Pravi ljubitelj glazbe!
Ovako Roberta možemo opisati u nekoliko riječi.
Njegova uspješna priča započela je 2002. godine: Nadahnut tehno majstorima iz tog vremena poput Chrisa Liebinga, Adama Beyera, Jeffa Millsa i Lena Fakija počeo je skupljati vinile i svirati ih u malom klubu sa svojim najboljim prijateljem.
U sljedećih 10 godina stalno je razvijao svoje vještine i bio je dio različitih projekata poput „ReWire“, „Beatandjuice“, „Volt & Vintage“ ...
Godine 2013. odlučio je započeti sa svojim solo projektom "TKNO", a kako naziv govori, ovaj je u potpunosti posvećen Technu.
TKNO je strastven i iskusan DJ, poznat po svojim izvanrednim setovima i izravnim nastupima. Prepuni klubovi, zapaljeni plesni podij i ogromna baza obožavatelja dokaz su da je on jedan od najtraženijih tehnoloških umjetnika u Srbiji danas.
Svira na svim važnim klubovima i festivalima u Srbiji, poput Drugstore -a, The Tube -a, Spensa ili na čuvenom EXIT -u, gdje je debitirao na glavnoj pozornici „Dance Arena“ na izdanju EXIT -a 2016. godine, svirajući uz velike utege. poput Richieja Hawtina, Marca Carole, Nine Kraviz ili Davea Clarkea.
TKNO donosi vlastite produkcije na izdavačkim kućama kao što su Tauten, Off Recordings, Unknown Territory, Gynoid, Re: Main, Rhythm Converted, Pornographics, Stereo Productions, Respekt, Darknet ili Funk 'n' Deep, a sviraju ih i podržavaju globalni igrači u sceni kao što su Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier, Richie Hawtin, Oxia, Joris Voorn, Nick Warren ... da spomenemo samo neke.
Krajem 2014. pokrenuo je vlastitu etiketu "Tauten", koja je platforma za nadolazeće talente Srbije, kao i za etablirane međunarodne umjetnike poput Marka Brooma, Samuela L Sessiona, Bena Longa, Xpansula, Spektra, Erica Snea , Spartaque i sam TKNO, naravno.
Njegov naporan i stalan rad se isplati svirkama u važnim zemljama poput Italije, Francuske ili Njemačke, a sigurni smo da ćete ga u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako svira po cijeloj Europi.
Zato pripazite što TKNO sljedeće donosi!
A true music lover!
This is how we can describe Robert in a few words.
His succesful story began back in 2002: Inspired by techno masters from that time like Chris Liebing, Adam Beyer, Jeff Mills and Len Faki he started to collect vinyls and play them in a small club with his best friend.
Within the next 10 years he develoved his skills steadily and he was a part of different projects like „ReWire“, „Beatandjuice“, „Volt & Vintage“...
In 2013 he decided to start with his solo project "TKNO" and as the name proposes, this one is completely dedicated to Techno.
TKNO is a passionate and experienced DJ, who is well known for his outstanding sets and straight performances. Packed clubs, dancefloors on fire and a huge fan base are proof that he´s one of Serbia´s most-wanted Techno Artists today.
He´s playing at all important clubs and festivals in Serbia like Drugstore, The Tube, Spens or the famous EXIT Festival, where he made his debut on the main „Dance Arena“ stage at 2016´s edition of EXIT, playing alongside heavy weights like Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, Nina Kraviz, or Dave Clarke.
TKNO´s bringing his own productions on labels like Tauten, Off Recordings, Unknown Territory, Gynoid, Re:Main, Rhythm Converted, Pornographics, Stereo Productions, Respekt, Darknet or Funk 'n' Deep and they are played and supported by global players in the scene like Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier, Richie Hawtin, Oxia, Joris Voorn, Nick Warren...to name a few.
At the end of 2014. he started his own label "Tauten", which is a platform for Serbia´s upcoming talents, as well as for established international artists like Mark Broom, Samuel L Session, Ben Long, Xpansul, Spektre, Eric Sneo, Spartaque and TKNO himself, of course.
His hard and constant work pays back with gigs in important countries like Italy, France or Germany and we are sure that you will see him playing all over Europe in the near future.
So watch out what TKNO is bringing up next!