Hello lovely people we have a fundraising event in East Meon on 18th May. Is an annual event and extremely popular and well attended.
This year is special, it is East Meon Village Hall 50th Birthday and we raising funds for the refurbishment of our beloved village hall . The village hall houses our lovely nursery and is such a well used facility but it’s in desperate need of renovation in excess of 400k
Im asking for help, I need you lovely people.
🔴If anyone on 18th May can spare some time, musicians, singers , jugglers , fire breathers anything entertaining that you could spare and hour or so of your time and promote your business we would be grateful forevermore. Plus you will get free tickets to the big 50th Birthday bash in July.
🔴Donations of any sort , money , raffle prizes, people’s time for auction ,anything that can raise money.
🔴 Ideas and help to raise money? If anyone thinks they could do a sponsored something or sell something to help that’s would be amazing.
🔴Help in general on the day, we need as many volunteers as possible.
I’m sure there’s more but that’s enough for now but as you can see we have a long road ahead of us.
Thank you for reading