Liliana's Tuscany Private Chef

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Liliana's Tuscany Private Chef We are a team of private chefs in Tuscany, lifetime passionate about our traditional Tuscan cuisine.

Mezzelune con farina di canapa ripiene di verza stufata, pinoli e uvetta saltate nel b***o al timoQuesta ricetta l’ho  ...

Mezzelune con farina di canapa ripiene di verza stufata, pinoli e uvetta saltate nel b***o al timo

Questa ricetta l’ho creata su misura per un corso di cucina che abbiamo fatto prima di Natale. Mi sta molto a cuore perché l’ho creata pensando all’evento, alle persone, usando ingredienti di stagione e che a me piacciono molto. È stato un successo, è piaciuta così tanto perché fuori dai binari, intrigante ma molto rassicurante una volta che la assaggi. ❤️
Ho usato la farina di canapa che è una farina molto particolare , molto ricca di omega 3 e omega 6, ha un sapore nocciolato e nel impasto è bellissima, sembra marmo. Se non trovate la farina di canapa (io la prendo in un negozio biologico ma c’è anche su Amazon), si può fare l’impasto normale con un uovo e 100 grammi di farina. La porzione è per una persona, quindi moltiplichiamo per il numero di persone. Come sempre nelle mie ricette amo usare pochi ingredienti, poco pentolame per non dover pulire troppo e goderci il pasto.

Attrezzature necessarie:
Spianatoia o piano di lavoro
Mattarello per stendere la pasta
1 Padella
1 pentola
1 scolapasta
Cucchiaio e forchetta
Robot di cucina o coltello
Un taglia biscotti pasta rotondo di 5, 6 centimetri

Ingredienti per l’impasto
1 uovo e un tuorlo
1 etto di farina normale
40 grammi dì farina di canapa
1 cucchiaino dì olio di oliva.

100 grammi dì cavolo verza
20 grammi dì pinoli
50 grammi dì uvetta messa in ammollo in acqua tiepida per mezz’ora
50 grammi dì ricotta
Un cucchiaio dì parmigiano o grana padano
Un cucchiaio dì olio di oliva.
Sale, pepe q.b.

Procedimento per l’impasto:
Mettiamo le farine sul piano di lavoro, facciamo un buco abbastanza capiente nel centro per rompere le uova e per poter mescolarle. Iniziamo con la forchetta, rompendo i tuorli e mescolando come per la omelette. Pian piano incorporiamo la farina e quando il tutto diventa molto denso, iniziamo a mescolare con le mani, anzi con le dita di una sola mano per non rimanere appiccicati e per poter usare l’altra mano per chiamare per chiedere aiuto 😀 o…fare le foto all’impasto. Una volta che l’impasto prende consistenza, utilizzando la mano pulita 😇🤌mettiamo l’olio. Ora possiamo mettere tutte e due le mani e iniziare a impastare, allunghiamo l’impasto e lo pieghiamo su se steso, giriamo dalla parte opposta e facciamo la stesa mossa. Continuiamo a stirare e chiudere finché l’impasto diventa elastico e liscio. Lo chiudiamo con la pellicola di plastica ermeticamente e lo lasciamo riposare per mezz’ora.

Procedimento ripieno:
Tagliamo finemente la verza aiutandoci di un robot di cucina o anche con il coltello, la mettiamo in una ciotola e la massaggiamo bene con le mani insieme al sale, pepe e il olio.
In una padella tostiamo a secco i pinoli senza bruciarli poi li mettiamo da parte
Nella stessa padella dei pinoli mettiamo la verza, un goccio di acqua e la copriamo con il coperchio per farla stufare per 5 minuti a fuoco medio. Giriamo, lasciamo cuocere finché evapora bene l’acqua. Lasciamo raffreddare. Una volta raffreddata la verza, mettiamo tutti gli ingredienti insieme e aggiustiamo di sale e pepe.

Facciamo le mezzelune
Mettiamo una spolverata di farina sul piano di lavoro e stendiamo l’impasto finemente, quasi trasparente , aiutandoci se necessario con più farina, tagliamo con un taglia biscotti o qualsiasi cosa di forma circolare di 5,6 centimetri dei dischi , mettiamo al centro un cucchiaio dì ripieno e chiudiamo piegando per far diventare una mezzaluna e chiudiamo benissimo i bordi. Mettiamo su un panno leggermente infarinato.

Il condimento:
50 ml b***o
2 rametti di timo

Mettiamo il b***o tagliato a cubetti piccoli in una padella e insieme ai rametti di timo, riscaldiamo senza friggere. Lasciamo a fuoco spento per insaporire.
Dopo che abbiamo bollito le mezzelune, li mettiamo nel b***o al timo e con l’aiuto di mezzo ramaiolo dì acqua di cottura li saltiamo finché fanno una salsa cremosa Serviamo con parmigiano spolverato sopra.

Lovers of Italian cuisine, today I bring you a Tuscan peasant recipe, simple and very good! Tuscan cuisine is made of si...

Lovers of Italian cuisine, today I bring you a Tuscan peasant recipe, simple and very good! Tuscan cuisine is made of simple, easy-to-use ingredients. Let's talk about POLLO alla CACCIATORA. Some time ago the rural Tuscan population was very poor, the farmers had a vegetable garden where they grew the vegetables necessary for the family and a few chickens that were easy to feed, running around in the meadow. The chickens provided the necessary eggs for the family members. After a few years, as they got older they no longer gave eggs and then it was time for the pot. Having chicken on the table was always a feast and was cooked in such a way as to have multiple meals with the same chicken. In chicken Cacciatore, other ingredients are added which increase the quantity and flavor everything. Maybe if you have traveled in Italy you have heard the expression “fare la scarpetta ” The expression describes the action of “picking up the seasoning that remains on the plate with a piece of bread”, therefore you ate everything leaving the plate clean and a full belly. Now things have changed, we all have access to different types of chicken, indeed it has become a low-cost, everyday, anonymous ingredient. I bring you the recipe for chicken Cacciatore, the simple one, with few ingredients and easy to find.

1 medium chicken cut into pieces
1 carrot,
1 celery
1 onion
500 grams of tomato puree
Black olives 150 grams
Salt and pepper
Olive oil 100 ml
How much white wine do you have 🤗

🐓Necessary equipment:
a saucepan with lid,
A ladle
A knife or vegetable chopper
A cutting board

We buy the chicken by asking the butcher to cut it into 10/12 pieces.
Put the oil in the saucepan and turn on the heat. When the oil heats up without burning, add the chicken pieces and cover with the lid. Medium heat. Leave without stirring for 5 minutes otherwise the chicken will stick to the pan and break while stirring. We turn the pieces of meat, let them cook for another 5 minutes. We remove the chicken and put it in a container and put the diced vegetables (if we do it with a knife) or chopped with a food processor in the oil remaining in the saucepan. Add salt, not too much, just to soften the vegetables. Let's fry over low heat, stirring often until the vegetables are browned but not burnt eh!🔥put the chicken back into the vegetables, stir a little more to flavor everything over high heat. Now it's time for the wine. Take the bottle and now you will find yourself at a crossroads: saucepan or glass. Opt for the glass because the chicken doesn't care about wine and put the tomato puree on top of the chicken. Mix, add the olives, and put the lid on, lowering the heat. Sit somewhere near the chicken and drink the wine in its memory. 🐓 Stir every now and then and return to the glass. 25/30 minutes of cooking is sufficient. Add salt and pepper, mix and leave covered with the heat off. Let's prepare some slices of bread to make the slipper, this is a very serious thing in Italy, making the slipper on a plate is the best compliment you can pay the chef. In Italy it's 11.10pm and I'm hungry. I don't have chicken cacciatora and I don't drink wine. I go to sleep dreaming of breakfast ❤️

In Tuscany the temperatures have dropped, it is raining and the surrounding mountains are white. I love winter, it makes...

In Tuscany the temperatures have dropped, it is raining and the surrounding mountains are white. I love winter, it makes me nostalgic. Thinking of a food that is good for this period, pappa al pomodoro is perfect, creamy, warm, fragrant and cuddly. Making it costs little and you use products that everyone has in their pantry. I attach the recipe together with a big hug from Chianti!🤗

Pappa al pomodoro
🍅 Ingredients:
6 slices of almost dry bread (what we forget in the pantry)
400 grams of tomato puree
4 cloves of garlic
4 tablespoons of olive oil + to add raw on top
Grated Parmesan or Grana Padano if you like
basil if we have it
Salt and pepper

Kitchen cutting board
Spatula for mixing

We cut the bread into cubes.
Starting from the cold, place the oil, garlic and basil in a saucepan. We light the fire and fry gently. (be careful because basil has the bad habit of bursting oil bubbles💥).
We don't color the garlic, we only need it to flavor the oil. We remove the garlic and basil and put them aside (we put it back later)
In the same saucepan, place the bread cubes in the hot oil. We turn up the heat and, stirring frequently, toast the bread without burning it. We put the tomato puree, the garlic and the basil left aside, mix, put the lid on and cook for half an hour over low heat. We mix every now and then, crushing the bread that will have to break down into the tomato. I use a potato masher or even a fork. If it seems too thick, add a little water or broth and cook again. In total it must cook for an average of 45 minutes. The secret is to stir often to ensure that the bread breaks down. Season with salt and pepper. If we still have some, add some basil leaves torn by hand. Our PAPPA AL POMODORO is ready. We put it in bowls and put a drop of olive oil on top (in Tuscany a drop means a quarter of a bottle 😃). If you like, put grated parmesan on top. Bon appetit, I made myself hungry😍

TAGLIATELLE WITH FRESH SAUSAGES SAUCE (For 4 persons)🌶️Ingredients for the dough• Flour normal white or semiwhole: 400 g...

(For 4 persons)

🌶️Ingredients for the dough
• Flour normal white or semiwhole: 400 gr
• Eggs: 4 medium
• Extra virgin olive oil one soupy spoon
🌶️Ingredients for the sauce
• Sausage 250 grams;
• Tomato puree 400 grams;
• 1 big onion (red onion is better)
• Extra virgin olive oil q.s.;•Basil if we have
• Salt;
• Pepper.
•Chili pepper if you like
🌶️Necessary equipment:
kitchen scale
Rolling pin
Pastry board
Pasta pot
Saucepan with lid
Slotted spoon for removing pasta from water (or anything that does the same job)
Wooden/silicone spoon for stirring the sauce

We always start by making the dough, so we will give them time to rest when we dedicate ourselves to making the sauce.

Place the flour on a wooden, marble or silicone work surface, making a hole as large as possible in the center to contain the eggs. We break the eggs inside and with circular movements we beat as if to make an omelette with a fork. When the eggs are well mixed, we begin to carefully incorporate the flour, always with the fork and starting from the center. (Let's not put our hands on it yet)
We are careful not to break the edges of the mound of flour to avoid the egg coming out. We continue to incorporate the flour slowly until our dough takes consistency. At this point, we clean the fork with flour and put it to wash. With your fingers (to stop your hands from sticking too much), we turn the dough in the flour, massaging gently until all the flour is incorporated. At this point, we clean our hands, put the spoonful of oil and continue kneading. We must make stretching and folding movements of the dough to activate the gluten and ensure that the dough becomes elastic. When the dough is clean (after at least 10 minutes of stretching) we make a ball, seal it well with plastic film or in a bag with the vacuum machine. Let it rest at room temperature, clean the work surface of every trace of dough crumbs (I'm a maniac about always keeping the work surface tidy 👩‍💻).
In the meantime, while the dough rests, we dedicate ourselves to the sauce.

On a cutting board, cut the onion in half and then into not very fine strips (I love feeling the contrast between the sweetness of the onion and the flavor of the sausage in the sauce). We put a saucepan on the stove, add the oil and the onion, starting from the cold (you always have to start with oil and a cold pan when you want to stew food.) We turn on the heat, put a pinch of salt on the onion to make it soften first and we put the lid on. Medium heat. While the onion is sweating on the heat, we take the sausages and remove them from their skin and chop them with our hands. Add the sausages to the onions and raise the heat, stirring frequently. When the sausage browns a little and seems almost cooked, add the tomato puree, salt and pepper, basil if we have it, cover with the lid and leave to cook over medium/low heat (be careful because the sauce tends to burst into deadly drops 🔥)
While the sauce is cooking, let's get back to our dough.
Place a little sprinkled flour on the pastry board, remove the dough from the cling film and place it on top. With our hands we flatten the dough slightly by turning it on both sides in the flour. With the rolling pin we begin to roll out starting from the center, turning the dough often to roll out evenly. At the beginning it is more difficult to spread, but as it spreads it becomes easier and easier. When the pastry becomes almost transparent, we dust it with flour and massage it on both sides and let it dry slightly (the massage with the flour helps to make the pastry dry more quickly). Let's go back to our sauce, turn it around and taste it, adding salt and pepper, if we like a little chilli, even better. 🌶️We put a pot with 4 liters of water to boil.
Let's go back to our pastry which will have dried properly. Let's turn it halfway starting from the top and halfway from the bottom, very delicately, without pressing. Sprinkle more flour if it still seems sticky. With a large knife, cut our pastry with a clean cut (without sliding back and forth) at a distance of one or two centimeters. We gradually lift the cut strips and shake them vigorously to make them unroll and place them on the side of the pastry board. When we have finished cutting them all, put 3 tablespoons of salt in the pan with the boiling water and add the tagliatelle. Cook "al dente" for 2 minutes, then fish them out with a spoon and put them in the sauce. Add a little cooking water and mix well to make the sauce adhere to the tagliatelle. We turn off the heat and are ready to eat. Hoping that in the meantime you have cleaned the work surface and the tools used (my obsession with keeping everything clean 😃), you can dedicate yourself to the activity that culminates the experience: planting and eating in good company with a glass of red wine together to your loved ones your tagliatelle!!!
You can sprinkle with grated cheese or eat plain, the choice is yours.

I've gone on at length to explain but in an hour you can have your 100% Italian pasta dish on the table, starting from scratch, for 4 or 6 or more people. Just multiply the portions.
I would like to understand if the recipes written in this way are easy to understand and follow or if you prefer me to write them in a simplified way. You know it's more saying than doing so let's get our hands dirty!
For any advice I'm here with you ❤️

The best part of our job is that cooking is not just about food, but being able to take people back in time, the flavors...

The best part of our job is that cooking is not just about food, but being able to take people back in time, the flavors we experience during our lives are an indelible thing. Being able to excite our customers because the potatoes we make have the same flavor as the potatoes they ate as children in Italy, made by their grandparents. The kitchen in Italy, who has Italian origins knows it well, is the way to bring the whole family together, it is the way to show affection, it is one of the most important things.



Buongiorno! Today at Radda in Chianti☀️

Buongiorno! Today at Radda in Chianti☀️

Can you smell the freshly baked Schiacciata Toscana?🌱

Can you smell the freshly baked Schiacciata Toscana?🌱

Cooking class: caught with the hands in the flour☀️🌱

Cooking class: caught with the hands in the flour☀️🌱

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. 🌱💚

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. 🌱💚

Home made bread and schiacciata☀️

Home made bread and schiacciata☀️

Cooking class 🇮🇹🌱

Cooking class 🇮🇹🌱

Luoghi e sapori🍀

Luoghi e sapori🍀

When you come to Tuscany is a must have to try specially in summer our Pappa al pomodoro, a favorite dish in many parts ...

When you come to Tuscany is a must have to try specially in summer our Pappa al pomodoro, a favorite dish in many parts of Tuscany but above all in Florence, is simply bread cooked with oil and garlic, and scented with basil, with tomato as the indispensable base. It has become a symbolic dish of regional cuisine, to prepare it in a workmanlike manner you should use real homemade Tuscan bread, that is to say the
"sciocco" one, without salt. Pappa al pomodoro can be cooked all year round, but it is really delicious in the summer, when the tomatoes are ripe and juicy.

Siamo ancora in tempo per tortellini in brodo?🤔

Siamo ancora in tempo per tortellini in brodo?🤔


Liliana's is a team of private chefs based in Tuscany, between Arezzo, Siena and Florence, specialized in organic traditional Tuscan cuisine

Ha nevicato specialmente per me… lo so!❄️🤩❤️

Ha nevicato specialmente per me… lo so!❄️🤩❤️

“Liliana’s Tuscany Private Chef”si è presa una ben meritata vacanza, per caricare le batterie per la prossima stagione. ...

“Liliana’s Tuscany Private Chef”si è presa una ben meritata vacanza, per caricare le batterie per la prossima stagione. Non ci fermiamo del tutto, stiamo lavorando per migliorare ancora l’offerta e per accogliervi ancora meglio. Abbiamo tante novità in serbo e tanti nuovi amici e clienti! A presto!

Pasta pasta pasta!❤️

Pasta pasta pasta!❤️

Dicembre 🍁👩‍🍳

Dicembre 🍁👩‍🍳

Quando il cuore chiama, i tortellini rispondono❄️❤️

Quando il cuore chiama, i tortellini rispondono❄️❤️

Pasta therapy Gnam!Tortelli con ricotta, zucca e cedro candito. Farine del Pratomagno.

Pasta therapy Gnam!
Tortelli con ricotta, zucca e cedro candito. Farine del Pratomagno.

Liliana's is a team of private chefs based in Tuscany, between Arezzo, Siena and Florence, specialized in organic traditional Tuscan cuisine

Nasce tutto da una grandissima passione per il cibo, per la nostra terra e per condividere il nostro mondo con voi. Port...

Nasce tutto da una grandissima passione per il cibo, per la nostra terra e per condividere il nostro mondo con voi. Portiamo le tradizioni Toscane più antiche in tutto il suo territorio per farla conoscere in tutto il mondo. Finalmente possiamo farvi vedere il nostro sito, e siamo molto contenti di inaugurare il nostro profilo ufficiale anche su Instagram e Facebook. Non ci fermiamo, abbiamo iniziato a riempire l’agenda per il 2023 e stiamo dando vita a nuovi progetti!❤️



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