How did the pandemic affect us? #marketing #conference #software #exhibition
Here is how our Managing Director got into the conference and exhibition industry!
#marketing #conference #exhibition #software #virtualconference #virtualexhibition #hybridconference #hybridexhibition
Go back and watch part 1 if you haven’t seen it!
#marketing #microsoft #teams #conference #exhibition #software
Come back tomorrow for part 2 to see how we resolved the issue🤷♂️
#marketing #conference #exhibition #conference #microsoftteams #government
How we resolved the issue from part one! If you haven’t seen the first part, it’s the previous reel on our page😁
#marketing #virtualconference #exhibition #virtualexhibition #hybridconference #hybridexhibition
Not everything always goes to plan.. come back for part 2 on Thursday to see how we resolved the situation!
#marketing #exhibition #conference #virtualconference #hybridexhibition
Product specialists vs Salespeople on the stand!
#event #software #virtualconference #virtualexhibition #hybridexhibition #hybridconference
Another inside secret from our Managing Director!
#marketing #virtualconference #virtualexhibition #software
Having a virtual or hybrid component to your event can’t add huge value to it.. here’s how!
#event #conference #exhibition #software #marketing
Is it difficult to turn a live event into a hybrid event?
#event #hybridconference #hybridexhibition #software #virtualconference #software
How are we different from the rest🤔
#events #exhibition #marketing #conference #virtualconference #hybridconference #hybridexhibition #software
Do you know the difference between a virtual and hybrid event?
#events #virtualevent #marketing #virtualconference #hybridconference #hybridexhibition #virtualexhibition #software
What is the difference between a conference and a webinar?
#marketing #exhibition #conference #event #virtualconference #webinar #hybridconference
Why you can’t use Zoom or Google Meet for a virtual conference! If you’d like to receive our free guide with some expert tips for conference and exhibition success then drop us a message!
#events #googlemeet #zoom #conference #event #marketing #virtualconference #hybridconference #virtualexhibition #hybridexhibition
Exhibitions don’t always go to plan😬
#exhibition #conference #storytime #gonewrong #events #virtualevents #hybridevent
A clip from an interview Gerard did back in 2020!
#conference #virtualconference #exhibition #events #virtualexhibition #software #hybridconference #virtualconferencesoftware #marketing #guestmanagement
Here’s how Congress can help make your live event much more efficient!
#conference #exhibition #marketing #virtualconference #hybridconference #software
We have just launched our Awards Management System, visit our website to learn more!!
#awardsmanagementsystem #software #newproduct #announcement #exhibition
What is cost per qualified lead, and why is it so important?
#conference #exhibition #events #marketing #virtualconference #virtualexhibition #software
Here’s how we can help you collect real data and analytics through our virtual conference software… Congress.
#events #exhibition #conference