籃球狂歡夜即將來臨!NBA傳奇名人賽將於12月7日震撼登陸全新升級的威尼斯人綜藝 館 !Tracy McGrady、Ray Allen、Tony Parker、Stephon Marbury、Cuttino Mobley、 DeMarcus_Cousins等一衆籃球傳奇齊聚一堂,再批戰袍同場競技!鄭秀文和林峯將傾情獻唱,還有更多藝人閃耀登場! 門票現已開售(只限網上及電話訂票),立即搶購👉: www.cotaiticketing.com
Are you ready for the basketball showdown? NBA Legends Celebrity Game will be hosted at the recently-renovated The Venetian Arena on December 7th! Basketball legends headlining the event includes Tracy McGrady, Ray Allen, Tony Parker, Stephon Marbury, Cuttino Mobley, DeMarcus Cousins will team up and compete on the same court, with the most dazzling stars line-up featuring Sammi Cheng, Raymond Lam, and their superb stage performances. Don’t miss out and join us on this grand event! Grab your ticket now (only online and phone ticketing are available) 👉: www.cotaiticketing.com
期待已久!曾四度獲得格林美獎提名的創作才子Charlie Puth將於12月14日帶著全新巡演 ”Something New” tour來到威尼斯人綜藝館。想到現場感受Charlie Puth的音樂魔力嗎?立刻購票:www.cotaiticketing.com
【查理·普斯 “Something New” 巡迴演唱會澳門站】
日期:2024年12月14日 晚上8時正
票價:澳門幣/港幣VIP $1,688 | A區 $1,488 | B區 $1,288 | C區 $888 | D區 $588
澳門幣/港幣 1,400 (VIP Experience - LEARN SOMETHING NEW)
澳門幣/港幣 720 (VIP Experience – FAST TRACK VIP)
Charlie Puth, a multi-platinum singer-songwriter who has been nominated for the GRAMMY Awards four times, is coming to The Venetian Arena for his “Something New” tour on December 14, 2024! Seize your tickets now to immerse in the brilliant performances brought by Charlie Puth: www.cotaiticketing.com
【Charlie Puth Presents “Something New”】
Date: December 14, 2024, 8:00 pm
Venue: The Venetian Arena
Ticket Prices: MOP/HKD VIP $1,688 | A Reserve $1,488 | B Reserve $1,288 | C Reserve $888| D Reserve $588
Ticketing Channel: Cotai Ticketing, Macau Ticket, Damai
MOP/ HKD 720 (VIP Experience – FAST TRACK VIP)
*Upon successful purchase, the event ticket can be collected at Box Office within operation hours starting from 11 November until event day.
匯聚了頂尖拳手的「Fairtex Fight 泰拳爭霸戰」即將於倫敦人綜藝館熱血登場🥊,將泰拳和綜合格鬥帶到澳門,點燃你的激情🔥!8月24日,一起前往倫敦人綜藝館見證這場巔峰對決,立刻購票 👉 www.cotaiticketing.com
【Fairtex Fight泰拳爭霸戰】
🕑時間:6:30 P.M.
🎫票價:澳門幣/港幣 金級 $1,688 | 銀級 $1,188 | A區 $788 | B區 $388
The Fairtex Fight Muay Thai Boxing which gathers renowned Thai fighters and top boxers is about to take place at The Londoner Arena🥊, showcasing the best in Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts! Save the day to witness this summit battle at The Londoner Arena on August 24! Book your tickets now: 👉 www.cotaiticketing.com
【Fairtex Fight Muay Thai Boxing】
📆Date: 24 August, 2024 (Saturday)
🕑Time: 6:30 P.M.
📍Venue: The Londoner Arena
🎫Ticket Price: MOP/HKD Gold $1,688 | Silver $1,188 | A Reserve $788 | B Reserve $388
倒計時開始⏳!《楊千嬅 RECOLLECTION 澳門演唱會》將於8月17-18日在倫敦人綜藝館華麗開唱🎊!門票現正於金光票務公開發售🎟️!立刻購票,到現場沉浸於千嬅的音樂魅力之中!👉 www.cotaiticketing.com
The countdown has already begun⏳! “Miriam Yeung RECOLLETION Concert in Macao” is about to set stage at The Londoner Arena on Aug 17-18🎊! Ticket is available for purchase at Cotai Ticketing. Come and experience the musical charm of Miriam by purchasing your tickets now!👉www.cotaiticketing.com
🔥【全新音樂陣容揭盅,KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023音樂狂歡即將燃起】
⏰帶你踏上前所未有的11小時「Kool With You」音樂探索之旅
✦ 全新五大票價分區:MOP/HKD $2,688 (VVIP區) / $1,988 / $1,488 / $988 / $788|全場座席
🎫門票現正發售中,立即登入 www.cotaiticketing.com 買飛啦!
🔥【Unveiling a Fresh Line-up, The KoolTai MACAO MUSIC FES. 2023 Music Carnival is about to Ignite】
📣 Hosted by Chessman Entertainment for the first time and crafted by the local Macao team, this large-scale music festival will surely bring you the most "Kool" on-site experience of the year
⏰ Take you on an unprecedented 11-hour "Kool With You" music exploration journey
🎵 Over 16 international and local artists will perform on the same stage, creating an unparalleled music feast for everyone
✨ Set to break new records at the Venetian Theatre, becoming the longest-touring music performance in history
👇Let's take a look at the stage rundown at comments
📆 Date: November 11, 2023 (Saturday)
📍 Location: Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao
📢 Latest Ticket Prices:
✦ New Five-Tier Pricing: MOP/HKD $2,688 (VVIP Zone) / $1,988 / $1,488 / $988 / $788|All Seats
🎫Tickets are on-sale now, click into www.cotaticketing.com and get your tickets!
"teamLab SuperNature Macao" Tickets On-Sale
部分優惠亦延至11月30日!🤩凡購買正價門票,即可憑換領券免費換取貢多拉之旅船票/ Q立方王國門票/ 歷險Q立方門票或巴黎鐵塔37樓觀景台門票其中一項乙張。
於金光票務售票處出示「太陽城集團力撐澳門 - 好起來 SIM ! 演藝盛典2020」或「太陽城集團力撐澳門 - 好起來 SIM ! Full Band上陣2020」門票亦可享互動空間入場券八五折優惠。
🔍想知更多折扣詳情?立即點擊金光票務網頁:https://bit.ly/2CERqE2 或致電+853 2882 8818查詢。
October and November tickets of “teamLab SuperNature Macao“ are available for sale now!
Some promotions are extended till 30 Nov! 🤩Guest purchase full price REGULAR ticket is entitled to get a redemption voucher and enjoy one of the following offers: Single admission to Gondola ride/ Qube Kingdom/ Qube Venetian or Eiffel Tower Observation Deck on level 37.
Present “Suncity Group Rooting for Macau - SIM! Music Festival 2020“ or “Suncity Group Rooting for Macau - SIM! Full Band festival 2020”show ticket at Cotai Ticketing Box Offices can enjoy 15% off ticket discount too.
🔍Discover more details for offers at Cotai Ticketing: https://bit.ly/2CERqE2 or call +853 2882 8818.
《太陽城集團力撐澳門 - 好起來 SIM ! 演藝盛典2020》
《太陽城集團力撐澳門 - 好起來 SIM ! 演藝盛典2020》將於星期六在澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館舉行﹗把握最後機會,即刻登入 www.cotaiticketing.com 買飛啦﹗
現凡持有《澳門teamLab超自然空間》門票者均可享七折優惠購買是次活動門票,詳情可致電金光票務+853 28828818查詢。
"Suncity Group Rooting for Macau - SIM! Music Festival 2020" will perform at Cotai Arena, The Venetian® Macao this Saturday! Get your tickets at www.cotaiticketing.com ! Don’t miss it!
Ticket Holder of "teamLab SuperNature Macao" is entitled to enjoy 30%off of this show, please contact Cotai Ticketing +853 28828818 for more information.
teamLab SuperNature Macao
現在更有暑假優惠喔~ 於8月31日前購買正價「澳門teamLab 超自然空間」門票,即可憑換領券免費換取貢多拉之旅船票/ Q立方王國門票/ 歷險Q立方門票或巴黎鐵塔37樓觀景台門票其中一項乙張,又或者選擇購買兩張正價成人門票來獲取澳門巴黎人麗舍水療中心二人同行一人價錢之折扣優惠,和親友一同享受💆🏻♀️按摩或美容療程。
☀️Looking for a place to enjoy summer holidays? Explore the new landmark “teamLab SuperNature Macao” at The Venetian Macao with your friends and family!
Summer Special Offer is now available till 31st August! Guest purchase full price REGULAR ticket is entitled to get a redemption voucher and enjoy one of the following offers:
Single admission to Gondola ride/ Qube Kingdom/ Qube Venetian or Eiffel Tower Observation Deck on level 37. Or purchase two REGULAR adult tickets with full price to enjoy a special deal at LE SPA’TIQUE of the Parisian Macao, guest can book any massage💆🏻♀️or facial and accompanying guest may enjoy a second treatment of the same value free.
👉🏻Get your tickets now at Cotai Ticketing: https://bit.ly/2CERqE2
Hacken Lee 2019
華語樂壇實力男歌手李克勤將於12月14日在金光綜藝館舉行《太陽城集團呈獻:李克勤慶祝成立30週年演唱會澳門站》! 克勤除了會在演唱會中展示他過人的唱功和大跳熱舞,演繹《紅日》、《高妹》等多首經典金曲外,更會在舞台設計、服裝上注入新鮮元素,令歌迷體驗全新的震撼效果。
樂迷們千其唔好錯過,即刻點擊 www.cotaiticketing.com 買飛啦!
Hong Kong famous singer, Hacken Lee will bring his “Suncity Group Presents: HACKEN LEE 30th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT IN MACAO” to Cotai Arena on 14 Dec! Lee will demonstrate his dancing as well as his singing skills with dynamic new choreography, the show will also add vibrant stage and costume design!
Buy tickets now at www.cotaiticketing.com! Don’t miss it!
Ronald Cheng 2019
暴龍哥 Ronald Cheng 鄭中基將於11月30日在金光綜藝館呈獻《太陽城集團呈獻: 鄭中基 ONE MORE TIME 世界巡迴演唱會 - 澳門站》
門票現正熱賣中,還沒購票的朋友千萬不要錯過,即刻登入 www.cotaiticketing.com 買飛啦!
30 Nov, Ronald Cheng will bring his “Suncity Group Presents: Ronald Cheng ONE MORE TIME World Tour Live – Macao” at Cotai Arena. Don't miss it! Buy your tickets now at www.cotaiticketing.com!
《心靈駭客 澳門站》
沒有事情可以逃過松明的法眼﹗這位「心靈駭客」可以讓你知道如何辨別謊言、掌控概率、甚至是引導你怎樣去提高幸福指數,從而贏控人生。他將帶著《心靈駭客 澳門站》來到澳門巴黎人劇場,萬勿錯過這場心理盛宴!買飛請即登入 www.cotaiticketing.com
No secret is safe from Jan! The Mind Hacker can find out if you are telling the truth, who you are in love with, your favourite colour and what makes you happy. He will bring his “Mind Hacker in Macao” to the Parisian theatre! Don’t missing and get your tickets now at www.cotaiticketing.com
Leo Ku (02 Nov)
古巨基將於本週六在金光綜藝館舉行《古巨基 – 我們世界巡迴演唱會Part 2 澳門站》,當晚更會有關智斌Kenny 作特別嘉賓。快啲把握最後機會,登入 www.cotaiticketing.com 買飛,一齊欣賞「KK Team」的精彩演出!
On this Saturday, Leo Ku will bring his “WE Leo Ku World Tour Part 2 in Macao” to Cotai Arena with special guest Kenny Kwan. Buy your tickets now at www.cotaiticketing.com, don’t miss the chance to watch the performance by “KK Team”!