for everyone.

I get there will be many who read this and for one reason or another swipe on by.

But if you connect and are feeling pulled towards it, then I invite you to lean into this.

You are not reading this by accident!

It’s time to raise your hand because now is your time to come on this beautiful journey with myself and the other 5 incredible women in the group.

This is your sign and now is your time 🤍

All you have to do is head to the link in my bio and fill in the application form.

But really, you have to be in it to really experience it. It’s hard to do it justice and to find the words to explain to you what is gonna go down inside of this group.

I am creating the most incredible, supportive, high vibe container for female entrepreneurs who want to spend a month gi...

I am creating the most incredible, supportive, high vibe container for female entrepreneurs who want to spend a month giving their business, mindset and life a boost….

I am personally inviting you to join us inside of the GET BOSSY® BOOTCAMP 🔥

This business boosting intensive is perfect for you if you are ready to go all in and make April your best month of 2022 yet!

If you are a woman on a mission, who is committed to creating the life and business of her dreams, who is not here to play small and is ready to make powerful moves and create next level shifts, then I *really* recommend you join us!

2022 hasn’t been as smooth sailing as a lot of us hoped. I know that I’ve experienced a lot of challenges over the last few months and so many of the women in my community have said the same. This is exactly why I wanted to create this container, because I know it is *so* needed right now. You get to have the support and the accountability, without having to commit to a longer program. I have also made it as accessible as possible in terms of the investment, simply because that’s what feels good.

There’s no sales page. No discovery calls. And that’s because
1. I give myself permission for things to be easy
2. This is such a no-brainer and the women I am calling in trust their gut. If they feel like this is for them, they step up, send me a DM and give me a “HELL YEAH I’M IN”.

So if you are ready to make April the month you step up and have your mind blown at yourself, your business and what you are capable of, then you really don’t have long to jump in - the group chat starts on Friday and our first call is next week 🥳

If you wanna know more about what's going down then comment below GET BOSSY or send me a DM and I'll send you the info 😘


How you can create financial freedom as a mum and business owner ⬇️

We talk about time freedom a lot, but what about financial freedom?? Yes for a lot of us we are motivated by the time freedom, more time with our children and creating memories with our families. But the financial freedom really adds to that experience. It makes everything that bit sweeter! Like being able to order what you want off the menu and ordering the best bottle of wine, have spontaneous date nights or trips with the girls and not having that conversation every month of “ I can’t afford it”.

But how do you get from where you are now to having the financial AND time freedom you desire?

Its a decision - you first have to decide that you want it, that you’re worth of it, that you’re done settling, that you’re not here for mediocre any more. You have a good life - but could it be better 10000% yes! It’s that simple! Once you see it, you claim it, you’ll start making moves towards getting it, and the universe will move in alignment. You will start attracting more wealth, more abundance and start creating the financial freedom you truly desire.

You also need to give yourself permission to spend. Spend money on yourself and not always be bottom of the list.

Think about the highest version of you - what does she do? What does she wear? Where does she shop? How does she feel? What little upgrades can you introduce into your life that make you feel like an absolute queen 👑

I am creating a way for you to work with me throughout April that is going to give you the biggest boost to your business and your life! I won’t be announcing it until next week but I will be doing a 24 hour pre sale where there will be a discount available, but you have to be on my close friends list. Type close friends in the comments below if you want me to add you and you can be first to know and grab the discount - limited spaces will be available.

If you are ready to show up in 2022 like the magical, magnetic goddess I know you are then give me a 👸🏼in the comments ⬇...

If you are ready to show up in 2022 like the magical, magnetic goddess I know you are then give me a 👸🏼in the comments ⬇️

P.S. next week we start ‘Becoming the Million Dollar Mum™️’. If you’re a high achieving mum who is ready to become the most successful and empowered version of yourself head to the link in my bio 💕

🚨ONLY 6 HOURS TO GO! 🚨Sweetcheeks, let’s keep this short and sweet. We’re running out of time out to jump on board Becom...


Sweetcheeks, let’s keep this short and sweet. We’re running out of time out to jump on board Becoming the Million Dollar Mum™️.

I know you’re so ready for unlimited success in 2022 so let’s lay out how Becoming the Million Dollar Mum is going to get you there… and beyond.

1️⃣ Group training sessions to teach you all the things you need to know about how to scale your biz and become the next level version of you
2️⃣ Q+A sessions so you never have to feel stuck and always know what your next steps are
3️⃣ Daily Voxer support for accountabilty, motivation and ongoing support
4️⃣ 1-1 call to work on your plan for the next quarter
5️⃣ 3 guest expert coaching sessions - you're getting 4 for the price of 1 right here

Phewf, that’s a lot of value for just £1797. But you already know that, because you know just how much having the life and business you dream of would make you feel…

Which is why I’m giving you this one last reminder to go and hit the link in my bio, before it’s too late!

I gotcha, babe. You want next level sucess - hit that link ☝️☝️☝️

OMG I completely bottled it!! 🙈I actually wrote this yesterday to share - then when it came to hitting the post button I...

OMG I completely bottled it!! 🙈

I actually wrote this yesterday to share - then when it came to hitting the post button I froze. But I know that if something makes me feel uncomfortable AF, then that's the exact thing I SHOULD be doing!

So here I am today, sharing a little bit of my heart and a little bit of my story.

P.S. This week I am accepting applications for my group program 'Becoming the Million Dollar Mum'. If you want to find out more then drop a 💖 in the comments below ###x

There's not such thing as perfect...You can only do your best 💕If you're ready to uplevel your life AND your business fo...

There's not such thing as perfect...

You can only do your best 💕

If you're ready to uplevel your life AND your business for just £17 - drop me a 👑 in the comments ⬇️

For the woman that's ready to show up for herself, create her dream life for herself and her family and be the mum and b...

For the woman that's ready to show up for herself, create her dream life for herself and her family and be the mum and business woman she's always wanted to be...

I see you 👀💕

My clients, they're ready! Ready for more! They have that fire in their belly 🔥 They don't know how they're going to get there, they just know what's possible for them and they believe in themselves enough to go all in and go for it.

They're not waiting for 'the right time.'
They know that NOW is the right time.
There's no other time that matters than right now.

If you're ready to be that woman. To have the success, the life, the business that you've always wanted, then I am so here to support you on that journey!

I am currently accepting applications for my Private coaching (link in bio )

SWIPE ACROSS ➡️Give me a 💖  in the comments if you're ready to have an even bigger impact in this online space.         ...


Give me a 💖 in the comments if you're ready to have an even bigger impact in this online space.

Shoutout to all the Mums out there showing other women what’s possible, going after their dreams and inspiring others ev...

Shoutout to all the Mums out there showing other women what’s possible, going after their dreams and inspiring others every day 💕


A chat with the gorgeous Emma (Part Two)💕

In this video Emma shares her top tips for juggling business and children. Emma is a busy mum of 3 with a thriving VA business 😍

I’m so excited to speak to more mums tomorrow at my Bossy Mum’s Night In 🙌🏻💗 If you’re currently feeling stuck with where you are at right now in business and life just feels a little overwhelming, then I’m here to give you a night off!

It’s time to figure out what’s going on, get clear on what it is you actually want, and understand the steps you need to take to get there! Plus you get to do it in your pjs, from the comfort of you sofa with a glass of wine in hand!

Join me tomorrow at 7.30pm - link in bio ✨


A chat with the gorgeous Emma (Part One)💕

In this video Emma shares her top tips for juggling business and children. Emma is a busy mum of 3 with a thriving VA business 😍

I’m so excited to speak to more mums tomorrow at my Bossy Mum’s Night In 🙌🏻💗 If you’re currently feeling stuck with where you are at right now in business and life just feels a little overwhelming, then I’m here to give you a night off!

It’s time to figure out what’s going on, get clear on what it is you actually want, and understand the steps you need to take to get there! Plus you get to do it in your pjs, from the comfort of you sofa with a glass of wine in hand!

Join me tomorrow at 7.30pm - link in bio ✨

Why is it that as soon as we become mums we feel like we have to choose?⁠⁠⁠⁠Why does 'having it all' feel so impossible?...

Why is it that as soon as we become mums we feel like we have to choose?⁠⁠
Why does 'having it all' feel so impossible?⁠⁠
I used to believe that I would have to work a full time job to earn good money OR spend time with my children.⁠⁠
I also used to believe that there was no way I could run a successful business, working only 16-20 hours a week.⁠⁠
Well I'm here to tell you mumma - you CAN have it all!!⁠⁠
I also want you to know that the biggest shifts will come when:⁠⁠
➡️ you know exactly what it is that you want⁠⁠
➡️ you actually believe that you can have it⁠⁠
➡️you know the steps to get it⁠⁠
On Thursday, I'm hosting The Bossy Mum's Night in!⁠⁠
This is a one of a kind mumma's miracle masterclass where you are going to super clear on what you want, have the confidence and self belief that you can have it and understand how to get it, so that you can begin to experience these shifts too!⁠⁠
Now tell me that doesn't sound like just what your need right now! Oh and did I tell you it's also completely FREE! So what are you waiting for?? Head to the link in my bio and grab your space!⁠⁠

I'm going to tell you again. You need a night off! And let me tell you how I know.I’ve had jobs. I’ve worked for other p...

I'm going to tell you again. You need a night off!

And let me tell you how I know.

I’ve had jobs. I’ve worked for other people. But the hardest boss to work for? That’s me.

There have been so many times when I’ve doubted myself, over-stepped my own boundaries and shown up as ‘the shouty mum’ (and cried about it later).
And that’s ok. Because running a business is hard!

Over the years, I’ve really learned to embody the fact that health is wealth. It’s ok to ask for help, to get support and to put your damn feet up every once in a while!

When you live in that space of constantly grinding the gears, prioritising lunch boxes over levelling-up and simply living between the school runs, you never get to come up for air and look at what you really want from your life.

You’re running this business from home because you wanted one thing: FREEDOM

And yet what do you go to bed fantasising about? FREEDOM

See the disconnect there? The one thing you want is the very thing you’re willing to sacrifice on the journey to finding it.

Uh huh. Mumma, that’s insanity. 🙄

So now, let me tell you why you need The Bossy Mum’s Night In…

In this one-of-a-kind mumma’s miracle masterclass, we’re going to dive into…

• Figuring out what’s holding you back right now
• Letting go of your biggest fears and worries
• Getting super honest about what it is that you really want
• Planning out your next step towards getting it

All I need you to do is:
🍷 Grab a glass (or mug) of something lovely
🍫 Bring some snacks
🖊️ Gather your fave stationary
👑 Pop on your comfies
🖱️ Head to the link below to sign up and join me on 7th October, 7.30pm BST for a cosy night in.

I don’t need to tell you that this is a mum’s only zone!

Will I be seeing you there?


Runner up baby!!Ok I didn’t win, but second place 😍 I couldn’t be prouder! (The business that won are a ltd company with...

Runner up baby!!

Ok I didn’t win, but second place 😍 I couldn’t be prouder! (The business that won are a ltd company with a big team and it’s just me myself and I right here.)

It blows my mind to think how much I’ve grown and my business has grown since I first started.

I started this business because I wanted to be around more for my children. But now it’s so much more than that. It’s about creating a new normal and inspiring other women to believe that they can do this too!

To all the women, raising families, creating a better future, working hard- this ones for you 💗🥂✨

Now tell me you don’t feel that one 😵‍💫Share if you’re in the tired mamas club 😴Nothing of any value around here today! ...

Now tell me you don’t feel that one 😵‍💫

Share if you’re in the tired mamas club 😴

Nothing of any value around here today! Too tired from 3am wake ups ✌🏼


Because who doesn't want to work less and earn more? Right?

You start your business. You worry about whether you will even sign any clients and make any money. Obvs you do because your awesome and your made for this entrepreneur stuff! Your business is thriving and those worries you had when you started your business are a distant memory.

Your making money, but that one thing you craved so badly (besides the 💰) you no longer have...


Your working more hours than ever! Your juggling too many clients! A lunch break? What's that?!

I see you! I was you!

But I promise it doesn't always have to be this way. There are ways you can get the time back that you not only crave, but NEED before you burnout.

Here are 3 ways you can increase your income and not be working every available hour in the day 👇🏼

1. Raise your prices - If you're fully booked (or getting there) it's a good indication that you're not charging enough for your services. If you increase your prices you can take on less clients (and earn the same, if not more!) This will leave you with more time to work on other projects.

2. Create Passive Income - Can you introduce another revenue stream into your business that doesn't require your time and energy (once you've created the product)? Think templates, bundles, online courses. What would your ideal client buy from you that would help them in their business?

3. Hire a Team Member - But that's going to COST you money right? Right! But it will also free up your time to take on more higher paying clients or to work on other projects (eg. your passive income products!)

I love helping my clients to scale their business without having to put in extra hours!

I have 2 spaces opening up for 1-1 coaching, starting straight away! If you're ready for more freedom, more flexibility and more money then DM me with the word 'NEXT LEVEL' and I will let you know how you can apply to work with me 💖

The last six weeks may not have been easy, there may have been times you’ve wanted to scream into a pillow and lock your...

The last six weeks may not have been easy, there may have been times you’ve wanted to scream into a pillow and lock yourself away in the bathroom (or is that just me?! 😆🤦🏼‍♀️)

And even though we get very little gratitude for all the things we actually do for them! Just know that you are so appreciated. Their little hearts will go back to school tomorrow, bursting with stories and memories that they can’t wait to share with their teachers and friends 💗

Whether you’re juggling a business, a job or maybe you’re a full time mum - none of us have it easier than the other. And we’re all just trying to do our best.

So, after you drop them off in the morning, I encourage you to do something…
Before you tackle the mountain of laundry
Before you start tidying their bedrooms
Before you switch on your laptop and start replying to emails


Sit and have a hot cuppa
Take yourself for a walk
Meet a friend for coffee
Watch your favourite show on Netflix
Have a bubble bath (daytime baths always feel so luxurious 🥰)

But before you throw yourself into the next thing, pause for a minute and take some time for you 💗

Tell me in the comments what it’s going to be 👇🏻 I shall be going to get my nails done and spending some time sitting in the sunshine 😎☀️👙


You get to be a badass at business AND an amazing mum!

Hands up if you're ready to ditch the mum guilt?!

Drop a 🙋🏼‍♀️ in the comments if you're ready!

Your best is always enough 💖Share for someone that needs to hear this today 🥰                                           ...

Your best is always enough 💖

Share for someone that needs to hear this today 🥰

I AM BOTH!⁠⁠I am a mother AND a passionate career woman.⁠⁠I wipe bottoms, pack snacks AND inspire and help other women e...


I am a mother AND a passionate career woman.⁠

I wipe bottoms, pack snacks AND inspire and help other women every day to grow a business that supports THEIR family.⁠

I am there for the wake up snuggles AND the bedtime snuggles 💙 then sneak away to catch up on DMs and chat to my incredible community.⁠

I fall asleep to the sound of the baby monitor and wake up to the voice inside of me that urges me to keep showing up and keep creating an impact in the world.⁠

The juggle is always real, my heart is sometimes split. But I do both. I AM both. And I give everything to both (among other things) on a daily basis.⁠

We might all be following different paths, but whatever your path, your job, your title, you are so much more than "just" that.⁠

Our lives are busy and full but we also get to be busy and fill our lives with whatever we choose 💛 It's more than I could have dreamed possible!⁠

Drop me a 💖 in the comments if you too are both ⬇️⁠

P.S. Have you taken my quiz to find out your biz mum superpower? Head to the below to find out which mum type you are! 💕


I always knew I was meant for more...Even when I had my dream job as a wedding planner, I knew there was more out there ...

I always knew I was meant for more...

Even when I had my dream job as a wedding planner, I knew there was more out there for me.

Even when I had my two baby boys and was a stay at home mum, I used to think “there’s gotta be more!”

I never knew what that was.

I didn’t know how to get there.

But I knew, once I started to take action the path would appear.

So I got really clear on who I wanted to be and the life I wanted to live. How many hours a day, days a week I wanted to work. How much money I wanted to earn.

Then once I got clear on these things, every decision I made took me closer to this vision.

It’s definitely not been a straight line, with various pivots along the way, and it’s definitely not the end of the journey.

But I’m happier than I’ve been in years because I’ve created a life that fulfils me. Where, if this is was “it”, I’d be the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.

So if you’ve ever had a feeling where you know you’re meant for more - it’s because you are!! There is so much out there waiting for you!

You just have decide you want it!

You deserve to live a life you love... every single day!

If you accept this mission write “ACCEPT” in the comments 💗

🚨ONLY 10 HOURS TO GO! 🚨Sweetcheeks, let’s keep this short and sweet. We’re running out of time to jump on board The Boss...


Sweetcheeks, let’s keep this short and sweet. We’re running out of time to jump on board The Bossy Mum Club.

I know you’re so ready to boss your business AND for more balance in your life, so let’s lay out how The Bossy Mum Club is going to get you there… and beyond.

From workbooks to masterclasses to expert sessions, every month you’ll receive a business boosting bundle that’ll take you to the next level.

Share your wins, b*tch about the washing pile (like, seriously?!) and create connections that’ll support you.

Every boss babe needs a biz wife. Get matched with your perfectly profitable partner inside the club.

I’ll be regularly dipping into my black book of biz besties to give you the scoop from the best in the business.

You can’t get where you’re going without a map, right? Join me for regular live goal setting sessions to keep you upbeat and on track.

Phewf, that’s a lot of value for just £27 a month. But you already know that, because you know just how much having a business that allows you more freedom would make you feel…

Which is why I’m giving you this one last reminder to go and hit the link in my bio, before it’s too late!

I gotcha, babe. You want more time with your children AND incredible success for yourself - hit that link 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Opportunity Alert: Learn how to grow your business AND spend more time with you family🎊Are you a mum in business or a mu...

Opportunity Alert: Learn how to grow your business AND spend more time with you family🎊

Are you a mum in business or a mum who wants to start a business?

Would you love to grow your business and connect with other mums that inspire you to want to show up as the best version of yourself every single day?

If so, keep reading!👇

➡️ You wanna start your dream business from the comfort of your Sweaty Betty’s…

➡️ You’re ready to take your fledgling business to the next, more profitable, level…

➡️ You’ve got a business and babies and you just need support to juggle all the things…

But the reality is...

You’re lonely. I know that you’re thinking about packing in your dreams in search of a ‘regular job’… but let me tell you. You’re not that kind of woman.

I know you want for, and deserve more, – because I was you once. And we’re really not that different! With 2 under 2 and a career left in the dust, I knew I needed to do something. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my babies all the time, but I didn’t want to not contribute to the household either!

If I can nail the strategies and get the support needed, then so can you!

If I can grow a thriving business that works on my terms, then so can you.

If I can do it all with 2 babies in tow, then so can you!

I'm looking to connect with 5-10 mummas in biz or mamas that want to be in biz to join my membership! If you are juggling the kids and fledgling business, you want to take your side hustle full time, this is the space where you’ll get support, have fun and build your empire from your sofa!

The doors are open until Monday 17th May and as a founder member you will get access for less than £1 a day!

You'll get:

⭐ Monthly Biz Bundles

⭐ Private Facebook Group

⭐ Guest Expert Sessions

⭐ Goal Setting Sessions

And so much more...⁠

The cost for founder members is just £27 per month with no minimum commitment time🥳

If you’re interested in grabbing one of these spots, comment with the word: BOSSY and we'll get started! 💃

The doors to The Bossy Mum Club are open!I’ve been keeping a not so secret, secret from you all! 😍Behind the scenes I’ve...

The doors to The Bossy Mum Club are open!

I’ve been keeping a not so secret, secret from you all! 😍

Behind the scenes I’ve been working on The Bossy Mum Club, the monthly membership for mums who want to boss their business, and balance their life!

It’s jam packed to the actual BRIM with value, all designed to take you from feeling lonely, overwhelmed and frustrated, to living your dream life, building an incredible business that works around your family.

MTV Cribs style, let’s take a peek inside, shall we? 👀

⭐ Monthly Biz Bundles - From workbooks to masterclasses to expert sessions, every month you’ll receive a business boosting bundle that’ll take you to the next level.

⭐ Private Facebook Group - Share your wins, b*tch about the washing pile (like, seriously?!) and create connections that’ll support you.

⭐ Guest Expert Sessions - I’ll be regularly dipping into my black book of biz besties to give you the scoop from the best in the business.

⭐ Goal Setting Sessions - You can’t get where you’re going without a map, right? Join me for regular live goal setting sessions to keep you upbeat and on track.

And so much more...

The doors are open 🚪 BUT only until Monday 17th May... so don’t miss out.


Don’t mind me, just beautifying myself for The Bossy Mum's Night in TONIGHT...💋Wait… what do you mean you ‘haven’t signe...

Don’t mind me, just beautifying myself for The Bossy Mum's Night in TONIGHT...💋

Wait… what do you mean you ‘haven’t signed up yet’?

Why am I sitting here putting on lip-liner if one of my fave followers isn’t coming to my party?

Babe, didn’t you hear me when I said we’d be smashing through those limiting beliefs, throwing self doubt in the bin + getting down and dirty with the steps you need to take next?

You’re basically about to rock up to ‘that’ party… you know - the one that goes down in history as the one you HAD to be at (think Sweet 16 meets Project X!)

So RUN, don’t walk to the below to grab your exclusive invite 💌




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