🎪🎉 The AIA Carnival is open 🎪🎉
🎪🎉 友邦嘉年華開幕啦 🎪🎉
嘉年華娛樂表演者嚟俾驚喜大家呀,我哋忍唔住要同你分享嘉年華嘅無窮樂趣 🎈🥳 同我哋一齊感受嘉年華嘅氣氛啦!趁住呢個假期,嚟中環海濱活動空間坐摩天輪,再係友邦嘉年華盡情玩樂。
We couldn't resist sharing some of that Carnival excitement and laughter when the entertainers came to surprise our participants 🎈🥳
Join us in the festivities and feel the Carnival spirit! Make the most of your holidays, come and visit the Hong Kong Observation Wheel and the AIA Carnival at the Central Harbourfornt.
🎄Merry Christmas!
🍽️❤️ 睇下究竟係咩美食為我哋嘅會員係呢個假期帶來歡樂?去片。我哋都想知道你最鍾意食咩聖誕美食,快啲係評論區留低你嘅至愛啦!👇🏻
🍽️❤️ Watch the video to discover the treats that bring our members joy during this festive season. We’d love to hear from you—drop a comment below and let us know your favourite Christmas food! 👇🏻
🌟 Hero of the Month: Lara Staunton🌟
🌟健康總部之星:Lara Staunton 🌟
👋 同我哋健康總部嘅Lara見個面,聽下佢係 AIA Vitality健康總部過去一年嘅心得。想了解佢最想嘗試咩課程?唔好錯過我哋提供嘅不同精彩課程!
👋 Join us as Lara shares her journey and experiences from her first year at the Hub. Curious about which classes she’s excited to try? Don’t miss out on the amazing offerings we have waiting for you!
📣 2025年1月全新課程亮點!
📣 Exciting Updates for January 2025!
💭 AIA Vitality健康總部「再想健康」工作坊
參加我們的「再想健康」工作坊 ,探索更多健康選擇!參加關於新一年健康計劃的互動討論,我們會分享想法並互相啟發。我們的專家團隊將針對大眾傳播對健康與保健的固有印象,並分享有益身心的運動建議。
💃🏻 新會員專場:拉丁舞
這課堂非常適合新加入AIA Vitality健康總部、初學者以及從未嘗試過拉丁舞課程的朋友參加。在您享受鍛鍊的同時,我們的教練將細心地向您展示正確的技巧。
Being healthy goes beyond workouts and diets. It’s about discovering your unique path to wellness. Join us for Rethink Healthy Month!
💭 AIA Vitality Hub Rethink Healthy Workshop
Get ready for an interactive discussion on New Year’s resolutions, where we’ll share ideas and inspire each other. Our panel of experts will tackle media stereotypes about health and wellness, as well as helpful exercises.
💃🏻 New Joiners Latin Dance
This class is perfect for those new to the AIA Vitality Hub, beginners, and those who have not tried Latin Dance classes before. Our instructors will take extra care to show you the correct techniques whiles you have a good time working out.
#RethinkHealthy #再想健康
🌿✨ 在中環鬧市中心擁抱健康!
🌿✨ Embrace wellness in the heart of Central!
We’re thrilled to partner with LUSH for their Central Wellness Map project! Join us for a series of wellness and health workshops that help you find balance amid the bustling life of Central.
🌱 自然探秘之旅 🌱
🌱 An Adventure in Nature 🌱
最近,我哋同本地作家Rachel Ip係互動故事分享與手工藝工作坊中度過了一段美好嘅探索野外世界的時光,靈感來自佢嘅作品《野外探秘》。想參加我哋更多有趣且有教育意義嘅兒童活動嗎?記得追蹤我哋,關注更多相關新課程。
We had a fantastic time in our recent storytelling and craft workshop inspired by local author Rachel Ip’s book, The Wild Outside. Want to join our fun and educational children‘s activities? Follow us on Instagram to find out when new classes are released
#RethinkHealthy #再想健康
透過「涅槃瑜伽」放鬆和排毒 🧘♀️
Relax and detox with Nirvana Flow 🧘♀️
Join us for a soothing blend of rhythmic breathing, yoga, and Pilates, perfect for calming the mind.
Last month, we focused on Nature Conservation with meaningful activities! 🌍🌿
From learning about wildlife to discovering various bird species around Hong Kong, thank you for joining us in raising awareness and taking meaningful action for nature! 💚
保持專注 玩得開心❤️
Focus on having fun ❤️
平衡、跳躍和扭動 — 同身邊人一齊透過充滿樂趣嘅互動鍛鍊遊戲嚟釋放你嘅內心世界。讓健康變得更有趣!
Balance, jump and twist your way to health by connecting with your inner child and others through interactive games for a wholesome fun-filled workout! Because being healthy can be fun too!
一齊嚟回顧上個月嘅精彩瞬間 📸✨ 繼續留意我哋更多好玩有趣的課程啦!
Here are some of our favourite moments captured over the past month! 📸✨ Stay tuned for more exciting!
📣The schedule for the second half of December is out now! Check out some of the new classes below! Be sure to check the bio for the link to book the classes!
🎵 聖誕合家歡音樂療癒工作坊
🥊 拳擊與核心訓練
🏋🏻♀️ 熱刺循環訓練課程
加入熱刺(Tottenham Hotspur)和AIA教練,他們將帶領您進行伸展、運動和力量訓練。這堂課適合所有人,讓參與者有機會自由運動,學習新的健身技巧,並幫助改善他們的健身目標。
🎵Family Christmas Music Therapy Workshop
Family Music and Health Christmas Workshop creates a wonderful quality time for families, to facilitate parents and children‘s character building, physical and emotional wellbeing through music making, movements and creative activities. Let’s enjoy the Christmas holiday with music and fun games!
🥊 Boxing & Core
Join our new Boxing and Core class for a fun and challenging workout that will leave you feeling energized and amazing! Learn basic boxing techniques, strengthen your core, and torch calories. Don‘t forget your own gloves for some great pad work with Trainer Aileen! Get ready to sweat, laugh, and bring your fitness journey to the next level!
🏋🏻♀️ Spurs Circuit Training
Join the Tottenham
我哋好開心能邀請到作家阿尼拉·艾瑪·喬杜里同我哋分享佢獲獎無數的書籍《意外的管弦樂團》及背後的故事。🐱🎶 快啲嚟睇下可愛嘅故事主人公們 - 寵物貓咪同埋佢哋創立嘅管弦樂團究竟有咩「秘密」啦!
We’re thrilled to welcome author Aniela Emma Chaudhuri as she shares the enchanting story behind her multi-award-winning book, "The Accidental Orchestra"! 🐱🎶 Join us to discover the “secrets” of the charming characters—our beloved cats and their musical adventures.