Zoya Golubeva "Unveiled Nude"
At Nosaints bar January 9– February 16, 2025
The Hidden Nude" is an exhibition, where the artist reveals a unique harmony of body forms, concealing deep emotional power and sensuality within them. The works bring together two opposing aspects of the body: the delicate fragility of femininity and the strength of masculinity.
The exhibition takes place in an intimate and hidden space— bar shielded from prying eyes, where the ancient brick walls and vaulted ceilings enhance the sense of mystery and intimacy.
× Link to the art catalogue https://www.masastudija.com/zoya-golubeva
MASA studija novēl Jums priecīgus, gaišus Ziemassvētkus un radošu 2025.gadu!
Paldies, ka bijāt ar mums un ceram nākamgad satikties vēl biežāk!
MASA studija wishes you a peaceful and bright Christmas season and a creative 2025!
Thank you for being with us this year, and we look forward to meeting you even more often in the coming year!
Art as a Gift: A Timeless Treasure
Giving art as a gift is more than just an expression of love and attention—it's a meaningful gesture that carries value not only in the present moment but also throughout the future. Each piece tells a story and becomes part of a lasting history.
Visit MASA studija on Elizabetes iela 67 to find the perfect gift for yourself and your loved ones!
Thursday-Saturday 14:00-00:00
Sunday 12:00-18:00
#artdealer #artgallery #artexhibition #artsalon #artCommunity #buyart #affordableart #wheretogoriga #kuraizietriga #idejasdāvanai #supportlocal
20 decembrī plkst. 20:00 aicinām uz koncertu "Ziemas melodijas", kurā savīsies neoklasiskās mūzikas smalkums, džeza elementi un Ziemassvētku noskaņas. Vakara programmā piedalīsies divi izcili mūziķi:
Tatjana Čigorska – latviešu pianiste, starptautiska līmeņa koncertmeistare, mūzikas pedagoģe un aranžētāja, viņas talants ir atzīts daudzās valstīs;
Pāvels Noskovs – starptautisku konkursu laureāts, Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijas students, topošais profesionāls vijolnieks.
- Ieejas maksa 10 eiro (pieejamas tikai 26 biļetes!)
- Biļetes var iegādāties sekojot saitei https://www.bezrindas.lv/lv/ziemas-melodijas-tatjana-cigorska-pavels-noskovs-1/14094/
Šis vakars būs piepildīts ar dvēseliskām melodijām un gaidāmo svētku siltumu!
On December 20 at 8:00 PM, we invite you to the concert "Winter Melodies," where the elegance of neoclassical music intertwines with jazz elements and the spirit of Christmas. The evening's program will feature two outstanding musicians:
Tatjana Čigorska – a Latvian pianist, internationally renowned accompanist, music educator, and arranger, whose talent has been recognized in many countries.
Pāvels Noskovs – a laureate of international competitions, a Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music student, and a promising violinist.
- Ticket price: €10 (only 26 tickets available!)
- Tickets can be purchased via the link https://www.bezrindas.lv/lv/ziemas-melodijas-tatjana-cigorska-pavels-noskovs-1/14094/
This evening will be filled with soulful melodies and the warmth of the upcoming holiday!
Art transcends the boundaries of language and text, directly addressing emotions and the subconscious. It is one of the oldest forms of communication, transmitting meaning through visual imagery, emotions, and symbols. Paradoxically, its profound subjectivity makes it one of the most abstract forms of communication. Perception is shaped by personal experiences, associations, and the internal world of the viewer. This phenomenon of subjectivity is a central theme of the exhibition, offering visitors an opportunity to view the world through various perspectives.
🔸️Art Salon "Perspective"
🔸️December 13, 2024 –March 16, 2025
🔸️More info https://www.masastudija.com/art-salon-perspective
Welcome to Kultūrbārs, a cultural bar offering a curated selection of cocktails in the art gallery.
🔹️Every week, we host live music concerts, featuring mostly jazz as well as blues, neoclassical, funk, experimental, improvisation, and more.
🔹️Check the event program in highlights.
We'll be happy to meet you!
Laipni lūdzam Kultūrbārā — dzīvās mūzikas platformā ar rūpīgi atlasītu kokteiļu un bezalkoholisko dzērienu izlasi, kura atrodās mākslas galerijā.
🔸️Katru nedēļu mēs rīkojam mūzikas koncertus, kuros izbaudām džeza mūziku, kā arī blūzu, neoklasicismu, fanku, neo soulu, improvizāciju un daudz ko citu.
🔸️Ar pasākumu programmu var iepazīties izcēlumos.
Būsim priecīgi jūs satikt!
The last day of "Classical Deviation" is today. You can meet the artist and have a little tour 12:00-18:00.
Elizabetes iela 67
Julia Babochkina
The gallery is transforming along with the exhibitions.
Pop-up solo exhibition "Classical Deviation" by artist Julia Babochkina is on view in MASA studija until this Sunday!