We are glad to bring the senior Pastor of Hillsong London church Pastor Gary Clarke and the worship band from their church to the city of Kolkata from the 14th to the 16th of December 2012. A day seminar for church Pastors, leaders and people involved in different areas of ministry will also be held on 15th Saturday from 10:00am – 1:00pm. The venue for the day meeting will be announced shortly. Th
is event is being done for the city of Kolkata and for the churches in the city. During the season of Christmas, what greater way to celebrate the ‘Reason of the Season’ with one of the most vibrant Christian bands that take worship to extravagant heights to glorify the name of Jesus. It’s an honour to have Ps Gary Clarke who has planted a church in London that has grown to over ten thousand in number literally from the scratch. Ps Gary will also be ministering to the Pastors and leaders on Saturday morning as well. Once again, this is an event for the churches of Kolkata and for our city. No decision cards/follow-up cards will be distributed, so feel free to bring in your non-Christian friends along. Just want our churches and our city to be blessed. Do take this as your own event and expecting your sincere prayers and whole-hearted co-operation for all the aspects of the meetings.