Cookies πͺ flavours that you donβt want to miss! πππβ€οΈβ€οΈ
ααααΈαααααΆαα β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
DM αααααααΆααααααΆαα
αΆα ππππ
Order your valentine flavor now with Ives Table
Cupcakes, Cookies and delicious brownies π₯°πβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Telegram: +855 969527001 #valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
Telegram: +855 969527001
ααΆαα’αΌαα‘αΎα cute π₯° ααααΆαα·αα·αα‘αΎαααααααααα
αΆα πππ ααααααααα»ααααααα 14 ααΌαααα»ααααααααΎααααααΆαα αααααααΆαααΆααΆα
αααα αααα
α·αααααααΌααααΆααααΆαααα π₯°β€οΈβ€οΈππ
DM αααααααααΆααααααΆαα
αΆα πππ
ααα‘αΆααααΆα +855 969527001
#valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
ααααααααΆαα αΎαα
αΆα αα cookies αα cupckae cute cute β€οΈβ€οΈ αα brownies ααααΆαα’ααααααΈαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα
#valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
Telegram: +855 969527001
Why wait until 14th February... when you can indulge now (well, give us some time so we can bake 'em fresh and deliscious!)
αααα»αααααααΈαααααΆααα’αΌα α
ααααΆαααααΆ α αΎαααααΌααΌα‘αΆααααΆαα·ααα’ααααααΆαα αααα ππ₯°π₯°β€οΈβ€οΈπ₯°π₯° ααααααααα»αα’ααα’αΌααα π₯°π₯°π₯°
αΆα αα cookies αα cupckae cute cute β€οΈβ€οΈ αα brownies ααααΆαα’ααααααΈαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα
To order contact Telegram: +855 969527001
#valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
α·ααα Valentineβs Day
αααααα»αααααααΈαααααΆααα’αΌα α
ααααΆαααααΆ α αΎαααααΌααΌα‘αΆααααΆαα·ααα’ααααααΆαα αααα ππ₯°π₯°β€οΈβ€οΈπ₯°π₯° ααααααααα»αα’ααα’αΌααα π₯°π₯°π₯°
αΆα αα cookies αα cupckae cute cute β€οΈβ€οΈ αα brownies ααααΆαα’ααααααΈαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα
Order your valentine flavor now with Ives Table
Cupcakes, Cookies and delicious brownies π₯°πβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Telegram: +855 969527001 #valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
Spoiled your loved one π₯°π₯°
αααα»αααααααΈαααααΆααα’αΌα α
ααααΆαααααΆ α αΎαααααΌααΌα‘αΆααααΆαα·ααα’ααααααΆαα αααα ππ₯°π₯°β€οΈβ€οΈπ₯°π₯° ααααααααα»αα’ααα’αΌααα π₯°π₯°π₯°
αΆα αα cookies αα cupckae cute cute β€οΈβ€οΈ αα brownies ααααΆαα’ααααααΈαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα
Telegram: +855 969527001
#valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
αααααα»αααααααΈαααααΆααα’αΌα α
ααααΆαααααΆ α αΎαααααΌααΌα‘αΆααααΆαα·ααα’ααααααΆαα αααα ππ₯°π₯°β€οΈβ€οΈπ₯°π₯° ααααααααα»αα’ααα’αΌααα π₯°π₯°π₯°
αΆα αα cookies αα cupckae cute cute β€οΈβ€οΈ αα brownies ααααΆαα’ααααααΈαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα
Order your valentine flavor now with Ives Table
Cupcakes, Cookies and delicious brownies π₯°πβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Telegram: +855 969527001
#valentinesday #ivestable #cupcake #cookies #brownies #gurment #phnompenh #february #ordernow #lover
Order now for the whole month of February.
(24 hours notice)
Last orders for delivery on Valentineβs Day by 11th February
To place your order contact - Telegram: +855 96 952 7001
ααααΆααααααααααααΎααααΆαααα‘α»α (Cocktail)πΉπΈ ααααΈα ααΉαα’αΆα αΆαααααααααααΆαα·ααααΆαααα
αΌααα½α LADIES FUN NIGHT ααΉαααα½αααΆαααΌαααΆααααααΆαααΈαααΆαααΆαα½ααα·αααααααα· αα·ααΆαααα ααΆααααααααΎααααΆαααα‘α»ααα·ααα α’αΆα αΆααααααα ααΆαα
αααααααα·α αα·ααααααΎααα·αααααΆαααααΈααΆαα½αααααΆαααααααΎα!
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ποΈ ααααΆααααααΉααα α£α₯ αα»ααααΆ (35$)
αααα: αααααα»ααα ααΈ α‘α₯ αααααααΆ
β° αααααααΆ: αααα α¦:α£α ααα α¨:α£α ααα
β¨ ααΆααααααΌα: αααααααααααΆααααααΈααααΆααααααΌααα½α, αααααααΎααααΆαααα‘α»αααΈαααα, α’αΆα αΆαααααααααΈ Ives Table ααΆααααααααααΌαα’αα»ααααΆαααΈαα
αααααα·αααΆαα½αααΉααααα·ααααααααααΆα αα·ααα·αααααααα·ααααΈα
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Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or an stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Ives Table Meal Set
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Ives Table Meal Set
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Ives Table Meal Set
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
Enjoy a delicious home-cooked family-style Dinner MEAL SET, a touch of gourmet in the comfort of your home! - perfect for date-night in or a stress-free family night in!
MENU: { Thursday 18th May }
Entree: roasted pumpkin & garlic soup
Sides: fresh green salad w citrus dressing + garlic bread
Main: slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (+ inclusive of free dry pasta to cook yourself, so itβs fresh to serve)
Dessert: moten chocolate pudding + vanilla brandy custard
COUPLE SET - $39 (save $5)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 2
FAMILY SET 1 - $79 (save $9)
3 course - entree + main + dessert + 2 sides
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
FAMILY SET 2 - $49 (save $7)
2 course - main + dessert
Serves 4 (or 6 smaller portions)
Add on: Beer starting from $1.50 / Wine starting from $30 / extra 4 servings of slow-cooked red wine & beef ragu bolognaise (perfect for freezing) $28
Date: Thursday 18th May
Time: 4-6pm / 6-8pm
Orders close: 8pm, Tuesday 16th May (48hrs advance)
Telegram: +85515708009
Facebook messenger: ives table
PAYMENT: ABA or Credit Card (surcharge applies)
ALLERGENS: Contains beef, pork, gluten and dairy
This is our table ~ IVES TABLE! Weβve enjoyed making gingerbread houses for everyone, it was our turn today for some family time around Ives Table
Weβve have Christmas music playing non-stop β¦ but β¦ a bit of Bon Jovi to get us through our halfway mark of December Christmas baking .. βwoah weβre halfway there, woah livinβ on a prayerβ
4 days left - LAST PRE-ORDER DATE NOW for December 22nd delivery!
Visit to place your order (pre-order only) and choose your delivery date. βοΈ