- Music For Future Dance Floors 🎶
We all are living in a technological driven Era. It has one of the major impact on individual’s life. Right from kids to adults having traditional approach towards work are well versed with technology, especially during Covid times, and are equipped with the easy functioning process. Everything is at your finger tips now. I personally always had interest in Information Technology but choose finance as my mainstream for living.
In 2008, a White paper was released by Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto “ - A digital form of currency”. I never looked back at what I was leaving behind. Technology and its impact changed the perception of people around the globe & we all can see the acceptability of Bitcoin.
Recently , I came across a new class of digital asset - A Non- Fungible Token ( ) co-founded by and . This time I got curious about the same and friends were equally wanting me to dive into the digital currency world. I started exploring the new born technology . A basic understanding is that by exchanging digital currency, one can purchase digital assets which are in the form of an art, music ,sports or any other entertainment. Technology has a great impact on music and art. Recently, I came across a platform “” ,an invite only app specific to iPhone users, where people around the globe connect with each other and discuss on latest topics in any club/room. I started believing in the potential what NFT technology holds within itself. Gaining more and more confidence, I developed interest and explored a latest release by in collaboration with various renowned artists (Musical & Visuals).
Music For Future Dance Floors.
Amazing artist including have offered unreleased tracks coupled with mind boggling visuals by .This is the future of electronic music and I am delighted to share that I have successfully purchased a collectible on .
The bid for auction was a kind of experience with such a smooth process. Happy to share that I am amongst the 4 individuals in the world who have this NFT in possession.
Thanks Well Wishers ♥️