Eventist 有幸擔任 「創新科技嘉年華2024」嘅大會指定承辦商。✨活動由創新科技署主辦,以「科技引路 創新啟航」為主題,匯聚超過 75個合作夥伴,包括本地大學、研發中心及平台、政府部門,以及各大機構,攜手推動創新科技文化!🙌🏻
我地除左係大會承辦商, 亦都好榮幸能夠同香港應用科技研究院、納米及先進材料研發院、嶺南大學,以及地政總署等機構合作,幫助客戶設計同搭建多個獨特嘅攤位,並收到唔少正面嘅反饋,再一次肯定Eventist活動管理領域追求卓越嘅承諾!🌟
Eventist致力為客戶提供全方位活動策劃同管理服務,設計專屬於佢哋嘅活動同展位。通過精心策劃同創新思維,我哋力求滿足客戶嘅需要同期望。 🚀能夠同創新科技署同埋各大機構合作實在係我哋嘅榮幸,籍「創新科技嘉年華2024」加強大眾對創科嘅關注!🇭🇰💫
We are excited to share that Eventist got the amazing opportunity to be the official contractor for InnoCarnival 2024, organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) at the Hong Kong Science Park.✨ With the theme, "Let’s Sail with Innovation and Technology", the event brought together 75+ partners, including local universities, research centers, and government departments – all working together to promote a culture of innovation and technology!🙌🏻
We are also proud to collaborate with renowned clients, such as ASTRI, NAMI, Lingnan University, and the Lands Department. Our team designed and built creative, engaging booths that received fantastic feedback. This truly reinforces our commitment to delivering top-notch event management!🌟
At Eventist, we specialize in creating unforgettable event experiences, tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. With innovation, strategic planning, and attention to detail, we always go above and beyond. 🚀Proud to be part of this important event and keep promoting innovation in Hong Kong! 🇭🇰💫