AIA Vitality Hub

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AIA Vitality Hub A unique health & wellness venue at Central, Hong Kong

均衡飲食係保持活力同身心健康嘅關鍵🌱🥦🍎A balanced diet is the key to vitality and well-being🌱🥦🍎食多啲色彩繽紛嘅水果同蔬菜,加埋瘦肉蛋白質、全穀類同健康脂肪,就可以令你嘅飲食更加均衡同...

A balanced diet is the key to vitality and well-being🌱🥦🍎


Load up on colourful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats to achieve a balanced diet that nourishes your body.


Achieving Better Work Life Balance

AIA Vitality健康總部嘅常客---Wei,分享參加咗我哋嘅課程同活動後,幫助佢有更好嘅工作及生活平衡。加入我哋嘅旅程,同我哋一齊成為社區嘅一份子!

Check out this video featuring Wei, one of our regular participants at the AIA Vitality Hub. She shares how joining our classes and activities has helped her achieve better work-life balance. Join us and become a part of our community!

以全新課程開始2024年,以健康嘅身體迎接2024年🌻! Start the new year with a refreshed schedule and prepare for 2024 with a healthy body🌻!🆕 AI...

Start the new year with a refreshed schedule and prepare for 2024 with a healthy body🌻!

🆕 AIA Vitality 健康總部準備咗一系列全新課程。從專為兒童量身定制嘅瑜伽課程,到酶製食品工作室同靈活關節班,有好多選擇為您嘅日常鍛煉增添新鮮感。現已開放報名,切勿錯過! 🙌🏻
🆕 Explore an array of exciting new classes prepared by the AIA Vitality Hub. From yoga classes tailored for children to engaging fermentation workshops and living stick movement classes, there are plenty of options to add a fresh twist to your exercise routine. Don’t miss out! Registration is now open. 🙌🏻

咦......原來好快就到聖誕節🎅🏻!it's almost time for... Christmas🎅🏻!嚟睇下我哋今個月嘅精彩特別活動,同小朋友一齊喺AIA Vitality健康總部度過開心嘅時光。喺滿額前,快啲報名🎄!Check o...

it's almost time for... Christmas🎅🏻!

嚟睇下我哋今個月嘅精彩特別活動,同小朋友一齊喺AIA Vitality健康總部度過開心嘅時光。


Check out our exciting lineup of special classes this month and make advance plans for delightful moments at the AIA Vitality Hub with your little ones.

Secure your spot by registering before these classes are full🎄!


國際身心障礙者日❤️‍🩹International Day of Persons with Disabilities❤️‍🩹大家平時有冇留意身邊嘅身心障礙者呢?藉着今日希望可以提高大眾意識,共建無障社會。我哋嚟緊嘅17號,無障行者會嚟到AI...

International Day of Persons with Disabilities❤️‍🩹


我哋嚟緊嘅17號,無障行者會嚟到AIA Vitality公園舉行一連串嘅活動,大家記得密切留意我哋嘅動向啦!

Have you ever taken the time to notice and support people with disabilities in your daily life? Today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and we hope to raise public awareness and build an inclusive and accessible society.

On the upcoming 17th, Barrier Busters will be hosting a series of events at AIA Vitality Park.

Stay tuned for updates on our activities!

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 12月16號至31號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th December - 31st December open for regis...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 12月16號至31號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th December - 31st December open for registration now🆕!

12月,我哋AIA Vitality總部有好多嘢玩!放假記得帶埋仔仔女女參加我哋嘅聖誕特別班,嚟緊會有詳細主題活動介紹㗎。記得follow我哋跟貼最新消息🫶🏻

December, we have a lot of exciting events happening at AIA Vitality Hub! Don't forget to bring your little ones to join our special Christmas classes. We'll be sharing all the exciting details about the upcoming themed activities very soon. Keep an eye out for the updates! 🫶🏻

仲有1日就到12月啦🎉Just 1 more day until December🎉! 聽晚記得嚟AIA Vitality健康總部同我哋一齊參加舊衣交換夜🌟👗👚!帶埋你嘅舊衫褲嚟同其他熱愛時裝同環保嘅朋友尋寶,梗有一件啱您♻️💃。記得tag...

Just 1 more day until December🎉!

聽晚記得嚟AIA Vitality健康總部同我哋一齊參加舊衣交換夜🌟👗👚!帶埋你嘅舊衫褲嚟同其他熱愛時裝同環保嘅朋友尋寶,梗有一件啱您♻️💃。


Join us tomorrow (1 Dec), at the AIA Vitality Hub for an exciting clothing swap night! 🌟👗👚

Bring your gently used clothes to exchange with all the fashion-eco-enthusiasts. It's a fantastic opportunity to refresh your wardrobe sustainably and discover unique pieces. ♻️💃

Tag your friends who would love to join!

#舊衣交換夜 #可持續時裝

原來同初生嬰兒做運動有助佢哋入眠🤱🏻?Can exercise help babies fall asleep🤱🏻?AIA Vitality健康總部呢三個月都有“運動媽媽“嘅課堂,深受媽媽歡迎!如果您有興趣了解更多,可以向左掃睇吓媽媽們上堂...

Can exercise help babies fall asleep🤱🏻?

AIA Vitality健康總部呢三個月都有“運動媽媽“嘅課堂,深受媽媽歡迎!如果您有興趣了解更多,可以向左掃睇吓媽媽們上堂嘅情況!


We have been running ""Mummas who Move"" for 3 months, and these classes have been very popular among proud moms! If you're wondering what the class is about, swipe left to check out the photos!

This is a 45-minute workout class suitable for postnatal women who want to exercise and move with their little ones. The classes will also return in December. Stay tuned for our schedule release👀!

你有冇留意到AIA Vitality Hub嘅全新面貌?Have you noticed the new look of the AIA Vitality Hub?無論係戶外定係室內嘅課堂,我哋致力於為每一位訪客提供最好嘅課堂體驗。相信我哋...

你有冇留意到AIA Vitality Hub嘅全新面貌?
Have you noticed the new look of the AIA Vitality Hub?

We are dedicated and motivated to providing the best class experience for every visitor, whether it's for outdoor or indoor classes. Check out the new exterior walls and doors, as we believe that they will inspire all of you to join our free classes in embracing a healthier lifestyle!

長者日精彩重溫👵🏻👴🏻🫶🏻Highlights from Senior Citizens’ Day 👵🏻👴🏻🫶🏻一齊睇吓上星期日嘅靚相,公公婆婆都笑得好開心,除咗免費乘坐香港摩天輪驗,喺AIA Vitality健康總部  都舉辦咗不同適合綠...

Highlights from Senior Citizens’ Day 👵🏻👴🏻🫶🏻

一齊睇吓上星期日嘅靚相,公公婆婆都笑得好開心,除咗免費乘坐香港摩天輪驗,喺AIA Vitality健康總部 都舉辦咗不同適合綠齡人士嘅課堂!下次再見✨

Check out these photos on last Sunday, where all the Gong Gong Po Po were having a great time enjoying a free ride on the Hong Kong Observation Wheel and joining some refreshing classes at ! See you all next time✨.

#長者日 #香港摩天輪 #香港好去處

合作夥伴介紹 - Inclufit✨ Introducing Our Partner -  Inclufit  ✨  ,香港成立嘅非牟利機構(NGO),提供免費同包容性嘅健身班畀有特殊需要嘅兒童同成人。感謝咁多位義工,課堂嘅成功有賴您哋嘅支...

合作夥伴介紹 - Inclufit✨
Introducing Our Partner - Inclufit ✨


is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Hong Kong, was established with the aim of offering free and inclusive fitness classes for individuals with special needs and disabilities, both children and adults. We would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who have helped make the classes successful❤.

You can find their free classes at the AIA Vitality Hub twice a month!


AIA Vitality 健康總部: 12月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st December - 15th December open for registr...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 12月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st December - 15th December open for registration now🆕!

眨下眼就到12月,今個月嘅10號就有音樂治療班,今次仲要係聖誕系列,夠晒氣氛呀。而咁多位試過同BB一齊上Mummas who Move係咪好想再嚟呢?大家可以報星期五嘅班,做健康媽媽喇!


December is just around the corner! On the 10th of this month, there will be a music therapy workshop. This time, it's even a Christmas-themed session, which will create a festive atmosphere. For those who have tried joining Mummas who Move with their babies, it must be tempting to come again, right? You can sign up for the class on Friday and keep being a healthy mom!

Simply visit the link in bio for classes.


作為第一個非牟利機構領導嘅動畫同真人電影項目, 目標係透過全球女仔嘅故事,推廣性別平等。佢哋想喺全世界432百萬位青少年女孩當中,透過教育課程嚟支持佢哋喺生活同社區內創造改變。


今個月30號嚟AIA Vitality 健康總部參與Room to Read主辦嘅講座同電影預覽,以了解更多關於呢個有意義嘅項目,幫助支持下一代嘅改變者!


As the first nonprofit-led animation and live action film project to promote gender equality through the stories of girls across the globe, aims to reach all 432 million adolescent girls around the world with content and educational curriculum that supports them in creating change in their lives and communities.

Are you ready for change?

Join Room to Read at the AIA Vitality Hub on 30 Nov for the talk and film preview to know more about this meaningful cause to help support the next generation of changemakers!

Book your tickets here:

加入我哋一齊支持男性健康嘅 "Movember" 啦!💙🧔🏻join us this Movember to support men's health! 💙🧔🏻除咗留鬚之外,我地邀請你參加喺AIA Vitality 健康總部舉辦嘅各種課程同...

加入我哋一齊支持男性健康嘅 "Movember" 啦!💙🧔🏻
join us this Movember to support men's health! 💙🧔🏻

除咗留鬚之外,我地邀請你參加喺AIA Vitality 健康總部舉辦嘅各種課程同活動!首先,我哋特別準備咗星期六舉辦、俾所有爸爸們嘅課程,就係一齊同自己嘅寶寶鍛煉。邊個話親子課程淨係媽媽先可以參加呢?

另外,Strong Nation亦會喺星期日回歸,提供一個全面嘅鍛煉課程,結合體重訓練、肌肉調整、有氧運動同跳躍舞步。一齊同兄弟們爆汗💦


In addition to growing out your mustache, we invite you to participate in the various classes and activities happening at the AIA Vitality Hub this Movember! First of all, we have a special class designated for all daddies who wish to exercise with their babies this Saturday. Who said parent-and-kids classes are only for mommies?

This is a great way to bond with your little one and have a good time, with the added bonus that 90% of babies may fall fast asleep by the end of the session!

Strong Nation is also returning this Sunday, offering a total workout class that combines bodyweight exercises, muscle conditioning, cardio, and plyometric training moves. Perfect sweat time together with the bros💦

Sign up via the link in the bio.


過程中發現真正嘅價值,因為佢幫助您發展技能,學習,最重要嘅係成長🌱。Discover the true value in the process, for it holds the power to develop your skills,...

Discover the true value in the process, for it holds the power to develop your skills, learn and most importantly grow🌱.

# #語錄 #身心靈健康課程 #健康生活

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 11月16號至30號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th - 30th November open for registration n...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 11月16號至30號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th - 30th November open for registration now🆕!
鍾意靜態運動、培養身心靈您,可以試玩由YAMA基金會主辦嘅靜止拉筋及頌砵療癒班。頌砵聲可以幫助舒緩深層拉筋時崩緊,從而覺察內心🌳。提提您,11號嘅Daddy&Me workout特別班仲有少量名額👨🏻‍🍼,即去bio鏈結報名。到時見!
If you would like to cultivate your mindfulness, you can try Gentle Stretch and Sound Healing hosted by the YAMA Foundation. The sound and vibration provide a deep massage to our body cells and organs, inducing deep relaxation, helping to release stress, and bringing inner peace during stretching🌳.

This is the final call for the special Daddy & Me workout class on November 11th👨🏻‍🍼! The class still has some spots available. Enroll in the classes now via the link in bio. See you soon!


Trick or Treat👻?香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality健康總部祝大家萬聖節快樂🎃!Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Hub wish you a Happy Hallow...

Trick or Treat👻?

香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality健康總部祝大家萬聖節快樂🎃!
Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Hub wish you a Happy Halloween🕷️!

呢個心慌慌嘅季節,食乜嘢應節好呢?南瓜🎃!What is the best comfort food for this spooky dooky season? Pumpkin🎃!向右滑睇下呢個成日攞嚟嚇人嘅超級食物嘅好處👻Swipe ri...

What is the best comfort food for this spooky dooky season? Pumpkin🎃!

Swipe right to know more about the benefits of this spookiest superfood👻

參考來源 Source: Ceclu, Liliana & Nistor, Oana & Mocanu, Gabriel. (2021). Pumpkin – health benefits. 241-246.

#香港摩天輪 #南瓜 #超級食物 #萬聖節

有咩會令您開心? 知多啲咩係「快樂荷爾蒙」啦!What makes you happy? Learn more about “happy hormones”!多巴胺 – 快樂荷爾蒙😆:食嘢,照顧自己嘅活動,完成目標 血清素 – 穩定情緒😌:...

有咩會令您開心? 知多啲咩係「快樂荷爾蒙」啦!
What makes you happy? Learn more about “happy hormones”!

多巴胺 – 快樂荷爾蒙😆:食嘢,照顧自己嘅活動,完成目標
血清素 – 穩定情緒😌:跑步,曬太陽,冥想
催產素 – 愛的荷爾蒙🥰:同寵物玩,拖手,讚賞別人
安多酚 – 止痛作用❤️‍🩹:大笑,做運動

Dopamine - The reward chemical😆: eating food, doing self-care activities, or completing a goal
Serotonin - The mood stabilizer😌: exercise, sun exposure, meditation
Oxytocin – The love hormone🥰: playing with pets, holding hands, giving a complement
Endorphins – The pain killer❤️‍🩹: laughing or exercising

參考來源 Source:Watson, S, (2021). Feel-good hormones: How they affect your mind, mood and body. Harvard Health.


🌏精神健康您要知:世界心理健康日座談會🌏🌏Mental Health Matters: A World Mental Health Day Panel Discussion 🌏多謝各位出席座談會,好高興見到大家咁踴躍交流,我哋嚟緊會舉辦更多...

🌏Mental Health Matters: A World Mental Health Day Panel Discussion 🌏

Thank you everyone that joined us for the panel discussion. Here are some of our favourite shots from the event. We look forward to bringing you more interesting and meaningful activities!

🖼️AIA Vitality Hub X Heart to Heart: Mental Health Infographic Display 🖼️💖AIA Vitality健康總部 X 心・照: 精神健康插畫展覽 💖AIA Vitality...

🖼️AIA Vitality Hub X Heart to Heart: Mental Health Infographic Display 🖼️
💖AIA Vitality健康總部 X 心・照: 精神健康插畫展覽 💖

AIA Vitality健康總部好興奮同全方位關注及推動心理健康嘅非牟利機構 .hk《心 ‧ 照 Heart To Heart》聯乘。今日開始會喺AIA Vitality 健康總部會擺放一批佢哋關於精神健康嘅插畫。

日期: 2023年10月18日至11月18日
We are excited to partner Heart To Heart .hk , a mental health focussed NGO. We will be organizing an illustration exhibition exploring topics surrounding mental health at the AIA Vitality Hub.

Date: 18 October - 18 November
#心照 #身心靈健康 #心理健康 #香港摩天輪

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 11月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes for 1 - 15 November open for registration🆕!延續國際女...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 11月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes for 1 - 15 November open for registration🆕!

延續國際女童日的活動,AIA Vitality 健康總部11月有課堂《賦予女孩和母親力量:擁抱自信與潛能》俾女孩子以及媽媽一齊參與,當然我哋會繼續有課程俾熱愛做運動嘅朋友,今個月有樣新嘢試下,《Strong Nation鍛鍊》係高強度運動中加入咗專門為每個動作設計嘅原創音樂,咁樣運動就會更有趣,做得更落力。即刻撳入連結睇下有咩啱心水嘅身心靈健康課程啦!
To continue the excitement of the “International Day of the Girl”,we have a workshop “Empowering Girls and Mothers: Embrace Your Confidence & Potential” which aims to empower females to make informed choices, overcome self-doubt, and build a supportive community. Additionally, we have plenty of classes for everyone to enjoy including the new “STRONG Nation”.

Link in bio, see you soon!


有無諗過全世界仲有1.29 億女孩無書讀?Did you know that 129 million girls worldwide are still unable to attend school? 今日10 月11 日係「國際女童日」...

有無諗過全世界仲有1.29 億女孩無書讀?
Did you know that 129 million girls worldwide are still unable to attend school?

今日10 月11 日係「國際女童日」,AIA Vitality健康總部支持非政府組織「Room to Read」提倡人人有書讀及性別平等。由 發起的"She Creats Change"活動是一項多媒體故事倡議,以女孩子嘅聲音為中心,追求性別平等。

11 月下旬將播放6 名女孩分享佢地啟發世界作出改變嘅故事影片,以及喺11 月30日舉行一場有關講座,記住留意住活動最新消息!

Today, October 11th, is the International Day of the Girl. AIA Vitality Hub is proud to support the NGO , which advocates for a world free from illiteracy and gender inequality. Their campaign, "She Creates Change," utilizes multimedia storytelling to amplify the voices of girls in the pursuit of gender equality.

In late November, a video featuring the inspiring stories of six girls driving change around the world will be showcased. A talk will also be held on November 30th. Stay tuned for schedule updates!

#香港摩天輪 #國際女童日 #性別平等

今日(10月10日)係世界心理健康日,Talking Mental 嘅 Aaron 設定咗一個目標,喺三十個鐘內行一百公里🏃🏻。又睇睇吓你喺指定嘅時間內,可以行幾遠呢?時間:由10月10日早上6:30開始,到10月11日晚上11:59結束挑...

今日(10月10日)係世界心理健康日,Talking Mental 嘅 Aaron 設定咗一個目標,喺三十個鐘內行一百公里🏃🏻。




1. 加入呢個群組:
2. 喺挑戰期間,影相或者拍片,然後喺群組度發佈。
3. 追蹤 同埋

Today, 10th October is World Mental Health Day, and Aaron from Talking Mental has set a goal to walk 100km within a 30-hour timeframe.

Here's a challenge for you to support World Mental Health Day: Can you walk or run as much as you can during the specified timeframe?

Date: From 6:30am on October 10th to 11:59pm on October 11thChallenge: Aim to cover as much distance as possible within this time period.

How to share your support:

1. Join this group:
2. Post a photo of your walk during the challenge and post it in the group.
3. Follow &

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 10月16號至31號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th - 31st October Open for Registration No...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 10月16號至31號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th - 31st October Open for Registration Now🆕!



To celebrate "World Mental Health Month," we have prepared a range of activities to raise awareness about mental health for everyone! Exercise is a fantastic way to uplift the mood, so we have introduced new classes like "Fit Camp" and "HK Movement Practice" for you to break a sweat.

It's also important to nurture the mental well-being of our little ones. With Hong Kong's rugby team achieving outstanding results in the Asian Games, why not let your children try out the "Rugbytots" class?

Sign up for these classes now!

#香港摩天輪 #開心香港

十月你好!Hello October! AIA Vitality健康總部充滿意外驚喜同感恩之心。為慶祝世界精神健康月,我哋會舉辦更多活動,照顧您心靈健康。記得留意本月嘅特別活動,我哋聽日會公佈十月嘅時間表,密切留意喇~AIA Vitalit...

Hello October!

AIA Vitality健康總部充滿意外驚喜同感恩之心。為慶祝世界精神健康月,我哋會舉辦更多活動,照顧您心靈健康。


AIA Vitality Hub is filled with serendipity and gratefulness. To celebrate World Mental Health month, we are hosting even more activities to help you take care of your inner well-being.

Check out the special events coming up this month.

Stay tuned for the AIA Vitality Hub schedule for October to be released tomorrow.


香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality健康總部預祝大家中秋節快樂🥮!Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Hub wish you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival🥮!...

香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality健康總部預祝大家中秋節快樂🥮!

Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Hub wish you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival🥮!

#香港摩天輪 #中秋節 #開心香港 #市集

友邦嘉年華仲有86日就開幕🎉✨! will be opening in less than 86 days 🎉✨! 友邦嘉年華@aiacarnival 仲有唔夠三個月就開幕喇🎉✨!為咗俾大家做足準備,位於香港摩天輪  Vitality健康總...

will be opening in less than 86 days 🎉✨!

友邦嘉年華@aiacarnival 仲有唔夠三個月就開幕喇🎉✨!為咗俾大家做足準備,位於香港摩天輪 Vitality健康總部繼續舉辦課堂為嘉年華升温,今次就有新嘅面部及身體彩繪班同埋大受歡迎嘅扭波波班。參加嘅小朋友真係充滿創意,除咗踴躍舉手俾導師示範外,佢哋自己都努力嘗試喺自己個身體繪畫。再次舉辦嘅扭波波班就梗係反應熱烈,每個小朋友都成功扭到波波劍⚔️,仲攞住嚟玩。


In preparation for the return of Hong Kong’s much loved winter extravaganza, the AIA Vitality Hub at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel held two fun-filled classes for the families of Hong Kong - face and body painting, as well as balloon twisting!

Thank you to all the kids and parents who joined us. Your creativity was inspiring.

We saw how much you enjoyed being our teachers’ models at the face and body painting class.

And watching you make your own balloon swords and play with them together brought a smile to everyone’s face.

🫶🏼 Join in on the fun at this year’s AIA Carnival. Sign up to their mailing list before 27th Sept 2023 for access to the exclusive members ticket sale!

#香港摩天輪 #友邦嘉年華 #扭波波 #畫面 #身體彩繪 #親子活動

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 10月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st - 15th October open for registration now🆕...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 10月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st - 15th October open for registration now🆕!

今個月我哋又有新課堂俾大家體驗,”手臂平衡動作班(初學者)”,最適合喺瑜伽平衡方面有困難嘅朋友,除此之外, 由Ido Portal學生Andres Vesga主持嘅 “動作練習”透過喺地下嘅動作幫助提高身體意識、平衡能力,以及安全和正確地接觸地面的方法提升大家柔軟度以應付運動及日常活動。bio嘅連結有得報名喇!

We are excited to introduce new classes targeting yoga practitioners or those having difficulties in keeping body balance, join “Beginner Arm Balance” class and “Movement Practice” class! Andres Vesga, a direct student from Ido Portal for more than ten years will host this class, it will explore different ways to navigate the floor to improve body awareness, balance, proper and safe ways to go to the ground, mobility, injury prevention and more. Link in bio to save your spot!

#香港摩天輪 #開心香港

喺過去嘅暑假,你哋有冇嚟AIA Vitality總部參加盛夏系列嘅課堂呢🌞?由足球班到廣場舞,無論大人定細蚊仔都積極參與,齊齊享受學習同玩樂嘅時刻。相信咁多位同學仔都結識咗一班充滿活力、一齊追求身心靈健康嘅朋友。非常感謝咁多位對AIA Vi...

喺過去嘅暑假,你哋有冇嚟AIA Vitality總部參加盛夏系列嘅課堂呢🌞?

由足球班到廣場舞,無論大人定細蚊仔都積極參與,齊齊享受學習同玩樂嘅時刻。相信咁多位同學仔都結識咗一班充滿活力、一齊追求身心靈健康嘅朋友。非常感謝咁多位對AIA Vitality總部嘅支持💪,希望我哋能夠為大定提供一個難忘嘅暑假體驗。留言話我哋知你最鍾意咩班,有咩意見都十分歡迎㗎🎉!

Did you have the opportunity to join us at the AIA Vitality Hub for our Summer Series classes🌞?
Whether it was the Tottenham Hotspur class or the Square Dance class, we welcomed participants of all ages, from our beloved seniors to children looking for active playtime. We are confident that you made new friends who share the common goal of pursuing a happier and healthier lifestyle. Thank you for your support and hope you enjoyed our Summer Series. Let us know in the comments which classes you enjoy or if you have any suggestions!

#香港摩天輪 #開心香港

友邦嘉年華主題興趣班真係好好玩🎉✨!The AIA Carnival themed classes were so much fun🎉✨!上星期日,作為友邦嘉年華  Carnival 開幕倒數嘅一部分,位於香港摩天輪 Hong Kong O...

The AIA Carnival themed classes were so much fun🎉✨!

上星期日,作為友邦嘉年華 Carnival 開幕倒數嘅一部分,位於香港摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park 嘅AIA Vitality總部舉辦咗兩個好正嘅課堂 - 扭波波同雜耍班!好多小朋友都有嚟DIY整屬於自己嘅波波,無論係狗仔定係一把劍,都似模似樣🐕⚔️。你睇吓佢哋又跑又跳幾開心!我哋緊接其後仲有一堂好精彩嘅雜耍班🤹‍♀️。佢小購友要學識點平衡,同時間將三個小波向上拋而唔跌落地。家長們都玩埋一份,場面十分熱鬧!

Last Sunday, as part of the countdown to the AIA Carnival , the AIA Vitality Hub at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel held two fantastic classes- balloon twisting and juggling! Many children eagerly participated in the DIY session, creating their own unique balloon designs, including cute doggies or mighty swords🐕⚔️. Witnessing their sheer joy as they ran and jumped around was truly heartwarming! But the fun didn't stop there. Right after the balloon twisting, we held a smile-inducing juggling class🤹‍♀️. Like the Carnival’s entertainers, they learned how to balance and skilfully toss balls in the air, trying not to drop any. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, and parents joined in with the kids to create memories together!

#香港摩天輪 #友邦嘉年華 #扭波波 #雜耍班 #親子活動

AIA Vitality健康總部 x EDIT Academy: 再生塑膠長椅工作坊AIA Vitality Hub x EDIT Academy: Recycled Bench WorkshopAIA Vitality健康總部喺暑假完結前...

AIA Vitality健康總部 x EDIT Academy: 再生塑膠長椅工作坊
AIA Vitality Hub x EDIT Academy: Recycled Bench Workshop

AIA Vitality健康總部喺暑假完結前同一班小朋友玩返夠本。我哋邀請咗EDIT Academy舉行一連三日嘅再生塑膠長椅工作坊。可以學習環保之餘,仲可以親手DIY。


大家都好滿意成品,下次嚟香港摩天輪|AIA Vitality 公園記得嚟望吓!

A group of children had a fantastic time at the AIA Vitality Hub before the end of the summer break! We invited EDIT Academy for a three-day workshop on creating long benches with recycling materials. It was a great opportunity for the children to learn how to give these materials a second life while engaging in DIY activities.

On the first day, they gained an understanding of the importance of categorizing plastic. To keep the children excited, the second day involved melting and molding plastic, where they discovered the versatility of plastic in taking different shapes. Finally, they used the recycled plastic from the previous days along with wooden boards, to assemble beautiful wooden benches.

Everyone was amazed by the finished products! Come check them out the next time you are at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park!

#香港摩天輪 #友邦嘉年華

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 9月16號至30號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th September - 31st September open for regi...

AIA Vitality 健康總部: 9月16號至30號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 16th September - 31st September open for registration now🆕!

暑假已經過咗,大人同小朋友都忙住今日開學,係咪開始感到壓力呢? 不如幫自己同小朋友揾啲活動放鬆一下,保持身心健康咁去開始新一個學年,AIA Vitality健康總部喺今個月加咗一啲新課程俾大家減下壓。小朋友可以參《小朋友瑜伽及冥想》同埋《小朋友Team Build活動》、大朋友就有《靈氣海⿎冥想》、《女性限定耐力及帶氧運動訓練》以及、《運動媽媽》幫助新手媽媽同寶寶一齊運動。當然仲有好多其他身心靈健康課程適合唔同需要嘅您,快啲撳入bio入面嘅連結報名啦。

With a slightly delayed start of the school year, it's understandable that everyone may be feeling a bit stressed today. However, it's important to take care of both your body and mind in the new school year. The AIA Vitality Hub has prepared some new classes that can help you and your little ones. For kids, there are engaging activities such as "Kids Yoga & Meditation" and " Kids Team Building Activities" which can help them relax, focus, and build teamwork skills. For parents, there are classes like "Reiki Sea Drum Meditation" to promote relaxation and inner peace, "Ladies Only Strength & Cardio" for fitness enthusiasts, and "Mummas Who Move" for moms looking to stay active and energised.
Of course, there is a wide range of health and wellness classes available for individuals of different levels and interests. To enroll in these classes and explore the full range of offerings, simply click the link in the bio.

#香港摩天輪 #開心香港

伸展熱身!Limber up!伸展身體可以減少受傷嘅風險,同時促進血液流動同氧氣水平嘅提升。喺朝早跑完步或者做完劇烈運動可以試下簡單嘅伸展動作(例如:打開心口、轉吓手腳腕、膊頭收後),你會知伸展點樣令到身體啟動,從而更暢順地運作。Stret...

Limber up!


Stretch your body can help reduce the risks of injuries while boost blood flow and oxygen levels. Try a few before your morning run or after an intense HIIT class (e.g., Open Chest, Joint Rotation, Shoulder Rolls), you will know how stretching prepare your body and facilitate optimal functioning.


星期五語錄💭喺繁忙嘅生活,我哋往往容易忽略身體嘅細微訊息。真正聆聽身體嘅聲音,你將打開一個關於自我照顧同健康嘅全新世界。所以,放慢腳步,深呼吸,開始踏上認識自我嘅旅程吧!In the hustle and bustle of life, i...



In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to ignore the whispers of our bodies. By truly hearing what your body is telling you, you can unlock a world of self-care and well-being. So, slow down, breathe deeply, and embark on a journey of self-discovery!

#語錄 #身心靈健康課程 #健康生活 #做自己 #愛自己

AIA Vitality健康總部: 9月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st September - 15th September open for registr...

AIA Vitality健康總部: 9月1號至15號嘅免費課程時間表出咗喇🆕!
AIA Vitality Hub: Free Classes on 1st September - 15th September open for registration now🆕!


距離 AIA 嘉年華仲有128日,我哋正計時迎接AIA嘉年華⌛!嚟《面部及人體彩繪》班體驗下啦。扮完靚靚之後,就可以學下表演,將歡樂帶俾其他人。今個月嘅新課堂《雜耍班》、《花式呼拉圈舞》同埋《扭波波》都係由Dare Productions主理,將嘉年華常見嘅項目呈現眼前,一齊體驗下箇中嘅好玩之處🤹‍♂️。


Experience the AIA carnival ambiance at the AIA Vitality Hub and participate the themed classes with your children🎪

AIA Carnival just 128 days away, we are Counting Down to the AIA Carnival⌛! Explore the joy by attending the "Circus Face/Body Painting" class and learn how to transform yourself into a carnival performer with colourful face paint. More than that, Dare Productions will offer a balloon twisting class for those interested. You can also join us at the "Juggling Class" or the energetic "Circus HOOP DANCE” to show your talents🤹‍♂️.

To unwind after all the excitement, the "Kids Yoga & Meditation" class is perfect for your little ones. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enroll and have a blast. There are other class options available for you to choose from!

#友邦嘉年華 #香港摩天輪 #香港好去處 #開心香港

3種減壓瑜伽式子💆🏻 :嬰兒式,下狗式,戰士式3 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief💆🏻: Child’s Pose, Downward-facing Dog, Warrior1️⃣「嬰兒式」平緩地伸展背部、臀部和大腿...

3種減壓瑜伽式子💆🏻 :嬰兒式,下狗式,戰士式
3 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief💆🏻: Child’s Pose, Downward-facing Dog, Warrior



1️⃣“Child’s pose” gently stretches the back, hips, and thighs while promoting relaxation and deep breathing.
2️⃣“Downward facing dog” is a foundational yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body.
3️⃣“Warrior” is a powerful standing yoga pose that builds strength, stability, and focus.

Give them a try!


感受力量同美,支持香港女運動員!💪✨一齊嚟 Onside Sports攝影展,我哋會向本地女運動員致敬,佢哋嘅運動員生涯帶嚟啟發。記低日期,一齊參與呢個慶祝活動,支持本地女運動員對體壇嘅付出同成就!日期:8月12號至8月19號地點:香港摩天...


一齊嚟 Onside Sports攝影展,我哋會向本地女運動員致敬,佢哋嘅運動員生涯帶嚟啟發。記低日期,一齊參與呢個慶祝活動,支持本地女運動員對體壇嘅付出同成就!

地點:香港摩天輪同AIA Vitality公園

Embrace the power of strength and beauty as we celebrate the incredible sportswomen of Hong Kong! 💪✨

Join us at the Onside Sports photo display, where we honor these local heroines who illuminate the path with their inspiring athlete journeys. Save the date and be a part of this empowering celebration and support women's empowerment!

Date: 12th - 19th August
Venue: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park

由Onside Sports舉辦嘅座談會,為您準備了兩場精彩嘅對談!第一場對談將以廣東語進行,並表揚香港女性運動員嘅非凡成就同貢獻。由Stephanie Ng主持,Yasmin Sung、Tiffany Lee和Iris Kwok將分享佢哋...

由Onside Sports舉辦嘅座談會,為您準備了兩場精彩嘅對談!第一場對談將以廣東語進行,並表揚香港女性運動員嘅非凡成就同貢獻。由Stephanie Ng主持,Yasmin Sung、Tiffany Lee和Iris Kwok將分享佢哋對促進女性運動員嘅認可、支持同機會,以及建立更具包容性同公平嘅運動社區嘅寶貴見解。唔好錯過呢個機會!

第二場對談將以英語進行,並將深入探討增強運動員品牌同形象嘅重要性,以推動積極變革。Stephanie Ng將繼續擔任主持人,同演講嘉賓Shannon Moloney、Leena Cheng和Emery Fung分享佢哋係利用品牌同贊助來推廣香港女子運動方面嘅專業知識。加入呢場引人入勝嘅討論,向鼓舞人心嘅領袖學習。.hk將會喺活動期間提供茶點。立即報名!

地點:香港摩天輪及AIA Vitality Park

Join us for an inspiring fireside chat hosted by Onside Sports with two exciting sessions lined up for you. The first session will be in Cantonese and will recognise the exceptional achievements and contributions of female athletes in Hong Kong. Moderated by Stephanie Ng, Yasmin Sung, Tiffany Lee and Iris Kwok will share their invaluable insights on promoting recognition, support, and opportunities for female athletes, fostering a more inclusive and equitable sports community. Don't miss the chance to celebrate Girl Power and gain wisdom from these inspiring leaders.

The second session will be conducted in English and will delve into the importance of enhancing athletes' brand and profile to drive positive change. Stephanie Ng will continue as the moderator with esteemed panelists, Shannon Moloney, Leena Cheng, and Emery Fung. They will share their expertise on leveraging branding and sponsorship to promote women's sports in Hong Kong. Be a part of this engaging conversation and learn from these inspiring leaders. Light refreshments will be available during the sessions provided by .hk. Register now!

Date: 12th - 19th August
Venue: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park


Hong Kong Observation Wheel And AIA Vitality Park 33 Man Kwong Street


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