Why Gardening !
Trees are here for various reasons. During ancient times, trees provided food and shelter to both man and animals. Fruit-bearing trees provided us with tasty and juicy fruits to satisfy our hunger and give us the energy we need to pursue our various interests in life. And when we started using tools, we cut down trees and fashioned them in different forms like in building homes and furniture making. Trees also provide excellent shade for all forms of life especially when the heat of the sun is too much and we need a temporary relief from it once in a while.
📷But if there is one more thing that we need most from trees for human life to flourish is the oxygen it produces. Man will perish if there is no more oxygen in the planet. The same thing can be said if carbon output shoots up way, way, way above normal. Unfortunately, that is the reality we are now facing in the world. CO₂ levels in the atmosphere are so high it is almost impossible to bring them back to normal range even if we keep on planting new trees.