QDC Wedding

QDC Wedding QDC Quando Dove Come è una agenzia di servizi per il wedding e non solo. Creata da Claudio Questa e

🇬🇧Fancy traveling around Italy during your destination wedding, but don't know where to start or what you should opt for...

Fancy traveling around Italy during your destination wedding, but don't know where to start or what you should opt for?

📌 Happy to help!

The best way to travel around Italy strictly depends on the distance you’d like to reach.
For longer and most popular destinations, if you are not willing to rent a car, trains are generally the best option in terms of time and money.

✅ Use our industry expertise and our knowledge of the territory to get tips on how to travel comfortly in our country!

👉Why don't we talk about it in detail? Comment this post and let's shape your dream itinerary together!


🇬🇧Payments in Italy are not the smoothest activity, not even for ouselves, so...📌 Take notes!Credit cards are accepted m...

Payments in Italy are not the smoothest activity, not even for ouselves, so...

📌 Take notes!

Credit cards are accepted most of the times, but not everywhere.
In Italy, all business owners must accept credit cards, but based on experience it is always advisable to travel with some cash, especially in smaller and less popular locations.
A nice and tiny retreat in the countryside might not always be equipped with the latest technology: it's part of experience itself!

✅With our tips and insider knowledge, no bad surprises for you!

👉This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: check them all through the link in bio!

Ph. QDC Wedding

🇬🇧No one wants to uncover hidden costs on the very last day during their destination wedding in Italy.👉 Here's something...

No one wants to uncover hidden costs on the very last day during their destination wedding in Italy.

👉 Here's something you might not know or think about!

The tourist tax is an Italian tax that must be paid per person for each night of your stay.
This tax has variable costs depending on the municipality and the number of nights.
It is collected by hotels, bed and breakfasts, hostels and campsites.

✅ With our experience in the industry, we can help you track down all items and costs due not only for your wedding, but for your whole stay in Italy!

👉This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: send us a DM for a specific question!

Ph. AVZ Studio

🇬🇧Things you don't want in your destination wedding in Italy?Getting fined!👉 Here's how to avoid it!As an example, many ...

Things you don't want in your destination wedding in Italy?
Getting fined!

👉 Here's how to avoid it!

As an example, many don't know that Italy protects artists and their productions when music is involved in private events, weddings included.
SIAE is the acronym for Società Italiana Autori ed Editori.
It is the Italian copyright tax due for the music/entertainment portion of every public event.
It is to be paid by the couple and varies by number of guests and based on the ex*****on of live or recorded music.

✅ No worries!
We will provide you with video instructions to calculate and pay this tax in time for your wedding, so you can relax and enjoy during your special day!

👉This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: check them all through the link in bio or send us a DM for a specific question!


An official wedding in Italy is your big dream, but you have no direct contacts in our country to get an officiant?👉 We ...

An official wedding in Italy is your big dream, but you have no direct contacts in our country to get an officiant?

👉 We do!

Claudio has been a professional translator from English into Italian for over 20 years and is also a certified Destination Wedding Planner and Wedding Officiant. While we do not personally handle the whole process to get legally married in Italy, we work with trusted consultancy partners that will be more than happy to help you, and we will personally be there for you on your special day as officiants.

👉 This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: check them all through the link in bio or send us a DM for a specific question!

Ph: .argentini.photographer

Ever wondered what's the largest amount of your wedding budget needed for?👉The choice is yours, but the answer might not...

Ever wondered what's the largest amount of your wedding budget needed for?

👉The choice is yours, but the answer might not always be that obvious!

The venue/catering service generally equals around 60% of your wedding budget, but what if flowers or music are your most important part of the wedding?
This is the reason why we have created a tool that will help you check your budget breakdown and make sure you are investing your money exactly where you want.

👉 This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: check them all through the link in bio or send us a DM for a specific question!


🇬🇧When is it too early to get legally married in Italy? And when is it too late?👉 We have the answers!If you're struggli...

When is it too early to get legally married in Italy? And when is it too late?

👉 We have the answers!

If you're struggling to know how much time you need to get the required documentation for getting legally married in Italy, know that terms vary based on the origin country requirements.
In any case, these documents in Italy are valid for 6 months.
Averagely, five months should be enough to get the required documentation.

👉 This and many other questions are answered in the FAQ section of our website: check them all through the link in bio or send us a DM for a specific question!

Wedding bouquet: QDC Wedding

🇬🇧🇮🇹Are appointments and deadlines not your forte? We have a tool for you!Many suppliers, to make it financially easier ...

Are appointments and deadlines not your forte? We have a tool for you!
Many suppliers, to make it financially easier for you, will offer you deferred payments over time, but you will have to memorize and pay them on time to avoid unpleasant situations.
We take care of all this, providing you with a tool that will help you meet any deadline, while also keeping track of your budget allocation. Call us now to book a free call with us!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Appuntamenti e scadenze non sono il vostro forte? Abbiamo uno strumento per voi!
Molti fornitori, per agevolarvi dal punto di vista economico, vi offriranno pagamenti diluiti nel tempo, che però dovrete memorizzare e corrispondere in modo puntuale per evitare sgradevoli situazioni.
A tutto questo pensiamo noi, fornendovi uno strumento che vi aiuterà a rispettare qualsiasi scadenza, tenendo anche sotto controllo la ripartizione del vostro budget. Chiamateci subito per prenotare una call gratuita con noi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹How do you reply to someone at a venue talking about a "minimo garantito" and you have no idea what that means? Take...

How do you reply to someone at a venue talking about a "minimo garantito" and you have no idea what that means? Take notes!
The venue you choose to hold your wedding will work out a tailor-made quote for you, based in the first instance on the number of people you have chosen to invite. For this reason, in many cases it will apply the concept of “minimum guaranteed number of guests.”
Want to know what this is and how we can help you find the right formula to spend the appropriate amount for your reception? Book a free call with us now!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Vi hanno parlato di "minimo garantito", ma non sapete cosa significhi? Prendete appunti!
La location che sceglierete per celebrare il vostro matrimonio elaborerà per voi un preventivo su misura, basato in prima istanza sul numero di persone che avete scelto di invitare. Per questo motivo, in molti casi applicherà il concetto di "minimo garantito".
Volete sapere di cosa si tratta e di come possiamo aiutarvi a trovare la formula giusta per spendere l'importo adeguato per il vostro ricevimento? Prenotate subito una call gratuita con noi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹The best entertainers in Italy? We'll help you find them!In Italy, a professional entertainer performing during your...

The best entertainers in Italy? We'll help you find them!
In Italy, a professional entertainer performing during your wedding is artistically protected through the SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers)
Do you know how to calculate the entertainment tax, which is required by law in our country?
We can help you with a few simple steps.
Book a call with us now and let's start talking about your big project together!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

I migliori entertainer in Italia? Vi aiutiamo a trovarli noi!
In Italia, un professionista che si esibisce durante il vostro matrimonio è tutelato dal punto di vista artistico attraverso la SIAE (Società Italiana Autori ed Editori)
Sapete come calcolare l’imposta sugli intrattenimenti, obbligatoria per legge nel nostro Paese?
Vi aiutiamo noi con pochi e semplici passaggi.
Prenotate subito una call con noi e iniziamo a parlare insieme del vostro grande progetto!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹One event, a plethora of vendors? No fear: we handle them all!Every product and service has a cost, to which a perce...

One event, a plethora of vendors? No fear: we handle them all!
Every product and service has a cost, to which a percentage of tax, VAT, must be added.
Do you know how to calculate VAT to be applied to individual products or services? We can help, and provide you with a cost breakdown for a fair allocation without surprises.
Book a fact-finding call with us now.
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Un solo evento, una miriade di fornitori? Nessuna paura: li gestiamo tutti noi!
Ogni prodotto e servizio ha un costo, a cui va aggiunta una percentuale di imposta, l'IVA.
Sapete già come calcolare l'IVA da applicare ai singoli prodotti o servizi? Noi possiamo aiutarvi, fornendovi anche un prospetto dei costi per una ripartizione equa e senza sorprese.
Prenotate subito una call conoscitiva con noi.
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹Did you know that asking for a “rehearsal dinner” can create a huge misunderstanding in Italy?In the US, a “rehearsa...

Did you know that asking for a “rehearsal dinner” can create a huge misunderstanding in Italy?
In the US, a “rehearsal dinner” is an informal dinner to be offered to guests who have traveled and invested time and money to celebrate with the bride and groom.
If you know a little Italian, you might know that “rehearsal” translates to “prova,” as in theater plays, but beware! A vendor unfamiliar with English might understand that you want to literally “rehearse” your reception a day in advance, to make sure everything works perfectly: nothing could be further from a rehearsal dinner!
What you need is, therefore, a “cena di benvenuto,” but also a professional to help you dispel any doubts and avoid any kind of mishaps: book an introductory call with us now!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Sapete che chiedere l'organizzazione di una "rehearsal dinner" può creare un enorme fraintendimento in Italia?
Negli Stati Uniti, una “rehearsal dinner” è una cena informale da offrire agli ospiti che hanno viaggiato e investito tempo e denaro per festeggiare con gli sposi.
Se conoscete un po' di italiano, potreste sapere che "rehearsal" si traduce con "prova", come a teatro, ma attenzione! Un fornitore poco avvezzo all'inglese potrebbe capire che volete "provare" letteralmente il vostro ricevimento un giorno prima, per essere certi che tutto funzioni alla perfezione: nulla di più lontano da una rehearsal dinner!
Quella di cui avete bisogno è, quindi una "cena di benvenuto", ma anche di un professionista che vi aiuti a dissipare ogni dubbio ed evitare incidenti, diplomatici e non: prenotate subito una call esplorativa con noi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]



🇬🇧🇮🇹Have you chosen a bunch of locations for your wedding, but can't find the time to come to Italy to visit them in per...

Have you chosen a bunch of locations for your wedding, but can't find the time to come to Italy to visit them in person? There is a solution!
If you don't have time to conduct an inspection with us before the event, don't worry: we will do it for you, providing you with extremely realistic video/photographic material even in real time, where possible!
Book a free call with us now to learn about our services!

Avete scelto un gruppo di location per il vostro matrimonio, ma non riuscite a trovare il tempo di ve**re in Italia per visitarle di persona? Una soluzione c'è!
Se non avete tempo per condurre un sopralluogo insieme a noi prima dell’evento, non preoccupatevi: lo faremo noi al posto vostro, fornendovi materiale video/fotografico estremamente realistico anche in tempo reale, laddove possibile!
Prenotate subito una call gratuita con noi per conoscere i nostri servizi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹Rome has a timeless charm, but did you know that just a few miles from the Eternal City you will find a natural para...

Rome has a timeless charm, but did you know that just a few miles from the Eternal City you will find a natural paradise surrounded by greenery and dotted with enchanting natural lakes?
The Internet has reduced, and in some cases even eliminated, intercontinental distances. Anyone can remotely explore a region or observe in detail the features of a location destined to become the ideal setting for your wedding day. That said, though, a photo gallery or a series of videos, however realistic, can never replace direct knowledge of the area or an in-person inspection, which will help you find the pros and cons of an environment that, at first glance, might seem absolutely perfect and faultless.
Take a look at our galleries to discover new and incredible views, and be inspired by these enchanting backdrops for your wedding!
Check them here: https://qdcwedding.com/qdc-wedding-wedding-gallery-setting-2022/

Roma ha un fascino senza tempo, ma sapete che a pochi km dalla Città Eterna troverete un paradiso circondato dal verde e costellato da magici laghi naturali?
Internet ha eliminato le distanze intercontinentali. Chiunque può esplorare in remoto una regione e osservare in dettaglio le caratteristiche di una location destinata a diventare la cornice ideale per il giorno del matrimonio, ma una gallery o un video, per quanto realistici, non potranno sostituire la conoscenza diretta del territorio o un sopralluogo di persona, che vi aiuterà a conoscere pro e contro di un ambiente che potrebbe sembrare perfetto e privo di difetti.
Scoprite le nostre gallery con incredibili panorami, sfondi perfetti per il vostro matrimonio!


🇬🇧🇮🇹Rome? Tuscany? Venice?What's your ideal destination for the most important day of your life? Made immortal by countl...

Rome? Tuscany? Venice?
What's your ideal destination for the most important day of your life?
Made immortal by countless works of literature and film, Italy, year after year, is one of the most popular destinations for couples from all over the world, who choose the Eternal City to celebrate their wedding.
Does your imagination often take you to our country, but you have no idea where to start? Book a free call with us now, we have tons of ideas for you!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Roma? Toscana? Venezia?
Qual è la vostra meta ideale per il giorno più importante della vosta vita?
Resa immortale da innumerevoli opere letterarie e cinematografiche, l’Italia, anno dopo anno, è una delle mete più gettonate per le coppie di tutto il mondo, che la scelgono per celebrare il loro matrimonio.
L'immaginazione vi porta spesso nel nostro Paese, ma non avete idea da dove iniziare? Prenotate subito una call gratuita con noi, abbiamo diverse idee da proporvi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]

Ph: 1. 2. 3. .argentini.photographer

🇬🇧🇮🇹Do language barriers frighten you? You don't have to necessarily deal with it!To get married in Italy, you need smoo...

Do language barriers frighten you? You don't have to necessarily deal with it!
To get married in Italy, you need smooth communication with all your vendors.
With more than 20 years of experience in the translation business, Claudio moved for a year and a half in London, UK, and has all the skills to overcome any language barriers and interact with you in a confident and familiar way.
Book now a free videocall with us, let's break the ice!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

La lingua è un ostacolo che vi preoccupa? Non è detto che dobbiate pensarci voi!
Per sposarvi in Italia, avete bisogno di comunicare perfettamente con tutti i fornitori del vostro evento.
Claudio, forte di oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel mondo delle traduzioni, ha vissuto per un anno e mezzo a Londra, nel Regno Unito, e dispone delle competenze necessarie per abbattere qualsiasi barriera linguistica e interagire con voi nel massimo della sicurezza e della familiarità.
Prenotate subito una videocall gratuita con noi per iniziare a rompere il ghiaccio insieme!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]


🇬🇧🇮🇹Ever dreamt of getting married in Italy, but you fear it's a way too ambitious project? You couldn't be more wrong! ...

Ever dreamt of getting married in Italy, but you fear it's a way too ambitious project? You couldn't be more wrong! Do you know why?
With our experience as certified wedding planners and floral designers, we found that couples enthusiastic of getting married in Italy are often overwhelmed with doubts and concerns that might hindern the outcome of an unforgettable event.
Wanna try and challenge your uncertainties?
Book a free call with us!
Send us a DM or an email at [email protected]

Il vostro sogno è quello di sposarvi in Italia, ma avete paura che sia un progetto troppo ambizioso? Niente di più sbagliato! Sapete perché?
Nella nostra esperienza di wedding planner e floral designer certificati, abbiamo rilevato che l’entusiasmo delle coppie che decidono di sposarsi in Italia è spesso contaminato da dubbi, ansie e paure che rischiano di mettere a repentaglio la riuscita di un evento indimenticabile.
Volete provare a mettere in discussione le vostre incertezze? Prenotate una call gratuita con noi!
Contattateci in DM o via email all'indirizzo [email protected]




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