Achieving Better Work Life Balance
AIA Vitality健康總部嘅常客---Wei,分享參加咗我哋嘅課程同活動後,幫助佢有更好嘅工作及生活平衡。加入我哋嘅旅程,同我哋一齊成為社區嘅一份子!
Check out this video featuring Wei, one of our regular participants at the AIA Vitality Hub. She shares how joining our classes and activities has helped her achieve better work-life balance. Join us and become a part of our community!
Achieving Better Work Life Balance
AIA Vitality健康總部嘅常客---Wei,分享參加咗我哋嘅課程同活動後,幫助佢有更好嘅工作及生活平衡。加入我哋嘅旅程,同我哋一齊成為社區嘅一份子!
Check out this video featuring Wei, one of our regular participants at the AIA Vitality Hub. She shares how joining our classes and activities has helped her achieve better work-life balance. Join us and become a part of our community!
喺上個月底,@valleyrfc_hockey @phenomenally.pink @talkingmental 喺AIA Vitality總部合作舉辦名為「Walk and Talk」嘅活動,當日佢哋分享咗喺「團體運動面對失敗、學習同成長」嘅心得。
Last month, @valleyrfc_hockey, @phenomenally.pink, and @talkingmental collaborated to organise an event called "Walk and Talk" at AIA Vitality Hub. During the event, they shared their experiences on "Failing, Learning and Growing Together in Team Sports".
Let's recap the highlights of that inspiring day.
上次@aileenwong 同我哋分享咗佢運動成功嘅秘訣,今次@ihksports話畀我哋知 持之而恆係另一個關鍵。
Last time @aileenwong shared her secrets to successful exercise, this time we have @ihksports tells us about the key is to be consistent.
F45: Hyrox挑戰🔥💪🏼
HYROX challenge powered by F45 at AIA Vitality Park & AIA VItality Hub🔥💪🏼
Congrats to all those who came out for the HYROX challenge earlier this month! Amazing effort and determination 🔥💪🏼
#AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #HYROX #HYROXAPAC #HYROXHK #AIAVitality公園 #AIAVitality健康總部
去片重溫當日由Onside Sports 舉辦嘅探討女性運動員嘅座談會,佢哋都分享咗好開心同AIA Vitality健康總部合作,令更多普羅市民能夠體驗到運動嘅樂趣,為本地體壇同社區出一份力!記得留意我哋,緊貼最新活動啦!
Here is a look back at the panel discussions on sportswomen organised by Onside Sports. The panel discussions allowed the public to learn more about local sportswomen, experience the joy of sports and contribute to the local sports community! Stay tuned to our socials for more exciting discussions and activities.
#aiavitalityhub #aiavitality健康總部 #OnsideSports #GetOnside #HongKongSports #香港體育
如果你尋找緊一個與別不同嘅運動體驗,咁AIA Vitality 健康總部係你嘅不二之選!
作為我哋盛夏系列活動嘅一部分,我哋最近舉辦咗一節由Athletic Club主持嘅健身訓練班。當日嘅所有參與者都有個性化嘅健身建議。睇吓佢哋幾開心,Athletic Club下個月都會返嚟㗎!過嚟試下啦!
If you’re seeking a revitalizing exercise experience, look no further than the AIA Vitality Hub!
As part of our Summer Series, we recently hosted a training class led by the Athletic Club. All the participants on that day were treated to personalized fitness advice. Take a glance at their happy faces and join us for the next Athletic Club session as they will return next month!
#HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #stayactive #hkfitness #altheticclub #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #香港好去處 #開心香港
#thingstodoinhk #centralharbourfront #hksummer #hkow #observationwheel #aiavitalityhk #discoverhk #happyhongkong #freeclasseshk
最後召集 👟👟👟準備買新鞋返學,記住唔好浪費舊嗰對鞋,有小朋友會需要㗎。8月27日係最後一日回收喇,快啲將唔啱著嘅返學鞋攞去AIA Vitality健康總部,K!BO 會將佢哋交俾基督教勵行會,咁有需要嘅小朋友就可以受惠到啦! 每一個捐贈都會獲得$50 嘅K!BO禮券!
回收日期: 5/8 - 27/8, 12-6pm
✅鞋子適合小學生穿著 (歐洲碼 26-34)
Last call 👟👟👟 “Kickstarting” the new school year with a new pair of shoes?! Don’t waste the old ones, donate them to those in need in the community. Drop them off at AIA Vitality Hub, K!BO will pass them over to the NGO partner of this campaign, Christian Action to distribute to the children in need. 27/8 is the last day of collection, action now! Every donation will receive a $50 voucher to shop at K!BO!
Collection Time: 5/8 - 27/8, 12-6pm
Few things to note:
✅Shoes in excellent condition
✅Shoes for primary school children (26-34 EU size)
✅Ensure they’re tied together/placed in a bag
#GuiltFreeKicks #giveback #shoedonations #kibokicks #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #二手校鞋
我哋嚟緊會推出一系列嚟自不同機構嘅導師所提供嘅健康小貼士🆕!打頭陣就有嚟自Fluid X嘅Aileen Wong,話我哋知做運動嘅祕訣💪🏻。
We are excited to announce a new series of health tips provided by expert instructors from various fields, including fitness, mindfulness, and more🆕! To kick off the series, we have Aileen Wong from Fluid X sharing her secrets to successful exercise💪🏻.
Check out her video now and stay tuned for more health tips to come🙋🏻!
#HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #Freeclasseshk #stayactive #hkfitness #fitnesshk #AIAOneBillion #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #happyhongkong #開心香港
Here is a wrap for the Father’s Day Series at AIA Vitality Hub🥰!
睇下爸爸們笑得幾開心👨🏻🦱👱🏻♂️👴🏼,一班好乖嘅仔仔女女喺父親節當日同埋爸爸一齊嚟AIA Vitality健康總部慶祝🥳,除咗一齊做瑜珈,小朋友對爸爸嘅心意畫咗喺石頭上🫶🏻。爸爸可以將呢份小禮份放喺公司枱頭,工作時見到仔女們嘅支持,為佢哋繼續為家庭努力💪🏻!
Look at the happy faces of all the fathers👨🏻🦱👱🏻♂️👴🏼! Kids and their daddies joined the "Family Yoga by YAMA Foundation" and "My Dad Rocks art class" on Father's Day at AIA Vitality Hub🥳. They drew their thoughts for their dads on rocks as a Father's Day gift🫶🏻. We believe that seeing this special rock at work will boost the daddies' mood💪🏻!
#hkow #hongkongobservationwheel #aiavitalitypark #aiavitality #aiavitalityhub #aiahk #discoverhongkong #happyfathersday #fathersdayactivity #qigong #yoga #yamafoundation #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality健康總部 #維多利亞港 #香港好去處 #父親節 #父親節活動 #yama基金 #合家歡瑜伽 #氣功
🇧🇷Bringing the Brazilian culture into the AIA Vitality Hub on 18th February! 🇧🇷
🇧🇷喺2月18日嘅週末,我哋將巴西文化帶到AIA Vitality健康總部!🇧🇷
Samba Dance, Football classes and the exciting beat of Batucada Drumming took over the AIA Vitality Hub🥁! All our participants immersed with the rhythm and beat while being active! Check out the highlights of this day to feel the Brazilian flairs💃🏼.
More exciting classes and activities are coming at the AIA Vitality Hub, be part of our health and wellness community, and follow us on the new pages!
Facebook @aiavitalityhub
Instagram @aiavitalityhub
#HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #Freeclasseshk #stayactive #hkfitness #fitnesshk #valentinesday #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #thingstodoinhk #centralhk #centralharbourfront #victoriaharbour #hkspring #hkig #hkiger #hkow #observationwheel #aiavitalityhk #discoverhk #香港好去處 #happyhongkong
🙏🏾衷心多謝每位喺3月8日嚟到AIA Vitality健康總部參與國際婦女日活動嘅朋友。
🙏🏾big heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who joined our International Women’s Day activities down at the AIA Vitality Hub on 8th of March.
我哋從推動健康同埋養生講者中了解到擁抱公平嘅重要性。我哋會繼續喺香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality公園舉辦更多有趣好玩嘅活動俾大家,成為我哋嘅一份子,就可以最先知道我哋舉辦嘅活動內容!
We especially enjoyed learning the importance of embracing equity from our panellist of women driving health and wellness. We look forward to bringing more interesting and fun events down at Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park, be part of our community to get the most updated information so do stay tuned to our socials.
#internationalwomensday #IWD #IWD2023 #IWDHK #embraceequity #womenofhk #HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #Freeclasseshk #stayactive #hkfitness #fitnesshk #valentinesday #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #thingstodoinhk #centralhk #centralharbourfront #victoriaharbour #hkspring #hkig #hkiger #hkow #observationwheel #aiavitalityhk
🏃🏻AIA Vitality 健康總部很慶幸能成為慈善跑活動 SHELTER : A Run For More Good的合作夥伴。🏃🏻
🏃🏻♀️We are proud to have taken part as a partner of the “SHELTER: A Run For More Good” organised by @shelterathletics🏃🏻♀️
今次活動籌得款項$40,000,會全數捐俾More Good。More Good係一個專門為本地弱勢社群同埋有需要人士,提供溫暖同營養充足嘅膳食。
非常之感謝所有參加者同埋合作機構,包括lululemon,一齊去完成咗一件好有意義,又好玩嘅事。AIA Vitality Hub成立的宗旨之一,就係希望以教育、推動同啟發各年齡層人士投入積極的生活方式,並培養健康生活習慣。呢次活動除咗可以推廣運動,亦可以透過活動幫助到有需要人士,意義十分重大。
非常感謝所有合作夥伴 @shelterathletics @moregoodhk @lululemonhk
The event successfully raised over $40,000 for @moregoodhk, a social group that supports the ones in need in the community, providing them with warm and nutritious meals.
AIA Vitality Hub was built and designed to educate, motivate, and inspire people of all ages to enjoy active lifestyles and adopt and maintain healthy living habits so being able to do this while giving back to the community was extra special.
This event would not have been possible without the help of all partners @lululemonhk @moregoodhk @shelterathletics and of course all participants!
By being part of our health and wellness community, not only can you stay healthy, but you can also make new friends.
#HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #Freeclasseshk #stayactive #hkfitness #fitnesshk #valentinesday #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #thingstodoinhk #centralhk #centralharbourfront #victoriaharbour #hkspring #hkig #hkiger #hkow #
【AIA Vitality 健康總部】喺今年1月已重新開放啦!🎊設施大升級!
Throwback to our 【AIA Vitality Hub launch】 - “New Year, New Me” weekend!
AIA Vitality 健康總部除咗設施升級,活動空間亦擴充咗唔少呀!場地更加擴建咗一個空內空間,咁就唔怕天氣影響,可以安心咁運動啦~更加正嘅係,我哋仲會每月更新課堂、加入不同的身心靈健康課程,大人細路都啱,仲要費用全免呀!
Facebook @aiavitalityhub
Instagram @aiavitalityhub
重温一下【AIA Vitality 健康總部】開幕時《新一年、新的我》週末活動課程片段。
咁好玩又可以健康,立即撳入link in bio報名參啦! 🔗👆🏻
The AIA Vitality Hub has not only upgraded its facilities, but also a bigger space! The venue has been expanded with an indoor area, so that you can exercise without being affected by the weather! What's more, we will update the classes every month and introduce different physical and mental health classes for all ages. The classes are all free of charge.
So if you haven’t already, be part of our health and wellness community, and follow us on the new pages!
Facebook @aiavitalityhub
Instagram @aiavitalityhub
Stay healthy in such a fun way, click link in bio to book a class. 🔗👆🏻
#HKOW #AIAVitalityPark #AIAVitalityHub #AIAVitality #AIAVitalityHK #AIA #hongkongobservationwheel #Freeclasseshk #stayactive #hkfitness #fitnesshk #valentinesday #香港摩天輪 #AIAVitality公園 #thingstodoinhk #centralhk #centralharbourfront #victoriaharbour #hkspring #hkig #hkiger #hkow #observationwheel #aiavitalityhk