Malta Eurovision Song Contest

Malta Eurovision Song Contest The Malta Eurovision Song Contest. Keep updated on this page with the latest updates. This page does not belong to PBS Limited.

Keep updated on this page for the latest updates of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. We are would like to notice that the administrators of this page does not belong to PBS Limited.

Filmat: X'dehrlek mill-kanzunetta I Depend on You li biha Giada qed tipparteċipa fil- Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023...

Filmat: X'dehrlek mill-kanzunetta I Depend on You li biha Giada qed tipparteċipa fil- Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023?
Eurovision Song Contest, Eurovision Song Malta, Eurovision Fans Malta

Giada ħadet sehem ukoll f'festivals fir-Rumanija, kif ukoll oħrajn f'Malta bħal L-Għanja tal-Poplu u anke l-Malta Eurovision Song Contest.

Filmat: X'dehrlek mill-kanzunetta LaLa Land li biha Cheryl Balzan qed tieħu sehem fil-kwartifinali tal-Malta Eurovision ...

Filmat: X'dehrlek mill-kanzunetta LaLa Land li biha Cheryl Balzan qed tieħu sehem fil-kwartifinali tal-Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023?
Eurovision Song Malta, Eurovision Fans Malta

Fil-kwartifinali tal-Eurovision Song Contest lil Cheryl qed narawha bħala kitarra. Hija stqarret li mhux qed teskludi li jkollha l-kitarra magħha jekk tgħaddi għas-semifinali.

Christabelle Wins MESC 2018 - Taboo (Results)

Experience this moment again ... Watch the results from both juries and televoting.

- Copyright 2018 Public Broadcasting Services Limited Malta/Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Malta's Christabelle set to break taboos at Eurovision 2018

Christabelle Borg won both the public and jury vote with the song TABOO and will be representing Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Christabelle was chosen to follow in Claudia Faniello's footsteps and represent Malta in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest.

Christabelle wins Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with "Taboo" | wiwibloggs

Christabelle Borg, winner of Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2018, TABOO. Christabelle will be representing Malta with this song next May in Lisbon, Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Christabelle has won the final of Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2018, and will represent her country in Lisbon with "Taboo". Richard & Joe Micallef finished second, with Brooke third.


Winner of Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2018: TABOO, Christabelle Borg


Winner of Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2018, Christabelle Borg.


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FILMAT: nifraħ ta' ommha u ta' missierha għax mejjet - omm Janice - TVM

FILMAT: nifraħ ta' ommha u ta' missierha għax mejjet - omm Janice - TVM

Viżibbilment emozzjonata u bi dmugħ ixidd ma’ ħaddejha fi tmiem il-prestazzjoni ta’ bintha Janice Mangion tal-kanzunetta tagħha Kewkba, ommha Carmen qalet lil li ħasset qalbha se toħroġ x’ħin rat l-udjenza fis-sala tqum u tapplawdi lil bintha. “Kemm jien ferħana bil-performance li għamlet...

ARA: l-ewwel reazzjoni ta' Claudia - nwiegħed li nagħti l-aqwa wirja fl-Ukrajna - TVM

ARA: l-ewwel reazzjoni ta' Claudia - nwiegħed li nagħti l-aqwa wirja fl-Ukrajna - TVM

Fl-ewwel reazzjoni tagħha wara li r-rebħa tagħha fil-Malta Eurovision Song Contest, Claudia Faniello wegħdet li se tkun qed tagħti l-aqwa prestazzjoni fil-Eurovision Song Contest li se jkun qed jittella’ fl-Ukrajna f’Mejju li ġej. F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fi tmiem il-festival, Claudia qalet li għ...




Malta Eurovision Song Contest's cover photo


Don't forget to vote soon! Tell us your opinion ...

Il-kanzunetta rebbieħa tal-MESC mhux se tinbidel - TVM

Il-kanzunetta rebbieħa tal-MESC mhux se tinbidel - TVM

Xahar u nofs mill-finali tal-Malta Eurovision Song Contest, illum saret l-ewwel laqgħa għas-16-il finalist li ġew mgħarrfa bir-regolamenti fosthom li l-kanzunetta rebbieħa ma tistax tinbidel wara li tintgħażel mill-pubbliku bit-televoting. Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Public Boradcasting Services John Bundy...

You - Richard Edwards - TVM

You - Richard Edwards - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Unstoppable - Brooke Borg - TVM

Unstoppable - Brooke Borg - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Tonight - Deborah C / Josef Tabone - TVM

Tonight - Deborah C / Josef Tabone - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

So Simple - Crosswalk - TVM

So Simple - Crosswalk - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Seconds Away - Jade Vella - TVM

Seconds Away - Jade Vella - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Ray of Light - Raquela Dalli Gonzi - TVM

Ray of Light - Raquela Dalli Gonzi - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Laserlight - Klinsmann Coleiro - TVM

Laserlight - Klinsmann Coleiro - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Kewkba - Janice Mangion - TVM

Kewkba - Janice Mangion - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Follow Me - Franklin Calleja - TVM

Follow Me - Franklin Calleja - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Follow - Kevin Borg - TVM

Follow - Kevin Borg - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Fighting to Survive - Cherton Caruana - TVM

Fighting to Survive - Cherton Caruana - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Fearless - Rhiannon Micallef - TVM

Fearless - Rhiannon Micallef - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Don't Look Down - Miriana Conte - TVM

Don't Look Down - Miriana Conte - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Crazy Games - Shauna Vassallo - TVM

Crazy Games - Shauna Vassallo - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Breathlessly - Claudia Faniello - TVM

Breathlessly - Claudia Faniello - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Bombshell - Maxine Pace - TVM

Bombshell - Maxine Pace - TVM

From 1978 until 1992 he was the man at the helm of the Eurovision Song Contest. Frank Naef oversaw the organisation of the event and was the EBU's official scrutineer during the voting. Frank retired in 1993 and was in the audience in Millstreet that year when his successor Christian Clausen took th...

Filmat: imħabbra s-16-il finalista għall-MESC 2017 - TVM

Filmat: imħabbra s-16-il finalista għall-MESC 2017 - TVM

Imħabbra s-16-il kanzunetta li se jieħdu sehem fl-aktar appuntament annwali mfittex mill-udjenzi Maltin – il-Malta Eurovision Song Contest, fit-18 ta’ Frar. B’kollox tressqu 156 kanzunetta li minnhom l-ewwel intgħażlu 60, u wara ntgħażlu sittax minn ġurija ta’ 11-il membru li jsegwu x-xena mużikali…

Video: "Parachute" Malta's entry for JESC 2016 - TVM News

Video: "Parachute" Malta's entry for JESC 2016 - TVM News

The video of the song ‘Parachute” which singer Christina Magrin will represent Malta with at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2016, is being launched on The song ‘Parachute’ offers a message of courage for youths who are passing through difficult times, where they can find strength thr...


MALTA placed 1st with 155 points by the jury votes during SEMI FINAL 1.


SEMI FINAL 1: Malta placed 3rd with 209 points!


Malta came 4th with juries votes. Unfortunately, Malta received few points from the general public.


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