
Partywhere The brand partywhere? is your one-stop destination for all things party and gift-related.

Unleash your creativity and add a touch of fun to any celebration with our collection of themed party supplies, decorations, accessories, gifts, and stationeries. Our retail stores :
1st Floor, 31 C-D Wyndham Street, Central
(Mon to Fri 9:30am - 18:30pm)

【 #有獎遊戲:揀啱衣服👗即送 "partywhere?" 神秘禮物🎁】開學前同一眾朋友仔開Party慶祝,無遊戲環節又點夠開心🤩!所以 "partywhere?" 除咗推出一眾優惠慶祝開學之外,仲準備咗有獎遊戲比大家!由即日起至8月26日...

【 #有獎遊戲:揀啱衣服👗即送 "partywhere?" 神秘禮物🎁】

開學前同一眾朋友仔開Party慶祝,無遊戲環節又點夠開心🤩!所以 "partywhere?" 除咗推出一眾優惠慶祝開學之外,仲準備咗有獎遊戲比大家!

由即日起至8月26日,只要完成以下簡單步驟,而最有創意、最有意思嘅3位朋友就有機會贏走由 "partywhere?" 送出嘅開學神秘獎品!名額只得3個,想攞到就快啲參加啦!

1. Like & follow“partywhere?” Facebook或IG專頁
2.喺 Comment位置 Tag 兩位朋友一齊參加
3.喺 Comment位置回答正確配對 TOPModel 衣服嘅拼圖選項及分享您最喜歡嘅 TOPModel 產品並講解原因

📅 遊戲時間:由即日起至2024年8月26日(晚上11點59分59秒)
📋 條款及細則 :


【 : Pick the right outfit👗and get a mysterious "partywhere?" gift🎁】

Before the start of school, get together with your friends to celebrate with a party, but without any game segment, how can you have fun? 🤩! So "partywhere?" not only offers a series of promotions to celebrate the start of school, but also prepares a giveaway game for everyone!

From now until August 26th, just complete the following simple steps, and the 3 most creative and interesting friends will have the chance to win the mysterious back-to-school prize from "partywhere?". There are only 3 spots, so hurry up and join!

🎮 Game rules:
1. Like & follow the "partywhere?" Facebook or Instagram page
2. In the comment section, tag two friends to join together
3. In the comment section, answer the correct matching TOPModel outfit puzzle option and share your favorite TOPModel product and explain why
TOPModel Product:

📅 Game duration: From now until August 26th, 2024 (11:59:59 PM)
📋 Terms and Conditions:

*Offer subject to terms and conditions
*In case of any dispute, "partywhere?" reserves the final decision right

#派對 #免費 #有獎遊戲 #開學 #限時優惠

【新學年前裝備自己💪Depesche新品陪你探索夢幻世界】新學年逐漸逼近,又係時候添置可愛又實用嘅上學用品啦😍。作為一家專為女孩設計產品嘅品牌,Depesche推出咗一系列全新創意單品,為女孩們搭建探索夢幻世界嘅橋樑🌈。🌟 Princess...


🌟 Princess Mimi Pencil Case

🌟TOPModel Diary With Code And Sound

🌟Princess Mimi Backpack Unicorn

🌟TOPModel Big Shoulderbag


即上“partywhere?” 官網睇下Depesche嘅產品👉:

【Depesche's New Products - Get Ready for the New School Year】
As the new school year is coming, it's time for all the little girls to get some cute and practical school supplies😍! Depesche, the brand that builds a bridge for girls to explore the dreamlike world🌈, has launched new products designed specifically for girls.

🌟Princess Mimi Pencil Case
Cuddly fur and adorable🥰; the 2- compartment pencil case includes 2 thick coloring pencils, sharpener, an eraser, a pencil, and other essential stationery😏

🌟TOPModel Diary With Code And Sound
Record your daily thoughts and observations in this diary with vibrant TOPModel illustrations💭. It has a password lock and sound feature for security and fun🔒.

🌟Princess Mimi Backpack Unicorn
Sparkling details, dreamy yet practical🤩, with large capacity, two zippered compartments, and an adjustable, padded shoulder and chest strap

🌟TOPModel Big Shoulderbag
Choose from two designs featuring ice crystal and heart patterns - a fashionable frontrunner😆!
Get ready for the new school year and showcase your unique personal style!

Click on this link to find out what Depesche products we are selling 👉:


【"partywhere?" 限時優惠❗一次擁有所有派對必備品】喺度煩惱緊如何佈置嚟緊嘅party?究竟準備啲咩裝飾同禮物好呢🤔?唔使咁煩!"partywhere?" 專誠為大家舉辦特別優惠活動,為你選出各式各樣嘅party必備品。由繽紛裝...

【"partywhere?" 限時優惠❗一次擁有所有派對必備品】

唔使咁煩!"partywhere?" 專誠為大家舉辦特別優惠活動,為你選出各式各樣嘅party必備品。由繽紛裝飾、蛋糕插牌、到各款精美禮品,應有盡有,幫你慳返唔少預算!

想營造夢幻又特別嘅party嘅話,就要記得唔好錯過呢個千載難逢嘅機會🤩!即上"partywhere?" 官網,盡享超值優惠!


【"partywhere?" Special Promotion❗Get All Party Essentials at Once】
Vexing about how to decorate your upcoming party? Wondering what kind of decorations and gifts to prepare? 🤔

It’s no issue! "partywhere?" has organized a special promotion just for you! From colorful decorations, cake toppers, and exquisite gifts, we have got it all! If you want to create a dreamy and unique party, then don't miss this opportunity🤩!

Head over to the "partywhere?" website right now and enjoy this amazing promotion!

Check out the promotion details 👉:

#派對 #限時優惠

【"partywhere?" 伴你人生每刻】人生路途時時刻刻皆是冒險,不知通向何方,但每一步都充滿未知與驚喜,而正正是這些意料之外的冒險,才讓我們人生更顯精彩。"partywhere?" 是您人生旅程上的重要伙伴。無論是歡聚好友的狂歡夜晚,...

【"partywhere?" 伴你人生每刻】


"partywhere?" 是您人生旅程上的重要伙伴。無論是歡聚好友的狂歡夜晚,或是與摯愛共度的浪漫時光,"partywhere?" 都認為,每一個瞬間都值得被珍惜和回味。


Party anytime,party anywhere!

到“partywhere?” 官網查看我們提供的產品👉:

【"partywhere?" - Be With You 】
The journey of life is an endless adventure. We cannot foresee our final destination, but every stage of our life is filled with surprises and unexpected.

"partywhere?" is your trusted partner in the journey of life. Whether it is a wild night of celebration with friends, or a romantic night with your beloved one, we will help you create unforgettable moments to share with your loved ones.

Party anytime, party anywhere!

Click on this link to find out what we are selling: 👉

#派對 #高品質產品



Depesche為女孩們搭建探索夢幻世界嘅橋樑,力求令各位小女孩嘅世界充滿夢幻同想像力💭。無論係進入TOPModels嘅迷人世界;跟隨Miss Melody輕盈嘅馬蹄聲;抑或係同Princess Mimi攜手出席公主茶會,Depesche都能賦予女孩們無限可能,令佢哋可以盡情揮灑創意,發現世界嘅多彩🎨。



【Depesche💞 Inspire Little Girls To Dream Big】
Depesche's product line covers a wide range of categories including stationery, beauty, accessories, and toys🤩. It appeals to girls aged 11-15 with its uniquely designed patterns and thematic elements😎.

Depesche builds a bridge for girls to explore the dream world, striving to make the world of little girls full of dreams and imagination💭. Bring your precious little girl into the enchanting world of TOPModels, following the clip-clop of Miss Melody's hooves, or joining Princess Mimi for a royal tea party😏.

Depesche's products are available at "partywhere?", come and check out our official website!
Our website👉:




"partywhere?" 為大家提供各種類型嘅氣球,無論你係想慶祝生日、結婚週年,抑或係BB性別揭曉party,"partywhere?" 都應有盡有。五彩繽紛嘅氣球悠悠飄浮,增添特色,完美拉開party序幕!

嚟到"partywhere?" 買氣球,突出番party嘅主題,我哋仲會為大家提供加充氫氣服務,氣球飄起無難度🥰!


【How can you have a party without balloons🤔?】
There are countless party themes, but one thing is essential for every party🤔. And it is balloons🎈! A party without balloons is like watching a football game without snacks - it's missing the soul!

Balloon decorations can highlight the celebratory nature of the party, and add a joyful atmosphere. "partywhere?" offers a wide variety of balloons for you, whether you're hosting a birthday party, a wedding party, or a gender reveal party, "partywhere?" has it all😆.

We also provide helium service, making it easy to float your balloons. Visit "partywhere?" to purchase balloons, accentuate the party theme, add character, and kick off the perfect party🥰!

check out our website the see what balloons we are selling👉:

#派對 #氣球 #加充氫氣服務

Calling all cool kids! 👦👧 Our latest Depesche bag collection has arrived, and it’s packed with the most adorable designs...

Calling all cool kids! 👦👧 Our latest Depesche bag collection has arrived, and it’s packed with the most adorable designs from TOPModel, Miss Melody, and more.

From whimsical backpacks to trendy totes, these stylish yet practical bags are perfect for school, play dates, and everything in between. Your little one is going to flip for these fun new picks!

Head to to shop the full Depesche bag range - click the link in our bio to get started.

Can’t wait to welcome you to our Central shop, where you can see these amazing new Depesche bags in person. Let our team help you find the ideal match for your child!

【We are "partywhere?" !】生命短暫,時間飛逝。我們應當好好珍惜和紀念生活中每一個重要時刻🌟。"partywhere?" 從世界各地著名品牌引進多種獨特高品質產品,涵蓋遊戲、配飾、玩具等,務求為您提供最優質的派對體驗🥰。...

【We are "partywhere?" !】

"partywhere?" 從世界各地著名品牌引進多種獨特高品質產品,涵蓋遊戲、配飾、玩具等,務求為您提供最優質的派對體驗🥰。

無論您正籌備生日派對、婚禮慶典,抑或是其他活動,"partywhere?" 都將竭盡全力,以獨特的產品和周到的服務,成為您最值得信賴的派對夥伴,為您和您的親朋好友締造美好難忘的派對回憶😉。


【We are "partywhere?" !】
"partywhere?" is dedicated to providing creative and fun products. We firmly believe that every important moment in life deserves to be cherished and celebrated, so we source unique and high-quality products from renowned brands worldwide🌟.

Our product range covers games, accessories, toys, and more. Whether you are planning a birthday party, a wedding celebration, or other events, "partywhere?" will spare no effort to provide you with exquisite decorations and gifts🥰. With our unique products and thoughtful services, we aim to become your most trustworthy party partner, helping you and your loved ones create beautiful memories through perfect parties😉.

Click on this link to find out what we are selling: 👉

#派對 #高品質產品

【破冰party games 推介❄️】去Party難免會有啲唔識嘅人,尷尷尬尬就唔係咁好啦🥴。想破冰,當然要靠玩games來打破彼此間嘅隔膜,等大家更熟悉對方😏。“partywhere?”推薦三款團隊型同問答型遊戲畀大家,破冰話咁易!🧊 ...

【破冰party games 推介❄️】



🧊 Knowing Me Knowing You Games Compendium

🧊 After Dinner Dipsticks - Pecking Order

🧊 Talking Tables Family Fun Trivia Game Set


【Icebreaking Games Recommendations❄️】
It’s inevitable that there will be people you don’t know when you go to a party, so it’s not okay to be embarrassed🥴. An effective icebreaker game can help set the right tone for the party, but how do you choose the right one?

"partywhere?" has selected three team-based and Q&A games to encourage everyone to speak up and make breaking the ice easier!

🧊 Knowing Me Knowing You Games Compendium
Use this box of 120 cards to find out how well you know yourself and your friends. The perfect accompaniment to any party: take turns around the table to answer provocative questions and let the conversations ignite! 🥳

🧊 After Dinner Dipsticks - Pecking Order
Team games are the easiest way for everyone to become acquainted. 😎 Dip in, pick a card, and have a blast! 🤩

🧊 Talking Tables Family Fun Trivia Game Set
Have hours of fun with friends at the party with this mixed set of trivia games. With riddles, trivia, jokes, and more, you'll find a game for everyone. 😆

Click on this link to find out more ice-breaking games: 👉

The TOPModel Beauty line is kid-approved! 👧 This formula is specially certified for young, delicate skin. The perfect ad...

The TOPModel Beauty line is kid-approved! 👧 This formula is specially certified for young, delicate skin. The perfect addition to your little one’s self-care routine. 🇭🇰 Great giveaways for your parties as well! You can find it on our website!

“partywhere?” the one-stop party & gifting go to place! From our reliable helium services to our fun and festive selecti...

“partywhere?” the one-stop party & gifting go to place! From our reliable helium services to our fun and festive selection of party supplies, stationery, and gift packaging, we’ve got everything you need to make your celebrations and gift-giving experiences truly special. 🛍️🎉

Stop by and see what’s new - we’re constantly updating our products and services to keep up with the latest trends and make your life easier. Let partywhere? handle the details so you can focus on making memories.

Also we invite you to join our small campaign! The more the merrier!
- Share this post to 2 friends
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- Prize HK$200 coupon + surprise gift! to enjoy your shopping experience!

「partywhere?」 - 一站式派對和送禮好去處!由可靠的氦氣服務到精彩豐富的派對用品、文具和禮品包裝,我們應有盡有,定能令你的慶祝活動和送禮體驗更加難忘。



獎品: HK$200優惠券 + 驚喜禮物! 盡情享受你的購物體驗!

【恐龍party佈置裝飾推介🦖】屋企小朋友就嚟生日又係恐龍迷?生日會梗係要叫埋佢啲摯愛過嚟一齊慶祝🦕!“partywhere?” 致力由世界各地引進多種獨特同高品質嘅產品✨,我哋亦深信生活中每個重要時刻都值得被好好珍惜同紀念。今次就為你哋精...



“partywhere?” 致力由世界各地引進多種獨特同高品質嘅產品✨,我哋亦深信生活中每個重要時刻都值得被好好珍惜同紀念。今次就為你哋精選咗五樣Dinosaur Kingdom Series系列產品,幫你哋輕鬆佈置party,畀小朋友過返個盡情盡興嘅生日Party🥳!

🌟 T-Rex Foil Balloon:

🌟 Honeycomb Dinosaur Decorations (x 3):

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Dinner Plates and Dinosaur Kingdom Side Plates:

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Large Napkins:

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Party Bags:

Dinosaur Kingdom Series系列仲有其他產品,快啲click呢條link了解更多👉:

【Dinosaur Party Decoration Ideas🦖】

If your home's little boy’s birthday is coming soon, and he is a dinosaur-holic, it’s best to decorate the party as dinosaur-themed🦕!

"partywhere?" is dedicated to sourcing unique and high-quality products from renowned brands across the globe✨. We believe that all of life's significant moments deserve to be cherished and celebrated. We have curated a selection of 5 products from our Dinosaur Kingdom Series. Let's make your child's birthday party a blast🥳!

🌟 T-Rex Foil Balloon:
Let this terrific T-Rex shiny foil balloon be a brilliant decoration at your party🎊.

🌟 Honeycomb Dinosaur Decorations (x 3):
The honeycomb centers on these terrific dinosaur decorations giving a wonderful 3D effect!

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Dinner Plates and Dinosaur Kingdom Side Plates:
No big feast no party🍽! Use these plates designed with adorable dinosaurs to make mealtime even more enjoyable!

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Large Napkins:
This exquisite table napkin features a vibrant group of dinosaurs, full of delightful details😆 .

🌟 Dinosaur Kingdom Party Bags:
Adorned with dinosaur illustrations, perfect for putting birthday gifts🦕!

Click on this link to find out more Dinosaur Kingdom Series products: 👉

Get ready to party in style with *partywhere?*! 🎈 We have all the balloons and helium services you need to make your eve...

Get ready to party in style with *partywhere?*! 🎈 We have all the balloons and helium services you need to make your event truly pop. 💥 Whether you shop online or visit our physical store, you’ll find the best selection of party supplies to make your celebration unforgettable. 🎉 Let *partywhere?* help you throw an event that’s out of this world - stop by our shop or check out our online store today!

准备好以独特的方式派对吧,跟 *partywhere?* 一起来!🎈 我们有所有的气球和氦气服务,让您的活动焕发魅力。💥 不论您是网上购物还是亲自来我们的实体店,您都能找到最优质的派对用品,让您的庆祝活动难忘。🎉 让 *partywhere?* 帮您组织一场非凡的派对 - 快来我们的店铺实地走访或浏览我们的在线商城吧!

【五款你未玩過嘅Party Game🥳】一年參加三五七個party,無論係公司annual dinner、聖誕party或者朋友gathering等等,少不免都要一齊玩下遊戲😗。但啲Party Game玩嚟玩去都係嗰啲,畀啲新意得唔得先?“...

【五款你未玩過嘅Party Game🥳】

一年參加三五七個party,無論係公司annual dinner、聖誕party或者朋友gathering等等,少不免都要一齊玩下遊戲😗。但啲Party Game玩嚟玩去都係嗰啲,畀啲新意得唔得先?

“partywhere?”嚴選咗五款你未必玩過嘅party game,包保你一定滿意,絕對可以為party帶嚟新鮮感!

🌟Super Slow Sloths Board Game(玩家人數:2-6人)

🌟Host your own Bingo Game Set(玩家人數:4-50人)

🌟Dipsticks Family Fun(玩家人數:3-6人)

🌟Music Trivia 60s 70s(玩家人數:2-10人)

🌟Pass Corks Game(玩家人數:3-14人)

【Five Party Games You May Have Never Heard Of🥳 】

It’s usual to attend 3 to 7 parties a year. Although the attendants may differ, the party games can be repetitive😗.

“partywhere?” has selected five party games that you may have never heard of. We guarantee these games will satisfy you and bring a fresh vibe to your party!

🌟Super Slow Sloths Board Game (Number of players: 2-6)
Have you tried a game that requires to be slow enough before😆? The last player to lumber over the finish line wins. Speed is not of the essence!

🌟Host your own Bingo Game Set (Number of players: 4-50)
A transformed version of the traditional Bingo game. You can customize questions to add more fun to the game🔥.

🌟Dipsticks Family Fun (Number of players: 3-6)
A perfect game that the whole family can get on board with. Five different games in one, ensuring that the fun never ends😝!

🌟Music Trivia 60s 70s (Number of players: 2-10)
Test your knowledge of 60s and 70s music trivia. Play with your family and friends and showcase your music expertise🎵!

🌟Pass Corks Game (Number of players: 3-14)
A thrilling card game of speed, strategy, and cunning😏. Be quick and strategic to sn**ch the cork before others!

How cool is that?! We love the new Make-Up Creative Set from TOPModel: Great activity set for young make up artists. The...

How cool is that?! We love the new Make-Up Creative Set from TOPModel: Great activity set for young make up artists. They can try out a new make-up style by testing their ideas in this TOPModel Creative Book first before actually applying the make-up to themselves!

It includes a pad with TOPModel faces as templates, as well as a make-up palette with 9 eyeshadows, 3 blushes, 4 lip glosses, 3 eyeliners, and 4 brushes.

Get your set now!

How cool is that?! We love the new Make-Up Creative Set from TOPModel: Great activity set for young make up artists. They can try out a new make-up style by ...

🧧 Happy Chinese New Year! 🎉🐉 Wishing you prosperity and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon! 🐲🍊 Please note that we w...

🧧 Happy Chinese New Year! 🎉🐉 Wishing you prosperity and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon! 🐲🍊

Please note that we will be closed from 9th Feb 2024 (4pm) to 13th Feb 2024.

Business operations will resume on 14th Feb 2024. Thank you for your understanding. Gong Xi Fa Cai! 🎊🏮

🎄🌟 Celebrate the Magic of Christmas with Us! 🌟🎄🎅❄️ This festive season, the warmth of Christmas awaits you at our shop! ...

🎄🌟 Celebrate the Magic of Christmas with Us! 🌟🎄

🎅❄️ This festive season, the warmth of Christmas awaits you at our shop! ❄️🎅

📍 Join us at 1/F, 31 C-D Wyndham Street, Central, and immerse yourself in the holiday spirit! 🎁✨

🎉 Discover the perfect gifts, delightful decorations, and everything you need to make this Christmas truly special. 🎁🎄

🎊 We’re excited to welcome you to our shop and share the joy of the holiday season. 🎉✨

This beautiful reindeer scarf, complete with a bright red nose, is an adorable accessory for cold days. A fabulous gift ...

This beautiful reindeer scarf, complete with a bright red nose, is an adorable accessory for cold days. A fabulous gift to receive! It is made from soft organic cotton with sweet stitched features.
This sensational warm scarf is crafted from soft organic cotton
Lots of gold thread detail for a stylish shimmer and shine
Suitable for ages 3+

Product dimensions: 52 x 6.25 inches

Brand: Meri Meri
Barcode: 636997245560

🎁🎄 Looking for the Perfect Christmas Gift? 🎄🎁✨ Top Model Beautiful Stationery Collection! ✨💌 Make this holiday season ex...

🎁🎄 Looking for the Perfect Christmas Gift? 🎄🎁

✨ Top Model Beautiful Stationery Collection! ✨
💌 Make this holiday season extra special with stunning stationery from PartyWhere. Whether you’re searching for a gift for your loved ones or a little treat for yourself, this collection is sure to delight!

🎁 This Christmas, give the gift of creativity and style. Visit PartyWhere today and discover the perfect present for your loved ones. Our Top Model Beautiful Stationery Collection is waiting to bring magic to your holiday season!

🌟 Tag someone who would love this collection and spread the festive cheer! 🌟

"🎃 Embrace the Spook-tacular Season! 🎃🕷️ Get ready for a Halloween extravaganza like never before at partywhere!👻 Don't ...

"🎃 Embrace the Spook-tacular Season! 🎃

🕷️ Get ready for a Halloween extravaganza like never before at partywhere!

👻 Don't miss out on the frightful fun! Visit our website at and unlock a world of Halloween enchantment!

🌕 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 🏮✨Partywhere wishes all our amazing clients a joyous celebration filled with mooncakes, lan...

🌕 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 🏮✨

Partywhere wishes all our amazing clients a joyous celebration filled with mooncakes, lanterns, and cherished moments with loved ones. May the glow of the full moon bring you prosperity, happiness, and endless memories. 🌝💫

🎉 Get the Party Started with our Discount Corner! 🎊✨Looking to throw an unforgettable party without breaking the bank? 🎈...

🎉 Get the Party Started with our Discount Corner! 🎊✨

Looking to throw an unforgettable party without breaking the bank? 🎈💰 Look no further! Partywhere is here to make your dreams come true with our amazing Discount Corner items! 🙌✨
🎉🎈🎁 Get everything you need to create a party atmosphere that will leave your guests in awe, all at unbeatable prices. 💃💥
But hurry, these discounts won't last forever! Grab your favorite party essentials now and let the savings ignite the party spirit! 🙌💃🔥
Join the party and share your incredible moments with Partywhere! Tag us in your photos and videos for a chance to be featured. 📸🎉
Visit our store today or shop online to score the best deals at our Discount Corner party items. Your dream celebration awaits! 🎊✨

Don’t miss our dragon boat sale !! Up to 70% OFF Each purchase will get a surprise gift Visit our discount corner at www...

Don’t miss our dragon boat sale !!
Up to 70% OFF
Each purchase will get a surprise gift
Visit our discount corner at

Dear clients, All orders placed today Wednesday 21 June will be delivered on Friday, June 23.  Our central shop will be ...

Dear clients,
All orders placed today Wednesday 21 June will be delivered on Friday, June 23.
Our central shop will be open today until 6:30 pm.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!!

Happy Father’s Day ! From Partywhere

Happy Father’s Day !
From Partywhere

Happy Mother’s Day From the Partywhere team

Happy Mother’s Day
From the Partywhere team

Thank you sale Until March 31 Up to 70 % OFF !

Thank you sale
Until March 31
Up to 70 % OFF !

Our clearance sale is starting tomorrow !! Visit our Windsor house shop and don’t miss the great discounts Up to 70% OFF...

Our clearance sale is starting tomorrow !!
Visit our Windsor house shop and don’t miss the great discounts
Up to 70% OFF !

Happy Chinese New Year !!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​from the Partywhere Team

Happy Chinese New Year !!​​​​​​​​
from the Partywhere Team


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:30 - 18:30


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Our Story

Our retail stores :

Handscript TKO - Shop 108A Park Central, No. 9 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O, N.T., Hong Kong.

(Headquarters) Rm1-5, BLK A, 6/F, Southmark, 11 Yip Hing Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong 漢思傑專門店: (赤柱) 赤柱佳美道23號赤柱廣場一樓109號店 (香港國際機場店) 香港國際機場二號客運大樓6P052-054 (總部) 香港仔業興街11號南匯廣場A座6樓1-5室 About HANDSCRIPT : Script – according to Oxford Dictionary :”Handwriting as distinct from print; written characters”. HANDSCRIPT as a Notebook creator, we respect and revere the idea of originality; from Shakespeare’s manuscript to a simple note from mother to son, every heartfelt handwriting is a masterpiece, and that makes everyone an artist. HANDSCRIPT Notebook is the companion of your journey, capturing thousands of ideas and moments for they become an invaluable part of your success one day. To read more: 關於漢思傑: 漢思傑透過設計不同生活題材的記事本及具高質素的紙品系列創作,引領筆者體會文字與紙張在書寫世界裏的微妙關係和默契。漢思傑致力令手寫文化得以在科技主導的現今社會保存下來,並帶領筆者細味最原始的手寫樂趣。 更詳盡資料: About HK handwrites : In the digital era, we kick off the ‘HK handwrites’ movement in order to promote the lost art of handwriting, rebuild the real human communications, and to advance the domestic creation. Collaborating with various enthusiastic authors, we are publishing a series of ‘HANDSCRIPT’ notebooks, sketchbooks and planners, which are full of local features and well represent our values and creativity. We believe only handwriting can best express our humanity, feeling and wisdom. 關於親筆香港: 親筆香港 (HK handwrites) 為 HANDSCRIPT 發起的文化運動。數碼世代加快了訊息傳遞,卻令人際溝通變得虛而不實。我們深信手寫之物最能表達人類的情感與智慧,因此我們要尋回文化的根本——書寫文化。 透過與不同界別人士合作,出版一系列主題式《親筆記事本》,藉以推動書寫文化及本地創作;並鼓勵人們善用科技的同時,亦重拾執筆書寫習慣,把所思所想躍然紙上,重建人與人之間真摯實在的溝通模式。 親筆香港提供平台讓不同年齡層的人以手寫表達所思所想,重建人與人之間真摰實在的溝通模式,從書寫的過程中領略生命,細味生活;同時以「香港」為題,盼望更多港人關心我們的居住地——香港。