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*Help And Support FEED AND CARE TRUST *
This is FEED AND CARE TRUST. And I am an animal activist. I am raising these funds for Animals treatment, food, shelter, etc. Me and my team rescue animals, foster, help in the adoption of street babies, vaccination, sterilization. Importantly, we need funds to get some Rescue Stray Animals, Feeding
Read more - https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-street-animals-80?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=fundraisers-title&mlp_referrer_id=6690763
To pay via Paytm (for Android users only) - https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-street-animals-80/deeplink?deeplink_type=paytm
Stray Dog TreatmentAnimal Rescuehelping dogAnimal injuryAnimal HospitalCollecting for Animal Rescue VechicleFEED AND CARE TRUST