G&V Music Cafe

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G&V Music Cafe G&V Music Cafe shares good music, good songs and life stories of people who have experienced the Grace and Victory in their lives.

This Friday.

This Friday.

First concert in the New Year!  Come and join us!

First concert in the New Year! Come and join us!

The Pineapple “別樹一格” 音樂會*音樂會概念*:營營役役嘅生活裏面,五位音樂人從來冇放棄過追尋音樂夢想。機緣巧合,大家遇上了,找到了對音樂有相同追求,有相同品味嘅知心友,知音人。藉住呢個音樂會,娓娓道來呢五位音樂人嘅故事,探...

The Pineapple “別樹一格” 音樂會


藉住呢個音樂會,娓娓道來呢五位音樂人嘅故事,探索呢五位音樂人嘅內心世界。通過Pineapple 嘅演奏和多元嘅演繹,帶領聽眾以樂手嘅視覺感受佢哋嘅思想意念。

是次音樂會為The Pineapple 成立後,首次公開演出,保證大家有一個難忘嘅晚上。

*「樂隊 The Pineapple」*,
五位擁有不同背景嘅音樂人—— 有人出身古典樂界;有人縱橫搖滾樂界;有人從事爵士樂界;亦有人來自流行樂界。五位南轅北轍、各自擁有不同性格嘅音樂人能夠走在一起,都係因為一句「一期一會」:視每一次演奏為最後一次、亦視每一次相聚為最後一次,珍惜每一個音樂瞬間。

隊名取名The Pineapple,正正就係因為我哋每人有不同嘅棱角,如Pineapple 外形一般。但當我哋集合一齊時,正好互相配搭,帶出無窮嘅能量,為每一位觀眾帶上彷如Pineapple般甜美嘅音樂瞬間。

This Friday night at G&V.  The Summerside Trio is a jazz ensemble formed by senior members from Macau Jazz Promotion Ass...

This Friday night at G&V.
The Summerside Trio is a jazz ensemble formed by senior members from Macau Jazz Promotion Association. The trio consists of guitarist Mars Lee who holds a master degree on music performance at National Taiwan Normal University. Bassist Johnny Yau who is now studying master programme of jazz performance at University of Manitoba (Canada). And drummer Fanfan Cheong who holds a master degree on jazz performance at Silpakorn University (Thailand). The members joined and performed at Macau International Music Festival, Hush! Music Festival, Macau Art Festival, Macau Jazz Festival and Macau Jazz Week, etc. The quartet will perform a series of authentic jazz tunes as well as original compositions. Mark Leung will join them as special guest in the second session.

This Friday night at G& V.  The Summerside Trio is a jazz ensemble formed by senior members from Macau Jazz Promotion As...

This Friday night at G& V.

The Summerside Trio is a jazz ensemble formed by senior members from Macau Jazz Promotion Association. The trio consists of guitarist Mars Lee who holds a master degree on music performance at National Taiwan Normal University. Bassist Johnny Yau who is now studying master programme of jazz performance at University of Manitoba (Canada). And drummer Fanfan Cheong who holds a master degree on jazz performance at Silpakorn University (Thailand). The members joined and performed at Macau International Music Festival, Hush! Music Festival, Macau Art Festival, Macau Jazz Festival and Macau Jazz Week, etc. The quartet will perform a series of authentic jazz tunes as well as original compositions. Mark Leung will join them as special guest in the second session.

Hot Club de Hong Kong will perform on July 12 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  First come first served.Hot...

Hot Club de Hong Kong will perform on July 12 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

Hot Club de Hong Kong

The only active Gypsy Jazz band in town! Formed by Simon Choi, Neil Lau (Guitarist); Sing Pun (Guitarist); and Vera Cura (Double Bassist). Hot Club de HK focuses on vintage 30’s - 40’s France's gypsy jazz. Inspired by Django Reinhardt - the father of gypsy jazz, the band adopts his arrangement styles, playing techniques to interpret various genres of music. From European traditional to American songbooks; swing to bossa nova; film music to pop… Hot Club de HK devotes to build gypsy jazz community in Hong Kong, and present the beauty of gypsy jazz music.

可能係香港唯一嘅法式吉卜賽爵士(Gypsy Jazz/Jazz Manouche)樂隊,Hot Club de Hong Kong為你呈獻上世紀三四十年代嘅巴黎韻味。
由本地樂隊Cowhead與Blaster嘅兩位結他手Simon Choi與Neil Lau、畢業於香港教育大學音樂系,現正於荷蘭Prins Claus Conservatorium 攻讀爵士樂嘅 Sing Pun和低音大提琴手Vera Cura組成。成員們彈奏各音樂類型多年,機緣巧合下認識到嚟自法國嘅吉卜賽爵士樂,被深深吸引,於是組成Hot Club de Hong Kong。
樂隊嘅演奏風格啟發自吉卜賽爵士嘅奠基者強哥萊哈特(Django Reinhardt)與史提芬葛萊帕里(Stéphane Grappelli),以三十年代巴黎嘅風格為基調,糅合美式爵士、拉丁節奏,以原聲結他演奏一系列嘅吉卜賽爵士、與爵士標準曲。
現時世界各地皆有以致敬強哥嘅Hot Club de France嘅Hot Club;Hot Club de Hong Kong致力喺香港普及吉卜賽爵士樂、建立爵士樂社群、為本土音樂注入新完素。

Capsule x 恩陶 音樂會 將會於7月5日 G&V Music Cafe 8:30pm 舉行,座位有限,先到先得。音樂會概念 :人生旅途走過千回百轉,不管 曾經 如烟花燦爛還是痛徹心扉繾綣過、 惘然 過 ,終究也 能慢慢 隨年月沉澱,...

Capsule x 恩陶 音樂會 將會於7月5日 G&V Music Cafe 8:30pm 舉行,座位有限,先到先得。

音樂會概念 :
人生旅途走過千回百轉,不管 曾經 如烟花燦爛還是痛徹心扉繾綣過、 惘然 過 ,終究也 能慢慢 隨年月沉澱,領悟放下,難得的是 還能做回原來那個 乾净的 自己。困難和阻擋如高山一樣看似無法跨過;但盼望 與 幫助 ,同樣能 向高山舉目 尋回 初心的 力量最重要是, 無論是 允許苦難來到 的 ,還是 陪我們一同走過的 那位 造山者,一直都在。見山還是山,且行且珍惜。

「樂隊 Capsule」,看似小小一顆膠囊 ,但內裡集合無窮的醫治元素和恩典,成員希望以音樂作為管子傳揚神的祝福「小提琴手羊羊 」,在獨自發掘音樂的路上尋找知音,以提琴會友,發現自己和世界更多的可能性「和音歌手佩然 」,以天父作為靠倚,以天使之聲音作為和聲,如微風溫柔婉約地吹拂著大地「主唱歌手恩陶 」蒙主恩典陶造渾圓醇厚嗓音,穿透内心的動人歌聲,娓娓道來人間幾許故事

Coming Friday.  Don't miss this great performance!

Coming Friday. Don't miss this great performance!

Keiko Masuda and Hiroki Shindo will perform on June 28 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  First come first s...

Keiko Masuda and Hiroki Shindo will perform on June 28 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

Keiko Masuda
( Western and Japanese flute and vocal )
She won the second prize at the All Japan Student Music Competition in Tokyo. She graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music High School, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and the Amsterdam Conservatory of Music. During her studies, she performed in the Tokyo National University (Geidai) Chamber Music Competition for two consecutive years and received the Doseikai Newcomer Award at the time of her graduation. She has participated in numerous chamber music projects, including concert tours of Japanese and contemporary music in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, and worked as an assistant to the flute professor at the Amsterdam Conservatory of Music before returning to Japan. She has appeared as an orchestras and chamber music ensembles player, as well as in various events and cruise ships, both as a soloist and group. She has been active not only in classical music, but also in various Japanese instruments such as Shinnai shamisen (a traditional Japanese three-stringed instrument) and flamenco music, as well as pops and jazz, with a diverse program and musicality that incorporate the flute, Japanese flute (shinobue and ryuteki), and singing. In 2009, she recorded the theme song for Radio Japan's "Business Saizensen"; in 2012, she released a piano trio CD "the sea"; in 2014, she released a solo album "songs" and a duo album with classical guitar "the breeze"; in 2021, she released a 2-CD set (31 model performances) of "31 Flute Masterpieces" from Do Remi Publishing. (31 exemplary performances). She also teaches flutists at various places in Tokyo.

Hiroki Shindo
( Guitar & Arranger )
He started playing guitar when he was in high school and started learning jazz guitar attracted by the tone of the guitar. After graduating from high school, he entered the National Conservatory of Music, where he studied theory and technique. Currently, he is active in various genres besides jazz, such as bossa nova, latin, funk, fusion, pop, rock, etc., as a member of his own band or as a support band, mainly in the Tokyo area. He has been trusted for his exceptional flexibility.

This Friday night!

This Friday night!

Chack Ming Trio will perform on April 24 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

Chack Ming (guitarist)
Ming (Bassist )
David (Drummer )

潮流興contemporary , fusion及創意
而26 April 既Chack Ming Trio, 與潮流相反,仍然係盡量用傳統進路,為大家用心整夜演奏經典Jazz standards
透過大家熱愛既Jazz standards, 也許在音樂會中可以發現到樂手既創意,同時讓美麗既爵士曲目為大家帶來點點共鳴及感動

Chack Ming Trio will perform on April 24 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  First come first served.Chack Mi...

Chack Ming Trio will perform on April 24 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

Chack Ming (guitarist)
Ming (Bassist )
David (Drummer )

潮流興contemporary , fusion及創意
而26 April 既Chack Ming Trio, 與潮流相反,仍然係盡量用傳統進路,為大家用心整夜演奏經典Jazz standards
透過大家熱愛既Jazz standards, 也許在音樂會中可以發現到樂手既創意,同時讓美麗既爵士曲目為大家帶來點點共鳴及感動

We've got a bad news: Nazar got terribly sick and he cannot play tonight. The band just got Chack Ming to substitute for...

We've got a bad news: Nazar got terribly sick and he cannot play tonight. The band just got Chack Ming to substitute for Nazar. 🙏🏻

This Friday night!

This Friday night!

March 1 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

The multicultural trio is going to bring you a rhythmic and romantic Brazilian night with classics and originals. Bossa, samba, forro, indie jazz... everything with their unique intriguing orchestration!

Brazilian singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist Feu Marinho investigates his musical identity within Jazz, Bossa, indie and folk parallel with his Brazilian and Middle Eastern background. In 2022 Feu debuted the album Velocidade by the Label Speak Thru which put him on the world music route appearing at Indnegev Festival, Jerusalem Jazz Festival, Clubs across India and Europe.

Kenneth Li - jazz violinist and composer born and raised in Hong Kong. He obtained a Master's degree in Jazz Performance in London and took ample stages all over the country. With his return to Hong Kong, Kenneth has brought with him his EP - A psychedelic, genre-blending modern musical ride, and continued his musical exploration by pursuing a doctoral degree in composition.

Nazar Tabachyshyn was born in Zbarazh, Ukraine. Graduate of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. He has won numerous international music competitions in Italy, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine. Nazar is a virtuoso who plays different repertoire, from classical to pop, tango, jazz, folk music etc.

March 1 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  First come first served.The multicultural trio is going to bring ...

March 1 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

The multicultural trio is going to bring you a rhythmic and romantic Brazilian night with classics and originals. Bossa, samba, forro, indie jazz... everything with their unique intriguing orchestration!

Brazilian singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist Feu Marinho investigates his musical identity within Jazz, Bossa, indie and folk parallel with his Brazilian and Middle Eastern background. In 2022 Feu debuted the album Velocidade by the Label Speak Thru which put him on the world music route appearing at Indnegev Festival, Jerusalem Jazz Festival, Clubs across India and Europe.

Kenneth Li - jazz violinist and composer born and raised in Hong Kong. He obtained a Master's degree in Jazz Performance in London and took ample stages all over the country. With his return to Hong Kong, Kenneth has brought with him his EP - A psychedelic, genre-blending modern musical ride, and continued his musical exploration by pursuing a doctoral degree in composition.

Nazar Tabachyshyn was born in Zbarazh, Ukraine. Graduate of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. He has won numerous international music competitions in Italy, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine. Nazar is a virtuoso who plays different repertoire, from classical to pop, tango, jazz, folk music etc.

MARK LEUNG & MOON WONG WITH OLÁ NEW JAZZ GUYS will perform on Jan 26 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  Firs...

MARK LEUNG & MOON WONG WITH OLÁ NEW JAZZ GUYS will perform on Jan 26 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.


Tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night!

Edwin & his friends will perform on Jan 5 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

是次音樂演奏以三重奏Trio 形式演奏,由Cyan(低音大提琴/主唱),Chuen(結他)Edwin(鼓手)組成, Floro (Flute/percussion) 樂隊以演繹原創,自編的巴西 及爵士音樂為主。期望可以滿足一些喜愛爵士樂的朋友外,亦可以認識尋覓新穎旋律的朋友。

Edwin & his friends will perform on Jan 5 at G&V Music Cafe.  8:30 pm.  Free admission.  First come first served.是次音樂演奏以...

Edwin & his friends will perform on Jan 5 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

是次音樂演奏以三重奏Trio 形式演奏,由Cyan(低音大提琴/主唱),Chuen(結他)Edwin(鼓手)組成, Floro (Flute/percussion) 樂隊以演繹原創,自編的巴西 及爵士音樂為主。期望可以滿足一些喜愛爵士樂的朋友外,亦可以認識尋覓新穎旋律的朋友。

This Friday!

This Friday!

Yukako Yamano and Nazar Tabachyshyn will perform on Dec 15 at G&V Music Cafe. 8:30 pm. Free admission. First come first served.

Yukako Yamano is coming back from Tokyo, Japan!
This time she play many Tango songs with the accordion player, Nazar Tabachyshyn.
This is a very rare opportunity, so please come and join us.


Opening Hours

20:30 - 22:30



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