
eventist Eventist is a full service event marketing agency with core businesses in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

We are all about passion, creativity, fun, versatility, and uniqueness. We don’t spend time to work; we spend time to make things work.

From June 24th to 28th, a thrilling series of CEDD events unfolded across Hong Kong, commencing with the "CEDD Construct...

From June 24th to 28th, a thrilling series of CEDD events unfolded across Hong Kong, commencing with the "CEDD Construction Revolution Summit 2024" held at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, and culminating in the "CEDD Innovation & Partnering Forum 2024" at the Hong Kong Science Park. 🎊

EVENTIST team meticulously planned and flawlessly executed this impressive lineup of activities centered around NEC (New Economic Cooperation) and Innovation, celebrating the esteemed 20th anniversary of CEDD. 🎉 The theme "CEDD 'n I Week" carries profound meaning, with "'n'" symbolizing NEC and "I" representing Innovation. 💡

🌟 Attracting over 1,200 participants from the industry, academia, students, and the general public, the events showcased approximately 400 industry leaders actively sharing their insightful perspectives on the future development of the construction sector. Ir Michael Fong, the Director of CEDD, graced the occasion with his valuable insights, fostering deeper discussions on the industry's path forward. 💪

We eagerly anticipate being part of more such grand gatherings, collectively driving the continued progress and prosperity of the construction industry. 💪

由6月24至28日,CEDD一連串精彩活動在香港展開,從在香港故宮文化博物館舉辦的「土木工程拓展署CEDD舉辦嘅建造業界高峰會 – CEDD Construction Revolution Summit 2024」,到在香港科學園舉辦的「CEDD Innovation & Partnering Forum 2024」🎊

EVENTIST團隊精心策劃並成功執行了這一系列同NEC、Innovation 有關嘅精彩活動和慶祝CEDD 20週年🎉 活動主題中的「CEDD 'n I Week」寓意深遠,其中「’n」代表 NEC, 「I」代表 Innovation💡

🌟整個活動吸引超過1200名業界、學術人士,仲有學生同其他公眾人士的參與。現場大約400名業界領袖踴躍發言,分享對建造業未來發展的獨到見解。⭐CEDD署長 – Ir Michael Fong 亦親臨現場作出分享。大家進一步深入探討業界的未來發展,加深了業內外的交流與合作,同時也讓公眾對CEDD的工作有了更加全面而深入的了解😄🤝


#活動策劃 #土木工程拓展署 #工程獅 #建造業

Great job to our HK team!  #活動策劃

Great job to our HK team!


👉👉Special Evening at Eventist & Double V Annual Dinner!✨ What a wonderful evening we had at the Eventist & Double V Annu...

👉👉Special Evening at Eventist & Double V Annual Dinner!✨

What a wonderful evening we had at the Eventist & Double V Annual Dinner on 7 June 2024. The gathering brought us all together for scrumptious cuisine, captivating entertainment, and exciting Lucky Draw moments. We have some favorite pics and relive the fun! 🎉📸🍽️

係6月7號Eventist同Double V一齊舉辦左週年慶!!🎉🎉

💖簡直是一場視覺與味蕾的盛宴!!大家紛紛化身為自己喜愛的角色👸🤴~充滿童真與樂趣🧸除左美食,仲有各種遊戲、大抽獎同Cocktail Party🍹

#公司晚宴 #活動策劃 #公司活動 #活動



Happy Lunar New Year!
Welcome this wonderful moment with kindness and smiles, so you can enjoy blessings and prosperity all year long!🥰


Eventist 祝你聖誕快樂!
Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy and love.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Eventist 祝大家中秋節快樂! 月 · 圓 · 人 · 團 · 圓Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the full moon bring you a happy family and a successf...

Eventist 祝大家中秋節快樂! 月 · 圓 · 人 · 團 · 圓
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the full moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.


今年Eventist負責多個展位,當中包括了美心月餅、義生洋行、Acer和Belkin and Linksys等品牌。我們精心設計的展位,展示了公司的獨特之處的展示空間,讓每位顧客都共同分享精彩的展覽體驗。
Numerous exhibitions were held in August, including the highly anticipated HKTDC Food Expo and Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival 2023 (HKCCF). These two exhibitions drew a significant number of public citizens to participate, catering to both food enthusiasts and technology lovers. Visitors can expect to gain enriching experiences from these expos.
This year, Eventist is responsible for managing multiple booths, such as Maxim's, Lorence & Company, Acer & Belkin and Linksys. Our booths have been meticulously designed to showcase the unique features of these companies, to create captivating exhibition spaces where every visitor can share in the excitement and enjoy a wonderful exhibition experience.

澳門金沙度假區在澳門倫敦人酒店舉辦了非常尊貴的 VIP 導覽活動,讓全新的度假區展示給客人。活動邀請了眾多 VIP, 讓他們體驗華麗而多樣化的活動場地,還有提供了各種各樣的活動和娛樂選擇,相信無論是商務會議還是私人聚會,都能滿足客人的需求。...

澳門金沙度假區在澳門倫敦人酒店舉辦了非常尊貴的 VIP 導覽活動,讓全新的度假區展示給客人。活動邀請了眾多 VIP, 讓他們體驗華麗而多樣化的活動場地,還有提供了各種各樣的活動和娛樂選擇,相信無論是商務會議還是私人聚會,都能滿足客人的需求。這次導覽為客人提供了非凡的旅程。
Eventist 根據客戶的要求提供活動主題加入場地設計和搭建,以及活動管理,確保每一個尊貴客戶
Sands Resorts hosted a VIP site tour at The Londoner in Macau, showcasing the variety of possibilities for events and activities. The event invited numerous VIPs to experience the luxurious and diverse activity venues, as well as a wide range of activities and entertainment options. Whether for business meetings or private gatherings, this VIP tour has provided an extraordinary journey for all the guests.
Eventist provided activity themes, venue design and construction, as well as event management based
on the client's requirements, ensuring that every VIP guest had a satisfying experience.

金沙中國有限公司與携程集團攜手合作,在澳門倫敦人舉辦了「攜程美食林旬味尊享晚宴」。活動有幸邀請了多位頂尖名廚,為賓客呈獻精彩的美食盛宴,讓他們品嚐大廚的精湛手藝和菜式,體驗美食的真正精髓。Eventist 提供貴麗的豪華場地裝飾,營造出尊貴...

Eventist 提供貴麗的豪華場地裝飾,營造出尊貴的氛圍,讓賓客享受獨特的美食之旅。我們還提供活動管理,確保晚宴順利進行,讓顧客度過一個愉快的美食之旅。
Sands China and Ctrip collaborated to organize The CTRIP Gourmet 2023 VIP Dinner, to promote the food
and beverage industry in Macao.
The event featured several top chefs who presented a spectacular culinary experience to VIP guests,
offering them the opportunity to taste their exquisite culinary creations.
Eventist created an elegant atmosphere for the dinner, allowing guests to indulge in a unique culinary journey. We also provided event management services to ensure that the dinner runs smoothly, providing our customers with an exceptional experience.

擁抱自己 又平安渡過一年擁抱自己 祝願新一年除了平安,也要快樂Eventist仝人祝大家新年快樂 心想事成🍾🎆 Eventist wish you a joyful and prosperous lunar new year!May the...

擁抱自己 又平安渡過一年

擁抱自己 祝願新一年除了平安,也要快樂

Eventist仝人祝大家新年快樂 心想事成🍾🎆
Eventist wish you a joyful and prosperous lunar new year!
May the Year of Rabbit bring you new possibilities, new horizons, and new experiences. 😍

聖誕快樂 Eventist與你共度歡樂聖誕 Merry Christmas and Eventist wish you a handful joy for this holiday season☃️

Merry Christmas and Eventist wish you a handful joy for this holiday season☃️

2022工展會!終於!開鑼啦! 適逢2022年香港中華廠商聯合會成立88周年,廠商會特舉辦第56屆工展會「牌樓概念設計比賽」。冠軍作品「香港精神 共創繁榮」的概念是運用了香港人以前常用的紅白藍袋版三種顏色為主袖,設計出別出心裁、以及富香港及...

適逢2022年香港中華廠商聯合會成立88周年,廠商會特舉辦第56屆工展會「牌樓概念設計比賽」。冠軍作品「香港精神 共創繁榮」的概念是運用了香港人以前常用的紅白藍袋版三種顏色為主袖,設計出別出心裁、以及富香港及工展會特色的入口牌樓。 
Eventist 根據冠軍得獎者的設計概念進行修改,最大程度上提高搭建的可行性及成效。即使面對時間緊迫的挑戰,再加上建築物料上的限制,Eventist以精確的執行力,追求細節不妥協的精神克服困難,成功在有限的時間內還原冠軍得獎作品的設計。另外,Eventist 亦負責打造「經典懷舊玩具博物館」,展示香港懷舊玩具,令來到工展會的各位回味童年的快樂時光。 
趁住嚟緊的聖誕假期,不妨帶埋一家大細一齊去工展會「掃平貨」,仲可以在互動遊戲攤位中一較高下,共聚天倫之樂 !


Riding the success of the first Construction Innovation Expo held in December 2019, the Construction Industry Council jointly organize this industry flagship event once again in 2022, with the Development Bureau and other science and technology industrial departments. The CI Expo serves as a sharing and business matching platform for the Hong Kong, the Mainland, and the global industry with the vision of promoting constructions innovations.
Eventist was there to activate stand-out presence for our clients to witness the success of the expo and the achievements of the construction industry.



如果你對Event呢行有興趣 又鍾意挑戰自己嘅話 不如嚟Eventist試下啦🤩(雖然福利同條片….咳咳….應該有啲出入🙊但放心 唔差嘅🤭)
話唔定!試完真係會請你 你又好鍾意做event~

Account Servicing co-worker
Marketing co-worker
2D/3D Designers
有興趣請email CV及作品至[email protected]

The Gerontech and Innovation Expo cm Summit 2022 was recently held in the Convention and Exhibition Centre to provide a...

The Gerontech and Innovation Expo cm Summit 2022 was recently held in the Convention and Exhibition Centre to provide a showcase and networking platform for public and companies to explore and learn about various gerontechnology and solutions, together with a forum and a series of special events to enhance the public's understanding of ageing technology and to experience how smart living shaped by innovative technology can implement ageing in place and home rehabilitation, promoting the health and well-being of the elderly and disabled.
Eventist provided booth design and construction services to activate a booth for HKSTP, which acts as
the Hub of Gerontech, consists of 70+ technology companies who are involved in the research and
development of Gerontech solutions.
樂齡科技博覽2022於11月2日在會議展覽中心正式展開, 博覽展示世界各地的樂齡科技產品、服 務和方案,配合舉辦論壇及一系列特色活動,加深公眾對樂齡科技的認識,體驗由創新科技塑造 的智慧生活如何實踐居家安老和家居復康,促進長者、殘疾人士及照顧者的健康與福祉。
Eventist 負責香港科技園的攤位設計及製作工作,攤位展示園區內約70間創科公司研發關於「院舍照顧」及「居家安老」的新科研方案, 為他們的科研成果提供展示平台以開展與其他相關創科 公司交流合作的機會。

Eventist寵員工計劃🤭Eventist嘅10月の星生日快樂啊🎊聽聞10月出世嘅天秤座同埋天蝎座都係啲執行力100分加審美達人嚟😙唔怪之得Eventists做嘢咁有效率 啲project又咁吸睛啦🤩   #聽聞老細都係10月生日  #老...

Eventist寵員工計劃🤭Eventist嘅10月の星生日快樂啊🎊聽聞10月出世嘅天秤座同埋天蝎座都係啲執行力100分加審美達人嚟😙唔怪之得Eventists做嘢咁有效率 啲project又咁吸睛啦🤩

#聽聞老細都係10月生日 #老細生日快樂! #希望11月可以繼續寵🤗

邊個話朱古力一定係同情人節有關架?啟田商場的「Kaka Choco Tour」以朱古力為主題帶大家環遊世界。 穿過「心情自動售賣機」,進入甜蜜的「朱古力世界大道」,誠邀各位朱古力狂熱粉一同享受寫意暢快的滋味旅程!除了呈現現場沉浸式氛圍之外,...

啟田商場的「Kaka Choco Tour」以朱古力為主題帶大家環遊世界。 穿過「心情自動售賣機」,進入甜蜜的「朱古力世界大道」,誠邀各位朱古力狂熱粉一同享受寫意暢快的滋味旅程!
Why must chocolate go with no one but Valentine?
Kai Tin Shopping Centre recently partnered with a stellar cast to hold the chocolate campaign theme “Kaka Choco Tour”, which takes customers around the world, allowing them to indulge in a chocolate-infused wonderland fantastically and dramatically. Eventist is entrusted to design, produce and build an immersive experience for all. Eventist is also responsible for the corresponding management and interactive lighting programme development.
#香港好去處 #打卡

月圓圓 人團圓事事皆圓Eventist 仝人祝大家中秋節快樂同屋企人歡聚同時都要記得遵守防疫措施保護自己亦都保護其他人We wish you a great and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival! Please...

月圓圓 人團圓
Eventist 仝人祝大家中秋節快樂
We wish you a great and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival!
Please stay safe and healthy while digging into your mooncakes!

#月圓人團圓 #中秋節

過去呢兩個星期會展好熱鬧啊! 喺啱啱舉行嘅美食博覽、香港國際旅遊展同埋香港電腦通訊節 2022,我哋Eventist 分別有幸為美心、韓國觀光公社、Acer 仲有 Linksys & Belkin 設計及製作佢哋嘅展覽攤位!Eventist...


喺啱啱舉行嘅美食博覽、香港國際旅遊展同埋香港電腦通訊節 2022,我哋Eventist 分別有幸為美心、韓國觀光公社、Acer 仲有 Linksys & Belkin 設計及製作佢哋嘅展覽攤位!

Eventist 別出心裁的場地設計、 利用各種新穎和精緻的設備去展示各品牌的產品,增加各個攤位嘅獨特性同吸引力!

Local exhibitions are coming back to HKCEC!

Eventist has been collaborating with Maxim’s, Korea Tourism Organization, Acer, Linksys & Belkin for the design and build of the exhibition booth at Food Expo, International Travel Expo and Hong Kong Computer and Communications Festival 2022 respectively.

These booths demonstrated the brands’ uniqueness while showcasing high-quality products. We aimed to immerse visitors in unique experiences, featuring decent interactive facilities and innovative decorations.

今個夏天,Eventist有幸參與ifc 商場夏日裝飾的場景設計與搭建,更與本地設計單位 Stickyline 合作, 為大家帶來紙藝版熱帶雨林!This Summer, Eventist is collaborating with Sti...

今個夏天,Eventist有幸參與ifc 商場夏日裝飾的場景設計與搭建,更與本地設計單位 Stickyline 合作, 為大家帶來紙藝版熱帶雨林!

This Summer, Eventist is collaborating with Stickyline, a local papercraft artist, to design and put together a summer decoration set at IFC mall.

Please come explore what’s happening in this paper jungle!

The Hong Kong Sports Institute organizes the Hong Kong Sports Institute 30th Anniversary Roving Exhibition at New Town P...

The Hong Kong Sports Institute organizes the Hong Kong Sports Institute 30th Anniversary Roving Exhibition at New Town Plaza, Metro City Plaza, and Lok Fu Place, respectively, in honor of its 30th anniversary.Eventist is honored to be appointed for the design and build of the exhibition, which is a mobile museum, sports arena and playground in one with interactive
programs. The public can then learn about the Sports Institute's progress since its inception and relive some of Hong Kong's most memorable sports related moments.
香港體育學院分別於新城市廣場、新都城廣場同樂富廣場舉辦香港體育學院 30 週年巡迴展覽,以慶祝體院成立 30 週年。
Eventist 有幸參與設計同搭建呢個集流動博物館、運動訓練場同遊樂場於一身嘅巡迴展覽,場內更加設有唔同嘅打卡位及互動遊戲。公眾可以藉此了解體院自成立以嚟嘅發展歷程,並重溫一啲香港最難忘嘅體育時刻。

#香港體育學院 30 週年巡迴展覽

The Education Bureau and the providers of applied learning courses jointly organized the "Applied Learning Virtual Exhib...

The Education Bureau and the providers of applied learning courses jointly organized the "Applied Learning Virtual Exhibition 2022" online. Eventist is in charge of the UX & UI development with graphic and 3D rending, as well as video record and editing, which enables students to get to know the details of the courses in a more vivid way.
教育局以及提供應用學習課程嘅機構合辦喺線上舉行「應用學習虛擬展覽2022」。Eventist 負責UX & UI 設計,以及錄製同編輯影片,令同學們可以用更生動嘅方式去了解課程嘅詳細資料。


Wish you a prosperous and healthy Year of the Tiger! May all go well with you!

Last Christmas, Eventist worked with Cartier, the renowned French luxury brand, in producing some Christmas decorations ...

Last Christmas, Eventist worked with Cartier, the renowned French luxury brand, in producing some Christmas decorations and setting up the venue to celebrate this joyful festival!



Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you a happy and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival!祝大家中秋節快樂,月圓人圓事事圓滿!

We wish you a happy and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival!

Countdown three days to Tokyo 2020 Olympics! In order to welcome this quadrennial event, Festival of Sport held a roving...

Countdown three days to Tokyo 2020 Olympics! In order to welcome this quadrennial event, Festival of Sport held a roving exhibition, which landed at THE FOREST, Island Resort Mall, Tuen Mun Plaza, Citywalk and Olympian City, to offer an opportunity for the public to learn more about the Olympics and the development of Hong Kong sports.
By placing all sorts of display boards and precious items, and coordinating the event rundown, Eventist is appointed by Festival of Sport to bring the excitement of the Olympics to the public who visit the roving exhibition.

仲有三日東京2020奧運就正式開幕啦!為咗迎接呢項四年一度嘅盛事,體育節舉行咗一系列嘅巡迴展覽,先後登陸咗旺角THE FOREST、藍灣廣場、屯門市廣場、荃新天地同奧海城,等市民可以了解更多關於奧運同香港運動嘅發展。

To celebrate the renovated Kai Tin Shopping Centre of LINK, the first event "Key to Fun" grandly debut! Cooperated with ...

To celebrate the renovated Kai Tin Shopping Centre of LINK, the first event "Key to Fun" grandly debut! Cooperated with the famous local artist B. Wing for designing a brand-new exclusive character Kaka and a group of cute friends, transforming the shopping mall into the magical tea party "KTopia"! Kaka and A-Jai will show up at the entrance of the mall to have fun with everyone.

By setting up the six eye-catching garden theme scenes with different colourful 3D cartoon styles, and managing a series of activities throughout the promotion period, Eventist is appointed by LINK to bring joy and excitement to visitors who visit the newly renovated Kai Tin Shopping Centre.

為慶祝領展旗下的啟田商場以新面貌登場,商場舉辦的首個活動”Key to Fun”隆重登場! 活動聯同香港著名設計師B. Wing合作設計出全新角色KaKa和他的朋友,並帶到商場享受派對”KTopia”! KaKa和A仔更會在商場的入口與大家會面,展開奇妙旅程。
Eventist在領展舉行這盛大的活動中除了設置六個具有不同3D卡通風格兼且引人注目的花園主題場景,還有活動統籌和大型3D吉祥物場景佈置 ,務求令到到訪的顧客可以係新的啟田商場內渡過快樂的時光!


San Po Kong
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30


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