WCHES A-Maze-ing Harbourfront

WCHES A-Maze-ing Harbourfront 🌊灣仔海濱活動空間 迷趣海濱 2024

🎫 免費開放丨📅3月15日至7月中旬

3月29日至4月4日 3 - 10:30pm
4月5日至7月3日 2 - 9pm


迷趣海濱係「灣仔夏誌:海濱喜動」嘅常駐節目!灣仔夏誌 SummerFest.hk 夏誌 嘅活動超級豐富,大家唔好錯過啊!🥰”A-maze-ing Harbourfront“ is a regular program of ”SummerFe...

迷趣海濱係「灣仔夏誌:海濱喜動」嘅常駐節目!灣仔夏誌 SummerFest.hk 夏誌 嘅活動超級豐富,大家唔好錯過啊!🥰

”A-maze-ing Harbourfront“ is a regular program of ”SummerFest @ Wan Chai.“ Don’t miss out on the incredible range of activities at ! Make sure to join in the fun! 🥰

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處




【 #親子好去處】灣仔「迷趣海濱」🌊 全新海濱活動空間🎉

全新嘅灣仔海濱活動空間終於正式開放🥳,佔地約13,300平方米😍,即日起至7月中旬更舉行「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」✨。活動免費開放🤩,以5大迷宮為主題,融合創意藝術、玩樂、打卡同冒險元素🙆🏻‍♀️,為大人小朋友帶來沉浸式玩樂體驗🥰👉🏻https://bit.ly/3THMkuD

#灣仔海濱活動空間 #灣仔海濱 #迷趣海濱 #寵物友善 #復活節 #復活節好去處 #打卡 #放電 #親子好去處



灣仔夏誌4月5日就開始喇!到時一齊嚟灣仔海濱活動空間玩啦🥰Summerfest Wan Chai will kick off from 5 April. See you all at Wan Chai Harbourfront Event ...


Summerfest Wan Chai will kick off from 5 April. See you all at Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space🥰


今年 SummerFest 第一次分別於全新的灣仔海濱活動空間,同中環海濱活動空間舉行。


灣仔海濱活動空間,由4月5日起,一連三個月舉行25項戶外活動, 包括藝術、音樂、市集、運動等主題,再加上「迷趣海濱」五大主題迷宮同場任玩, 絕對係打卡、放電、消閒嘅好地方🥳 免費入場 !


日期:4月5日 至 7月3日
時間:下午2時 – 晚上9時(請留意特別節目時間表)
地點:灣仔海濱活動空間 (灣仔鴻興道3號,鄰近灣仔碼頭)


2024 "SummerFest @ Wan Chai" is about to kick off!💪

This year's SummerFest will be held at the brand new Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space, in addition to the Central Harbourfront Event Space. " SummerFest @ Wan Chai " will run from April 5th to July 3rd. Details of the SummerFest @ Central program will be announced later, so stay tuned for more information.

Starting from April 5th, the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space will host 25 outdoor activities over the course of three months, including art, music, markets, sports, and more. Plus, you can also enjoy the five themed mazes at "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" during the event. It's definitely a great place to check-in and have some leisurely fun🥳 Free admission!

Date: April 5th to July 3rd
Time: 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Please note the special program schedule)
Location: Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space (3 Hung Hing Road, Wan Chai, near Wan Chai Ferry Pier)
Free admission

#灣仔夏誌 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend




Illuminate 光影遊樂園登陸灣仔海濱活動空間🥰



🚧Due to the setup of the "Illuminate! Run Beyond" , "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" will be temporarily closed from March 25th to 28th. We are excited to announce that on March 29th 3pm, we will open again with the "Illuminate! Run Beyond" together.

多謝狐狸小姐到訪🥰 仲好叻叻咁玩哂啲迷宮👍🏼

多謝狐狸小姐到訪🥰 仲好叻叻咁玩哂啲迷宮👍🏼

🌞呢兩日天氣咁好,諗好去邊玩未呢?不如約埋朋友過嚟打卡,或者帶埋小朋友過嚟放電啦!🥳------------------------------------🌞The weather is fantastic! Thinking about ...



🌞The weather is fantastic! Thinking about where to go for some fun? How about gathering your friends for instagramable photos or bringing the kids for some excitement? It's the perfect time to visit "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" at Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space! Don't miss out on this amazing experience!

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend


5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(五)迷走竹林 Lost in the Woods🎍

準備好走入「迷走竹林」未呀🎍?呢個迷宮由屢獲殊榮的景觀設計師Kan Srisawat所設計,靈感來自於香港標誌性的棚架結構👷‍♂️👷‍♀️ 走入呢個結合柱子和樑嘅港式建築美學迷宮內面, 除咗可以欣賞到竹林,仲可以去到竹天梯觀看香港天際線景色添!📸🎍🌆


Let's dive into the fifth theme maze: Lost in the Woods!

Are you ready to enter the "Lost in the Woods" maze? 🎍 This maze, designed by the acclaimed landscape designer Kan Srisawat, draws inspiration from Hong Kong's iconic bamboo scaffolding structure👷‍♂️👷‍♀️ As you step into this maze, which combines columns and beams in the aesthetic of Hong Kong architecture, you'll not only admire the bamboo forest but also have the opportunity to climb the Bamboo Sky Stairs and enjoy the stunning view of the Hong Kong skyline. 📸🎍🌆

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend


5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(四)躍動迷城 Air Maze

鮮艷奪目的充氣迷宮內設有各種障礙物、隱藏通道等挑戰元素🤸‍🌈! 無論係大人抑或小朋友都可以喺充氣迷宮,盡情玩樂! 🥰


Let's dive into the fourth theme maze: Air Maze!

This vibrant and eye-catching inflatable maze is filled with various obstacles, hidden passages, and challenging elements 🤸‍🌈! Whether you're an adult or a child, you can enjoy yourself in this inflatable maze to the fullest! 🥰

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處


5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(三)迷時TIME MAZING⏳

要逃出高牆林立、四周環境好似一樣咁嘅石屎森林, 關鍵就係喺迷失入面搵到「光」,只要搵到「光」🌠,就可以浩浩蕩蕩迎來另一新世紀,帶你由 NOW 穿越到 FUTURE☄️

準備好來一場由香港設計師Calix Wong 策劃嘅穿越時空嘅冒險未呀?⏰✨


Let's dive into the third theme maze: Time Mazing! ⏳

To escape the towering walls and the concrete forest that surrounds you, the key is to find the "light" within the maze 🌠. Once you find the "light," a whole new century awaits, taking you from NOW to the FUTURE☄️

Are you ready for an adventure of time-travel curated by Hong Kong designer Calix Wong? ⏰✨

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend


5⃣大主題迷宮介紹(二)鏡院 Infinite Mirror Maze

召喚真.鏡粉🪞✨ 鏡院迷宮由屢獲殊榮的建築師馮國安設計,通過空間設計, 將鏡面同天空連接,可以為你繁忙嘅城市生活注入寧靜🥰️ 喺呢個空間盡情放鬆,咁不如就留一天喺度喘息? 留到夜晚分分鐘仲可以抬頭, 見到星空萬象綻放嘅景象 🌌



Let's dive into the second theme maze: Infinite Mirror Maze!

Calling for all fans of mirror🪞✨ Welcome to the Infinite Mirror Maze, designed by award-winning architect Philip Fung 👨 Through the clever use of multiple mirrors, this maze connects the reflective surfaces with the sky, injecting a sense of tranquility into your busy city life 🥰️ Let’s take a day to relax in this space, and if you stay until evening, you might even catch a sight of the starry sky 🌌

Gather your friends and come for a photo session together! 📸🌌✨

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處



光盒子透過動態而色彩斑斕的光管組成迷宮, 帶你進入迷失空間👣 光盒子光影迷宮打破傳統「心裏有個謎」,而是「迷裏有個心」!迷宮內設有打卡位「家是心之所在」, 絕對適合家人、情侶、朋友一齊打卡📸🕺💑



Let's dive into the first theme maze: Light Box Maze!

Get ready to enter the vibrant world of the Light Box Maze! 🌈✨ The Light Box Maze is composed of dynamic and colorful light tubes that create a mesmerizing labyrinth, taking you into a realm of enchantment and mystery👣 Inside the maze, you'll find photo spot, "Home is where the heart is" installation, perfect for capturing memories with your family, loved ones, or friends. 📸🕺💑

Admission is free, so why not come and join us for some fun? Hurry up and come play!

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處

「迷趣海濱」 的日與夜🌅🌃「迷趣海濱」 早上7點至晚上11點開放, 朝早同夜晚嚟會有唔同嘅感覺㗎!🥳"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" Day and Night🌅🌃"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" is ...

「迷趣海濱」 的日與夜🌅🌃
「迷趣海濱」 早上7點至晚上11點開放, 朝早同夜晚嚟會有唔同嘅感覺㗎!🥳

"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" Day and Night🌅🌃
"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" is open from 7 AM to 11 PM, and it offers different feelings during the morning and evening hours!🥳

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend


「迷趣海濱」 集打卡、藝術、玩樂於一身,無論係好動抑或好靜,大人抑或細路, 都一定啱玩!快啲過嚟灣仔海濱活動空間挑戰哂5個主題迷宮啦😄🎪🎨🏞️🔍!

"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" combines photo spots, art, and fun all in one place. Whether you're active or prefer a more relaxed experience, whether you're an adult or a little one, there's something for everyone to enjoy! Let's come over to Wan Chai Habourfront Event Space and take on the challenge of all 5 themed mazes! 😄🎪🎨🏞️🔍

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend





「迷趣海濱」今日開幕啦!時光隧道、鏡面、 竹林、光影、彈床主題迷宮齊集喺灣仔海濱活動空間等緊你😉!🎉💼🎒今日Happy Friday! 無論係放假、放工、放學都要過嚟放鬆下啦!今個星期日仲係「迷趣海濱競賽日」,快啲約定朋友過嚟打卡,完成任務...


時光隧道、鏡面、 竹林、光影、彈床主題迷宮齊集喺灣仔海濱活動空間等緊你😉!

🎉💼🎒今日Happy Friday! 無論係放假、放工、放學都要過嚟放鬆下啦!


1️⃣ 參加者需在當日前往詢問櫃檯取得一張貼紙,然後在貼紙上寫下當下的時間。
2️⃣ 參加者拿到貼紙後,必須在一小時內進入迷宮拍攝指定主題的照片,每個迷宮都有特定的拍攝主題。
3️⃣ 參加者需在FB 或 IG上發布拍攝的照片,並標記「A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」或「迷趣海濱」。
4️⃣ 完成後,參加者請回到詢問櫃檯,讓工作人員確認照片是否符合要求
5️⃣ 經工作人員確認合格,即可領取小禮物一份,先到先得,送完為止。


"A-maze-ing Harbourfront" event is now open!

The time tunnel, mirrors, bamboo forest, light and shadow, and trampoline-themed maze are all waiting for you at the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space! 😉

🎉💼🎒 Happy Friday! Whether it's a holiday, after work, or after school, come on over and relax!

"A-maze-ing Harbourfront Race Day" will be held on this Sunday, so quickly make plans with your friends to come and participate. Complete the missions and receive a small gift while supplies last! 🎁

Event Mechanics:
1️⃣ Participants need to visit the information counter on the day and obtain a sticker, then write down the entry time of every maze on the sticker.
2️⃣ Participants must enter the maze and take photos with the designated themes within one hour after receiveing the sticker. Each maze has specific photo themes.
3️⃣ Participants need to post the photos on Facebook or Instagram and tag "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" or "迷趣海濱."
4️⃣ After completion, participants should return to the information counter and have the staff verify if the photos meet the requirements.
5️⃣ Once the staff confirms the eligibility, participants can receive a small gift on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.

Date: March 17th (Sunday)
Time: 10am to 6pm
Location: Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space
🆓Free Admission

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend

Thank you China Daily for sharing those amazing photos.  See you all at "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" soon🥰

Thank you China Daily for sharing those amazing photos. See you all at "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" soon🥰

Visitors to Hong Kong’s harbourfront in Wan Chai are in for an adventure as the A-Maze-ing Harbourfront event offers five major themed mazes for them to discover and enjoy.




我哋開咗幕喇🎉 準備好嚟全新灣仔海濱活動空間參加「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」 活動未呢🤩?以迷宮為主題嘅「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」 帶左嶄新嘅海濱體驗俾大家!由專業建築師、景...

我哋開咗幕喇🎉 準備好嚟全新灣仔海濱活動空間參加「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」 活動未呢🤩?

以迷宮為主題嘅「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」 帶左嶄新嘅海濱體驗俾大家!

🕙 迷時 – 帶你穿梭曲折光影隧道, 一齊穿越時空🌠
🪞 鏡院 –走入無止境鏡面空間與天空連成一線☁️
🎋 迷走竹林 –以香港專屬建築棚架設計打造融合自然世外桃源🎍
✨ 光盒子 - 以多彩動態的光影盒子,堆砌出迷幻景象❣️
👣躍動迷城 – 走進鮮艷奪目的大型充氣裝置任跑任跳👯

時間: 7am - 11pm
地點: 灣仔海濱活動空間 (灣仔鴻興道3號)


We have officially opened! 🎉 Are you ready to join the "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" event at Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space? 🤩

Introducing the "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront," a maze-themed attraction that offers a brand new waterfront experience for everyone!

😉 🎉💼🎒 Whether it's a holiday, after work, or after school, just come over and relax! Don't hesitate to invite your friends and come join the fun!

The five major themed mazes designed by professional architects, landscape designer, and cross-media designers are ready for your exploration!

🕙 Time Mazing: Take a journey through intricate light and shadow tunnels, we'll walk from the present to the future together🌠

🪞 Infinite Mirror Maze : Step into an endless space of mirrors that seamlessly connects with the sky☁️

🎋 Lost in the Woods : A fusion of nature and Hong Kong's unique construction scaffolding, creating a hidden paradise. 🎍
✨ Light Maze: Stack up a mesmerizing display of colorful and dynamic light illusions. ❣️

👣 Air Maze: Get into vibrant and captivating inflatable installations, where you can jump freely. 👯

Date: March 15th to March 24th
Time: 7am - 11pm
Location: Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space (3 Hung Hing Road, Wan Chai)
🆓 Free admission

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處

📢🚶‍♀️🚌🚇⛴️「迷趣海濱」將於3月15日(五) 開幕喇!灣仔海濱活動空間喺邊㗎 ?灣仔海濱活動空間鄰近灣仔運動場,交通方便,小編為大家整合左各種嚟灣仔海濱活動空間嘅交通方法,希望到時可以見到你哋啦!細細聲話你聽,3月17日(日)仲有特備...

「迷趣海濱」將於3月15日(五) 開幕喇!灣仔海濱活動空間喺邊㗎 ?灣仔海濱活動空間鄰近灣仔運動場,交通方便,小編為大家整合左各種嚟灣仔海濱活動空間嘅交通方法,希望到時可以見到你哋啦!

細細聲話你聽,3月17日(日)仲有特備節目「迷趣海濱競賽日」完成任務即可領取小禮物,送完即止🎁 一齊嚟玩啦!



1M - 跑馬地/黃泥涌峽 - 會展站
2A - 耀東邨 - 會展站
2X - 嘉亨灣 - 會展站
8 - 杏花邨 - 會展站
8P - 小西灣(藍灣半島) - 會展站
25A - 寶馬山 - 會展站
40 - 華富(北) - 會展站
40M - 華富(北) - 會展站
88R - 中環 - 沙田第一城
930 - 荃灣(愉景新城/荃灣西站) - 會展站

960 - 屯門(建生邨) - 會展站
978 - 粉嶺(華明) - 會展站

104 - 堅尼地城 - 白田邨
905 - 荔枝角 - 會展站

"A-Maze-ing Harbourfront" will open on March 15th (Friday)! Where is Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space? There is good public transport and located near Wan Chai Sports Ground. To ensure easy access for everyone, here you go for various transportation options for you to easily reach Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space. We hope to see you there!

On March 17th (Sunday), we have a special event "A-Maze-ing Harbourfront Race Day." Complete the missions and you'll receive a small gift while supplies last! 🎁 Come and join the fun!

Transportation Recommendations:
Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station: 5-minute walk from Exit A2
Wan Chai Station: 15-minute walk from Exit A1
Causeway Bay Station: 9-minute walk from Exit C
⛴️ Star Ferry:
It's just a 1-minute walk from Wan Chai Ferry Pier

🚌 Citybus
1M: Happy Valley/Wong Nai Chung Gap - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
2A: Yiu Tung Estate - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
2X: Grand Promenade - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
8: Heng Fa Chuen - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
8P: Siu Sai Wan (Lam Tin Peninsula) - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
25A: Po Lam - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
40: Wah Fu North - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
40M: Wah Fu North - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
88R: Central - City One Shatin
930: Tsuen Wan (Park Island/Yuen Long Station) - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station

960: Tuen Mun (Kin Sang Estate) - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station
978: Fanling (Wah Ming) - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station

🚌 KMB and Citybus Joint Operation
104: Kennedy Town - Pak Tin Estate
905: Lai Chi Kok - Wan Chai Exhibition Centre Station

✨光影迷宮「光盒子」 背後想帶出乜嘢意思呢?  一於問下設計師區瑞蓮Grace!Grace 除咗係台灣屏東大學《新媒體創意應用碩士學程》兼任助理教授,同時係創意文化項目策展人及傳播策略師、電影策劃及編劇、文字創作人!🎥🖋️  Grace想透...

✨光影迷宮「光盒子」 背後想帶出乜嘢意思呢?

一於問下設計師區瑞蓮Grace!Grace 除咗係台灣屏東大學《新媒體創意應用碩士學程》兼任助理教授,同時係創意文化項目策展人及傳播策略師、電影策劃及編劇、文字創作人!🎥🖋️

Grace想透過動態同彩色嘅燈光效果製造迷幻眼花撩亂嘅氣氛, 提醒大家「家是心之所在」。 無論我哋身處喺邊度,都要珍惜屋企人嘅愛❤️

✨ What is the concept behind the Light and Shadow Maze, "Light Box"?

Introducing the brilliant mind behind this mesmerizing maze, Grace Au! Grace is not only an adjunct assistant professor in the master's degree programme of Creative Application in New Media at National Pingtung University in Taiwan, but also a creative cultural project curator and a communications strategist, film producer as well as screenwriter, and creative writer🎥🖋️

Light Box Maze utilises dynamic and colourful lighting effects to generate a truly enchanting vibe. Vibrant and ever-changing light patterns initially dazzle, and ultimately bring us back to the core feeling - "Home is where the heart is." No matter where we are, we should cherish the love of our family! ❤️

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend

🌿創作竹林迷宮「迷走竹林」 嘅靈感原來來自香港呢一樣嘢?🌿 「迷走竹林」 靈感來自香港文化之一,搭棚!   泰籍景觀設計師Kan Srisawat 鍾情於景觀同園藝設計,佢最大嘅成就就係見到有人喺佢設計嘅空間入面互動。「迷走竹林」 以竹棚打...

🌿創作竹林迷宮「迷走竹林」 嘅靈感原來來自香港呢一樣嘢?🌿

「迷走竹林」 靈感來自香港文化之一,搭棚!

泰籍景觀設計師Kan Srisawat 鍾情於景觀同園藝設計,佢最大嘅成就就係見到有人喺佢設計嘅空間入面互動。「迷走竹林」 以竹棚打造迷幻迷宮,展現出港式建築美學之餘, 仲可以比大家喺迷宮入面互動一下🌿✨

迷宮入面除咗光雕塑, 仲可以欣賞到香港天際線嘅景色添呀, 真係目不暇給🌆💫

🌿 Discover the Magical Origins of the Bamboo Maze, "Lost in the Woods "! 🌿

Do you know that the inspiration for "Lost in the Woods," the bamboo maze, actually comes from a unique Hong Kong cultural element? It's none other than bamboo scaffolding!

Thai landscape designer Kan Srisawat has a deep passion for landscape and garden design. His greatest achievement is witnessing people engage with the spaces he designs. With "Lost in the Woods" Kan showcases the beauty of Hong Kong's architectural aesthetics while providing an interactive experience for visitors within the maze! 🌿✨

Inside the maze, you'll find mesmerizing light art sculptures and breathtaking views of Hong Kong's skyline. It's a visual feast that will leave you in awe! 🌆💫

Don't forget to like and follow our page to stay updated on all the exciting details about “A-maze-ing Harbourfront” and other upcoming events! 📲✨

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend

🔍解開鏡面迷宮「鏡院」 設計師嘅神秘面紗!✨  香港著名建築師馮國安Philip 從2011年開始贏得多個國際獎項, 而家仲係台灣東海大學建築學系助理教授添呀🏛️  「鏡院」以鏡面打造無止境空間,Philip 最希望喺呢個繁忙嘅城市為大家帶...

🔍解開鏡面迷宮「鏡院」 設計師嘅神秘面紗!✨

香港著名建築師馮國安Philip 從2011年開始贏得多個國際獎項, 而家仲係台灣東海大學建築學系助理教授添呀🏛️

「鏡院」以鏡面打造無止境空間,Philip 最希望喺呢個繁忙嘅城市為大家帶來寧靜嘅一刻,從鏡面反射睇到好多個唔同角度嘅自己, 學識欣賞自己之餘,同時欣賞香港美麗嘅天空🌆💫

🔍 Unveiling the Creative Mind Behind "Infinite Mirror Maze "! ✨

Introducing the renowned Hong Kong architect, Philip Fung, whose architectural brilliance has earned him numerous international awards since 2011. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at Tunghai University🏛️ in Taiwan.

“Infinite Mirror Maze" is an awe-inspiring creation where endless space is crafted using mirrors. Philip's ultimate goal is to provide a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. As you gaze into the mirrored surfaces, you'll see yourself from various perspectives, fostering self-appreciation while marveling at the beauty of Hong Kong's skyline. 🌆💫

Are you ready to venture into the enigmatic world of "Infinite Mirror Maze"? Let us know in the comments below! 🌟

Stay tuned to our page for more updates on this captivating experience and other exciting events! Don't forget to like and follow us to join the journey! 🚀

Don't forget to like and follow our page to stay updated on all the exciting details about “A-maze-ing Harbourfront” and other upcoming events! 📲✨

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處 #hkweekend

今日要為大家介紹一下以光影主題迷宮「迷時」 嘅香港跨媒體創作人Calix Wong 🎉 Calix身兼多職, 除咗係跨媒體創作人,同時都係ABCDESIGN 設計總監、服裝品牌 PROJECT 4 主理人、Youtuber、同自媒體編輯💪 ...

今日要為大家介紹一下以光影主題迷宮「迷時」 嘅香港跨媒體創作人Calix Wong 🎉

Calix身兼多職, 除咗係跨媒體創作人,同時都係ABCDESIGN 設計總監、服裝品牌 PROJECT 4 主理人、Youtuber、同自媒體編輯💪

「迷時」 嘅設計意念源自於身處喺石屎森林, 而每當我哋感到迷失,更要想辦法去搵出口, 俾啲貼士大家,今次呢個迷宮只要暖光源, 就可以帶領你進入「時間隧道」, 由現在穿越到未來🚀


Introducing the talented Hong Kong cross-media creator, Calix Wong, and his mesmerizing light and shadow-themed maze, "Time Mazing"! 🎉

Calix is not only a remarkable cross-media creator but also the Design Director of ABCDESIGN, Founder of the streetwear brand: PROJECT 4, a YouTuber, and a skilled self-media editor! 💪

"Time Mazing" is a captivating creation inspired by the feeling of being lost in the concrete jungle. We've got a tip for you: simply follow the warm glow of light to enter the mystical "Time Tunnel" and embark on a thrilling journey from the present to the future! 🚀

Are you ready for this mind-bending adventure through time and space? ⏰

Don't forget to like and follow our page to stay updated on all the exciting details about “A-maze-ing Harbourfront” and other upcoming events! 📲✨

#迷趣海濱 #灣仔海濱活動空間 #迷宮 #打卡 #假日好去處 #親子好去處 #親子活動 #香港好去處 #文青好去處 #情侶好去處 #灣仔好去處

多謝明報PowerUp嘅報導😊 仲有兩星期就同大家見面喇❤️3月15日約定朋友一齊過嚟玩啦🫶🏻


灣仔海濱活動 |全新開放、前臨維港、交通便利的灣仔海濱活動空間,佔地約13,300平方米,將成為香港大型節目新地標場地之一。頭炮項目「迷趣海濱 A-Maze-ing Harbourfront」,於3月15至24日舉行,以5大迷宮為主題,一連10天免費開.....


3 Hung Hing Road, Wan Chai 香港灣仔鴻興道3號
Hong Kong


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