Aye Mar Way - Buddhism

Aye Mar Way - Buddhism Theravarda Buddha Teachings could be studied.

The Noble Eightfold Path or the Noble Threefold Training---------------------------------------------------------------T...

The Noble Eightfold Path or the Noble Threefold Training

The Noble Eightfold Path is also called the Noble Threefold Training - The training of the molarity, the training of concentration, and the training of wisdom.

The eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path can be classified as the Noble Threefold Training as follows -

Training of Wisdom
(1) Right Understanding
(2) Right Thought

Training of Molarity
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood

Training of Concentration
6.Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration


How "The Four Ultimates" are Unchanging?

⭐️The mental factors include Lobha (greed) and dosa (hater or anger).

⭐️Lobha never changes its intrinsic nature of greed whether it arises in the mind of the wise and virtuous, or the wicked, or of dogs.

⭐️Dosa also never changes its hard nature of hatered or ill will in whomsoever beings it arises.

⭐️ It should be noted that other Ultimates also maintain their intrinsic nature in the same way.

⭐️The Ultimates are free from bias or partiality, and they always manifest by themselves on their own nature.

⭐️ The intrinsic nature of things should be earnestly digested and understood as explained here, so as to know the mental states of people as well as one's own.

The Four Ultimates - (Paramattha)  --------Abhidhamma in Daily Life🔑🔑🔑☑️(Paramattha) is a Pali term which means lofty in...

The Four Ultimates - (Paramattha)
Abhidhamma in Daily Life

☑️(Paramattha) is a Pali term which means lofty intrinsic nature.

✔️Lofty does not mean high, noble or good, but it means that which is upright and firm being unchanging by way of intrinsic nature.

💞 (Parama + attha = lofty + intrinsic nature).

The four Ultimate (Paramatthas) are

❣️consciousness (citta),

💖mental factors (cetasikas),

💛matter (rupa) and

💚(Nibbana), the only absolute reality.

"Purification of View " is the correct seeing of mentality and materiality.

"Purification of View " is the correct seeing of mentality and materiality.


ဗျာပါဒ သံယောဇဉ်”
ဗျာပါဒ ဆိုတာ ထစ်ခနဲရှိ စိတ်ထဲမှာ အလိုမကျဖြစ်တာ။ပြင်းထန်လာလို့ရှိရင် လူတွေက ပြောတယ်။
စိတ်ဆိုးတယ်။ စိတ်တိုတယ်။

ကိုယ်မကြိုက်တဲ့ အာရုံနဲ့တွေ့ရင် စိတ်ထဲမှာ မကျေမနပ်ဖြစ်တယ်။မဖြစ်ဘူးလား။
အဲဒါကလည်း ဗျာပါဒ သံယောဇဉ်လို့ ခေါ်တယ်။သူကလည်း သံယောဇဉ်ပဲ။ အမုန်းသံယောဇဉ်။
ဒါကိုတော့ လူတွေက သိပ်ပြီးတော့ သံယောဇဉ်လို့ မတွက်ကြဘူး။“တဏှာ”ကိုတော့ သံယောဇဉ်လို့ နားလည်ကြတယ်။ဗျာပါဒ ဆိုတဲ့ ဒေါသအမုန်းတရားကိုတော့
သံယောဇဉ်လို့ မထင်ကြဘူး။သို့သော် ဒါလဲပဲ သံယောဇဉ်ပဲ။
မုန်းတဲ့စိတ်ကလေး ရှိနေသေးသမျှ ထိုမုန်းစရာ အာရုံကို ခဏခဏ သတိရနေတယ်။

အဲဒါ ကြိုးလေးက ချည်ထားလို့ပဲ ။ဟုတ်တယ်မဟုတ်လား။ချစ်တဲ့လူကိုသတိရသလို၊
မုန်းတဲ့သူရော သတိမရဘူးလား။အဲဒါ “ဗျာပါဒ” သံယောဇဉ်လို့ခေါ်တယ်။
“အမုန်းသံယောဇဉ်” ကလည်းပဲ ရှိတာပဲ။

အဲဒီ သံယောဇဉ် ဆိုတဲ့ ဒီကြိုးနဲ့နှောင်ဖွဲ့ထားတဲ့ စိတ်ဟာဘယ်လိုမှ “လွတ်မြောက်တဲ့စိတ်”
ဆိုတာ မဖြစ်နိုင်ဘူး။

-【ပါမောက္ခချုပ်ဆရာတော် ဒေါက်တာနန္ဒမာလာဘိဝံသ】


Namo Buddhaya

Supreme virtues of Dhamma and Samgha

Supreme virtues of Dhamma and Samgha

The Six Supreme Virtues of the Buddha’s Teachings (Dhamma) The …

Supreme Virtues of Shanna and Samgha

Supreme Virtues of Shanna and Samgha

(1) The Six Supreme Virtues of the Dhamma in Pāļi …

The Nine Supreme Virtues of the Buddha

The Nine Supreme Virtues of the Buddha

In Pāļi Itipi so bhagavā – Arahaṁ – Saṁmāsambuddho – …

On becoming a real Buddhist, one must perform the following religious tasks daily with conviction and wisdom :-(a)  Payi...

On becoming a real Buddhist, one must perform the following religious tasks daily with conviction and wisdom :-
(a) Paying homage to the Buddha
(b) Observing the moral precepts
(c) Doing the act of charity
(d) Cultivating loving-kindness
(e) Striving for perpetuation and propagation of Buddha's Teachings
(f) Practicing mindfulness on tranquillity and insight meditation
(g) Sharing merit

Daily five routines of Buddha

Daily five routines of Buddha

Here are daily five Routines of the Lord Buddha (Buddha …

What is virtue? It is the states beginning with volition present in one who abstains from killing living things, etc., o...

What is virtue?
It is the states beginning with volition present in one who abstains from killing living things, etc., or in one who fulfils the practice of the duties. For this is said in the Patisambhidar: What is virtue?

There is virtue as volition, virtue as consciousness -concomitant, virtue as restraint, virtue as non-transgression. 💛💛💛💛💛

1. Virtue as volition is the volition present in one who abstains from killing living things, etc., or in one who fulfils the practice of the duties.🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

2. Virtue as consciousness - concomitant is the abstinence in one who abstains from killing living things, and so on. ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

Furthermore, Virtue as volition in the seven volition of the ten courses of action (kamma) in one who abandons the killing of living things, and so on. 💚💚💚💚💚

Virtue as consciousness - concomitant is the three remaining states consisting of non-covetousness, non-ill-will, and right view, stated in the way beginning "Abandoning covetousness, he dwells with mind free from covetousness ".😍😍😍😍😍

3. Virtue as restraint should be understood here as restraint in five ways: restraint by the Rules of the Community, restraint by mindfulness, restraint by knowledge, restraint by patience, and restraint by energy. ❤❤❤❤❤

4. Virtue as non-transgression is the non-transgression, by body and speech, of precepts of virtue that have been undertaken. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

Theravāda Buddhist MeditationBuddhist scholars said that meditation is knowing the mind, shaping the mind and freeing th...

Theravāda Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist scholars said that meditation is knowing the mind, shaping the mind and freeing the mind. Actually, it is the cultivation of the mind. According to the Buddhism, cultivation of the mind is very crucial as well as knowing the mind is very important.


Meditation can be defined into various ways. If we review …

The Threefold Concentration----------------------------------------There are three kinds of concentration:1. Access conc...

The Threefold Concentration

There are three kinds of concentration:

1. Access concentration (Upacāra Samādhi) – The concentration that is able to dispel hindrances, but which is not yet reached the state of absorption.

2. Absorption Concentration (Appanā Samādhi) – The concentration developed by meditating on a selected object, if the mind absorbs onto the object.

3. Momentary Concentration (Khaņika Samādhi) - The concentration developed by observing objects and their nature of arising and passing away moment to moment.

The seven kinds of purification

The seven kinds of purification

The highest aim of insight meditation is to realize Nibbāna, …


3. Right Speech (မှန်သောစကား) It is called Sammā-vācā in Pāli. …

Munca –cetana (volition at the moment of giving)Munca means renouncing.  Therefore, the volition which arises while one ...

Munca –cetana (volition at the moment of giving)

Munca means renouncing. Therefore, the volition which arises while one is renouncing or giving – in the act of donating food, the volition that arises when one is in the act of offering to the recipient, and in the act of donating by giving orders, the volition that arises at the moment one says "I donate" – is called munca-cetana. At the moment of this munca cetana, if one can prevent unwholesome states from arising, or avoid attachment to the recipient, or give freely without expecting any return from the recipient, one can rest assured that one's volitions of renouncing have arisen with purity.

The Four Noble Truths are  the essence of the Buddhism.  They are -1. The Noble Truth of Suffering (Dukkha Ariya Sacca)2...

The Four Noble Truths are the essence of the Buddhism. They are -

1. The Noble Truth of Suffering (Dukkha Ariya Sacca)
2. The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (Dukkha-samudaya Ariya Sacca)
3. The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering (Dukkha-nirodha Ariya Sacca)
4. The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering (Dukkha – nirodha- gāminipaṭipadā Ariya Sacca)

Pubba-cetana (volition before the moment of giving)The good volition which occurs while procuring and preparing for char...

Pubba-cetana (volition before the moment of giving)

The good volition which occurs while procuring and preparing for charity is pubba-cetana. Your cetana must be free from vain pride or selfishness such as, "I am the builder of this pagoda; I am the donor of this monastery; I am the donor of offerings," etc. While you are preparing for the charity, you and members of your family must not indulge in quarrels and disagreement. You must not be hesitant in carrying on the good deed once you have already decided. When you feel delighted and cheerful during your preparations throughout, you may then rest assured that pure and sincere pubba-cetana will prevail.


Buddhism is the teachings of Buddha. Over 2500 years ago, Our Loard Buddha delivered his teachings for 45 years of his Buddhahood. The teachings are for the ...

The essence of BuddhismBuddhism is the teachings of Buddha.  Over 2500 years ago, Our Loard Buddha delivered his teachin...

The essence of Buddhism

Buddhism is the teachings of Buddha. Over 2500 years ago, Our Loard Buddha delivered his teachings for 45 years of his Buddhahood. The teachings are for the benefits of all beings – men, devas and Brahmas.
The heart and the nucleus of the Buddha teachings is the Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths is the core of all Buddha's teachings. If so, What are the Four Noble Truths?
The Four Noble Truths are –
1. The Noble Truth of Suffering (Dukkha Ariya Sacca)
2. The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (Dukkha-samudaya Ariya Sacca)
3. The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering (Dukkha-nirodha Ariya Sacca)
4. The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering (Dukkha – nirodha- gāminipaṭipadā Ariya Sacca)
1. The Noble Truth of Suffering
In Digha-nikāya, it is described that birth is suffering; sickness is suffering; death is suffering; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering; association with the undesirable and beloved ones is suffering; not to get what one desires is suffering; in short: the Five Groups of Existence are suffering.
2. The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
It is craving (taṇhā). It gives rise to fresh rebirth, and bound up with pleasure and lust, now here and now there, finds ever fresh delight.
This craving is of three kinds:
(1) Craving for sense pleasures (kāma-taṇhā)
(2) Craving for existence or becoming (bhava-taṇhā)
(3) Craving for non-existence or self-annihilation (vibhava-taṇhā)
3. The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering
It is the complete fading away and extinction of craving. It is forsaking and abandonment, liberation and detachment from the craving. It is Nibbāna – the eternal peace and supreme bliss.
4. The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering
It is the Noble Eightfold Path. They are Right Understanding (Sammā-diṭṭhi), Right Thought (Sammā-saṅkappa), Right Speech (Sammā-vācā), Right Action (Sammā-kammanta), Right Livelihood (Sammā-ājīva), Right Effort (Sammā-vāyāma), Right Mindfulness (Sammā-sati), and Right Concentration (Sammā-samādhi).
The above mentions are the core of the all teachings of the Buddha.

How to Pay Homage From a DistanceUsually, most devotees pay homage and offer alms to the Buddha images in their own hous...

How to Pay Homage From a Distance
Usually, most devotees pay homage and offer alms to the Buddha images in their own household because they cannot afford the time to visit pagodas and monasteries everyday. There have been arguments on whether this is a deed of merit or not. Since we have already learnt that the deciding factor is the cetana (goodwill), we can be sure that great benefits will be realized. If you volition is projected onto the Buddha, it is decidedly kusala-cetana, so there is no reason not to gain any merit.
One hundred and eight Kappas (worlds) ago, the Atthadassi Buddha attained Enlightenment. One day a layman saw the Buddha and his Arahant disciples travelling through the air by supernormal power; he offered flowers and scents from a distance. Due to this single good deed, he was never reborn in the four woeful planes for thousands of years and became an Arahant in the time of our Gotama Buddha. He was then known as Desapujaka Thera.

Four Divine Abiding (Brahmavihāra)🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹Brahmavihāra means "noble living" or "sublime living" or "divine abiding".  ...

Four Divine Abiding (Brahmavihāra)🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Brahmavihāra means "noble living" or "sublime living" or "divine abiding". Anyone who is in the engrossing state of jhāna while practicing one of the four Brahmavihāras is said to be living nobly and sublimely like brahmas, or he is in the sublime or divine state of the living.
1. Mettā – loving-kindness
2. Karuṇā – compassion
3. Muditā – sympathetic and appreciative joy
4. Upekkhā – equanimity
Systematic mediation on mettā, karuṇā or muditā can develop the four rūpāvacara jhānas in the fivefold method whereas upekkhā bhāvanā can lead to the fifth rūpāvacara-jhāna.

Aye Mar Way

Buddhism is the teachings delivered by Buddha in 45 years of Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings - men, devas and B...

Buddhism is the teachings delivered by Buddha in 45 years of Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings - men, devas and Brahmas. "A buddhist is one who takes refuge in the Buddha, in the Dhamma, in Samgha and practices according to the teachings of the Buddha."

The Eight-fold Noble Path (Majjhima Paṭipadā)-----------------------------------------------The Middle Path-------------...

The Eight-fold Noble Path (Majjhima Paṭipadā)
The Middle Path
"These two extremes, bhikkhus, should not be followed by one has gone forth from worldly life"

"What are the two extremes? One extreme is indulgence in desirable sense pleasure, which is low, vulgar, unprofitable, practiced by worldling but not by noble persons (ariyas). The other extreme is self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble and unprofitable.

"O bhikkhus, avoiding both these extremes, the Thathāgata (Buddha) has realized the Middle Path. This Path produces vision, produces knowledge, leads to calm, to higher knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna.

"And what is the Middle Path, O bhikkhus, that the Thathāgata has realized? It is simply the Noble Eightfold Path, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration"

Indeed, by avoiding the two extremes and following the Middle Path, the Buddha gained vision and special knowledge; he could eradicate all defilement; he could pe*****te into the four Noble Truths; he attained Arahatta Fruition and Supreme Omniscience and become a Fully Enlightened Buddha.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Research Problem

Last year, I wrote this article at this newspaper.

Last year, I wrote this article at this newspaper.

Volume VI, Number 18, 5 Sunday, May 2019

Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Bojjhanga)🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏1. Mindfulness (Sati)2. Keen investigation of the Dhamma (Dhamma-vicay...

Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Bojjhanga)
1. Mindfulness (Sati)
2. Keen investigation of the Dhamma (Dhamma-vicaya)
3. Energy (Viriya)
4. Rapture or hapiness (Piti)
5. Calm (Passadhi)
6. Concentration (Samadhi)
7. Equanimity (Upekha)


बुद्ध पूर्णिमा में बुद्ध उपासक महाबोधि विहार बुद्धगया में बुद्ध महा उत्सव में शामिल होते है

The goal of Buddhism is to achieve the liberated mind. One who has attained 'vimutticitta', a liberated mind,  is an Ara...

The goal of Buddhism is to achieve the liberated mind. One who has attained 'vimutticitta', a liberated mind, is an Arahant, a person who has achieved the highest goal, the highest level of liberation. This is what we as Buddhists strive for.

The five aggregates🧚‍♀🧚‍♀🧚‍♀🧚‍♀🧚‍♀🧚‍♀According toBuddhism,  a being or an individual or "I" or "You" or "He" or "She" is...

The five aggregates
According toBuddhism, a being or an individual or "I" or "You" or "He" or "She" is only a combination of ever changing physical and mental phenomena which may be divided into five groups or aggregates. Therefore, the Buddha explained about fives groups or aggregates to understand clear and in detail in many discourses. The five aggregates are -
1. The aggregate of corporeality
2. The aggregate of feeling
3. The aggregate of perception
4. The aggregate of mental firmations
5. The aggregate of consciousness.

Sak-kyar Muni Pagoda in Sittwe, Rakhine State of Myanmar

Sak-kyar Muni Pagoda in Sittwe, Rakhine State of Myanmar

The Four Noble Truths (Ariya Saccas)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️In the Buddha's first sermon known as Dhammacakkapavatta...

The Four Noble Truths (Ariya Saccas)
In the Buddha's first sermon known as Dhammacakkapavattana, meaning "Turning the Wheel of Dhamma", the Buddha described the Four Noble Truths which from the heart and nucleus of all his later teachings. They also represent the essence of his teachings for those who understand these noble truths penetratingly and vividly will become noble persons (Ariyas). Since only noble persons can understand these profound truths penetratingly and vividly, they are known as Noble Truths (Ariya Saccas).
Thus it has been said by the Buddha, the fully Enlightened One; -
"It is through not understanding, not realizing four things, that I, bhikkhus, as well as you, had to wander so long through this round of rebirths. And what are these four things? they are :
1. The Noble Truth of Suffering
2. The Noble Truth of the Origin of the Suffering
3. The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering
4. The Noble Truth of the Path that leads to the Extinction of Suffering"
(Digha-nikarya, 18) 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

As soon as the Bodhisatta gained the Arahatta-magga-ñāna, he also attained the Omniscience, Sabbaññuta-ñāna, the Fully E...

As soon as the Bodhisatta gained the Arahatta-magga-ñāna, he also attained the Omniscience, Sabbaññuta-ñāna, the Fully Enlightenment. He attained Buddhahood at the age of 35. It was Wednesday, the fullmoon day of Kason, in the year 103 Mahā Era (589 B.C). When he became the most Enlightened One who was worthy of veneration of all living beings - human beings, devas and brahmas - and was incomparable by gaining Omniscience. All devas and brahmas from the ten-thousand worlds came to pay obeisance to the Buddha delightfully and happily. The earth vehemently trembled and resounded with the roll of thunder bursting loudly in the sky. All flowering plants of the whole world bloomed out of season, as if they were paying homage to the Buddha.


Pathein Nyunt 6th Street, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township





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