Wigfest Update:
People can turn up from 2pm on Friday 13th August.
Please take Lateral Flow Test before coming and do not come if test positive.
When you arrive please go up the side road on the right of hall, into the camping field. Park as close to the nearest car at the top of the hill, facing the right hand hedge. You can then camp in the camp site, on the other side of the barrier, and come and look for me in a high vis so I can tick you on my list.
There will be a bar open, in the outside campsite marquee during each afternoon, and then the bar will be open in the hall during the evening.
Friday Night
Vegan or meat Curry with garlic bread
Childrens Menu
Chicken Nuggets
Fish Finger
Vegan sausages
Both with chips
Pasta Bake (veggi)
Saturday/Sunday Breakfast
Breakfast Rolls
any combination of
Bacon, sausage, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, vegan sausage
Cereal, Cornflakes, Rice crispies,
Saturday Lunchtime
Burgers, hot dogs, chips including vegan option
Saturday Night
Pie Night
Chicken and mushroom
Steak and Ale
Cottage Pie/Pasta for the children
Mash and peas.
All meat locally sourced from a farm in the village
Fruit bowl also a possibility
Coffee and Tea will also be available.
As for timing.
Breakfast 8/8:30 till 10.30
Lunch 12/2 pm
Hopefully we will be ready to start serving dinner from around 6/6:30
We will close the kitchen at 8:30/9 pm
These times are very flexible. Please be patient with your food order as it is a small kitchen and Jenny will be doing her best.
Unfortunately because the kitchen is small there will be no entry to anyone but staff during the above times.
Please let us know of any food allergies asap.
The hall will be open at all times and there are male/female/disabled toilets here. No toilets in the camping field.
There will also be a campfire in the evenings and a bouncy castle during Saturday. This needs to be stewarded so if your child is on the bouncy castle, please monitor them. There will also be a football and goal.
Amplified music will be turned off at midnight in the hall.
Please take your campsite rubbish home with you as this, in previous years, has cost us a lot of money to get rid of, money that should be going to the charities.
Please leave the site by noon on Sunday 15th August
Looking forward to seeing you all soon x