【「建造商會叮叮樂」 香港建造商會舉辦 7.11 電車免費乘車日】
香港建造商會(「建造商會」)為慶祝七月中華人民共和國香港特別行政區成立25周年這個重要的里程碑,以「同心同創建新猷 同慶回歸廿五載」為題,舉辦一系列節慶活動,其中,建造商會特別選定於魯班誕正日六月十三日,即7月11日(星期一)舉行「建造商會叮叮樂」電車免費乘車日,作為誌慶亮點。
建造商會期望在這個普天同慶的日子,秉承香港特區「砥礪奮進廿五載 攜手再上新征程」的題旨,與全港市民同樂同賀歷史時刻,並同心合力構建明媚前程;在新冠疫情逐步緩和下,亦為社會各界加添歡樂和正能量。建造商會及其會員將一如過往,致力服務和建設香港,與港人共建和諧、美好新天地。
【HKCA sponsors “HKCA Tramways Free Ride Day” on 7.11 to celebrate HKSAR 25th Anniversary】
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) of the People’s Republic of China in July, Hong Kong Construction Association (“HKCA”) organizes a series of festive events. Among these events, the “HKCA Tramways Free Ride Day” to be held on the Lo Pan Patron’s Day on 11 July (Mon) is a major highlight.
HKCA aspires to celebrate this historical moment with all Hong Kong people under the theme of the HKSAR “A New Era – Stability. Prosperity. Opportunity”. In the meantime, they try to spread joy and positivity to the community when the local COVID-19 epidemic is under control. HKCA and its Members, as always, continues to serve the city and strives to build a harmonious, beautiful future with all people in Hong Kong.
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