5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(五)迷走竹林 Lost in the Woods🎍
準備好走入「迷走竹林」未呀🎍?呢個迷宮由屢獲殊榮的景觀設計師Kan Srisawat所設計,靈感來自於香港標誌性的棚架結構👷♂️👷♀️ 走入呢個結合柱子和樑嘅港式建築美學迷宮內面, 除咗可以欣賞到竹林,仲可以去到竹天梯觀看香港天際線景色添!📸🎍🌆
Let's dive into the fifth theme maze: Lost in the Woods!
Are you ready to enter the "Lost in the Woods" maze? 🎍 This maze, designed by the acclaimed landscape designer Kan Srisawat, draws inspiration from Hong Kong's iconic bamboo scaffolding structure👷♂️👷♀️ As you step into this maze, which combines columns and beams in the aesthetic of Hong Kong architecture, you'll not only admire the bamboo forest but also have the opportunity to climb the Bamboo Sky Stairs and enjoy the stunning view of the Hong Kong skyline. 📸🎍🌆
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple #hkweekend
5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(四)躍動迷城 Air Maze
鮮艷奪目的充氣迷宮內設有各種障礙物、隱藏通道等挑戰元素🤸🌈! 無論係大人抑或小朋友都可以喺充氣迷宮,盡情玩樂! 🥰
Let's dive into the fourth theme maze: Air Maze!
This vibrant and eye-catching inflatable maze is filled with various obstacles, hidden passages, and challenging elements 🤸🌈! Whether you're an adult or a child, you can enjoy yourself in this inflatable maze to the fullest! 🥰
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple
5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(三)迷時TIME MAZING⏳
要逃出高牆林立、四周環境好似一樣咁嘅石屎森林, 關鍵就係喺迷失入面搵到「光」,只要搵到「光」🌠,就可以浩浩蕩蕩迎來另一新世紀,帶你由 NOW 穿越到 FUTURE☄️
準備好來一場由香港設計師Calix Wong 策劃嘅穿越時空嘅冒險未呀?⏰✨
Let's dive into the third theme maze: Time Mazing! ⏳
To escape the towering walls and the concrete forest that surrounds you, the key is to find the "light" within the maze 🌠. Once you find the "light," a whole new century awaits, taking you from NOW to the FUTURE☄️
Are you ready for an adventure of time-travel curated by Hong Kong designer Calix Wong? ⏰✨
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple #hkweekend
5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(二)鏡院 Infinite Mirror Maze
召喚真.鏡粉🪞✨ 鏡院迷宮由屢獲殊榮的建築師馮國安設計,通過空間設計, 將鏡面同天空連接,可以為你繁忙嘅城市生活注入寧靜🥰️ 喺呢個空間盡情放鬆,咁不如就留一天喺度喘息? 留到夜晚分分鐘仲可以抬頭, 見到星空萬象綻放嘅景象 🌌
Let's dive into the second theme maze: Infinite Mirror Maze!
Calling for all fans of mirror🪞✨ Welcome to the Infinite Mirror Maze, designed by award-winning architect Philip Fung 👨 Through the clever use of multiple mirrors, this maze connects the reflective surfaces with the sky, injecting a sense of tranquility into your busy city life 🥰️ Let’s take a day to relax in this space, and if you stay until evening, you might even catch a sight of the starry sky 🌌
Gather your friends and come for a photo session together! 📸🌌✨
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple
光盒子透過動態而色彩斑斕的光管組成迷宮, 帶你進入迷失空間👣 光盒子光影迷宮打破傳統「心裏有個謎」,而是「迷裏有個心」!迷宮內設有打卡位「家是心之所在」, 絕對適合家人、情侶、朋友一齊打卡📸🕺💑
Let's dive into the first theme maze: Light Box Maze!
Get ready to enter the vibrant world of the Light Box Maze! 🌈✨ The Light Box Maze is composed of dynamic and colorful light tubes that create a mesmerizing labyrinth, taking you into a realm of enchantment and mystery👣 Inside the maze, you'll find photo spot, "Home is where the heart is" installation, perfect for capturing memories with your family, loved ones, or friends. 📸🕺💑
Admission is free, so why not come and join us for some fun? Hurry up and come play!
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple
「迷趣海濱」 集打卡、藝術、玩樂於一身,無論係好動抑或好靜,大人抑或細路, 都一定啱玩!快啲過嚟灣仔海濱活動空間挑戰哂5個主題迷宮啦😄🎪🎨🏞️🔍!
"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" combines photo spots, art, and fun all in one place. Whether you're active or prefer a more relaxed experience, whether you're an adult or a little one, there's something for everyone to enjoy! Let's come over to Wan Chai Habourfront Event Space and take on the challenge of all 5 themed mazes! 😄🎪🎨🏞️🔍
#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #AMazeingHarbourfront #wches #wanchaiharbourfronteventspace #maze #photo #weekendmood #hkphoto #hkparents #hkcouple #hkweekend