Japan Cultural Expo|日本博

Japan Cultural Expo|日本博 Japan Cultural Expo encourage people worldwide to discover the charm of Japanese arts and culture.

Greg, the creator of YouTube channel “Life Where I'm From”, stepped into the fascinating world of Noh performance for th...

Greg, the creator of YouTube channel “Life Where I'm From”, stepped into the fascinating world of Noh performance for the first time in his life.

What Japan’s Oldest Performance Art is Like (link in bio )

Last Sunday evening in London, Takashi Murakami  gave a lovely talk about how traditional Japanese art has inspired his ...

Last Sunday evening in London, Takashi Murakami gave a lovely talk about how traditional Japanese art has inspired his work at the V&A.

Forum on superb craftpersonship and its future! It will be discussed in Japanese and French language.

Forum on superb craftpersonship and its future! It will be discussed in Japanese and French language.

フォーラム「明日をつくる手しごと 伝統産業の未来―継承と新創造」
📍同志社大学 今出川キャンパス

フランスの伝統産業マイスター師弟制度 (Le programme Maîtres d'art-Élèves) が1994年に設立されて30年。フランス文化省は昨年、この機をとらえてその活性化と新たな価値創造に向けて、伝統文化産業振興の政策を発表しました。

モデレーター:近藤 誠一(一般社団法人 TAKUMI-Art du Japon 代表理事)
森口 邦彦(人間国宝、染織家)
並木 誠士(京都工芸繊維大学美術工芸資料館館長)
リュック・ルセネカル(フランス サヴォアフェール研究所 会長)
ロイック・テュルパン(モビリエ・ナショナル― フランス国有動産管理局  開発・広報ディレクター)

モデレーター:金島 隆弘(金沢美術工芸大学 芸術学SCAPe准教授)
林 美木子(有職彩色絵師)
中村 宗哲(千家十職 塗師 十三代 中村宗哲)
セヴリナ・ラルティーグ(メートル・ダール、フラワーコサージュ デザイナー)

Colloque Demain en mains – Valorisation et transmission des métiers d’art

📅 samedi 26 octobre 2024, de 13h à 17h50
📍 Université Doshisha, campus Imadegawa
Entrée libre sur réservation

Organisé à l’occasion des 30 ans du Titre et Programme de Maîtres d'art - Élèves en France, et suite à l’annonce de la stratégie nationale en faveur des métiers d'art par la ministre de la Culture en mai 2023, le colloque Demain en mains – Valorisation et transmission des métiers d’art, rassemble des artisans, artistes, professionnels, industriels et décideurs publics, afin de mettre en avant l’excellence des filières de métiers d’art en France et au Japon, et le rôle fondamental de la transmission de ces savoir-faire et technologies dans le développement de ces filières et dans la création de valeur.

[Table ronde 1 : Politiques et perspectives des industries traditionnelles]
Modérateur : Seiichi KONDO (Directeur général de l'association générale TAKUMI-Art du Japon)
Intervenants :
Kunihiko MORIGUCHI (Trésor national vivant, maître teinturier et tisserand)
Seishi NAMIKI (Directeur du Musée des arts et métiers de l'Université de Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Luc LESÉNÉCAL (Président, Institut pour les Savoir Faire Français)
Loïc TURPIN (Directeur du développement et de la communication au Mobilier national, institution française sous la tutelle du ministère de la Culture)

[Table ronde 2 : Défis des industries traditionnelles et mesures concrètes]
Modérateur : Takahiro KANESHIMA (Professeur associé du programme SCAPe à l'Université des Arts de Kanazawa)
Intervenants :
Mikiko HAYASHI (Artiste peintre en couleurs traditionnelles)
Soutetsu NAKAMURA (Soutetsu Nakamura, maître laqueur de la treizième génération des Senkejusshoku)
Séverina LARTIGUE (Maître d’art, Parurière florale)
Martin PRÉAULT (Élève de Maître d’art, brodeur)
Jeanne VICERIAL (Chercheuse & Sculptrice Textile, Lauréate 2024 de la Villa Kujoyama)

Pick Up Article📚https://japanculturalexpo.bunka.go.jp/en/article/reports/202406_1/Exploring the National Museum of Moder...

Pick Up Article📚

Exploring the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo with Athena

"Navigating through MOMAT's extensive collection, we encounter a kaleidoscope of artistic expressions spanning genres, mediums, and cultural influences."

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Work: Sol LeWitt, ”Wall Drawing #769: A 36-inch (90cm) grid covering the black wall. All two-part combinations using arcs from corners and sides, and straight and not straight lines, systematically.”, 1994, Courtesy the Estate of Sol LeWitt, Massimo De Carlo and TARO NASU. Copyright the Estate of Sol LeWitt.

Pick Up Article📚https://japanculturalexpo.bunka.go.jp/en/article/howto/202406/An Introduction to the Theatre Art “Ningyo...

Pick Up Article📚

An Introduction to the Theatre Art “Ningyo Joruri Bunraku”🏮

"In this guide, we'll explore the basics of Bunraku and provide a practical guide for attending a performance in Osaka, one of the best places to experience Bunraku."

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Pick Up Article📚https://japanculturalexpo.bunka.go.jp/en/article/note/202406/Enjoy Contemporary Art in Japan's Satoyama🍃...

Pick Up Article📚

Enjoy Contemporary Art in Japan's Satoyama🍃

"The Echigo-Tsumari Art Field brings together Japan's satoyama and contemporary art, creating a captivating fusion of tradition and modern expression."

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Pick Up Article📚https://japanculturalexpo.bunka.go.jp/en/article/route/202401/Discovering the Architectural Wonders of S...

Pick Up Article📚

Discovering the Architectural Wonders of Shizuoka🗻

"Japan is home to one of the finest architectural structures in the world. Here, we venture into the beautiful landscapes of Shizuoka Prefecture and explore its magnificent buildings."

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Pick Up Article📚https://japanculturalexpo.bunka.go.jp/en/article/feature/202401/A Voyage Through a Sea of Art and Archit...

Pick Up Article📚

A Voyage Through a Sea of Art and Architecture🚢

"The islands of the Seto Inland Sea also play a central role in Japan’s creation myths. Their silhouettes present an archetypal Japanese scene as they rise above the gentle waters"

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Pick Up Article📚Let's experience the quaint Machiya architecture!“Once arrived in Takayama, I find the Kusakabe Folk Cra...

Pick Up Article📚

Let's experience the quaint Machiya architecture!

“Once arrived in Takayama, I find the Kusakabe Folk Crafts Museum in the centre of town, on a street lined with handsome old merchant houses.”

Check out the article! (link in bio )

Special Exhibition: Colorful JAPAN―The Uniqueness of Hand-colored Japanese Photography at the  ! Following Japan's openi...

Special Exhibition: Colorful JAPAN―The Uniqueness of Hand-colored Japanese Photography at the !

Following Japan's opening to the world, people from various foreign countries began to visit in the years from the late Edo period (1853-1867) to the Meiji era (1868-1912). To meet the demand of those who were encountering Japan's unknown culture for the first time, photography studios sold photographs of Japan's famous places and customs. These photographs were often meticulously hand-colored, creating beautiful works that resembled color photographs. The beautiful coloring contributed to creating the myth of JAPAN and the mysterious Orient, rather than depicting the reality of the country.
This exhibition showcases approximately 150 related materials, including hand-colored photographs that were immensely popular among foreigners during the Bakumatsu(the late Edo period) and Meiji eras. Experience the enchanting allure of "JAPAN," transcending time and captivating people across generations.

《Event Information》
First Half: March 30th (Sat) - April 28th (Sun), 2024
Second Half: April 29th (Mon, Holiday) - May 19th (Sun), 2024
*Some works will rotate during the exhibition.
Opening Hours:
9:30- 17:30 (open until 19:30 on Fridays and Saturdays during the exhibition period)
Last admission: 30 minutes before closing

Closed on Mondays (except April 29 and May 6) and on May 7
For more details, visit the links below:

Photo1:〔The Tayu〕 (High-ranking courtesan) Meiji era (Exhibition Period: Full) Pierre Sernet Collection

Photo2: 32 “GENERAL” Kusakabe Kimbei Mid- Meiji era (Exhibition Period: Full) Pierre Sernet Collection

【特別展 Colorful JAPAN―幕末・明治手彩色写真への旅】
\#神戸市立博物館 で開催/
幕末・明治期に外国人の間で大流行した「 #手彩色写真」と関連資料約150点が展示される展覧会。時代を超えて人々を魅了する「#JAPAN」の姿をぜひご覧ください。


画像1:「〔太夫〕」 明治時代(通期) ピエール・セルネ氏蔵
画像2:32「GENERAL」 日下部金兵衛 明治時代中期(通期) ピエール・セルネ氏蔵


BUNRAKU performance🏮A special event was held at Haneda Airport.And now the "Bunraku × Animation" performance is being he...

BUNRAKU performance🏮

A special event was held at Haneda Airport.
And now the "Bunraku × Animation" performance is being held in Tokyo Yurakucho!

Check out https://www.ntj.jac.go.jp/en/ 🌟

🌸Experience mapped projection of Japanese art❤Enjoy newly created installation inspired by a Japanese painting masterpie...

🌸Experience mapped projection of Japanese art❤
Enjoy newly created installation inspired by a Japanese painting masterpiece depicting cherry blossoms at (Marucube, 1F, Marunouchi Building)! Then, visit & see the original painting, Kikuchi Hobun’s “Fine Rain on Mt. Yoshino” lyrically presenting 🌸 in the rain ☺

“Augmented Experience of JAPANESE ART”
Venue: Marucube, 1F, Marunouchi Building
Date: March 20 - March 24, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.

For further info, please check

桜を描いた日本画の傑作からイメージしたインスタレーションが #東京クリエイティブサロン 丸の内(丸ビル1Fマルキューブ)で楽しめちゃいます! あわせて、オリジナル作品(菊池芳文《小雨ふる吉野》)を #東京国立近代美術館 の所蔵品ギャラリーで満喫しちゃいましょう❤「美術館の春まつり」も開催中です☺

Augmented Experience of JAPANESE ART – 日本美術の拡張表現 –


🌸Spring Festival in National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo❤Enjoy spring and cherry blossoms at   (   ) and the surrounding...

🌸Spring Festival in National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo❤
Enjoy spring and cherry blossoms at ( ) and the surrounding area. In the Collection Gallery, masterpieces depicting 🌸 as well as spring works by contemporary artists will be on view. Audio guides in English, Chinese, and Korean are offered. Relax with a view of 🌸 at the rest area in the front yard. Original seasonal goods featuring art works with 🌸 and other flowers, drinks, and foods will be available for purchase☺

“Spring Festival in The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo”
Venue: The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Date: March 15–April 7, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
*Open until 8:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays
*Admission until 30 minutes before closing
Closed: Mondays (except March 25)

For further info, please check

「美術館の春まつり」を桜の名所エリアに立地する #東京国立近代美術館 で開催!所蔵品ギャラリーでは🌸を描いた傑作と春にちなんだ作品を展示、音声ガイドもご利用いただけます。前庭お休み処でもお花見が楽しめ、ドリンク、フード、オリジナルグッズの販売もございます☺

・時間:10:00~17:00(金曜・土曜は20:00まで) ※入館は閉館の30分前まで


At the Yamatane Museum of Art, you can explore a collection of masterpieces by renowned modern Japanese-style painters. ...

At the Yamatane Museum of Art, you can explore a collection of masterpieces by renowned modern Japanese-style painters. Among them is 's iconic work “Cherry Blossoms at Daigo-ji Temple,” representing one of the museum's prized collections. Other notable artworks include 's “Peonies” and ’s “A Hundred Flowers,” showcasing the exquisite world of flowers that has captivated Japanese artists for centuries.🌸

▼ Exhibition Information
Special Exhibition: A World of Flowers 2024―Okumura Togyū’s Cherry Blossoms, Fukuda Heihachirō’s Peonies and Umehara Ryūzaburō’s Roses
Dates: March 9, 2024 (Sat) - May 6, 2024 (Mon)
For more details: https://www.yamatane-museum.jp/exh/english/2024/flower2024.html

山種美術館では、近代日本画の巨匠として知られる #奥村土牛 の代表作であり、また美術館のコレクションを代表する作品のひとつである《醍醐》をはじめ、 #福田平八郎《牡丹》や #田能村直入《百花》といった花の名品を一堂に展示します。古くから日本の画家たちの心を魅了してきた、華麗なる花の世界をお楽しみください🌸

▼ #山種美術館 展覧会情報
【特別展】花・flower・華 2024―奥村土牛の桜・福田平八郎の牡丹・梅原龍三郎のばら―
#日本博 #日本画 #桜 #花


4-1 Hayabusa-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


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Japan Cultural Expo|日本博にメッセージを送信:



Humanity and Nature in Japan Exploring the Arts from Antiquity to the Present

For more than 10,000 years, from primeval times to the present, the arts of Japan have been the expression of respect for the diversity of nature and the landscape. “Art” is inspired by the belief that each and every thing is endowed with a vital spirit and by a feeling of reverence for the beauty manifested therein. Traditions cherishing the nature and the climate of the land have been passed down in all aspects of daily life and art.

We can see that embrace of nature’s beauty in the arts throughout the ages: decorated pottery of ancient Jōmon times, carved or cast Buddhist statuary, paintings on folding screens or in ukiyo-e prints, designs on lacquerware and other traditional crafts, kimono and textiles, noh and kabuki performing arts, modern arts of anime and manga. Art embodies the way nature resonates within and imprints itself upon the human heart. Art displays the ways people treasure that sense of beauty.

“Humanity and Nature in Japan” is the overarching theme for the “Japan Cultural Expo” series of programs introducing the many dimensions of the culture and arts of Japan from the prehistorical Jōmon age to the present:

art and cultural treasures, performing arts, media arts