Bridal fresh flower jewelry
Are you searching for something fun and memorable to do with your group? Perhaps you are looking for an activity for a unique bridal shower, wedding party, bachelorette party, birthday party, business outing or company team building?
Our “floral bliss” workshop is perfect for your group!
Take half a day off and join us on our workshop for a relaxing experience with flowers and coffee. We’ll guide you through the process of cutting your own flowers and assist you in making a gorgeous arrangement. No experience required!
Follow us for details on upcoming workshops!
@flowers.naturally @rupalchandaria @doshiarti
“The Importance of Giving Back to Society”
By engaging in philanthropic activities, we have the power to positively impact the lives of individuals and their families. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, organizing food drives, mentoring young minds, or plenty more, your actions can bring joy, hope, and inspiration to those in need.
This year, Rupal & Arti from @flowers.naturally chose to share their flower arranging skills with a group of children aged 12yrs and 14yrs.
The workshop was well received and the children all enjoyed learning a new skill.
Their hope is that the children can practice what they learnt, and they can go back to do some more workshops with them.
With Eid round the corner - call us for unique gift ideas
@rupalchandaria 0722801967 @doshiarti 0724672555 @flowers.naturally
#eidgifting #gifts #giftsforfamily #nairobigifts
Wedding flower Jewellery
Fresh flowers jewellery