Mesmerizing the Dealers of #MaharajaWhiteline with 🎤𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝘂𝗽 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲🎤
In their hands, on their table ..
one on one Interactions, crazy reactions .. Amazing connections ..
BATHINDA as always.. full of true audience
Done with the fabulous show for #Maharajawhiteline yesterday.. Thanks to the whole Team of #MaharajaWhiteline
Thanks Sanjeev Ji for the reference .
#anchorinbathinda #emceeinpunjab #anchorinpunjab #anchorharshdhamija #anchor #bathinda #corporateevents #corporatepresenter #anchoring #anchorlife #FunAndEnjoy
##AnChOrInG ShOw BeAts At BaThInDa GoT TaLeNt bY StEp Up DaNcE sTuDiO##✓✓WiTh VaiBhAv GhUgHe WiNnEr Of SuPeR DaNcE 2 aNd jHaLaK DiKhLaJa##✓✓MaM AvNeEt SiDhU hUnDal DSP OF BaThInDa##✓✓NaArI sHaKtI pReSiDeNt RJ Mamta Arora##✓✓ StEp Up DaNcE StUdiO oWnEr Mr. ViCkY GrOvEr₹₹##
##&&NeW YeAr##&&2019 PaRtY AnChOrInG at ReGaL's BaNqUeT hALL##&&BaSh bLaSt##&&OpPoRtUnItIeS##&&MaNy MoRe##&&
@¥¥®ShAnAyA's 6tH BiRtHdAy BeAtS WiTh AnChOr/EmCeE WoRlD aT BaThInDa@¥¥®.. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS tO BaNsAl FaMilY..