The absolute ultimate nightclubbing experience for teens with the best DJs, special guests, impressive sound and lighting and amazing creative content. At Teen Nation events you will find professional nightclub DJs, special guests and celebrities, full concert sound systems, state of the art lighting and laser displays and all the effects that you would experience at any other nightclub or concert
. With our extensive experience and creative team, Teen Nation is widely recognised as a market leader when it comes to Teenage Discos and Junior Events in Ireland. Teen Nation is owned and operated by Plan Your Event Ltd, who are a reputable and accomplished professional event management company. All our teenage discos and events are fully supervised by both Teen Nation event management staff and licensed male and female security personnel. We run a strict zero-tolerance no alcohol and drug policy, and have a paramedic on site at every event. We provide a fun, yet safe, environment for all our teenage patrons. With our convenient and secure ticket sale platform, you can buy tickets to any of our events directly from your phone, iPad or laptop. Simply purchase tickets from our website and download to your phone. No hassle with meeting reps, carrying cash or losing tickets.