
Utolsó mix az évben. Boldog új évet előre mindenkinek!🍺🤖🍺

Utolsó mix az évben. Boldog új évet előre mindenkinek!

Listen to Datasoul - Partitions Episode #35 by datasoul for free. Follow datasoul to never miss another show.


Dear Friends, Music Lovers, Dj's and Producers,

We have a situation. Our beloved friend Levente - many of you know as MULYA - had a serious stroke last week and had been hospitalized. His health condition is still critical and we're not sure when, how and if he can come back to music or us, what makes everyone's heart heavy around him. We pray and hope every minute that he'll be strong and fight over this insidious sickness. Hopefully after a long rehabilitation period he could do things, but it's too early to predict anything for the future. The crisis now is emotional and material too, him and his family needs constant support both short and longer term.

Timing couldn't be worse, he just got an outstanding EP on Innervisions label and had so much great music prepared for you. We're still processing how could this happen that unfair way but on the other hand we also have to accept it, and adjust ourselves to the actual situation. We have to support our friend who gave his unmatchable musical talent for our joy to entertain, uplift or surprise the crowds all around the globe's dancefloors. We're sure you agree by the fact that he has one of the remarkable, unique and powerful sound in the electronic world not to forget his sound engineering and dj skills.

How can we help him in these hard and insecure times?

First and foremost; let's make his music and talent unforgettable; please play his tracks out, put in charts, add to your playlists - this is the least we can do now and costs nothing. Please put actual interests and egos aside and be there for a moment, it's an important call for a good cause.

We set up a funding page which could be found here:

You can go through that or use the direct options mentioned in the text either. Any financial support counts and so much appreciated.

We, the people around MULYA will try to stay strong and give as much as possible to get him back, a smile, a short nice message or a talk could heal our hearts and warm us to keep it going.

Thank you for reading this and let's hope the best together.

Epikus hosszúságú mix, hallgassátok epikus hangerőn🤖🍺.

Epikus hosszúságú mix, hallgassátok epikus hangerőn🤖🍺.

Listen to Datasoul & The Merovingian - Partitions at Home. Vol 08 by datasoul for free. Follow datasoul to never miss another show.

10 éve!

10 éve!

Mixelek a macskámnak!

Mixelek a macskámnak!




Listen to Partitions Episode #32 by datasoul



Listen to Partitions Episode #31 by datasoul

🤖🕺🍺 Be Massive Podcast! Köszi a lehetőséget Be Massive!

🤖🕺🍺 Be Massive Podcast! Köszi a lehetőséget Be Massive!

It's been almost two decades now that I first fell for the electronic music, twisting the turntables ever since I encountered the breakbeat music style, with an ever-growing collection of LPs now way


Most vasárnap találkozunk a város tetején!
Be Massive Horizon x Rooftop Party x Hotel President

line up:
18:00 - 20:00 Push'n'Ball
20:00 - 22:00 én 😁

18:00-tól már nagyon jó zene lesz!

Koszi, hogy itt voltatok🙃 nagyon szeretem ezt csinalni, meg akkor is, ha nem vagytok annyira sokan:) koszonom a pozitiv ...

Koszi, hogy itt voltatok🙃 nagyon szeretem ezt csinalni, meg akkor is, ha nem vagytok annyira sokan:) koszonom a pozitiv visszajelzest!

Itt van youtube-on az egész.🍺

Itt van youtube-on az egész.🍺

Holnap lájv! Kb este 9 után.

Holnap lájv! Kb este 9 után.

youtube-on egyben a múlt péntek🤖🍺

youtube-on egyben a múlt péntek🤖🍺

Koszi, hogy meghallgattatok😄

Koszi, hogy meghallgattatok😄




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