While funeral services may become somewhat more bearable with the increase in numbers permitted to attend as of yesterday (up to 25), a colleague in The Irish Ethical Celebrants Society wrote a guide for planning a memorial that you can host yourself whenever you are ready
As Ethical Celebrants, we are saddened by the stories of families who have lost a loved one during this pandemic, but who are not able to mourn in the ways that we are so accustomed to here in Ireland. The Irish have a very special way of dealing with death, and that is through stories. We are a nation of storytellers and when we are grieving it is often the stories that get us through the hard times. Now, to not be able to celebrate the life of a loved one with our communities, and to share those stories that are so important to the grieving process, is deeply upsetting.
We want to try and help and IECS member, Derbhile Graham, Life Celebrant, has written a useful guide to creating a memorial ceremony for your loved one when we are all able to come together again. A memorial ceremony may offer some comfort and closure following the death of a loved one.
Our members are also available to write and perform memorial ceremonies, or to offer guidance, support and advice to families who wish to hold their own private memorial ceremony.
Please click on the link below for more information.