✍️First things first, we are not judging you! Stage presence is not always a direct reflection of
an individual’s internal emotional, psychological or spiritual status.
✍️However, stage presence
has a very real and direct impact on how we lead and the effectiveness of our leadership as
worshippers and musicians in church. Good stage presence isn’t about performance, it’s
about leadership.
*What is Stage Presence?*
✅Technically, stage presence is defined as “the ability to command an audience with
impressive style or manner.”
✅For our use, in a church environment, we will refer to it as “the ability to inspire and lead an
audience with transparency, integrity, energy, sincerity and passion.”
In every church we believe that praise and worship through music and song is profoundly important
to the spiritual health and well-being of the church, the bride of Christ. We desire to lead our
church in singing and praise with sincerity and passion and to inspire others to do the same.
✅This kind of leadership requires humility, practice, conscious effort and a willingness to be
challenged and to conquer our fears.
Good stage presence communicates engagement.
✅Those you are leading cannot read your
heart and mind and simply trust that you are engaged in the lyrics and music you are
singing or playing.
✅You communicate your engagement through your body language and
stage presence. It’s not enough to simply sing the songs - we MUST be engaged in the
entire process of worship.