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Homemade Concerts An invitation to All musicians around the world
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Welcome ALGONYM ,here performing his piece 'Magic leaves on white trees'.Algonym is a personal refuge of ideas, born in ...

Welcome ALGONYM ,here performing his piece 'Magic leaves on white trees'.
Algonym is a personal refuge of ideas, born in the past or coming instantly, most often with a guitar in hand, somewhere in Greece. Trying to cover most of the range of his inspiration, from minimalistic acoustic tapes to built-up material, Algonym accepts his failure to follow an obvious destination other than the soundscape of the moment.
Homemade Concerts

Algonym performs 'Magic leaves on white trees.Algonym is a personal refuge of ideas, born in the past or coming instantly, most often with a guitar in hand, ...

Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight! Check the link below and click on 'set a reminder' so you don't miss it!ALG...

Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight! Check the link below and click on 'set a reminder' so you don't miss it!
Homemade Concerts

Algonym performs 'Magic leaves on white trees.Algonym is a personal refuge of ideas, born in the past or coming instantly, most often with a guitar in hand, ...

Welcome James Patrick Gavin here performing his piece Mena's Teapot along with Adrian Lever (guitar) and Holly Harman (f...

Welcome James Patrick Gavin here performing his piece Mena's Teapot along with Adrian Lever (guitar) and Holly Harman (fiddle).
James Patrick Gavin, hailing from North London, is a multi-instrumentalist composer with musical and family roots running from Northern Ireland to the Basque Country.

Steeped in Irish music, his unique approach to guitar and fiddle is described as “magnificent in its irreverence” (Folk Radio UK). Working at the forefront of London’s folk music scene, James can be found amongst the ranks of TEYR, The Rad Orchestra, Jez Hellard and beyond.

James Patrick Gavin
Homemade Concerts

James Patrick Gavin performs Mena's Teapot. James Patrick Gavin, hailing from North London, is a multi-instrumentalist composer with musical and family roots...

From North London to your home ! Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight. Click on the link below and set up a remin...

From North London to your home ! Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight. Click on the link below and set up a reminder so you don't miss it.
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James Patrick Gavin
Homemade Concerts

James Patrick Gavin performs Mena's Teapot. James Patrick Gavin, hailing from North London, is a multi-instrumentalist composer with musical and family roots...


Welcome The Rad Orchestra here performing 'Excuse Me While I Grin'.
The Rad Orchestra play hypnotic tunes on, ngoni (West African lute), guitar viola, violins, bass, drums and percussion. We take inspiration from time-honoured song writers, global Folk, Blues & Soul.
Their first album is available on Labelship https://www.labelship.com


You can buy the hats here:
Max Andre Rademacher
Homemade Concerts

The Rad Orchestra play hypnotic tunes on, ngoni (West African lute), guitar viola, violins, bass, drums and percussion. We take inspiration from time-honoure...

From sunny London to your home !!Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight !Click on the link below to set a reminder ...

From sunny London to your home !!
Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight !
Click on the link below to set a reminder in case you forget
Remember to subscribe on our YouTube channel :-)
Rad Orchestra
Homemade Concerts

The Rad Orchestra play hypnotic tunes on, ngoni (West African lute), guitar viola, violins, bass, drums and percussion. We take inspiration from time-honoure...

Thank you Gpop Ben CamdenHomemade Concerts

Thank you Gpop
Ben Camden
Homemade Concerts

O Ben Camden από την Αυστραλία στα Homemade Concerts O Ben Camden παρουσιάζει το καινούριο του single 'Leather Bags' σε ένα video γυρισμένο στην παραλία Byron Bay στην Αυστραλία. Ο Ben είναι τραγουδιστή...

Welcome Ben Camden, here performing his new single 'Leather Bags' at a beach in Australia!Ben is a singer-songwriter fro...

Welcome Ben Camden, here performing his new single 'Leather Bags' at a beach in Australia!
Ben is a singer-songwriter from Byron Bay, Australia. He plays ukulele and guitar, and usually busks (street music) in the town where he lives most days.
He released a new single on March 27th called Leather Bags.
You can buy his single:
Ben Camden
Homemade Concerts

Ben Camden performs his new single 'Leather Bags'. I'm a singer-songwriter from Byron Bay, Australia. I play ukulele and guitar, and usually busk (street mus...

If you missed Ben Camden's Homemade Concert premiere earlier today, you can watch it here :-)Don't forget to subscribe o...

If you missed Ben Camden's Homemade Concert premiere earlier today, you can watch it here :-)
Don't forget to subscribe on our You tube channel so you don't miss a Homemade Concert again !
Thank you CityPortal.gr
Ben Camden
Homemade Concerts

O Ben Camden από την Αυστραλία παρουσιάζει το καινούριο του single «Leather Bags»

From a beach in Byron Bay ,Australia to your home !!Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight at 19:00 ! Click on the ...

From a beach in Byron Bay ,Australia to your home !!
Our next Homemade Concert premieres tonight at 19:00 !
Click on the link below to set a reminder in case you forget
Remember to subscribe on our YouTube channel :-)
Ben Camden
Homemade Concerts

Ben Camden performs his new single 'Leather Bags'. I'm a singer-songwriter from Byron Bay, Australia. I play ukulele and guitar, and usually busk (street mus...

Welcome Panos Fotakos, here performing his piece 'Almost there'.Panos Fotakos performs his piece 'Almost there'.He lives...

Welcome Panos Fotakos, here performing his piece 'Almost there'.
Panos Fotakos performs his piece 'Almost there'.
He lives in the moon and sometimes he visits Athens, Greece. Μusic is his way to escape from reality, and makes hims feel connected to the deep blue sea and the blue sky.
Ζω στο φεγγάρι, αλλά που και που έρχομαι επίσκεψη στην Αθήνα. Η μουσική για μένα είναι διέξοδος, κάτι βαθύ και απέραντο σαν το γαλάζιο της θάλασσας και του ουρανού.
Homemade Concerts invites musicians from around the world to create a video of them performing. A platform that aims to bring people closer during these challenging times.

**Please support the artists by following them on social media and buying their albums.**

Be Creative, Be Safe, Be With

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Panos Fotakos
Homemade Concerts

Panos Fotakos performs his piece 'Almost there'. He lives in the moon and sometimes he visits Athens, Greece. Μusic is his way to escape from reality, and ma...

In 10 minutes our next Homemade Concert ! Click on the link below to set a reminder or stay tuned :-)You can also subscr...

In 10 minutes our next Homemade Concert ! Click on the link below to set a reminder or stay tuned :-)
You can also subscribe on our You tube channel to never miss our Homemade Concerts :-)
Panos Fotakos
Homemade Concerts

Panos Fotakos performs his piece 'Almost there'. He lives in the moon and sometimes he visits Athens, Greece. Μusic is his way to escape from reality, and ma...

Welcome Andreas Polyzogopoulos, here performing Asta ta mallakia sou, a Greek song written by Mihalis Sogioul and lyrics...

Welcome Andreas Polyzogopoulos, here performing Asta ta mallakia sou, a Greek song written by Mihalis Sogioul and lyrics by Alekos Sakellarios & Christos Giannakopoulos.

Αndreas Polyzogopoulos studied jazz guitar in Philippos Nakas Conservatory and in 2000 picked up the trumpet. In October 2002 he moves to the Netherlands and studies at the Conservatorium Van Amsterdam. He also takes lessons from Markus Stockhausen and Angelo Verploegen and follows a workshop with Paolo Fresu in Sardegna. While studying in Amsterdam he plays with various multi-ethnic groups and in 2006 he forms “Poly Quartet”, a group that performs his own compositions. In 2008, the band records the album “ Perfumed Dreams” and wins the first place in “Motives for Jazz” competition in Belgium. In 2010 he toured Europe as a member of the European Youth Jazz Orchestra.
In 2011, as a member of Dimitris Kalantzis’ quintet he released the cd Mano’s for Verve records which became gold and later platinum. In 2013 he released “Heart of The Sun - The music of Pink Floyd”, a cd with songs of his favourite rock band and all-time inspiration Pink Floyd. With this project he toured around Europe and in New York city. In 2015 he released the cd “ Anicca” where the Mediterranean sound is more present in the sound of the band and in 2017 the cd of ambient music " Polypala - One inch of Love”.

Andreas collaborated with Jaques Morelembaum, Tore Brunborg, Michel Portal, Gunter Baby Zomer, Markus Stockhausen, Diederik Wissels, Tony Lakatos, Psarantonis, Teun Verbruggen, Savina Yannatou, Maria Farantouri, Dulce Pontes, Serge Teyssot Gay (Noir Desir), Anne Paceo, Marc Buronfosse, Federico Casagrande, Mauro Gargano, Christophe Panzani, Yorgos Trantalidis, Kostas Theodorou, Yiorgos Kontrafouris, Mode Plagal, Nikos Sidirokastritis, Yiotis Kiourtsoglou, David Lynch, Stavros Lantsias, Haig Yazdjan, Vangelis Katsoulis, Petros Klampanis, Takis Barberis, Thanasis Papakonstantinou, Dionysis Savvopoulos among others.

He has recorded on over 60 cd’s and has performed in festivals such as North Sea Jazz Festival, Odessa Jazz Festival, Banlieues Bleues Festival, Shanghai World Festival, Jazz à la Villette, I Suoni delle Dolomiti Festival, Berlin Jazz Festival, Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival, Patras Praxis International Jazz Festival, Athens Festival - Odeon Herodus Atticus theatre. Andreas gives workshops every summer in Paros island, as a member of Mediterranean Artists Masters Academy. Currently based in Brussels.
Andreas Polyzogopoulos
Homemade Concerts

Andreas Polyzogopoulos perforrms Asta ta mallakia sou, a Greek song written by Mihalis Sogioul and lyrics by Alekos Sakellarios & Christos Giannakopoulos. Αn...

In 10 minutes our next Homemade Concert ! Click on the link below to set a reminder or stay tuned :-)You can also subscr...

In 10 minutes our next Homemade Concert ! Click on the link below to set a reminder or stay tuned :-)
You can also subscribe on you You tube channel to never miss our Homemade Concerts :-)
Andreas Polyzogopoulos
Homemade Concerts

Andreas Polyzogopoulos perforrms Asta ta mallakia sou, a Greek song written by Mihalis Sogioul and lyrics by Alekos Sakellarios & Christos Giannakopoulos. Αn...

Welcome Kostas Koronaios (actor) & Anthi Damvouneli (clarinetist,composer), here performing a well known Greek poem ‘Arn...

Welcome Kostas Koronaios (actor) & Anthi Damvouneli (clarinetist,composer), here performing a well known Greek poem ‘Arnaki’ (Little Lamb) by Alexandros Katakouzinos.

Ο Kώστας Kορωναίος έπαιζε Στο Γάμο του Κουτρούλη με τη Σμαράγδα Καρύδη και το Νίκο Κουρή μέχρι που τους έκλεισε ο κορονοϊός. Μετά το Πάσχα θα έπαιζε στο ΜΑΚΙΝΑΛ της Ιούς Βουλγαράκη αλλά κάτσε να δούμε πως θα είμαστε μετά το Πάσχαχαχαχαχ
Η Ανθή Δαμβουνέλη εργάζεται στη φιλαρμονική του Πειραιά και παρακολουθεί τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια το εργαστήρι μουσικής σύνθεσης του Εθνικού Θεάτρου. Εκεί συμβαίνουν πράματα και θάματα. Συμμετείχε από τον Οκτώβρη στο ατελιέ μουσικού θεάτρου της SGT αφιερωμένο στον Γιώργο Απέργη και στις 26/3 θα παρουσίαζε με μια καταπληκτική ομάδα την παράσταση enumerations αλλά πάλιοκορονοϊός τους έριξε στα βράχια.
Homemade Concerts

An unexpected performance of a well known Greek poem ‘Arnaki’ (Little Lamb,Alexandros Katakouzinos). A collaboration between the actor Kostas Koronaios and t...

Gpop.gr Thank you !https://www.facebook.com/kostas.koronaios.5Anthi DamvouneliHomemade Concerts

Gpop.gr Thank you !
Anthi Damvouneli
Homemade Concerts

O ηθοποιός Κώστας Κορωναίος και η μουσικός Ανθή Δαμβουνέλη αποδέχονται την ανοιχτή πρόσκληση των Homemade Concerts στέλνοντας την δική τους εκδοχή του ποιήματος «το Αρνάκ....

In 5 minutes our next Homemade Concert !Click on the link below to set a reminder on You tube or just wait there :-)http...

In 5 minutes our next Homemade Concert !
Click on the link below to set a reminder on You tube or just wait there :-)
Anthi Damvouneli
Homemade Concerts

An unexpected performance of a well known Greek poem ‘Arnaki’ (Little Lamb,Alexandros Katakouzinos). A collaboration between the actor Kostas Koronaios and t...

Welcome Remi & the road, here performing Wayfaring Stranger, an American folk and gospel song.Singer/Songwriter Remi & t...

Welcome Remi & the road, here performing Wayfaring Stranger, an American folk and gospel song.

Singer/Songwriter Remi & the road grew up in the island of Spetses. Since 2009 he has been actively performing as a Folk, Country, Bluegrass and Rock & Roll artist through various musical scenes of Greece and Europe. He has also performed as an opening act for bands like "Puressence", "Sivert Hoyem (Madrugada)", "Howe Gelb", "Rob Coffinshaker" and others.
Homemade Concerts

Remi & The Road performs Wayfaring Stranger, an American folk and gospel song. Singer/Songwriter Remi & the road grew up in the island of Spetses. Since 2009...



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