
MissMagic Training of light mages. Countering the dark forces. Magical research, learning the secrets of the universe, exploring the physical and subtle worlds.

Spiritual development, passing karmic lessons, defining the Purpose and learning the meaning of life.

Proverb     Once upon a time there were three friends, each dreaming of happiness. But they imagined their happiness in ...

Once upon a time there were three friends, each dreaming of happiness. But they imagined their happiness in different ways. The first thought that happiness was wealth, the second thought it was talent, and the third thought it was family.
Whether long or short, they all pursued their happiness. But there is an end to everything. Before the hour of death, the friends gathered to take stock. The first one said:
- "I was rich, but I was not happy. I die a miser and a misanthropist.
The second said:
- I was talented, but I'm not happy. I die a lonely man.
The third said:
- I know what happiness is. I am leaving with my loved ones and leaving the most precious thing on earth - new people.

Proverb  A wise man was walking along a road, admiring the beauty of the world and rejoicing in life. Suddenly he notice...

A wise man was walking along a road, admiring the beauty of the world and rejoicing in life. Suddenly he noticed a poor man hunched over under a heavy burden.
- Why do you condemn yourself to such suffering? - The wise man asked.
- I am suffering for the happiness of my children and grandchildren. - My great grandfather had suffered all my life for my grandfather's happiness, my grandfather suffered for my father's happiness, my father suffered for my happiness and I will suffer all my life for the happiness of my children and grandchildren.
- Is there anyone happy in your family? - The wise man asked.
- No, but my children and grandchildren will be happy! - replied the unhappy man.
- An illiterate man cannot teach you to read, and a mole cannot raise an eagle! - said the wise man. - Learn to be happy yourself first and then you will understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!

The analytical capacity of aesthetics to identify aesthetic laws allows us to say that they have all the features that c...

The analytical capacity of aesthetics to identify aesthetic laws allows us to say that they have all the features that characterise law in general: objectivity, materiality, sustainability, necessity, repeatability, etc. However, the laws of aesthetics do not always become principles and norms of aesthetic activity. They should not be regarded as laws of aesthetics categories or as extrapolations of general philosophical statements to the aesthetic domain (for example, the law of correspondence between form and content is not aesthetic, but general philosophical). From the perspective of the cosmological approach, several principles of classification of aesthetic laws are possible. This polarization of aesthetic activity into aesthetic production and consumption reveals two types of aesthetic laws: the laws of creativity, monocannotality of aesthetic information, unity of reflection and transfiguration, and tendency of types of creativity to synthesis; and the laws of perception: the laws of aesthetic likeness and aesthetic empathy. The artist and the public were identified as the products of aesthetic activity from the point of view of correlation between historical and cultural development and artistic existence of the artist and the public. As a work product, art is focused on satisfying aesthetic needs. Social dynamics have led to the fact that artworks exist as commodity goods and gain value as a result. It is not the material product or the activity that is consumed but the ideal and sensual content of the object, sometimes the art form (a ballet, for example).

For this reason, the subjective aesthetic attitude is derived from an objectified substantive attitude. As an independen...

For this reason, the subjective aesthetic attitude is derived from an objectified substantive attitude. As an independent category, however, the aesthetic has been studied relatively recently and most often in the context of considering the beautiful, but not the spiritual. The understanding of aesthetics in the ancient Oriental tradition is relatively explicit in this context, where this feeling is a manifestation of true spirituality, which raises a person above ordinary existence, opens to him ways of soul purification and spiritual enlightenment. Johannes Kant also makes an affirmation of the spiritual nature of the aesthetic. He also takes the aesthetic out of the field of the utilitarian and asserts, even absolutises the practical disinterest in the subject of aesthetic enjoyment .
Aesthetics, like any science, needs to be built systematically. The system of aesthetics is determined by the system of aesthetic activity. Aesthetic activity both phylogenetically and ontogenetically unfolds in an evolutionary progression from figurative design, i.e. conception, to its realization in some material, object, and then to aesthetic perception and appropriate evaluation of the materialized conception. Thus, aesthetic activity follows the algorithm object - concept (transformed object) - artwork - perception. In this scheme, there are transitional "corridors" between the phases of aesthetic activity, a structural link capable of merging object-concept, concept-project and work-perception. Hence, we can speak of a subsystem of aesthetic activity in which each subsystem is expressed as a link between components in the form of a process, a "passive" projective activity, and active components in the form of activities and their products. Here, "not only the subject, but also the measure of creativity is the individual himself. In general, he finds himself for the first time in creativity, in the objectification - distribution of relations. All limits of man are subjected to instantaneous illumination: from nothingness to greatness.

However, the generic man's acquisition of an aesthetic sense has become a phenomenon of a spiritual nature, raising him ...

However, the generic man's acquisition of an aesthetic sense has become a phenomenon of a spiritual nature, raising him to a higher level in the mental and cultural evolution. The emergent aesthetic sense is embedded in the objective world and, obviously, its call generates a work of art. The non-utilitarianism of the aesthetic component of spirituality, however, turns out to be very necessary for man in the struggle to achieve his life goals, as it creates a positive and emotionally coloured confidence in various spheres of activity. Of course, the aesthetic feeling shapes man himself, his world outlook and practice according to the laws of beauty, developing, improving and strengthening his mind, will, and character. Aesthetic feeling, which is disinterested for the individual, proves to be highly useful to the generic person, for by negating utility on the level of the human connection with the thing, it gives rise to utility on a higher, spiritual level.

Spirituality and aesthetic cultureAesthetic culture is one of the fundamental types of human spirituality. Aesthetic fee...

Spirituality and aesthetic culture
Aesthetic culture is one of the fundamental types of human spirituality. Aesthetic feelings were formed in ancient times, the problem of their emergence returns to the problem of finding an answer to the question of the origin of man himself. Numerous Paleolithic artefacts document the emergence of aesthetic sense-making. V. Bakshutov states: "Primary aesthetic feelings are not aesthetic in their origin and morphology but aesthetic in their social functions. They form the basis for a new kind of practical activity - artistic activity. Functionally, aesthetic feelings are initially aimed at changing a person's internal subjective world, and then an 'enlightened' person, who has entered the richness of social relations and developed the ability to think artistically, becomes the creator of a work of art". [1, 157].

However, art and aesthetic feeling are not a whole or a part, but two different, albeit related, elements of the spiritual universe: a work of art objectifies ideas and representations, whereas aesthetic feelings arise in the process of objectification of a work of art and other social phenomena. Or, to put it differently, a work of art is an objectified humanity, while aesthetic feelings are a spiritually elevated humanity that has been reborn to a secondary life in the process of free and universal human activity. Aesthetic feelings do not arise only in the process of creating and perceiving a piece of art, but in the process of practical human relations with nature and society, or, in other words, as a philosophical universal of culture. Aesthetic feelings "genetically precede art but do not exist in nature, for example, in the animal world, for their prerequisite is social relations and social information. Their elements can be found at the very foundation of the social form of matter movement, but there is no facet of aesthetic feelings in nature, just as there is no truth or truth


Human spirituality
Spirituality is a property of the human psyche, consisting in the predominance of moral and intellectual interests over material ones. A spiritually rich person is characterised by high culture, readiness for self-sacrifice and self-development. His spiritual needs lead him to reflect on the eternal values of existence, the meaning of life. Spirituality is a man's responsibility for himself, his actions and the fate of his homeland.

The spiritual life of society is formed by moral, cognitive and aesthetic principles. These principles give rise to morality and religion, science and philosophy, art and creativity. The spiritual life of man and society corresponds to such spiritual activities as religious, scientific and creative. These activities correspond to the three ideal values to which a personality aspires:

truth - adequate reflection of reality by the subject, reproducing it as it is outside and independent of consciousness;
Goodness - a general evaluative concept denoting the positive aspect of human activity, the opposite of evil;
beauty, the totality of qualities that bring pleasure to the human eye and ear.
Man is guided by a multitude of values created by previous generations by virtue of his education and upbringing. The true richness of man lies in his spiritual world.

What steals energyTo find your energy replenishing tool, assess your potential. Answer the questions:Think of three situ...

What steals energy

To find your energy replenishing tool, assess your potential. Answer the questions:

Think of three situations when you were at your peak energy. What was it related to?
Think of three times when you were at your lowest energy level. Why did this happen?
Estimate from 0 to 100% your energy level.
Determine your condition and discover what you are wasting your energy on right now. What can you give up to improve your well-being and unload.

Energy thieves:

People who make you feel sick and tired after talking to you.
Situations that throw you off your game.
Negative thoughts.
Restrictive beliefs.
Behavioural patterns that need to be eliminated.
Once you have eliminated the negative factors that affect your energy, start working on yourself. Just as you train your muscles to get stronger in the gym, it's possible to train your mental and emotional capacities.

How to replenish your energy

Find a balance between rest and work. At the heart of improving your energy efficiency is the principle of periodisation of stress and recovery from it. Don't try to make the most of your working hours, but rather begin alternating between periods of hard work and periods of productive rest.
Take productive rest periods. Fill your leisure time with new positive thoughts, fill your lunch hours with exercise or reading a book.
Reconsider how you expend your energy. Most people right now are wasting energy on unnecessary information. Filter the incoming stream of information and pay attention to what's good for you.
Adopt a proactive mindset. People with reactive thinking depend on external circumstances. In a negative situation, they succumb to their emotions, fail to act, deny the bad event and wish it would change. This is a normal reaction, but it can be different. Try to develop a proactive mindset: focus not on what cannot be changed, but on what you can change. Instead of blaming and complaining, start by asking "What can I do in this situation? Take the factors that you cannot change, such as the rainy weather or the difficult nature of the leader, and act - change the situation for the better.

Why is it that some people do things quickly and easily, while others have difficulties? This is a question that all of ...

Why is it that some people do things quickly and easily, while others have difficulties? This is a question that all of us have asked ourselves. Energy is one of the most important resources a person has. It doesn't matter how much time you have, it's how you manage your energy that matters. The dynamics of the world require managers and employees to make effective and unconventional decisions, to be proactive and flexible.

Imagine the mayor of any city dealing with hundreds of different tasks on a daily basis. If you take away his energy, will the city develop? Would he be able to do his job? Probably not.

We are all familiar with the concept of time management. But energy management helps you work more effectively, achieve inspiring results and find a balance between work and personal life.

Energy management is a set of techniques for saving our resources. About where energy comes from and how to diagnose your energy level

From a dashing man, a thief. 001 A plot against the wicked man. "Stop, evil man, stop for an hour, stand as a log, don't...

From a dashing man, a thief.
001 A plot against the wicked man. "Stop, evil man, stop for an hour, stand as a log, don't move, don't come near. He will get up. He'll hear everything, see everything, but he can't move. "Well, come back tomorrow. Go with God."

002 So that a stranger doesn't take what you have in the street or where you left it (pitchfork, rake), you must say, "Whose hands you put, they will take."

003 In the house, when a person dies, they shall measure him with a stick to make a coffin. Pick up the stick and measure your garden and say: "As the dead man cannot see, neither can the thief. If a thief enters the yard, he shall not be able to leave, only the master shall be able to take him out.

004 If something is stolen, you must know the place where it was stolen from. You must surround this place with a knife, draw a cross and in the middle of the cross you must put the knife and say: "Stab into the heart of a thief, the loss - back to the place. I did it myself, and the thing was returned to her.

005 "Bless, God, keep and save the window and the collar, and the chimney, and the door, and the crevice, and... (pass), and the iron rampart round our house. Prayer is covered, the cross is rewarded."

006 "Save, O Lord, have mercy on the servant of God (name of the river) from a dashing man, from twelve plagues, from twelve, from eleven, from ten, from nine, from eight, from seven, from six, from five, from four, from three, from two, from one, from none, from a dashing man. Amen."

007 "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. I shall speak, I shall incant, the servant of God from any dashing person, from the heretic and the heretic, from the sorcerer and the sorceress. Whoever thinks evil of me, eat your body, drink your blood. Henceforth and forever and ever. Amen."

Life is loveThere is a well-known parable which says that the Almighty created man as androgynous, i.e. as a universal a...

Life is love
There is a well-known parable which says that the Almighty created man as androgynous, i.e. as a universal and ideally happy bisexual being, but later on he divided him into two halves - a man and a woman. Ever since, in order to regain happiness and wholeness of being, these two halves of one being have been looking for each other. And in all the vast sublunar world there is only one soulmate of yours. Finding her is the goal of anyone's life.

It is possible to correct the energy fields of a man so that all his actions, everything that is happening in his life will gradually, slowly but surely push him on the way leading to the cherished goal - to acquisition of the other half, to acquisition of a true happiness in this life and not beyond its threshold. This is not possible for everyone for various reasons, but for most it is still achievable.

The desire to love and be with the man you love is a natural and understandable desire of every woman. Meanwhile, the actions of a girl or woman on the physical plane is not always enough: the rival is more grasping or beautiful, intercepts the groom, the divorcee steals her husband from the already established family, the girl is afraid to go first, to talk, to pay attention to themselves, then cool down the once vivid feelings. Then the woman has a choice.

Everyone chooses their own path. And here it is very important that your decision about a charm should be conscious, so that you know what you are going to do and what a charm can do to you. The ideal solution is

Linking conspiracy and ritualConspiracies are also interesting because they retain traces of ritual. For example, those ...

Linking conspiracy and ritual
Conspiracies are also interesting because they retain traces of ritual. For example, those that are constructed as a description of a journey. A man describes how he goes to the blue sea and there meets some mythological characters, such as "seven winds, whirlwinds". He asks them to go to the servant of God so-and-so and influence her in a certain way. One can suppose that it is an abridged record of the ritual: at one time in the ancient world a man used to go to the field and address the wind, the sun or other natural forces. Then it became part of the verbal fabric of the ritual, and there was no need to go anywhere; all you had to do was describe how you were walking in some symbolic space.

Another example is the text of the byliny about Dobrynya and Marinka, in which a love plot is inserted. There Marinka decides to bewitch Dobrynya. To do this, she finds his footprint (a footprint on the ground), puts it in the cooker, and it burns together with the wood, while she recites the following formula: "As this wood burns with the trace, so that the servant of God Dobrynja burns for me, so that his body burns".

Most of all, love incantations resemble the infliction of spoilage - and, apparently, by origin, are connected with these very rituals. For example, there are such rituals for casting a spell on a thief: one should find something left of the thief or of something he stole - a hair from a stolen coat, for example, and put it into an oven. When the cooker burns, the hair will shrink - and as it shrinks, so will the thief. Thieves were so afraid of these rituals that when they were threatened with being put into the oven, in some cases they simply returned the stolen goods. In general, the theme of love often overlaps with the theme of theft - and cheating on one's wife was also called stealing, by the way. And the image of melting wax refers to the ritual of taking an oath. The man melted the wax and said: "If I betray my oath, let the same happen to me as with this wax.


Love from a conspiratorial perspective
At the heart of all these texts is the notion of love feeling as a deadly disease; the experiences that accompany this feeling are like its symptoms. Love is often identified with longing, and there is a personified image of longing in love conspiracies - sometimes the word is even used in the plural. Tosca is often described as a creature with no arms, no legs, no head, who is battered, in a state of hysteria. Often Tosca is associated with a board that squeezes it, and in general the image of Tosca is often associated with a literal crush, when something squeezes the body. Tosca is also enclosed in something: locked in a coffin or in a windowless, doorless house. In the texts of love incantations, this Tosca must go to the woman, take possession of her, so that the woman also begins to beat in hysterics, becoming a personified Tosca herself.

What other symptoms does this love affliction have besides hysteria and oppression? Firstly, insomnia. Secondly, a state where you cannot eat or get drunk: "Let her eat but not get full, let her drink but not get drunk..." Thirdly, total incommunicativeness: a woman cannot and does not want to communicate with her loved ones - sisters, brothers, parents. "If she had a friend, let her forget her friend".

This condition is like a fever: the woman is gripped by fever, she is all burning up. The imagery of love magic is characterised by the theme of fire - a woman should burn as grass burns in a furnace. It may be assumed that this fire that is cast upon her has parallels with hellfire: she is to suffer in the fire like a sinner in hell. Another image is of melting wax: "As wax melts, so shall the heart of the servant of God melt".

Finally, quite often the woman in this state is likened to some animal, such as a distraught cow, which rushes about in search of a bull.

Taken together, this gives the image of suppressed will, of total submission: the woman must lose her mind, lose her ability to control herself, completely submit to the will of the man, she must have only one desire - to find him, run to him and give herself to him.

It is important to realise that conspiracies are a specific, very narrow area of life: they apply to situations that fall outside the norm. Someone who wants to get married goes to a matchmaker. The person turns to conspiracies in extreme situations, when he cannot realise his desires by any rational means and, feeling his inferiority, resorts to prohibited methods.

Male and female love magicAmong these ancient magical texts, love incantations occupy a large place. Strange as it may s...

Male and female love magic
Among these ancient magical texts, love incantations occupy a large place. Strange as it may seem, they were mainly used by men, because literacy was their prerogative: handwritten magic is largely male, and love magic is no exception.

In general, there seems to have been a clear distinction between male and female love magic. Women more often tried to influence their husbands to treat them kindly, not to beat them - often there is a formula 'to be kind'. For the most part, they used simple means at their disposal, such as slipping something into their food. Youth love magic was widespread in the villages. There are ethnographic researches from Vologda Region describing how during a wedding ceremony a bride and her maid go to a sauna, collect sweat and then they mix it with some food. Of course, a great many maiden divinations are known.

Men, on the other hand, often used love spells. And these love spells make a strange impression on modern man.





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