Blueprint for revival of Buddhism in India (Drawn on the basis of Babasaheb Ambedkar's institutions, memorandum, and writings on Buddhism) (2/N)
By Mangesh Dahiwale
Interdependent Institutions
We saw that Babasaheb Ambedkar clearly developed the blueprints of institutions. The two institutions, Bauddhajana Panchayat and Buddhist Society of India were functioning at the time of Babasaheb Ambedkar. The third institution, Buddhist Seminary, was to be established in Bangalore and Maharaja of Mysore allocated beautiful piece of land in Bangalore. Babasaheb Ambedkar was in dialogue with the Buddhists from Japan to raise funds for the Buddhist Seminary and he was due to visit Japan.
This tripartite institutional model is very essential for revival of Buddhism in India. These three institutions feed into one another and form a symbiotic relationship.
We do not need to worry as today these institutions are in shambles, but as we have the blueprint available to us we know what to do in terms of the institutional building.
Besides these institutions, Babasaheb Ambedkar envisioned through Buddhist Society of India setting up of the Buddhist Schools, colleges, and civil rights work. We can get the idea of this vision in the documents he left behind.
Buddhist Training for revival of Buddhism
Babasaheb Ambedkar through the Buddhist Seminary could have easily trained a lot of people in Buddhism, Comparative study of religions, and science. The regular colleges that Babasaheb Ambedkar started helped the community so much to progress in many directions. The Milind College, the Siddharth College and a host of colleges set up by People's Education Society played its important role. The constitution of PES shows that it was meant for the poor and Buddhists.
The institutions run by the Ambedkarites all over India can follow in this direction to inculcate Buddhist Education in the institutions.
Besides this, local Buddhist Vihars and Community resources can be used for studying the Buddhism as taught by Babasaheb Ambedkar. In Maharashtra, many Buddha Vihars have become active not only for practicing Buddhism but also relief and community work as shown by the response to Covid crisis.