The wedding Aulya & Tahta.
@aulyaekas @tahtapersada
The supporting vendors,
Venue: @danayahotelbogor
Documentation: @malycaphoto
Decoration: @kabitawedding
MC: @hanipriliaa_mc
The wedding Sofa & Ali.
@sofatazkia @mhmd_alliiii21
All supported vendors,
Venue: @andalusiaballroom
Hotel: @thealanasentul
Documentation: @malycaphoto
Decoration: @rafaniadecorbogor
MUA: @syarah_makeup
Attire: @syarahbrides
WO: @rafaniadecorbogor
Master Ceremonies: @ridwan_sakhi
The wedding Bernita & Aziz.
@bernitaira @maa_azis29
All featured vendors,
Venue: @masjid_andalusia
Catering: @mitrasenicatering
MUA: @intanpermatamakeup
Attire: @alezhabrides
Documentation: @malycaphoto
WO: @bakalnikahwedding
Entertainment: @bayu_sn
MC: @pandanwangiii
Malyca Muslim Wedding Photography
More Info / pricelist:
Get the best offers from Malyca at the end of this year.
Enjoy the experience of having the most beautiful moment on your wedding day with Malyca and get the best offer worth up to IDR 2 million*
#muslimwedding #malycaphoto #photography #weddingjakarta #weddingtangerang #weddingbogor #weddinginspiration #love #couples #weddingku #thebridestory #lamaran #engagement #pernikahan #pernikahanislami
The engagement Naziha & Fathur.
All supporting vendors,
Decoration: @paperinrose_wedding
Catering: @dailycateringid
Documentation: @malycaphoto
WO: @btari.organizer
“Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dzurriyatina qurrota a’yun waj’alna lil muttaqina imama.”
“Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kami, istri kami, dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami), dan jadikan kami imam bagi orang-orang bertakwa.”
Tasyakur Aqiqah Mikail Faiz Alhaliem.
The supporting vendors:
Malyca Photography
Info / pricelist:
#muslimwedding #malycaphoto #photography #weddingjakarta #weddingbogor #weddinginspiration #love #couples #weddingku #thebridestory #lamaran #engagement #aqiqah #aqiqahjakarta #aqiqahbogor
The wedding Elsa & Ario.
@elsanvtsr @arioriow
The supporting vendors.
@ikeaweddingdream @ikawatifitria
Always want to win. Thats why we play tennis, we can try to be the best we can at it.
The postwedding Erika & Ivan.
@erikasujitno @ivangitapribadi
Thanks for sharing your moments with us.
Malyca Photography
Info / pricelist:
#muslimwedding #malycaphoto #photography #weddingjakarta #weddingbogor #weddinginspiration #love #couples #weddingku #thebridestory #lamaran #engagement
The wedding Shendy & Alfino.
Thanks for all supporting vendors.
Venue: Gedung YPHB
Catering: @puspitasawargi
Decoration: @puspitasawargi
Photo video: @malycaphoto
WO: @sultan.weddingorganizer
MUA: @tety_makeup
Attire: @griyaaristy
MC: @yudhaputra_mc
The wedding Nita & Seno.
@ayunitapermata @dennis.indrayana
Venue: @terasdara
Catering: @terasdara
Photo Video: @malycaphoto
Live streaming: @malycaphoto
MC: @yarinegari
The glimpse of Malyca’s team at the wedding Yolanda & Fraidee.
@yandayey @fridayfraidee .
The engagement @betanadia & Dana.
Decor: @thebridewears
Photo Video: @malycaphoto
MUA: @retnomey_makeup
Thanks for featured us on your beautiful journey.
Malyca Photography
Info / pricelist:
#muslimwedding #malycaphoto #photography #weddingjakarta #weddingbogor #weddinginspiration #love #couples #weddingku #thebridestory
The engagement Nadia & Dana.
Decor: @thebridewears
Photo Video: @malycaphoto
MUA: @retnomey_makeup
Thanks for featured us on your beautiful journey.
Malyca Photography
Info / pricelist:
#muslimwedding #malycaphoto #photography #weddingjakarta #weddingbogor #weddinginspiration #love #couples #weddingku #thebridestory