New Flavors of Free-Range Chicken: A Double Delight
**First Dish: Wok-Braised King Chicken**
This dish features fresh chicken as the star, marinated with a special blend of spices and sauces that make the meat tender and juicy with an excellent texture. The sauce‘s mild spiciness and aromatic notes intertwine, ensuring that one taste will leave you wanting more.
**Second Dish: Italian Balsamic Chicken**
Inspired by Mediterranean flavors, this dish pairs chicken with high-quality Italian balsamic vinegar, slow-cooked to perfection, allowing the meat to absorb the tangy aroma. Seasonal fresh vegetables accompany the dish, adding color and texture for a refreshing culinary experience.
These two dishes will bring unique flavors to your table, leaving a lasting impression!
Harbour Plaza North Point Restaurant
☎️+852 2633 8899
3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong
#港島區 #北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #優惠 #香港美食 #食肆推介 #美食分享 #北角美食 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland #harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #foodiehk #hkfood #hkrestaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunch
This Italian balsamic chicken dish combines unique seasonings and high-quality ingredients, showcasing a fusion of Eastern and Western flavors.
**Italian balsamic vinegar** is the soul of this dish. Made from selected grapes that have been aged for a long time, it possesses a rich sweet and sour flavor with a complex aroma, enhancing the deliciousness of the chicken and adding depth to every bite. The acidity of the balsamic vinegar effectively balances the richness of the chicken, making the dish feel fresher.
Finally, the choice of free-range Chinese chicken, known for its tender meat, serves as the foundation of this dish, elevating its quality. This combination not only rounds out the flavors but also allows each bite to evoke the taste of different histories and cultures. Overall, this dish is a feast for the senses, captivating diners with its unique flavors.
Harbour Plaza North Point Restaurant
☎️+852 2633 8899
3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong
#港島區 #北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #優惠 #香港美食 #食肆推介 #美食分享 #北角美食 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkong
逸龍軒逸龍軒專注於創新粵菜,將傳統風味與現代烹飪技術相結合,提供獨特的用餐體驗餐廳的點心選擇豐富,手工製作的金邊蝦餃皇、鮑魚燒賣皇和黑毛豬叉燒包包等,口感細膩,回味無窮。菜單根據季節變化,使用當季最新鮮的食材,如春天的嫩豆苗和夏天的海鮮,確保食物的新鮮和品質。雖然菜品精緻,但價格合理,讓食客能以較低的價格享受到高品質的中菜。無論是家庭聚會還是朋友聚餐,逸龍軒都是一個不錯的選擇,讓你享受美味的同時,也能體驗到新派粵菜的魅力。北角海逸酒店中菜廳Harbour Plaza North Point Restaurant☎️+852 2633 8899📍北角海逸酒店3樓(鰂魚涌地鐵站C出口)3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong#港島區 #北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #優惠 #香港美食 #食肆推介 #美食分享 #北角美食 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland #harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #foodiehk #hkfood #hkrestaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunchset #gathering
《江蘇大閘蟹🦀 X 中華巧手美點🥟》放題⏰任飲任食2小時「優惠價$588/位」提前預訂尊享⚡️快閃品嘗優惠🌟$528/位♥️無限追加清蒸江蘇大閘蟹、粟米海皇羹、金邊鮮蝦餃、蟹籽燒賣王、黑毛豬叉燒包、古法馬拉糕、荷香瑤柱珍珠雞、XO醬炒腸粉、生炒臘味糯米飯、銀芽豉油王炒河、黃金脆魚皮、濃湯浸時蔬、椒鹽九肚魚、川式口水雞、冰燒三層肉、青瓜雲耳燻蹄、川味沙薑豬手、黃金脆豆腐、拔絲咕嚕肉、酥炸鯪魚球、蛋黃蓮蓉金桃、蛋白杏仁茶、禦品紅棗糕、杞子桂花糕、茅台是果杏仁、九層薑汁糕、奶黃流沙包、薑茶湯圓。逸龍軒提供優雅的用餐環境,讓顧客可以在輕鬆的氛圍中享受美食。這是一次不容錯過的美食體驗。北角海逸酒店中菜廳宴會及婚宴場地Harbour Plaza North Point RestaurantEvents & Weddings Reservation:☎️+852 2633 8899📍3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong #港島區 #北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland#harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunchset #gathering
**The Fiery Flavors** is not just a feast for the senses; it is an eagerly anticipated culinary celebration, where you can experience the chefs' artistry and limitless creativity in the kitchen!"
Harbour Plaza North Point Restaurant
Events & Weddings Reservation:
☎️+852 2633 8899
📍3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong
#港島區 #北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland #harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunchset #gathering
逸龍軒「夏日盛宴」為你呈獻:輕爽的菜餚、清新的滋味,為您帶來一個愉快的夏日用餐體驗。請慢慢品嘗,盡情享受這個美好的夏日盛宴!北角海逸酒店中菜廳宴會及婚宴場地Harbour Plaza North Point RestaurantEvents & Weddings Reservation:☎️+852 2633 8899📍3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong#港島區#北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland#harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunchset #gathering
Harbour Plaza North Point Restaurant
Events & Weddings Reservation:
☎️+852 2633 8899
📍3/F, Harbour Plaza North Point, Hong Kong
#港島區#北角海逸酒店 #中菜廳 #逸龍軒 #宴會 #婚宴場地 #婚禮 #粵菜 #點心 #小紅書 #hongkongisland#harbourplazanorthpoint #victoriaharbour #yatlungheen #event #wedding #banquet #restaurant #finechinesecuisine #dimsum #lunchset #gathering