Noah (Asia)

Noah (Asia) We are a professional marketing agency based in Hong Kong. We have proven track record to run diffe

We offer:
- Event Management Services
- Roadshow & Exhibition Design & Production
- Window / Shop Front Display
- Promoters & Telesales Management

Service Area: China / Hong Kong / Macau




🎄🎉 聖誕快樂!在這個充滿喜悅的季節,我們感謝每一位支持我們的朋友與合作夥伴。讓我們一起迎接新的一年,分享愛與希望!祝願大家聖誕快樂,幸福安康!🌟

[活動策劃及統籌]我們很高興今次能夠為「海濱發展20周年展覽」進行設計及制作工作,好讓市民透過珍貴資料和照片,深入了解維港海濱的歷史。是次活動的成功,當然要多謝各位同事及協作單位。感謝各位參與及支持![Event Management]We...


[Event Management]
We are thrilled to have designed and produced the '20th Anniversary of Waterfront Development Exhibition,' allowing the public to gain deeper insights into the history of Victoria Harbour through precious materials and photos. The success of this event is thanks to all our colleagues and collaborating units. Thank you to everyone for your participation and contributions!

#活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事 #維多利亞港 #維港 #香港 #海濱共享空間
#東岸公園主題區 #活力維港乘風啟航 #海濱發展20年

[活動策劃及統籌]感謝客人的信任, 讓我們為香港交易所籌劃今年的 [香港交易所聯互通十周年高峰論壇]!此次盛會匯聚了來自全球的業界領袖和專家,深入探討金融市場的最新趨勢與創新,並促進了寶貴的交流與合作。我們衷心感謝每一位參與者的支持,特別是...


感謝客人的信任, 讓我們為香港交易所籌劃今年的 [香港交易所聯互通十周年高峰論壇]!此次盛會匯聚了來自全球的業界領袖和專家,深入探討金融市場的最新趨勢與創新,並促進了寶貴的交流與合作。

[Event Management]
Thank you for our guests' trust in allowing us to plan this year's [HKEX Connect Summit] for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This grand event brought together industry leaders and experts from around the world to explore the latest trends and innovations in the financial market, fostering valuable communication and collaboration.
We sincerely appreciate the support of every participant, especially our dedicated team members and partners. Without your hard work, this event could not have been such a success! Your efforts and commitment have enabled us to create this exciting platform for exchange. We look forward to future collaboration opportunities!

#香港交易所 #金融創新 #業界領袖 #感謝團隊 #活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事 #香港交易所聯互通十周年高峰論壇

[活動策劃及統籌]我們很高興今次能為香港建築署策劃及統籌 「你我社區 由心建造」攝影及短片比賽,這次活動旨在促進社區參與,展示我們的建築如何用心建造美好的生活空間。感謝所有參與者的熱情支持及創意,讓我們共同見證社區的力量![Event Ma...

我們很高興今次能為香港建築署策劃及統籌 「你我社區 由心建造」攝影及短片比賽,這次活動旨在促進社區參與,展示我們的建築如何用心建造美好的生活空間。感謝所有參與者的熱情支持及創意,讓我們共同見證社區的力量!

[Event Management]
We are delighted to organize and coordinate the 'Our Community Built from the Heart' photography and short video competition for the Architectural Services Department of Hong Kong. This event aims to promote community engagement and showcase how our architecture is thoughtfully crafted to create beautiful living spaces. Thanks to all participants for their enthusiastic support and creativity, allowing us to witness the power of community together!

#建築署 #活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事
#你我社區由心建造 #社區 #創意




[Event Management]
We are pleased to have organized this event for the Buildings Department, and it was a great success! This event attracted many public, allowing everyone to gain a deeper understanding of the services provided by the Buildings Department and the importance of building safety.
We would like to thank all participants and staff for their efforts and support, which made this event so successful. We look forward to more opportunities in the future to share knowledge and enhance community awareness of building safety.
Let’s work together for the safe construction of Hong Kong! 💪🏙️

#屋宇署 #奧海城 #屯門市廣場 #活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事 #樓宇安全周2024

把握機會,最後今天可遞交作品!!!你我社區 由心建造


你我社區 由心建造


【中秋佳節活動投票結果-羽毛球🏸】  響呢個人月兩團圓嘅日子,希望大家享受到美味嘅月餅同做節嘅大餐,除了賞月、仲可以相約至愛打番場羽毛球🏸,享受與親朋好友共聚嘅時光!祝大家中秋快樂!🌟 #中秋節  #相約打羽毛球  #同事話而家最潮係打羽毛...




#中秋節 #相約打羽毛球 #同事話而家最潮係打羽毛球 

[活動策劃及統籌] 美食博覽今日正式開始,各位準備好未? 準備去既朋友,記住去以下攤位睇下同搶購啦!!!灣仔會展 1C-A10 | 1D-D27        #美食博覽2024             #多謝朋友介紹  #生意興隆  #會...


美食博覽今日正式開始,各位準備好未? 準備去既朋友,記住去以下攤位睇下同搶購啦!!!
灣仔會展 1C-A10 | 1D-D27

#美食博覽2024 #多謝朋友介紹 #生意興隆 #會展 #多謝各位同事

[活動策劃及統籌] 我們公司成功舉辦了「社企圈 - 無處不社企 · ESG 契機」開幕典禮暨社企營運能力提升計劃證書頒發典禮!這次盛會不僅揭開了社會企業的新篇章,還探索了ESG的全新機遇。與會者見證了在社企營運能力提升計劃中表現卓越的參與者...


我們公司成功舉辦了「社企圈 - 無處不社企 · ESG 契機」開幕典禮暨社企營運能力提升計劃證書頒發典禮!

#活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事

[活動策劃及統籌]     滿月宴 by HUAWEI App Gallery多謝客人支持,讓我們有機會統籌一個充滿歡笑聲及歡樂的慶祝活動。在活動當中,各玩家熱情的參與和寶貴意見分享,好讓遊戲開發團隊獲得更多的靈感去提升遊戲既內容,令玩家創...

[活動策劃及統籌] 滿月宴 by HUAWEI App Gallery



[Event Planning and Management] Anniversary Celebration by HUAWEI App Gallery

Thank you to our guests for your support, which has given us the opportunity to coordinate a celebration filled with laughter and joy. During the event, the passionate participation and valuable feedback shared by all players has provided the game development team with more inspiration to enhance the game's content, creating an even better gaming experience for players.

We would also like to extend a special thank you to our partners and our team members. Together, we successfully planned and hosted this wonderful celebration in a short period of time.

#活動策劃及統籌 #多謝各位同事 #活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事 #活動制作




[Event Planning and Management]

Once again, we successfully coordinated another water sports activity event in Hong Kong Victoria Harbour. Thank you to all the units and guests for their support. Even though we encountered unpredictable weather conditions during the pre-event, mid-event, and post-event stages, our team's professional planning and arrangements were able to handle everything properly, allowing the event to be completed smoothly. Thank you to all our colleagues

#多謝各位同事 #多謝客戶支持 #海濱長廊

又一場成功的活動順利完成了! 🎉今次我們很高興能夠與客戶Vistra合作,策劃及統籌他們今年在香港舉行的年度活動。是次活動順利完成並獲得客人的稱讚及認同,實屬榮幸。成功的背後,主要歸功於我們專業及認真的團隊,不論從設計、活動統籌、採購、制作...

又一場成功的活動順利完成了! 🎉



Another successful event has been completed! 🎉

This time, we are pleased to have collaborated with our client Vistra to plan and organize their annual event held in Hong Kong. We are honored that the event was successfully completed and well-received by the guests. This is mainly due to the dedication and professionalism of our team, from design, event coordination, procurement, production, to on-site operations, every aspect was carefully arranged and taken care of. Of course, we also appreciate our long-term cooperation partners who have worked in perfect harmony, ensuring the smooth ex*****on of the event.

Events of this scale require true collaboration, and we are fortunate to have such an excellent team and partners. Let's look forward to the next exciting event together!!

#活動策劃 #多謝客戶支持 #多謝各位同事 #活動制作

[活動策劃及統籌]  活力維港 ‧ 乘風破浪 海濱公眾活動終於登場啦! 感謝Project同事們精心策劃及統籌是次活動,事前做足準備功夫,無懼天氣變化,將活動順利舉行。感謝各位的付出! 🙏另外,亦要多謝Operation及Productio...

[活動策劃及統籌] 活力維港 ‧ 乘風破浪

海濱公眾活動終於登場啦! 感謝Project同事們精心策劃及統籌是次活動,事前做足準備功夫,無懼天氣變化,將活動順利舉行。感謝各位的付出! 🙏
另外,亦要多謝Operation及Production同事全情投入,將快閃打卡位順利登場,並把打卡位打造得美輪美奐,成功落地面世,感謝! 💪

大家的團結協作,成就了這場精采難忘的活動...Nothing is impossible!!

[Event Planning and Coordination] Harbour of Life ‧ Charting a New Course

Harbourfront Public Activity has finally launched! Thank you to the Project team for planning and coordinating this event, doing thorough preparation work in advance, braving the weather changes, and successfully holding the event. Thank you all for your efforts! 🙏

On the other hand, we also thank the Operation and Production team for their full dedication, successfully launching the pop-up check-in spot, and creating a beautifully-designed check-in spot that was successfully realized, thank you! 💪

The unity and collaboration of everyone has created this splendidly successful event... Nothing is impossible!!

#活動策劃 #維多利亞港 #維港 #香港 #海濱共享空間 #北角東岸公園主題區 #茶果嶺海濱公園 #灣仔水上運動及康樂主題區

🎉 我們很高興地宣佈,我們公司成功通過了ISO 9001 和 ISO 27001認證!🎉這一成就是我們團隊共同努力的結果,特別感謝每一位同事的辛勤付出與專業貢獻。這不僅是對我們質量管理和信息安全管理體系的肯定,也是對我們不斷追求卓越的見證。...

🎉 我們很高興地宣佈,我們公司成功通過了ISO 9001 和 ISO 27001認證!🎉

#團隊合作 #卓越管理 #質量管理 #信息安全





[Design & Production]

Thank you for your trust! Entrusting us with the design and production of the window display. We understand that this is an important task, carrying the responsibility of showcasing the brand image and attracting attention. Every detail has been meticulously planned and executed by our team, striving to perfectly present the unique charm and value of the brand. We are very honored to be a part of this project and will continue to work hard to provide our clients with the highest quality design and service!

#感謝信任 #櫥窗展示 #設計與製作 #品牌形象 #創意設計 #團隊合作 #專業服務 #精心策劃 #完美呈現


Unit 526, 5/F. , Tower B, Focal Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok Street
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:30 - 18:30




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Our Story

We offer: - Event Management Services - Roadshow & Exhibition Design & Production - Retail Channel Marketing Service - Promoters & Telesales Management Service Area: China / Hong Kong / Macau